Can any one please help me on the transaction/operation types in Near where value/near is involved.I have seen multiple operation types like transfer , draw etc
There are only 7 native action kinds in NEAR Protocol:
Transfer (deposit gets transferred from a signer to a receiver account)
DeleteAccount (the remaining funds on an account are transferred to the beneficiary account id)
CallFunction (tokens can be deposited [attached] to the function call, e.g. draw method expects some tokens attached)
We're building a frontend for Hydra Wallet to help with wallet creation and management. One issue we ran into is understanding the edge cases of membership models other than the Wallet membership model as well as how the wallet works with tokens.
Let's say we create a wallet:
const { fanout } = await fanoutSdk.initializeFanout({
name: `Test#${}`,
membershipModel: MembershipModel.Wallet,
totalShares: 100,
After that, we initialize the wallet for accepting certain SPL tokens, multiple times with different tokens:
await fanoutSdk.initializeFanoutForMint({ fanout, mint1 });
await fanoutSdk.initializeFanoutForMint({ fanout, mint2 });
await fanoutSdk.initializeFanoutForMint({ fanout, mint3 });
Will the fanout wallet accept all three types of tokens or just the last one?
What happens if, let's say, there were already tokens of the first type owned by the wallet when the second call was made?
I think - I am not 100% sure though - that you should be able to use it with all three mints that you initialised.
The initialisation creates the necessary accounts for it to work. When distributing you will obviously have to run the call for each token.
To be save you should test this in devnet though. It’s done quite fast since you can just create and mint three different random spl tokens.
Try to transfer tokens to one of the account declared in remaining_accounts list.
Here's the way I create CpiContext:
let cpi_context = CpiContext::new(ctx.accounts.token_program.to_account_info(),
Transfer {
from: ctx.accounts.account_x.to_account_info(),
to: ctx.remaining_accounts.first().unwrap().to_account_info(),
authority: ctx.accounts.owner.to_account_info().clone()
I got error related to CpiContext lifetime mismatch. Exact log error: lifetime mismatch ...but data from ctx flows into ctx here.
Why I want to use remaining accounts to transfer tokens? This transfer is optional depending on whether user decides to pass the account (referral links/affiliation). Other methods than passing account as remaining accounts to implement the optional transfer will be also highly appreciated.
Make sure that you help out Rust's lifetime inference in your instruction:
pub fn your_instruction<'info>(ctx: Context<'_, '_, '_, 'info, YourContext<'info>>, ...)
I want to delete the current contract and burn its NEAR balance when a condition is triggered.
Here's the Solidity version:
I found Promise::delete_account in the Rust SDK but it has a beneficiary_address field. Ideally the funds should be gone forever and not transferred to an owned address.
address(0) is address 0x0, a black hole address used to burn Ether.
Currently there is no API to burn NEAR tokens directly. One workaround is to set the beneficiary account id to system. system is an account that can never be created and is used internally for refunds. When the beneficiary account does not exist, the tokens transferred through account deletion are automatically burnt.
I think that is like this:
pub fn burn() {
First importing:
use near_sdk::{Promise};
I want to store all the blockchain data in offchain database.
rpc has a function called EXPERIMENTAL_changes, I was told that I can do that by http polling of this method but I am unable to find out how to use it.
http post jsonrpc=2.0 id=dontcare method=EXPERIMENTAL_changes \ params:='{ "changes_type": "data_changes", "account_ids": ["guest-book.testnet"], "key_prefix_base64": "", "block_id": 19450732 }'
For example here the results give:
"change": { "account_id": "guest-book.testnet", "key_base64": "bTo6Mzk=", "value_base64": "eyJwcmVtaXVtIjpmYWxzZSwic2VuZGVyIjoiZmhyLnRlc3RuZXQiLCJ0ZXh0IjoiSGkifQ==" }
What is key_base64?
Decoding it to string gives m::39
What is m::39?
