Laravel authorization policy not working on Show page - laravel

I have a laravel app using Policies to assign roles and permissions, i cant seem to access the show page and im not sure what im doing wrong?
If i set return true it still shows a 403 error as well, so im unsure where im going wrong here. The index page is accessable but the show page is not?
public function viewAny(User $user)
if ($user->isSuperAdmin() || $user->hasPermissionTo(44, 'web')) {
return true;
return false;
public function view(User $user, User $model)
if ($user->isSuperAdmin() || $user->hasPermissionTo(44, 'web')) {
return true;
return false;
public function __construct()
$this->authorizeResource(User::class, 'user');
public function index()
$page_title = 'Users';
$page_description = 'User Profiles';
$users = User::all();
return view('pages.users.users.index', compact('page_title', 'page_description', 'users'));
public function create()
public function store(Request $request)
public function show($id)
$user = User::findOrFail($id);
$user_roles = $user->getRoleNames()->toArray();
return view('', compact('user', 'user_roles'));

Base on Authorize Resource and Resource Controller documentation.
You should run php artisan make:policy UserPolicy --model=User. This allows the policy to navigate within the model.
When you use the authorizeResource() function you should implement your condition in the middleware like:
// For Index
Route::get('/users', [UserController::class, 'index'])->middleware('can:viewAny,user');
// For View
Route::get('/users/{user}', [UserController::class, 'view'])->middleware('can:view,user');
or you can also use one policy for both view and index on your controller.

I had an issue with authorizeResource function.
I stuck on failed auth policy error:
This action is unauthorized.
The problem was that I named controller resource/request param with different name than its model class name.
F. ex. my model class name is Acknowledge , but I named param as timelineAcknowledge
Laravel writes in its documentation that
The authorizeResource method accepts the model's class name as its first argument, and the name of the route / request parameter that will contain the model's ID as its second argument
So the second argument had to be request parameter name.
// Here request param name is timelineAcknowledge
public function show(Acknowledge $timelineAcknowledge)
return $timelineAcknowledge->toArray();
// So I used this naming here also
public function __construct()
$this->authorizeResource(Acknowledge::class, 'timelineAcknowledge');
Solution was to name request param to the same name as its model class name.
Fixed code example
// I changed param name to the same as its model name
public function show(Acknowledge $acknowledge)
return $acknowledge->toArray();
// Changed here also
public function __construct()
$this->authorizeResource(Acknowledge::class, 'acknowledge');
I looked over Laravel policy auth code and I saw that the code actually expects the name to be as the model class name, but I couldn't find it anywhere mentioned in Laravel docs.
Of course in most of the cases request param name is the same as model class name, but I had a different case.
Hope it might help for someone.


Laravel Resource Routing not showing anything when directly call method

I am stuck in resource routing
when I enter url netbilling.test/customer it goes to customer index file but when I enter url netbilling.test/customer/index nothing is returned. Also guide me if I have to route different method than in resource what is the method for that.
here is my web.php,
Route::get('/dashboard', function () {
return view('dashboard/index');
here is my customer controller :
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Customer;
use App\Package;
use Redirect,Response;
class CustomerController extends Controller
public function index()
$packages = Package::get();
$customers = Customer::orderBy('id', 'DESC')->get();
return view('customer/index', compact('customers','packages'));
public function create()
public function store(Request $request)
public function show($id)
public function edit($id)
public function update(Request $request, $id)
public function destroy($id)
Without custom route specification, this is how the index route maps to a Resource Controller, taken from Actions Handled By Resource Controller:
Route Name
So if you want URI /customer/index to work, then you need to specify this explicitly in your Controller:
use App\Http\Controllers\CustomerController;
Route::resource('customer', CustomerController::class);
Route::get('customer/index', [CustomerController::class, 'index'])->name(customer.index);

How do I use a policy on an index that doesn't use the model the policy belongs to?

