[Bitbucket][Pipelines] Get the name of the user who launched the pipeline - continuous-integration

tengo creado un pipeline de CI/CD con Bitbucket Pipelines. Dentro del archivo bitbucket-pipelines.yml defini un custom pipe. Ej:
- step:
name: Manuel Deploy
- docker
- maven
- echo "Deploy..."
I need to get the username or nickname of the user who triggered a custom step. How can I do this?
I read in the documentation that the variable BITBUCKET_STEP_TRIGGERER_UUID exists, but I don't know how to identify which user this UUID belongs to

You can use the $BITBUCKET_STEP_TRIGGERER_UUID to resolve the actual username the following way:
export BITBUCKET_TRIGGERER_USERNAME=$(curl -X GET -g "https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/users/${BITBUCKET_STEP_TRIGGERER_UUID}" | jq --raw-output '.display_name')
I found the answer in one of the comments here: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/BCLOUD-16711


Passing secrets as output between jobs in a Github workflow

I am trying to pass a JWT token in between jobs but something prevents it to be passed correctly. According to the docs, if I want to pass variables between jobs I need to use outputs as explained here. What I am doing is the following:
name: CI
- main
...does something not interesting to us...
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
API_TOKEN: ${{ steps.getauthtoken.outputs.API_TOKEN }}
- name: Get Token
id: getauthtoken
run: |
API_TOKEN:<there is a full JWT token here>
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: [get-service-url,get-auth-token]
name: Run Tests
- uses: actions/checkout#v3
- name: Run tests
run: |
newman run ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/collections/my_collection.json --env-var "service_url=${{needs.get-service-url.outputs.service_URL}}" --env-var "auth_token=${{needs.get-auth-token.outputs.API_TOKEN}}"
So, during a run, in my output I see:
Run newman run /home/runner/work/my-repo/my-repo/tests/collections/my_collection.json --env-var "service_url=https://test.net" --env-var "auth_token="
At first I thought there was something wrong in passing the token itself between jobs. Hence I tried
to put a dummy token an export it in the output. In my get-auth-token job, the call to output it became:
echo -n "API_TOKEN=test" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
and in the log I saw it there:
--env-var "auth_token=test"
so the way I am passing it intra jobs is fine. Moreover, the token is there and is correct because I hard coded one to simplify my tests. Indeed if in my get-auth-token job I try to echo $API_TOKEN I see in the logs *** which makes me understand Github is correctly obfuscating it.
I then tried not to pass it in between jobs. So I created the same token, hardcoded, right before the newman run command and referenced it in the newman run directly and tada! The log now is:
Run newman run /home/runner/work/my-repo/my-repo/tests/collections/my_collection.json --env-var "service_url=https://test.net" --env-var "auth_token=***"
So the token is there! But I need it to be coming from another job. There is something preventing the token to be passed in between jobs and I don't know how to achieve that.
Found out a trick to make this happen. Consists on temporarily "obfuscating" the secret to the eyes of Github.
In the job where I retrieve the secret I encode it and export it to GITHUB_OUTPUT:
API_TOKEN_BASE64=`echo -n <my_secret> | base64 -w 0`
In the job where I need the secret I decode it (and use where needed):
API_TOKEN=`echo -n ${{needs.get-auth-token.outputs.API_TOKEN}} | base64 --decode`