For example, I have the following state data in the rust structure.
pub struct Demo {
user_profile_map: TreeMap<u128, User>,
user_products_map: TreeMap<u128, UnorderedSet<u128>>, // (user_id, set<product_id>)
product_reviews_map: TreeMap<u128, UnorderedSet<u128>>, // (product_id, set<review_id>)
product_check_bounty: LookupMap<u128, Vector<u64>>
How to know anything gets changed in these variables?
Will I have to check every block id for the point the contract is deployed, to know where there is the change?
I want to store all the blockchain data in offchain database.
If so, I recommend you take a look at the Indexer Framework, which allows you to get a stream of blocks and handle them. We use it to build Indexer for Wallet (keeps track of every added and deleted access key, and stores those into Postgres) and Indexer for Explorer (keeps track of every block, chunk, transaction, receipt, execution outcome, state changes, accounts, and access keys, and stores all of that in Postgres)
What is m::39?
Contracts in NEAR Protocol have access to the key-value storage (state), so at the lowest-level, you operate with key-value operations (NEAR SDK for AssemblyScript defines Storage class with get and set operations, and NEAR SDK for Rust has storage_read and storage_write calls to preserve data).
Guest Book example uses a high-level abstraction called PersistentVector, which automatically reads and writes its records from/to NEAR key-value storage (state). As you can see:
export const messages = new PersistentVector<PostedMessage>("m");
Guest Book defines the messages to be stored in the storage with m prefix, hense you see m::39, which basically means it is messages[39] stored in the key-value storage.
What is key_base64?
As key-value storage implies, the data is stored and accessed by keys, and the key can be binary, so base64 encoding is used to enable JSON-RPC API users with a way to query those binary keys as well (there is no way you can pass a raw binary blob in JSON).
How to know anything gets changed in these variables? Will I have to check every block id for the point the contract is deployed, to know where there is the change?
Correct, you need to follow every block, and check the changes. That is why we have built the Indexer Framework in order to enable community building services on top of that (we chose to build applications Indexer for Wallet and Indexer for Explorer, but others may decide to build GraphQL service like TheGraph)
reading through some documentation here and saw that part of the definition of a transaction is that all actions are performed "on top of the receiver's account" and also that the receiver account is "the account towards which the transaction will be routed."
also in the nearlib SDK, the transactions interface includes a method called signTransaction that requires receiverId as a parameter
async function signTransaction(receiverId: string, nonce: number, actions: Action[], blockHash: Uint8Array, signer: Signer, accountId?: string, networkId?: string): Promise<[Uint8Array, SignedTransaction]> {
but looking over the list of transactions supported by nearcore I wonder why do some of these transaction require a receiver.
why would any transactions require a "receiver" except for maybe Transfer, AddKey, DeleteKey, and DeleteAccount?
amd I think of the idea of "receiver" too literally, as in "they receive the outcome or impact of the transaction"? and instead it's not the right way to think about it?
or is receiverId optional in some cases but the interface just requires a value to avoid validation cruft?
here's what I believe to be the full list of supported transactions
pub enum Action {
Conceptually every transaction always has a sender and a receiver, even though sometimes they might be the same. Because we always convert a transaction to a receipt that is sent to the receiver, it doesn't matter conceptually whether they are the same, even though in implementation there might be a difference.
Unfortunately, we don't have a good name to denote what we call "receiver". In some places in our code, we also call it "actor", because it actually refers to an account on which the action is performed opposed to an account which issued the action to perform (a.k.a "sender").
DeployContract, Stake, AddKey, DeleteKey require receiver==sender, in other words only an account itself can add/delete keys, stake and deploy a contract on itself, no other account can do it for it.
DeleteAccount is the same, it requires receiver==sender with one exception: If account is about to run out of balance due to storage rent and is below certain system-defined treshold any other account can delete it and claim the remaining balance.
CreateAccount, FunctionCall, and Transfer do not require receiver==sender. In case of the CreateAccount receiver should not exist at the moment of execution and will actually be created.
See the code that implements this logic: