I want to mix for my Modern and Legacy Bundle project with Laravel that supports both old and new browsers (eg nuxt and vue-cli which do it with the Modern command) How should I do this please help.
Bit of a "first steps" question this one.
I am working on a project that uses gulp, and have found a nice vue component that I would like to incorporate.
I have been recommended to use Laravel mix, but will installing mix mess up the current installation ?
Is there a good way to use vue with gulp ? is doing this "safer" than running gulp and laravel mix ?
Is there any concept like Laravel version vs browser version.
For example, Laravel 5.6 is compatible with Firefox 59.0.2 or not.
Any feedback will be appreciated.
Laravel is written in PHP. And PHP is a server-side language. Laravel doesn't get executed in the browser.
They do have a set of default css/javascript packages that are used. You can look them up and take a look at their browser support.
Laravel tends to only choose packages that are stable and have a huge browser support.
I need a Laravel or OctoberCMS files and folders view on website front-end. I can use Phoca Download in Joomla to allow users to navigate folders and download files in the folders. Which Laravel or OctoberCMS library I can use to achieve almost similar behavior?
In case of Laravel:
First of all Laravel is not a CMS, its actually a framework to develop web applications rapidly. You can get file manager packages for laravel, there are lots of packages/libraries and tools for Laravel but gain you have to manually install and manage those packages in your intended way.
Laravel File Management - Usefull Links:
1) laravel-filemanager
2) laravel-elfinder
3) laravel-medialibrary
You might like Laravel File Manager
There is huge difference between framework and CMSs. CMS does have easy to install modules/extensions for a particular problem and frameworks too. But most of the time you have to implement best library or package for your framework on your own and use available functionalities on your own.
Laravel has its own native file management system included with Laravel framework:
Laravel File System
Random Link: Use Laravel-filemanager without editor
You can develop your own plugins like Phoca on Laravel Framework or you can simply utilize one of the available library to update and configure file system as Phoca
We have build a Download Manager for October
you will find a demo here : https://demo.inetis.ch/plugins/download-manager
It could fit your needs
Have anyone found a complete react+typescript-tutorial in Visual Studio 2015/2017 MVC-project that works, from start to finish?
Ive tried to just get the NuGet-packages named "Reactjs Mvc4" and "typescript", created a .tsx-file, and copied some of the .config/package-files(from guide below), but the more I google, the more extra stuff I seem to be needing. In the end gets me different kinds of errors.
This one seems ok. It does produce all .config/.package-files one the correct locations, but it seems to assume you are using VS Code.
Hi check this cool template its good beginning for react typescript redux and router.
You can generate VisualStudio project.
Form GIT:
JavaScriptServices is a set of client-side technologies for ASP.NET Core. It provides infrastructure that you'll find useful if you:
Use Angular / React / Vue / Aurelia / Knockout / etc.
Build your client-side resources using Webpack.
Execute JavaScript on the server at runtime.
Read Building Single Page Applications on ASP.NET Core with JavaScriptServices for more details.
This repo contains:
A set of NuGet/NPM packages that implement functionality for:
Invoking arbitrary NPM packages at runtime from .NET code (docs)
Server-side prerendering of SPA components (docs)
Webpack dev middleware (docs)
Hot module replacement (HMR) (docs)
Server-side and client-side routing integration (docs)
Server-side and client-side validation integration
"Lazy loading" for Knockout apps
A Yeoman generator that creates preconfigured app starting points (guide)
Samples and docs
It's cross-platform (Windows, Linux, or macOS) and works with .NET Core 1.0.1 or later.
I'm developing an application using Laravel framework and using some packagist / composer packages. Will HHVM be able to handle that, I heard that HHVM doesn't run all php functions or something..
If no, how can I optimize my app to use HHVM without problems?
Laravel is full supported at HHVM, as you can read at the list of supported frameworks.
So if you want to run your application on HHVM you must test your code against HHVM. And take care of the used PHP extensions, the number of extensions supported by HHVM is growing every day, you maybe some are missing.