Windows DuplicateHandle named pipe handle strange error 183 "file already exists" - windows

I have a problem with DuplicateHandle (Win32). I try to duplicate a named pipe handle and I always get the Error 183 "file already exists". I do not understand this error message, because I try to create a copy of a file handle and the new file handle does not exist before. (Is there a start value required to overwrite?) This is my call:
return DuplicateHandle (MeshellProcessHandle, sourcehandle, HelperProcess, targethandle, 0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS) != 0;
To understand what I am doing, I have to explain more extensively: I am working on a convenient editor frontend for the command line program cmd.exe. This project already works fine on the OS/2 Operating System which is very familiar with Win32, because from a historical point of view, the two OS were developed together until one year before finishing, where Microsoft and IBM went different ways.
The implementation of this program was quite tricky: There's a windowed front end editor program. This program creates named pipes for stderr, stdout and stderr, but from the reverse point of view (output from cmd.exe is input for the editor). Because of limited communication between different sessions, I had to program a "cmd helper program" which is a tiny commandline program holding several API calls and running in the same session as the cmd.exe program. The helper gets the editor process ID via commandline parameter and opens the existing pipes created by the windowed editor program and then redirects stdin/stdout/stderr to the pipes. The helper gets the process handle of the editor from the editor process ID via "OpenProcess" API call. Then the helper executes cmd.exe which automatically inherits the stdin/stdout/stderr handles and now cmd.exe writes to and reads from the pipe.
Another option would be to parse the full pipe names to cmd.exe without using DuplicateHandle, but I would prefer to be as close as to my solution which already works fine on the OS/2 Operating System.

I am still not sure why I have no access rights to duplicate the pipe handles. But I have found another solution: My helper console program starts the child process (cmd.exe) and within this child process, I want to use the named pipes instead of stdin/stdout/stderr - this is the reason why I want to use DuplicateHandle. Windows offers a convenient solution when starting the child process by using
CreateProcess (...)
With CreateProcess, you have always to hold parameters in the STARTUPINFO structure. And there are three handle variables you can set to redirect stdin/stdout/stderr to the three named pipes cmd_std*:
HFILE cmd_stdout, cmd_stdin, cmd_stderr;
//Open the existing pipes with CreateFile
//Start child process program
StartupInfo.hStdOutput = &cmd_stdout;
StartupInfo.hStdInput = &cmd_stdin;
StartupInfo.hStdError = &cmd_stderr;
CreateProcess (..., &StartupInfo, ...);
This solution has much less code than the variant with DuplicateHandle, because I also have to save and to restore the original file handles, so this way replaces 9 DuplicateHandle calls.

I did program the changes now but my new code described above does not work. If I set the "handle inheritance flag" in CreateProcess to TRUE, cmd.exe does not get executed, but CreateProcess returns TRUE (=OK). Here's my detailed code:
HFILE cmd_stdout, cmd_stdin, cmd_stderr;
char *pprogstr, *pargstr;
//Open the existing pipes with CreateFile
//Start child process program cmd.exe
StartupInfo.hStdOutput = &cmd_stdout;
StartupInfo.hStdInput = &cmd_stdin;
StartupInfo.hStdError = &cmd_stderr;
pprogstr = "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe";
pargstr = "/K";
CreateProcess (
pprogstr, // pointer to name of executable module
pargstr, // pointer to command line string
NULL, // pointer to process security attributes
NULL, // pointer to thread security attributes
TRUE, // handle inheritance flag
0, // creation flags
NULL, // pointer to new environment block
NULL, // pointer to current directory name
&StartupInfo, // pointer to STARTUPINFO
&ProcessInformation) // pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION
Any idea?


