Flyway cant find migrations in default location when deployed on kura osgi environment - osgi

I've work with flyway with most of my project before and never had such issue. I blame osgi.
Lets get into details:
I have flyway configured such way:
Flyway flyway = Flyway.configure().locations("classpath:db/migration").dataSource(url, user, password).load();
And its refused to work and I am getting an error:
Flyway Community Edition 6.4.3 by Redgate Unable to resolve location
classpath:db/migration. Note this warning will become an error in
Flyway 7.
I've checked and I have migration sql files in root of jar file as expected *.jar/db/migration/.
But flyway cant find those.
Previously I was using OS file path:
Flyway flyway = Flyway.configure().locations("filesystem:/opt/db/migrations").dataSource(url, user, password).load();
Which was working correctly.
My jar is packaged into dp file bundle for osgi platform, and I think it is a problem, as osgi runtime cant find via classpath. I could not find any solution over the network.
I found such one:
which is horror for me. I do not understand why such important feature is labeled with:
I am asking You for any suggestions.
Thanks In advance.

If db/migration is in your own bundle then you could try.
Flyway flyway = Flyway.configure(this.getClass().getClassLoader())
.dataSource(url, user, password).load();
This way you tell the library to use the classloader of your class which is the classloader of your bundle. (At least I hope so. I am not familiar with Flyway, just checked what the API might offer).


Spring Boot Run Configuration Issues

I am trying to run my spring boot application (via Run As -> Spring Boot Application) in a tomcat8 container on STS and I am receiving these errors:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected method not found: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.tomcat.TomcatEmbeddedContext.addApplicationListener(org.apache.catalina.deploy.ApplicationListener)
at org.springframework.util.ClassUtils.getMethod(
at org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.websocket.TomcatWebSocketContainerCustomizer.addListener(
at org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.websocket.TomcatWebSocketContainerCustomizer.access$100(
at org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.websocket.TomcatWebSocketContainerCustomizer$1.customize(
at org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.tomcat.TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory.configureContext(
at org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.tomcat.TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory.prepareContext(
at org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.tomcat.TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory.getEmbeddedServletContainer(
at org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.EmbeddedWebApplicationContext.createEmbeddedServletContainer(
at org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.EmbeddedWebApplicationContext.onRefresh(
... 7 more
I have searched around for this quite a bit and have found little to guide me in figuring out what the problem is. After going through the spring boot code in the debugger I see that the object named "instance" referenced in the TomcatWebSocketContainerCustomizer.addListener() uses reflection to retrieve a handle to it. This object is associated with the tomcat 7.0.53 jar ($HOME/.m2/repository/org/apache/tomcat/tomcat-catalina/7.0.53/tomcat-catalina-7.0.53.jar). I do not see this in any of my maven dependencies and have tried several techniques to force it to tomcat 8.0.20, nothing seems to work.
After banging my head for a while I started looking at the run configuration for the project in STS (via Run As -> Run Configurations). I found that the Source tab shows tomcat 7.0.53 above version 8.0.20 along with several dependencies that aren't referenced in maven. I am at a loss on where these values come from and not sure how to edit it. For some reason when I try to manually delete these legacy jar files STS doesn't allow me to delete any of them.
Does anyone have an idea of where these dependencies may be coming from and how I can remove them?
They do reference my $HOME/.m2/path/to/tomcat-catalina/<version> dir, so I could simply remove them from my .m2 and theoretically it may work but I'd rather not do this if I don't have to.
I am using spring boot 1.2.x and all of them have this problem.
I've got two ideas that you might try.
1) It is possible, that this may be manifestation of this bug in STS 3.6.4:
The depencies you aren't expecting to see may be coming from the maven 'test' scope. (The bug explicitly mentions 'srt/test' but the same happens with jar dependencies). You can verify whether this bug is the cause by using the regular "Run As Java Application" on your main class.
If that works, then it is almost certainly this bug. If it also fails with a similar error then its something else... then try:
2) You must be getting the unwanted tomcat version from somewhere, probably indirectly as dependency of something else.
Try using the m2e 'dependency hierarchy' to find where it came from like so:
open pom.xml
Click the 'Dependency Hierarchy' tab.
Type 'tomcat' in the 'Filter' box.
I finally figured it out.
In my $WORKSPACE/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.m2e.core/ it lists all poms, jars and wars from my workspace build with the maven plugin. I noticed that a pom in the file points to the exact version tomcat that is being loaded in my spring boot project. Once I deleted these projects from my STS I can successfully launch the spring boot app :-)
When I re-import the maven projects back to STS the error occurs again, then disappears when I remove them.
These projects have no connection to the project that I am trying to launch. Therefore I think the bug is in m2e.
I'll file a bug and update this post when it is complete.
thanks #Kris for working through it with me.

