Laravel #foreach Repeating Same Data - laravel

when I am trying to add #foreach 3 times it's repeating my data. how do I solve this?
and am using Livewire.
Small Summery :
I will try to make a Student Management system using Laravel and livewire. basically, I am trying to make a payment system based on Monthly, Termly, and Year so it's also separate to more. Example We have Different price Value of Monthly Payment Scheme Students.
this is my code
public function mount($students){
$students = Student::With('FeeScheem','FeeScheemInd','FeeGroup','FeeMaster','FeeCollector')
->where('students.stu_id',$students )
$this->students = $students;
// DD($students);
Eloquent Relationship
public function FeeScheem()
return $this->hasOne(FeeScheem::class, 'fs_id', 'stu_fee_scheems');
public function FeeScheemInd()
return $this->hasOne(FeeScheemInd::class, 'ind_id', 'stu_ind_fee_scheems');
public function FeeGroup()
return $this->hasMany(FeeGroup::class, 'fee_group_fee_scheem_id', 'stu_fee_scheems');
public function FeeMaster()
return $this->hasOne(FeeMaster::class, 'fee_master_ind_fs_id', 'stu_ind_fee_scheems');
public function FeeCollector()
return $this->hasMany(SchoolFeeCollector::class, 'fc_stu_id', 'stu_id');
This is My Blade File
#foreach($students as $Student)
#foreach($Student->FeeGroup as $FeeG)
#foreach($Student->FeeCollector as $FeeC)
Here the table view in Blade file


How to get the counts of Student for each Teachers in a single collection by Eloquent

A Teacher has many Students. When I am showing the Teachers list I also want to show the counts of Student for each Teachers. How can I do this by using Eloquent?
I can find the Teachers from this,
$teacher= Teacher::where('teacher_status','active')->get();
I can find the Student count from this
$student_count = Student::where('teacher_id','')->count();
How can I conbine this two query and return the response in a single array/collection?
In your teacher model, create the relationship students:
class Teacher extends Model
public function students()
return $this->hasMany(Student::class, 'teacher_id');
In your controller you can do the following:
public function example(){
$teachers = Teacher::where('teacher_status','active')->withCount('students')->get();
return view('teacherViewExample', compact('teachers'));
In your view (teacherViewExample):
<th>Teacher Name</th>
<th>Students Count</th>
#foreach($teachers as $teacher)
<td>{{ $teacher->name }}</td>
<td>{{ $teacher->students_count }}</td>
Full documentation on how to use withCount() here:
Sometimes you may want to count the number of related models for a
given relationship without actually loading the models. To accomplish
this, you may use the withCount method. The withCount method will
place a {relation}_count attribute on the resulting models:
If you want to count the number of students related to teacher without actually loading them you may use the withCount method and this add new propery named by a {relation}_count column on your resulting models. For example:
Also you need and to your Teacher model hasMany relation method to Students
In case frontend and backend are separated, i.e Laravel for backend, Angular for frontend, below are examples for Laravel:
In api.php,
Route::get('teacher-with-students-count', 'TeacherController#getTeacherWithStudentsCount');
In Teacher.php (model)
class Teacher extends Model
public function students()
return $this->hasMany(Student::class, 'teacher_id', 'id');
In TeacherController.php
public function getTeacherWithStudentsCount()
$teachers = Teacher::where('teacher_status','active')->withCount('students')->get();
return $this->giveSuccessResponse($teachers);

Laravel 9 Calling oldestOfMany() in Controller from Model

I have a Customer model and Customer hasMany Xray_machines. I am trying to select the oldest cert_date from the xray_machines table to populate a table in the view that lists the customer_name and the oldest cert_date. I found oldestOfMany() and it seems to be a good option but it is displaying the first cert_date rather than the oldest.
Customer Model
public function xray_machine()
return $this->hasMany(Xray_machine::class);
public function oldestCert(){
return $this->hasOne(Xray_machine::class)->oldestOfMany('cert_date','min');
public function xray_unscheduled(){
$due = Carbon::now()->addMonth(3)->endOfMonth()->toDateTimeString();
$customers = Customer::whereHas('Xray_machine', function ($query) use($due) {
$query->where('cert_date','<=', $due);
return view('work_orders/xray_unscheduled', compact('customers'));
#foreach ($customers as $customer)
{{ $customer->customer_name}}
{{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($customer->oldestCert()->cert_date)->format('Y-m-d')}}

