Homebrew formual testing - ruby

I am writing a formula installer with dependecies:
depends_on "yaws" => "2.0.9"
depends_on "erlang"
depends_on "gcc" => "4.9.1"
depends_on "graphviz" => "2.47.1"
Now I am in the phase of testing, and it cannot start, as I get this error message:
Error: referl is missing test dependencies: erlang
(referl is te formula name)
Even for this little trivially bad test case:
test do
I am using this command for running test cases manually:
brew test referl.rb
What is problem there? Why it cannot find erlang for testing?
Thanks for any help!


Invalid testing environment specified: chrome

When run the this code got below error-
Invalid testing path
Like the error message states.
You have
'default', 'chrome-local'
environments available to you in your configuration file.
You will need to run the command npx nightwatch -e chrome-local like the user 'AutomatedTester' said.

Puppet: generate statement fails when trying to retrieve default path of an executable

I have built a stanza to remove a ruby gem package from our servers. The problem is that the ruby gem executable is installed in different paths on the servers, so on one server it could be in /opt/ruby/bin/gem on other servers it's in /usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p353/bin/gem
My stanza uses the generate function in puppet to pull out the default ruby gem installation as follows:
$ruby_gem_location = generate('which', 'gem')
exec { "remove-remote_syslog":
command => "gem uninstall remote_syslog",
path => "$ruby_gem_location:/opt/ruby/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin",
onlyif => "$ruby_gem_location list|grep remote_syslog"
When I run puppet agent I get the following error:
Generators must be fully qualified at ****redacted*
I have also tried to provide a default path for the which command as follows:
$ruby_gem_location = generate('/usr/bin/which', 'gem')
and now the error says : Could not evaluate: Could not find command '/usr/bin/gem
I checked the target server and the gem command is in
What am I doing wrong?
How can I pull out the default ruby gem location on our servers?
Thank you in advance
Your code
$ruby_gem_location = generate('/usr/bin/which', 'gem')
will generate a full path to your gem command (if it succeeds). From the result you describe, I think it is generating '/usr/bin/gem', which is perhaps a symlink to the real gem command. You are putting that into your command path instead of just the directory part, and that will not be helpful. It is not, however, the source of the error message you report.
The real problem here is that generate(), like all DSL fucntions, runs during catalog building. I infer from your results that you are using a master / agent setup, so generate() is giving you a full path to gem -- evidently /usr/bin/gem -- on the master. Since the whole point is that different servers have gem installed in different places, this is unhelpful. The actual error message arises from an attempt to execute your onlyif command with the wrong path to gem.
Your best way forward is probably to create a custom fact with which each node can report the appropriate location of the gem binary. You can then use that fact's value in your Exec, maybe:
exec { "remove-remote_syslog":
command => "$::ruby_gem_path uninstall remote_syslog",
onlyif => "$::ruby_gem_path list | grep remote_syslog"
Note that you don't need a path attribute if you give a complete path to the executable in the first place.
Details on creating the $::ruby_gem_path custom fact depend on a number of factors, and in their full generality they are rather too broad for SO, but PL provides good documentation.