GitHub parse issue body as a file and extract specific line to a variable

Need workflow to Read GitHub Issue body as a file and parse line by line to get package name and version from the issue body and store in two different variables and copy these two variables into package.json file in JSON format.
Issue looks like this:
Issue to pull husky package #1
Package Name
Package Version
Maintainer Team
Now from the above Issue body, after getting the "/approve" in the comment section, workflow is triggered to install the required NPM package
Tried to print the issue body based on the comment as mentioned below:
name: check_issue_approval
types: [opened, edited]
PKG_VER: ${{ github.event.issue.title }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: contains(github.event.comment.body, '/approve')
approved: ${{ steps.check-approval.outputs.approved }}
- name: Check required package
run: |
while IFS="" read -r line || [ -n "$line" ]
echo "Checking $BODY file for the required package and version"
# cat "$BODY" > "$line"
if ( "$line" eq "Package Name" )
echo "$line"
done <"$BODY"
BODY: ${{ github.event.issue.body }}
- name: Install and Upload required NPM package from Issue into Jfrog Artifactory
run: |
T="${{ env.PKG_VER }}" # T means Issue Title
S="${T##* }"
read -ra arr <<< "$S"
for val in "${arr[#]}";
printf "name = $val\n"
npm install --registry local-registry "$val"
I am able to print the complete issue body but unable to fetch only the package name and version as they are in the different lines to store them in separate variables and can use them as input variables in the command like: npm i $first#$second meaning npm i husky#4.3.8.
Please let me know how to get only the pkg name and version from the issue body as separate variables.
Learnt from my friend that if the PKG-NAME#version is mentioned in the issue title it is easy to fetch the info into a variable ("$val") and pull into workflow, which was accepted by customer and so the logic is changed in the workflow to fetch the pkg-name and version in a variable $val and pull that variable to install using npm install command into Jfrog registry. This works! Thankyou all for your support/suggestion.
Here are the changes in the requirement.
So my issue title would be:
Issue to pull NPM packages: husky#4.3.8,eslint#8.23.0,semver#6.3.0
Now all I need to do is to get the pkg#version from issue, install and upload into Jfrog repository.
Thanks again!

Getting value of a variable value in azure pipeline

enviornment: 'dev'
acr-login: $(enviornment)-acr-login
acr-secret: $(enviornment)-acr-secret
dev-acr-login and dev-acr-secret are secrets stored in keyvault for acr login and acr secret.
In Pipeline, getting secrets with this task
- task: AzureKeyVault#1
azureSubscription: $(connection)
KeyVaultName: $(keyVaultName)
SecretsFilter: '*'
This task will create task variables with name 'dev-acr-login' and 'dev-acr-secret'
Not if I want to login in docker I am not able to do that
Following code works and I am able to login into acr.
- bash: |
echo $(dev-acr-secret) | docker login \
$(acrName) \
-u $(dev-acr-login) \
displayName: 'docker login'
Following doesnot work. Is there a way that I can use variable names $(acr-login) and $(acr-secret) rather than actual keys from keyvault?
- bash: |
echo $(echo $(acr-secret)) | docker login \
$(acrRegistryServerFullName) \
-u $(echo $(acr-login)) \
displayName: 'docker login'
You could pass them as environment variables:
- bash: |
echo $(echo $ACR_SECRET) | ...
displayName: docker login
ACR_SECRET: $(acr-secret)
But what is the purpose, as opposed to just echoing the password values as you said works in the other example? As long as the task is creating secure variables, they will be protected in logs. You'd need to do that anyway, since they would otherwise show up in diagnostic logs if someone enabled diagnostics, which anyone can do.
An example to do that:
- bash: |
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=acr-login;issecret=true;]$ACR_SECRET"
ACR_SECRET: $($(acr-secret)) # Should expand recursively
See Define variables : Set secret variables for more information and examples.