Using stdout in a Win32 GUI application: crashes if I don't have a redirect to file in arguments

I'm building a Win32 GUI app. Inside that app, I'm using a DLL that was intended to be used in a command line app.
Suppose Foo.exe is my GUI app, and bar() is a function in the DLL that prints "hello" to stdout. Foo.exe calls bar().
If I run Foo.exe from the command line with a redirect (>) (i.e. Foo.exe > out.txt) it writes "hello" to out.txt and exits normally (as expected).
However, if I run Foo.exe without a redirect (either from cmd.exe or by double-clicking in Windows Explorer), it crashes when bar() is called.
If I run Foo.exe inside the debugger with the redirect in the command line (set through VS's properties for the project) and call "GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)", I get a reasonable address for a handle. If I call it without the redirect in the command line, I get 0.
Do I need something to "initialize" standard out? Is there a way that I can set up this redirect in the application startup? (Redirecting to a file would be ideal. But just throwing out the data printed by the DLL would be okay, too.)
Finally, I suspect that the DLL is writing to stdout through the CRT POSIX-like API, because it is a cross-platform DLL. I don't know if this matters.
I've tried creating a file with CreateFile and calling SetStdHandle, but that doesn't seem to work. I may be creating the file incorrectly, however. See code below.
// hStdOut is zero
hFile = CreateFile(TEXT("something.txt"), // name of the write
GENERIC_WRITE, // open for writing
0, // do not share
NULL, // default security
CREATE_NEW, // create new file only
NULL); // no attr. template
BOOL r = SetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, hFile) ;
hStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
// hStdOut is now equal to hFile, and r is 1
// crashes if there isn't a redirect in the program arguments
UPDATE: I just found this article: It states "Note that this code does not correct problems with handles 0, 1, and 2. In fact, due to other complications, it is not possible to correct this, and therefore it is necessary to use stream I/O instead of low-level I/O."
My DLL definitely uses file handles 0,1 and 2. So, there may be no good solution to this problem.
I'm working on a solution that checks for this case, and re-launches the exe appropriately using CreateProcess. I'll post here when I'm done.
The solution that I've found is the following:
obtain a valid File HANDLE in some way to direct the standard output.
Lets call the file handle "fh".
(please note that on Windows a File HANDLE is not the same thing of a file descriptor)
associate a file descriptor to the file handle with _open_osfhandle
(see for details)
Lets call "fd" the new file descriptor, an int value.
call dup2 to associate the STDOUT_FILENO to the given file descriptor:
create a file strem associated to the stdout file descriptor
FILE* f = _fdopen(STDOUT_FILENO, "w");
memset stdout to the content of f:
*stdout = *f
call SetStdHandle on the given file handle:
SetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, ofh);
Please note that I've not tested exactly this sequence but something slightly different.
I don't know if some steps are redundant.
In any case the following article explain very well the concept of file handle, descriptor et fiel stream:
You must build foo.exe as a console application with the /SUBSYSTEM switch. Windows will allocate a console (stdout) for your application automatically, which can be :
The current console
A redirection to a file
A pipe to another program's STDIN
If you build foo.exe as a GUI application, the console is not allocated by default, wich explains the crash
If you must use the GUI subsystem, it can still be done with AllocConsole. This old WDJ article has sample code to help you.
Can you tell me which library do you use? This problem have good solution. Write small stub launcher EXE (in GUI mode but with NO windows!) that have your icon and that all shortcuts launch. Make this stub EXE "CreateProcess" the real EXE with redirected output to "NUL" or "CON", or, CreateProcess() it suspended, take its STDOUT, doing nothing with it. This way, your original EXE should work without visible console, but will actually have where to write - in the handles 0,1 and 2 that are taken by the parent invisible stub EXE. Note that killing the parent EXE may make the child lost its handles - and - crash.
You may end up with two processes in Task Manager. So you can try making these 2 processes a job like Google Chrome does.
On your question Do I need something to "initialize" standard out? - only your parent / launcher can pre-initialize your STDOUT for handles 0,1 and 2 "properly".