Dependency loop during Pupppet provisioning due missing OS package

Im trying to provision my development server using Vagrant and Puppet. Below is some of my Puppet Manifest at this point. The issue im having is that im ending up in a dependency loop which is ofcourse correct. The only problem is that i dont see a way to do it without so therefor i need some help.
Im using the latest version of the box provided by Puppetlabs named puppetlabs/ubuntu-14.04-64-puppet. While adding a PPA to the package manager i receive an error that apt-add-repository is not available. Therefor you need to install the software-properties-common package.
The only problem is that before installing this package, you need to run apt-get update. The second problem is that the manifest wont accept it and it will try to add the PPA before so that, ofcourse which is a logic conclusion, it only has to update the package manager once. But by picking this last solution i will end up in a loop which triggers an error:
==> default: Error: Failed to apply catalog: Found 1 dependency cycle:
==> default: (Exec[add-apt-repository-ppa:ondrej/php-7.0] => Class[Apt::Update] => Exec[apt_update] => Class[Apt::Update] =>
Package[git] => Class[Systempackages] => Apt::Ppa[ppa:ondrej/php-7.0]
=> Exec[add-apt-repository-ppa:ondrej/php-7.0])
class systempackages {
package { [ 'git', 'curl', 'acl', 'unattended-upgrades', 'vim', 'software-properties-common']:
ensure => "installed",
require => [
## System
Exec { path => [ "/bin/", "/sbin/" , "/usr/bin/", "/usr/sbin/" ] }
class { 'apt':
update => {
frequency => 'always',
apt::ppa { 'ppa:ondrej/php-7.0':
before => Package['php7.0-cli'],
require => Class['systempackages'],
package {'php7.0-cli':
ensure => 'installed',
Given that this is on vagrant, I suggest installing package software-properties-common manually as part of your Vagrantfile.
Something like config.vm.provision "shell", inline: "apt-get update && apt-get install software-properties-common should work.
The circular dependency reflects the fact that Puppet is not a provisioning system. It can be used by a provisioning system or in conjunction with one, but it depends on a fairly substantial software stack being available before it can get off the ground. If Package 'software-properties-common' is necessary for full functioning of the Apt subsystem, then your best bet is to rely on your provisioning system to install it, so that it is available before Puppet ever runs, and to avoid declaring any relationship between that package and the classes and resources of the Apt module.
You are also impacted by the puppetlabs-apt module being quite good about declaring the relationships needed to ensure proper order of application. This is a double-edged sword, however: people cause themselves trouble with surprising frequency by declaring their own relationships with classes or defined types from that module that conflict with the ones it declares itself. In particular, it is asking for trouble to have your Apt::ppa resource require a class containing resources that themselves require any class or resource from the Apt module.
In any case, class apt::update is not a public class of the module. The main implication is that code outside the module should not reference it in any way. You should instead rely on the value you provided for class parameter $apt::update to instruct Puppet to perform an apt-get update at a suitable time.

run Ruby Unit Tests with Buildr

I am using buildr for some time now, but today I came over a little problem in connection to unit testing of ruby code.
So in my buildfile I have these lines:
define "ruby-project" do
project.version = VERSION_NUMBER
project.group = GROUP
Rake::TestTask.new(:test_rb) do |t|
t.warning = true
t.verbose = true
t.test_files = FileList['test/*.rb']
task test => [:test_rb]
running buildr test actually runs the tests, what is nice. The test is actually just that:
require 'test/unit'
class TestFileParse < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_fail
assert(false, 'test to fail')
As expected it fails, BUT what is strange for me is that buildr quits the build with that message:
sh: 2: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string
Buildr aborted!
RuntimeError : Command failed with status (1): [/usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 -w -I"lib" -I"/var/lib/...]
Running ruby file-with-failing-test-from-above.rp does not throw a runtime error, instead it prints the test report on screen, what is what is what I want.
How can I make Buildr run the unit tests without quitting with an RuntimeError if a test fails?
Greetings Philipp
Since I am not too familiar with Ruby development, what involves Rake, I was looking for the wrong question. Instead of looking for: »how to run unit test with buildr«, the question should have been »how to run unit tests with rake«, because buildr is a kind of extended Rake (similar to the »maven-ant-relationship«). So everything one can do in Rake, one can do in buildr, too. Therefore on good SO answer to run ruby unit tests in buildr is here.
Additionally it is possible to run RSpec's with buildr, therefore one has two options:
set project.test.using :rspec, what involves the use of JRuby, so one has to set JRUBY_HOME (in my case ~/.rvm/rubies/jruby-1.7.9/), or run buildr within jruby. In my case this slowed test execution down, because each time a jvm needed to be started.
Or one can use rspec's rake task in this manner. I choose this method since my tests run much faster without the jvm overhead.
n.b. as the answer implies, I switched over to rspec.
Happy Testing/Speccing!

Laravel HTMLPurifier

I'm having a problem getting the HTMLPurifier bundle to work. I installed is as so:
php artisan bundle:install Sanitizer
then I edited application/bundles.php
'sanitize' => array('auto' => true),
when I use it:
$clean_output = Sanitize::purify($bad_input);
I get an Unhandled Exception: Class 'Sanitize' not found
I also noticed that when I try: php artisan bundle:upgrade Sanitize,
I get an error saying bundle not installed.
What am I missing?
Any help greatly appreciated.
This bundle has been setup very badly, especially with the different namings and casings. Generally a bundle uses a standard name across the board. What's happening here is that when you install the bundle it's actually installing it to bundles/laravel-htmlpurifier. What you've defined in your bundles.php file is expecting it to be installed at bundles/sanitize.
You have two options.
Option 1
Rename the laravel-htmlpurifier directory to sanitize.
Option 2
Set the location key in the bundles.php file.
'sanitize' => array('auto' => true, 'location' => 'laravel-htmlpurifier')
This should also resolve the upgrading problems you were having. You shouldn't really have to do this as it's normally the responsibility of the bundle author to ensure everything is named correctly and consistently.