How I car write Controller function on many to many with relation attributes

I am working on applying many to many relations on table Accident, Car where the relations are as follows:
In the Accident model:
public function car()
return $this->belongsToMany(Car::class,'accident_participateds',
In-car Model
public function accidents()
return $this->belongsToMany(Accident::class,'accident_participateds',
'vehicleId','reportNo')->withPivot(['damageAmount', 'IBAN']);
I want to display the data from all 3 Models (Car, Accident,accident_participateds)My question is whether these statements are correct in the controller
public function AdminClaims()
$claim = Accident::with('car')->get();
$details = Car::with('accidentsr')->get();
return view('admin.AdminClaims',compact('claim','details'));
Because when I try to display like this:
#foreach($claim as $claims)
#foreach($details as $AP)
it print only ReportNumber
kindly tell me where I made a mistake?
From what I understand, you want to display the details of Accident(claim), associated Car and data from the pivot table.
To do so you can try
public function AdminClaims()
$claims = Car::with('accidents')->get();
return view('admin.AdminClaims',compact('claims'));
And in view
#foreach($claims as $claim)

get access to collection laravel

I am a new learner of the laravel framework working on 3 models
where the relations are as follows:
public function License()
return $this->hasOne(license::class,'driver_id');
public function cars()
return $this->hasMany(car::class);
In the controller I do like this:
public function AdminCustomers()
$customers = Customer::with('cars')->with('License')->get();
return view('admin.AdminCustomers',compact('customers'));
now I want to display all 3 models' data on view.blade page
#foreach($customers as $customer)
But it doesn't work and I didn't know where is the problem
the error Exception
Property [id] does not exist on this collection instance.
$customer->cars will return a collection as the relationship is hasMany so you need to loop over the collection in the view
#foreach($customers as $customer)
#foreach($customer->cars as $car)
check the name in the corrisponding table on db, and if its different from "id" specify it into the model, as
protected $primaryKey = 'xxx';

Laravel — Loop all data from multiple tables

Good day. I have researched about it, but nothings matched with my problem. Here's the scenario. I have courses table, and 3 more tables, assignments, quizzes, and reports. Now, what I want is, to get all of the records from the table assignments, quizzes, and reports and loop through all the records below a specific course.
Example Output: The order should be according to the first created item.
How can I do that with three different tables? I know how to use the basic many to many relationship, but for this. I really got stacked. Need help guys.
Note: I'm using Laravel5.1
Update1 — Course.php
namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Course extends Model
protected $fillable = [];
public function assignments(){
return $this->belongsToMany('Assignment');
public function quizzes(){
return $this->belongsToMany('Quiz');
public function reports(){
return $this->belongsToMany('Report');
UPDATE2 as per request
<div class="table">
<table class="tabled">
#foreach($course_items as $course_item)
{{ $table_name }} {{ $course_item->name }}
Based on the limited information available from your question, you will need to merge your relations into a single collection.
Using unions would be a better solution, if feasible, to improve efficiency, but hey-ho.
// Prepare not deleted scope
// I would suggest using Laravel's SoftDeletes, as it'll be better than writing your own implementation. But if not, you would be better to create this as a reusable scope on your model
$notDeletedScope = function ($query) {
return $query->where('deleted', 0);
// Find course with non-deleted relations
$course = Course::with([
'assignments' => $notDeletedScope,
'reports' => $notDeletedScope,
'quizzes' => $notDeletedScope,
// Combine relations into single collection
$merged = collect($course->assignments);
$merged = $merged->merge(collect($course->quizzes));
$merged = $merged->merge(collect($course->reports));
// Sort merged relations by created_at
$merged = $merged->sortBy('created_at');
#foreach ($merged as $relation)
#if ($relation->type === 'assignment')
// ...
#elseif ($relation->type === 'quiz')
// ...
#elseif ($relation->type === 'report')
// ...
Add to each model:
public function getTypeAttribute()
return snake_case(substr(strrchr(get_class($this), '\\'), 1));