DuplicateHandle in WINAPI returns ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED

I have two anonymous pipe handles. I want to pass one of them to a child process.
It works correctly if I call DuplicateHandle to make the handle inheritable for a write handle of the pipe like:
DuplicateHandle(myHandle, fdCP[1], myHandle, &fdCP[1], DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS, 1, DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE);
However when doing it for a read handle of another pipe I get a 0x00000000 value in the result handle.
GetLastError in this case is 5 (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED). I tried to provide SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES of GENERIC_ALL|SPECIFIC_RIGHTS_ALL when created the pipe. However it didn't help.
I noted that DuplicateHandle works as expected if called in on the read handle as follows:
DuplicateHandle(myHandle, fdPC[0], myHandle, &fdPC[0], 0, 1, DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE | DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS);
In both cases myHandle is GetCurrentProcess().
So the question is this an error in WINAPI? And is this a correct workaround?

Change default Console I/O functions handle

Is it possible to somehow change standart I/O functions handle on Windows? Language preffered is C++. If I understand it right, by selecting console project, compiler just pre-allocate console for you, and operates all standart I/O functions to work with its handle. So, what I want to do is to let one Console app actually write into another app Console buffer. I though that I could get first´s Console handle, than pass it to second app by a file (I don´t know much about interprocess comunication, and this seems easy) and than somehow use for example prinf with the first app handle. Can this be done? I know how to get console handle, but I have no idea how to redirect printf to that handle. Its just study-purpose project to more understand of OS work behind this. I am interested in how printf knows what Console it is assiciated with.
If I understand you correctly, it sounds like you want the Windows API function AttachConsole(pid), which attaches the current process to the console owned by the process whose PID is pid.
If I understand you correct you can find the source code of application which you want to write in This example show how to write in stdin of another application and read it's stdout.
For general understanding. Compiler don't "pre-allocate console for you". Compiler use standard C/C++ libraries which write in the output. So if you use for example printf() the following code will be executed at the end will look like:
void Output (PCWSTR pszwText, UINT uTextLenght) // uTextLenght is Lenght in charakters
PSTR pszText = _alloca (uTextLenght);
// in the console are typically not used UNICODE, so
if (WideCharToMultiByte (uCodePage, 0, pszwText, uTextLenght,
pszText, uTextLenght, NULL, NULL) != (int)uTextLenght)
WriteFile (GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), pszText, uTextLenght, &n, NULL);
//_tprintf (TEXT("%.*ls"), uTextLenght, pszText);
//fwrite (pszText, sizeof(TCHAR), uTextLenght, stdout);
//_write (
So if one changes the value of STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE all output will be go to a file/pipe and so on. If instead of WriteFile the program use WriteConsole function such redirection will not works, but standard C/C++ library don't do this.
If you want redirect of stdout not from the child process but from the current process you can call SetStdHandle() directly (see
The "allocating of console" do a loader of operation system. It looks the word of binary EXE file (in the Subsystem part of IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER see and if the EXE has 3 on this place (IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CUI), than it use console of the parent process or create a new one. One can change a little this behavior in parameters of CreateProcess call (but only if you start child process in your code). This Subsystem flag of the EXE you define with respect of linker switch /subsystem (see
If you want to redirect printf to a handle (FILE*), just do
fprintf(handle, "...");
For example replicating printf with fprintf
fprintf(stdout, "...");
Or error reporting
fprintf(stderr, "FATAL: %s fails", "smurf");
This is also how you write to files. fprintf(file, "Blah.");

win32 api for Process.BeginOutputReadLine

i wanted to know the c++ equivalent of c#'s Process.BeginOutputReadLine, where i aynchronously read from the standardoutput of another process. Is there any API for it?
To read the standard output of a process you need to assign an appropriate handle to an instance of STARTUPINFO passed to CreateProcess. Remember to include the STARTF_USESTDHANDLES flag.
Usually an anonymous pipe is used, created via CreatePipe.
See "Creating a Child Process with Redirected Input and Output" for an example.
You can use the normal Win32 approaches (OVERLAPPED + event, IOCompleteion Port,...) to reading the output handle asynchronously.

