Facing issue while handling if controller - jmeter

I am facing issue while using if controller in my jmeter script.
i used condition "${Response}"=="Test unsuccessful" in if controller.
Response variable contains complete response and i'm checking test unsuccessful in response if not it should execute next. however its not executing next even though we are not getting correct response.
How to handle this?

I don't think you can use the condition like "${Response}"=="Test unsuccessful", you can use a JMeter Variable if it resolves to true (or false), however if you want to compare 2 strings and basing on result conditionally execute (or don't execute child sampler(s)) you need to use a function which compares the strings and returns true or false, i.e. __jexl3() would be a good candidate:
${__jexl3("${Response}"=="Test unsuccessful",)}
More information: 6 Tips for JMeter If Controller Usage


Extracting JSON and using it in if condition

I need to add a condition in my thread where my next HTTP Request will execute only if the previous response has message message that says 'You can proceed with the booking.'
first response
I tried adding regular expression extractor to get MessageInfo using the below expression.
"MessageInfo": "(.*?)"
I also tried with JSON extractor using below json path expression:
Below is the Expression that i added in if condition:
if condition
However, my execution stops after the first response and does not move into the if condition. Any help would be appreciated.
You need to use a Function or Variable which resolves to true in the If Controller in order to be able to run its children. You're giving a string which isn't equal to true therefore If Controller's children are never run
Therefore you need to use your expression in i.e. __jexl3() function
${__jexl3("${MessageInfo}"=="You can proceed with the booking.",)}
More information: 6 Tips for JMeter If Controller Usage

Jmeter check using if controller, for a variable has a value or not

in one of my steps in the Jmeter script, I'm using json extractor to read a value from a key(address) in the JSON response and store it in a variable called "TypeOfRequest." In the next step, I need to check if the "TypeOfRequest" value is null or not(There can be situations I don't find that key in the JSON response). Then I need to take a different route.
Snippet how I'm getting the TypeOfRequest from Json extractor $.communicationMethods[:1].hTTPS.address
So my question is, how do I check if TypeOfRequest has a value or not in the if controller?
tried using '${__javaScript(vars.get("TypeOfRequest") == null)}(ref https://www.blazemeter.com/blog/jmeter-if-controller and https://sqa.stackexchange.com/questions/32969/how-do-i-check-if-a-variable-is-null-using-a-if-controller) but unable to go through the if condition, can someone help me with this. Thanks in advance
Just use Debug Sampler to see what JMeter Variables are defined and inspect their values, my expectation is that you're "unable to go through the if condition" because your TypeOfRequest variable is not null, i.e. it's present but it's an empty string.
Also the referenced article suggests using __groovy() or __jexl3() function so I believe if you change your condition to something like:
you will be able to "go through the if condition"

Why is 'while controller' not working in 'loop controller'?

I need to implement this use case.
I have to use a while controller test fragment in a loop controller and then run a request. After that, I need to run another request which is in a while loop. It should repeat 2 times.
Loop set to =2.
It runs successfully the first time, but the second time it just skips the while controller request.
While Controller can be "skipped" only in case when the "Condition" is (or becomes) false so maybe your test fragment is setting some variable to false or increments a counter to some specific value.
I would recommend adding a Debug Sampler as a last request in the Test Fragment and put the same expression you use in the While Controller condition as its label. Run your test and check the label using View Results Tree listener. If it's false - find a way to make it true, otherwise your fragment won't be executed second time.
See Using the While Controller in JMeter article to learn more about implementing "While" loops in JMeter tests.
It worked by setting newValue to variable.
Added BeanShell post processor and added code like

Jmeter If controller condition statement

I am trying to built a test plan in jmeter where i want to run test for specific HTTP request based on their names. I used if controller but I dont know what condition to write.
I am writing ${__samplerName()}=="HTTPRequestName" in the condition but it isn't executing.
kindly help me as soon as possible.
You need to surround ${__samplerName()} with quotation marks as follows:
See How to use JMeter's 'IF' Controller and get Pie. guide for more details on If Controller use cases and clauses.
In case if you need to run samplers basing on some condition, you can use JMeter Properties as follows:
Launch JMeter providing sampler name property like jmeter -Jrunsomesampler=true
Add If Controller with the following condition: ${__P(runsomesampler,)} == true
Add desired HTTP Requests as a children of the IF Controller

Jmeter - pause when response assertion triggers?

I've got a Jmeter test up and running on an API I'm building.
The API returns this if it gets overloaded:
What I'd like to do is have JMeter also PAUSE if it gets that result.
I already have set up a Response Assertion that captures these errors. It seems like this should be a simple thing to set up, but I'm not seeing it. I see that I can add an If Controller, but that only works with Javascript vars.
Do I need to add a Regular Expression Extractor, grab that 'failure' as 'type' variable, and then add that to the If Controller?
Seems a little over-complicated?
Am I missing something?
Try to use BeanShell Timer to handle this situation.
allows scripting so you can program timer behavior how you need;
has access to jmeter context - via ctx variable - so you can handle ResponseCode condition.
Here you can find good article with example how to use.
And here - how to access beanshell variables and handle response code.
Your condition will be something like this one:
if (prev.getResponseCode().equals("500") == true) {
. . .
PLEASE NOTE: script used in BeanShell Timer should return value is used as the number of milliseconds to wait.
Another question is what the reason to do this.
If you have load/stress-test scenario then these results are something you should get during your tests and analyze then.
If you have kind of "functional" test-scenario so you have to handle this situation in more general way, adding any kind of properly configured timer to each sampler - to avoid overload or simulate "real-life" scenario.
Am I missing something?