Gitlab cross-project artifact

I have 2 separate gitlab projects, I've looked through the documentation for 2 days now but am still struggling to achieve what I'm trying for.
I have Project A, which generates the documentation for the whole project.
Project B is a Gitlab Pages project.
My gitlab-ci.yml file for Project A has a job like this
stage: deploy
# Create Archive with name of [Current Job - Current Tag]
- documentation/build/dokka/
- ./gradlew assemble
- ls $CI_PROJECT_DIR/documentation/build
- echo "Job Name = $CI_JOB_NAME"
- echo "Project Dir = $CI_PROJECT_DIR"
- echo "Docs trigger key = $DOCS_TRIGGER_KEY"
- echo "Test Unprotected Unmasked Trigger = $TEST_TRIGGER"
- echo "Job Token = $CI_JOB_TOKEN"
- echo "Job ID= $CI_JOB_ID"
- echo "Triggering [Documentation Pipeline]; Artifact from ACL -> Documentation"
- "curl -X POST -F token=${CI_JOB_TOKEN} -F ref=master https://gitlab.duethealth.com/api/v4/projects/538/trigger/pipeline"
This job triggers the following job in Project B:
stage: get-artifacts
- echo "I have been triggered!!"
- echo "$CI_JOB_TOKEN"
- echo "$CI_JOB_NAME"
- echo "$CI_PROJECT_DIR"
# List artifacts generated from acl project
- 'curl --globoff --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: abc1234" "https://gitlab.duethealth.com/api/v4/projects/492/jobs"'
# This should take artifacts from ACL and output them into --output filename
- 'curl --location --output artifacts.zip --header "JOB-TOKEN: $CI_JOB_TOKEN" "https://gitlab.duethealth.com/api/v4/android-projects/492/jobs/63426/artifacts"'
# - unzip build_docs-feature-inf-297-upload-kdoc-doc-mod-test.zip
- file $CI_PROJECT_DIR/artifacts.zip
- ls
- $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "pipeline"
- pages
Now, in the job logs of project A. The Artifacts are uploaded successfully and I see a size of ~50000
In the logs of project B, after
# List artifacts generated from acl project
I DO see the zip file artifact
However it seems that my curl request to GET a jobs artifacts in incorrect somehow. If you look at the picture below you can see 2 things.
1.) The request size is much small than the upload. So we are uploading artifacts of size ~50000 but then we download those same artifacts at a size of ~1000
2.) The zip file the artifacts should be outputted is not a zip file even though it has the .zip file extension.
It seems to me like it is never actually fetching the artifacts and instead just creating some object named artifacts.zip which is not even a zip file and I'm assuming the file size I'm seeing is just the size of the empty artifacts.zip.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
My problem was with the URL, after using the correct URL the problem is fixed.

Run Google Cloud Build Command for Each Result of Array

I have an Nx workspace with multiple Angular apps included. When master is updated in my GitHub repo, I want a build to kick off. That part is easy enough with GCB's triggers. But what I want to happen is to run this command:
npm run affected:apps
on the trigger, and build a Docker image and push it to Google Container registry for each affected app. My cloudbuild.yaml file looks like this so far:
- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/git'
args: ['fetch', '--unshallow']
- name: node:10.15.1
entrypoint: npm
args: ['run affected:apps --base=origin/master --head=HEAD']
That command returns a result like this:
> project-name#0.0.0 affected:apps /Users/username/projects/project-folder
> nx affected:apps
Note: Nx defaulted to --base=master --head=HEAD
I'm not sure what to do with Google Cloud with that result. With a node script, I could do the following to print out an array of affected apps:
const { exec } = require('child_process');
function getApps() {
exec('npm run affected:apps', (err, out) => {
if (err) {
} else {
const lines = out.split('\n');
const apps = lines[lines.length - 2].split(' ');
That returns an array of the affected apps, and null if an error. Still, even with that, I'm not sure what I would do for the next step in Google Cloud build. With the results of either the command or that script, ideally I'd be able to run a docker build command, like this:
docker build --file ./:loop variable:/Dockerfile
where :loop variable: is the name of an affected app. I'd like to do that for each value in the array, and not do anything if, for some reason, the command returns no affected apps.
Any ideas on how to use Google Cloud Build with Nx Workspaces, or if you've just got Google Cloud build experience and know what my next step should be, that'd be great.
Continue #chinoche comment there is an example of how you could save the list of affected apps to the affected.txt file
- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/npm'
entrypoint: 'bash'
- '-c'
- |
IFS=' ' read -a apps <<< $(npx nx affected:apps --base=origin/master~1 --plain)
for app in "${apps[#]}"
echo $app
done >> affected.txt
The next step could read the file and call any other commands, e.g. create docker image
- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker'
entrypoint: 'bash'
- '-c'
- |
while IFS= read -r project; do
docker build -t gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/$project -f <path-to>/Dockerfile .
done < affected.txt
One of the tricks might be to create separate cloudbuild.yaml file for each project and then trigger a new cloud build process for each affected project. That allows having a completely different build process for each project.
- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud'
entrypoint: 'bash'
- '-c'
- |
while IFS= read -r project; do
gcloud builds submit --config ./<path-to>/$project/project-specific-cloudbuild.yaml .
done < affected.txt
if you are able to get the affected apps with the node script I'd suggest you to write a file with the affected apps in a Cloud Build custom steps, this file will be written at the "/workspace" directory and will be able to any other custom step that may be executed in later steps, with this you should be able to run the docker build command