Spring Boot v1.2 AbstractMethodError due to RepositoryInformation

Im building an application based on Spring Boot v1.2. While my application boots successfully and executes well (so far.. ), I'm unable to test using the spring boot framework because of an AbstractMethodError.
The last few lines of the trace are as below
Caused by: java.lang.AbstractMethodError:;Lorg/springframework/data/repository/core/RepositoryInformation;)V
... 55 more
To analyze the above error, I checked the jar files from classpath involving the above classes. So the info is available as below
I'm not exactly sure on why spring-data-commons is coming up from maven repostory folder, while the others are being served from the project library.
While I debug that, I meanwhile need your help in figuring out the version compatibility between the above libraries.
I wasnt able to exactly pin point on what exactly is causing the error. Please help!
The issue was with the intellij configuration of libraries which conflicts with Spring boot application. I manually replaced the required libraries from Maven repository and that worked out for me.
Per request from Elron..
Open the project folder in explorer and verify if the third party library versions in your project matches the ones you actually expect it to be. If something doesnt match, just replace the file with the one you expect it to be. In my case, since I use Maven, I didnt see a need for explicitly saving those libraries in a new lib folder under the project. So, I just deleted all of the files inside the lib folder and things started working again.
For fix this error, change the spring-data-jpa version to 1.5.0.RELEASE
I have faced this issue .
Get rid of spring-data-commons and change spring-data-jpa version to 1.9.0.RELEASE.
For more details , please follow this link :-
Spring Data Rest PagingAndSortingRepository AbstractMethodError (RepositoryFactorySupport)

Setting up Hibernate+C3P0 in Spring

I am using Netbeans as my IDE, currently developing an Web app using:
Spring 3
Hibernate 3
I'm relying on netbeans to build the project(in contrast to others using maven). On deployment, the console shows this error:
...noClassDefFoundError: com/mchange/v2/c3p0/DataSources
I've already added the jar file to the Hibernate library.
(And oh, this is my first time asking here. Needed 10 points to post the screenshot.)
So I'm confused why would it need THAT class. (whatever that class does.)
Ideas why did this happen?
I've finally manage to solve the problem. The c3p0 distribution has 3 .jar files on the lib directory. I initially added the "c3p0*.jar" only. Which in turn produces the error.
It needs the OTHER jar file, mchange-commons*.jar in the directory. Hope this helps to others stuck in here.
Download this jar mchange-commons-java- This helps me to resolve the issue.
C3P0 is used to support connection pooling. See for further information on C3P0 and for information on configuring C3P0 with Hibernate.
Add this jar file "c3p0-" to library
If you are still getting the error, you need to remove and add again Hibernate library because this "c3p0-" is conflict version with c3p0 in Hibernate library

Maven Dependencies for JBoss 7.1 EJB Client

I wanted to implement an EJB client for JBoss 7.1 following this tutorial which is based on the JBoss tutorial:
I already tried the troubleshooting tips there, but still I get an exception:
javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Need to specify class name in environment or system property, or as an applet parameter, or in an application resource file: java.naming.factory.initial
Did anyone else encounter this type of problem and knows which jars (or better Maven dependencies) are needed on the classpath?
Best regards,
Have you referred to the ejb-remote quick start ?
That quick start contains the two Maven projects that are referenced in the doc and have all the required dependencies.

Struts2 Dispatcher initialization failure with maven - jetty

I have the following problem:
I am working on a Web-Project using Struts2 with Tiles supported by a combination of Hibernate and Spring. In addition I am using Maven (which I'm new to) and the jetty server container. So my coworker told me what to do: just check out the project from the svn-repository and run the command (sudo) mvn jetty:run. According to my coworker this should work just fine, as it does when he checks out the project. But I always get the same error:
2011-08-22 10:09:20,568 ERROR org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.Dispatcher.error:38 -
Dispatcher initialization failed
Unable to load configuration. - [unknown location]
I already tried to re-check out the project, cleaned and updated maven, but still, the same error.
I think it has something to do with a missing struts2 .jar-file, but I thought maven downloads all necessary libraries automatically. Please give me a hint what could be missing, I'm sure it's something simple I overlooked.
Thanks in advance.