What I am trying to do is apply a policy on a control method that lists a bunch of records instead of just one record like most of the examples I have seen.
Instead of checking against the ThoughtRecords I want to check the signed in user hashedId to the user that's being queried hashedId in the controller index() method.
Apparently in the Laravel docs the model class needs to be passed on actions that don't require a model. So I'm confused how to make this work.
protected $policies = [
'App\ThoughtRecord' => 'App\Policies\ThoughtRecordPolicy',
public function boot()
public function view(User $signedInUser, User $client)
//return true;
dd('Policy working');
//return $signedInUser->id === $client->id;
public function index($userHashedId)
$client = User::where('hashed_id', $userHashedId)->first();
$this->authorize('view', ThoughtRecord::class, $client);
$records = ThoughtRecord::where('user_id', $client->id)->latest()->paginate(1);
return ThoughtRecordResource::collection($records);
Too few arguments to function App\Policies\ThoughtRecordPolicy::view()
I have also tried:
$this->authorize('view', $client);
This action is unauthorized.
As said:
Apparently in the Laravel docs the model class needs to be passed on actions that don't require a model. So I'm confused how to make this work.
You need pass both the ThoughtRecord::class and the $client into an array:
$this->authorize('view', [ThoughtRecord::class, $client]);

How to get result in Laravel with where clause while passing model in controller method

I have a route to get a single post item by slug.
Route::get('post/{post}', 'PostController#details')->name('post.details');
While I want to pass the model in the controller method for the route.
public function details(Post $post)
// how to get the post by slug
My question is how can I get the post by slug passing in the route
instead of post ID?
I am aware that I can pass the slug and get the post using where clause.
Route::get('post/{slug}', 'PostController#details')->name('post.details');
//Controller method
public function details($slug)
$post = Post::with('slug', $slug)->first();
But I want to learn to do the same by passing the Model in the method.
set route key name to your model class
public function getRouteKeyName()
return 'slug';
This will inform Laravel injector/resolver to look the variable passed in slug column while fetching the object instance.
What you want to do is implicit route model binding
What you can do is in your Post model define getRouteKeyName like below
class Post extends Model
* Get the route key for the model.
* #return string
public function getRouteKeyName()
return 'slug';
and define your route like this:
Route::get('post/{post:slug}', 'PostController#details')->name('post.details');
and then in your controller
public function details(Post $post)
// it will return post with slug name
return $post;
Hope it helps.

Access session data from parent controller w/o passing it in

Can I access session data from Controller, without passing the request from MyController?
class Controller extends BaseController
public function __construct()
// ** next line throws error:
// "Session store not set on request."
$userdata = request()->session()->get('userdata');
// I want to inject `userdata` into every template without
// passing data from child controllers.
view()->share(['userdata' => $userdata);
class MyController extends Controller
public function __construct(Request $request)
// This works, so the data is in fact in the session.
// I don't want to pass it, or `$request` to the parent from here.
$userdata = $request->session()->get('userdata');
The reason it won't be working in your __construct() method is because the StartSession middleware won't have been run yet.
To get around this you can simply use the middleware() method on the controller:
public function __construct()
$this->middleware(function ($request, $next) {
$userdata = $request->session()->get('userdata');
return $next($request);
Laravel 5.3 Upgrade guide (Scroll down the Controllers section)
In Laravel 5.3, you can't access the session or authenticated user in your controller's constructor because the middleware has not run yet.
As an alternative, you may define a Closure based middleware directly in your controller's constructor.

Adding custom where clause to AuthenticatesUser Trait Laravel

We have decided to use Laravel for a project as a test run for future frameworks and are really enjoying it. There is one issue we are having though.
We use the trait Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\AuthenticatesUsers which handles user authentication. It works well. However, we have a column in the database called userstatus which could be a 0 or a 1.
How do we inject this where clause into the Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\AuthenticatesUsers trait?
I was thinking maybe something here (in my LoginController):
public function authenticated($request , $user){
//if $user->userstatus != 1 logout and redirect to start page
But I dont know how to logout (im looking into that now) .
your logic is right, you should redefine login and authenticated methods within LoginController.
your methods should be like below:
this method should be within your LoginController.php:
class LoginController extends Controller
use AuthenticatesUsers {
login as public loginParent;
protected function login(Request $request){
$default = '/';
$user = User::where('email', $request->get('email'))->NotActive->first();
return redirect()->intended($default);
return $this->loginParent($request);
protected function authenticated(Request $request, $user)
if($user->not_active) {
then we should create ScopeNotActive method within User.php Model as Local Scope:
public function ScopeNotActive($query){
return $query->where('userStatus', '!=', 1);
and a Mutator to check if the user is not active:
// User.php
public function getNotActiveAttribute(){
return $this->userStatus != 1;