GetExitCodeProcess() returns 128

I have a DLL that's loaded into a 3rd party parent process as an extension. From this DLL I instantiate external processes (my own) by using CreateProcess API. This works great in 99.999% of the cases but sometimes this suddenly fails and stops working permanently (maybe a restart of the parent process would solve this but this is undesirable and I don't want to recommend that until I solve the problem.) The failure is symptomized by external process not being invoked any more even though CreteProcess() doesn't report an error and by GetExitCodeProcess() returning 128. Here's the simplified version of what I'm doing:
ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
si.cb = sizeof(si);
si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE;
ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi));
NULL, // No module name (use command line).
"<my command line>",
NULL, // Process handle not inheritable.
NULL, // Thread handle not inheritable.
FALSE, // Set handle inheritance to FALSE.
CREATE_SUSPENDED, // Create suspended.
NULL, // Use parent's environment block.
NULL, // Use parent's starting directory.
&si, // Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure.
&pi)) // Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure.
// Handle error.
// Do something.
// Resume the external process thread.
DWORD resumeThreadResult = ResumeThread(pi.hThread);
// ResumeThread() returns 1 which is OK
// (it means that the thread was suspended but then restarted)
// Wait for the external process to finish.
DWORD waitForSingelObjectResult = WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE);
// WaitForSingleObject() returns 0 which is OK.
// Get the exit code of the external process.
DWORD exitCode;
if(!GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &exitCode))
// Handle error.
// There is no error but exitCode is 128, a value that
// doesn't exist in the external process (and even if it
// existed it doesn't matter as it isn't being invoked any more)
// Error code 128 is ERROR_WAIT_NO_CHILDREN which would make some
// sense *if* GetExitCodeProcess() returned FALSE and then I were to
// get ERROR_WAIT_NO_CHILDREN with GetLastError()
// PROCESS_INFORMATION handles for process and thread are closed.
External process can be manually invoked from Windows Explorer or command line and it starts just fine on its own. Invoked like that it, before doing any real work, creates a log file and logs some information about it. But invoked like described above this logging information doesn't appear at all so I'm assuming that the main thread of the external process never enters main() (I'm testing that assumption now.)
There is at least one thing I could do to try to circumvent the problem (not start the thread suspended) but I would first like to understand the root of the failure first. Does anyone has any idea what could cause this and how to fix it?
Quoting from the MSDN article on GetExitCodeProcess:
The following termination statuses can be returned if the process has terminated:
The exit value specified in the
ExitProcess or TerminateProcess
The return value from the
main or WinMain function of the
The exception value for an
unhandled exception that caused the
process to terminate
Given the scenario you described, I think the most likely cause ist the third: An unhandled exception. Have a look at the source of the processes you create.
Have a look at Desktop Heap memory.
Essentially the desktop heap issue comes down to exhausted resources (eg starting too many processes). When your app runs out of these resources, one of the symptoms is that you won't be able to start a new process, and the call to CreateProcess will fail with code 128.
Note that the context you run in also has some effect. For example, running as a service, you will run out of desktop heap much faster than if you're testing your code in a console app.
This post has a lot of good information about desktop heap
Microsoft Support also has some useful information.
There are 2 issues that i could think of from your code sample
1.Get yourusage of the first 2 paramaters to the creatprocess command working first. Hard code the paths and invoke notepad.exe and see if that comes up. keep tweaking this until you have notepad running.
2.Contrary to your comment, If you have passed the currentdirectory parameter for the new process as NULL, it will use the current working directory of the process to start the new process from and not the parent' starting directory.
I assume that your external process exe cannot start properly due to dll dependencies that cannot be resolved in the new path.
ps : In the debugger watch for #err,hr which will tell you the explanation for the last error code,
