Firebase hosting seo friendly url - url-rewriting

I'm using firebase hosting for my blog
I use this
Method to get my post data
Is there any way to use SEO friendly url like,
So that this link should not redirect to 404 error page

This kind of behavior requires rewrites configured with a single page app to interpret the URL path for its own router. this does depend on your current setup to determine the final work required.
alternatively, if you are using simple HTML; you can look at window.location properties and split the path with split.("/") to determine the path . See:


How do I set a redirect for my root index.html in jekyll?

I have jekyll-redirect-from plugin, but it only really works for pages that aren't my root homepage.
For example, if a user types in I want it to redirect and display the URL as
Everything I can find about this is focused on blog posts and other pages than the index. Has anyone had this issue?
You don't need a redirect, because and are the same page. (The browser just shows the index file by default if you go to
You need the browser to rewrite the URL, while remaining on the same page. You need to do this on the webserver.
If your site is on an Apache server and you have access to the server, you can use an .htaccess file to rewrite the URL from to
There are online .htaccess generators like this one that help get the syntax right.
There are similar methods for rewriting URLs on nginx webservers.
GitHub Pages
If you're on a service like GitHub Pages, you can't use .htaccess. A free workaround is to use Netlify to deploy your site, because you can set up redirects on Netlify. Create a free account on Netlify and add a new site from GitHub there.
In the root of your repo, create a netlify.toml file containing this:
# Redirect /index.html to /
from = "/index.html"
to = "/"
Netlify will now handle that redirect.

Relative baseurl in magento

I am wanted to know that if there any settings in magento that we can remove fixed baseurl and keep dynamic(Relative) baseurl such as drupal.
It's not possible to have a relative base URL, but there's a good tutorial how to set base URL by an ini file in case of live/staging. You could adapt this to your needs:
I would change it to read the base url from an Apache variable, which you could set per virtual host or directly read it from $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].
I have found that Magento sometimes will return an incorrect protocol (HTTP/HTTPS). To bypass this I've used hard-coded relative protocol URLs in certain cases (in phtml templates only) instead of calling functions.

Magento getProductUrl() is always returning HTTP

Even when I am on HTTPS, Magento's getProductUrl() always seem to return an HTTP URL. Any ways I can make this auto-switch to HTTPS? (or have it return relative protocol url).
I would say it's a rather 'standard' configuration.
Base URL is
Secure URL is
Use Secure URLs in Frontend is No
Base Link URL is {{unsecure_base_url}}
I am aware I could change the above to {{secure_base_url}} however I do not want to force a change from HTTP to HTTPS, I only need it to stay relative.
The main Magento's benefit, is that you can do anything you want with it :) So, yes, you can output HTTPS product urls or relative ones. However, before choosing a solution, let's consider the Magento authors' vision.
The HTTPS for frontend is designed to work only for specific areas like Customer account, Payment methods, Checkout, etc. There is nothing so private about products, which makes it necessary to be viewed via HTTPS as well.
By default Magento doesn't use HTTPS even for pages, mentioned above. In order to turn HTTPS on, the "Use Secure URLs in Frontend" option must be set to "Yes". Which, as described, will engage HTTPS only in limited set of pages that contain some private data.
So the best solution for you depends on specifics of the store, you are developing.
1) If you want to engage HTTPS for all the pages on frontend - then the best solution is to put "https://..." into "Base URL" option for "Unsecure" web url configuration.
2) If you want to turn on HTTPS only for product links and only for a limited number of pages, then you can override templates of that pages in order to put there relative urls. The actual code can be implemented in any way you like, even the simplest already proposed way is ok:
echo trim($_product->getProductUrl(),'http:')
3) If you want to engage HTTPS for all the product links at frontend - then the best way is to override Mage_Catalog_Module_Product_Url model and change method getUrl() - you need to put there
$routeParams['_secure'] = true;
This will produce all the product urls with HTTPS protocol.
4) If you need to show HTTP product links only at HTTP pages and HTTPS product links only at HTTPS pages, then you can use method 3) with a more sophisticated logic: check the protocol of current page before setting '_secure' parameter.
Hope, it helps.
I just did it the primitive way, sometimes it works best:
echo trim($_product->getProductUrl(),'http:')
$product->getUrlModel()->getUrl($product, array('_secure'=>(bool)Mage::app()->getStore()->isCurrentlySecure()))
This gives you a secure/unsecured product url based on your current protocol.
THere's an understated but important option in System | Configuration | Web ~ where you have to say "use secure url in frontend" -- if you set this to yes then a page loaded by https will use https links,
no need to write code or provide additional configuration in most cases

Cake PHP redirection

CakePHP redirection of url like *.php
My site is integrated with more than 20 other sites.
They have a url to access my site
Now i rewrite my code in CakePHP .
So i want to redirect the old urls to the corresponding cakePHP page
You may use the routes configuration to add some paths that resolve your current urls sending them to the appropriate action:
However, I think you should manage that situation directly in your web server whatever it be (apache, nginx, etc).

Magento Checkout - Unsecure Image

I was having a problem with my Magento checkout whereby the browser was reporting that the page wasn't fully encrypted. I had a look and realised that one of the images was using http://
This is the code I was using to display the image:
getSkinUrl('images/search_button.png') ?>
As a temporary solution I have hard coded the full path to the image ie:
Does anyone how I can call the image dynamically but have it use https on the checkout and other secure pages?
That should be solved by using the '_secure' parameter.
$this->getSkinUrl('images/search_button.png', array('_secure' => true));
Have you set your admin config settings to "use secure" (I can't remember the exact wording) for the frontend? If so, have you set your secure URLs to be HTTPS?
Magento generates image and link URLs via those secure/unsecure URLs you specify. If you haven't properly specified those as https://, you will have this problem. Otherwise, Magento is actually very good about outputting only secure content.
I haven't tested this for skin URLs, but for regular URLs you can do the following to force secure URLs. This is from the deep bowels of the URL code:
// Get the URL for another action on our current controller
// and force it to https
$path = "*/*/submit";
$url = Mage::getUrl($path, array('_forced_secure' => true));
There's probably some way to specify those extra arguments in getSkinUrl...
