RestAssured strage behaviour with SpringBoot - spring-boot

Problem statement - Path-params sent from RestAssured test case received as null.
An API definition like,
public interface MyApi {
#GetMapping(path = "getItem/{path1}/{path2}/{path3}")
public ResponseEntity<MyResponse> getItem(#PathVariable("path1") String path1,
#PathVariable("path2") String path2, #PathVariable("path3") String path3);
public class MyController implements MyApi {
public ResponseEntity<MyResponse> getItem(String path1, String path2, String path3) {
return myService.delegateToMethod(path1, path2, path3);
This setup fine and gives result.Functional-test code described in shortPart of Test class code
public void getItemTest() {
MyResponse response = apiStub.callGetItem("1","2","3");
Part of Stub class
public MyResponse callGetItem(String param1, String param2, String param3) {
return given().port(servicePort)
.pathParam("path1", param1)
.pathParam("path2", param2)
.pathParam("path3", param3)
Observation Test assertion fails. By putting debug point in controller class, I see path-values are being received as nullWhat's Interesting If I put API definition directly in controller, it works !!DISCLAIMER Code is kept short for brevity, shall expand on sections as requested.Request If duplicate question or bug, request re-direction.

Try to store your params values in the Map object and pass it to .pathParams(Map map) method instead of invoking the same method multiple times.

You need to put #RestController on API definition as well as the implementing controller.
public interface MyApi {
#GetMapping(path = "getItem/{path1}/{path2}/{path3}")
public ResponseEntity<MyResponse> getItem(#PathVariable("path1") String path1,
#PathVariable("path2") String path2, #PathVariable("path3") String path3);
UPDATE Root-Cause was spring-boot version. I was using old version(2.0.8.RELEASE). Segregation of API and Controller, as described does not work. Such end-point results as,
Same code, upgraded to spring-boot version 2.4.5, worked correctly.


Testing functions in spring boot which have autowired dependencies

Here is a minimal version of code that I want to test:
public class Ver {
private DHClient dhclient;
private DHUrlService dhUrlService;
public String getLVersion(String LRversion)
String vers=dhclient.get(dhUrlService.getUrl());
return getVersion(vers, LRversion);
Now the problem with testing this is that. dhclient is autowired inside the Ver class.
The get function makes an HTTP Get request and fetches a response.
I want the test case to actually make the dhclient.get call and return the result.
Any ideas on how to go about testing this?
How do I test that getLVer(String lrVersion) returns null when "test" is passed as the argument?
public class DHClient {
private String clientId;
private HttpClient httpClient;
public String get(String URL){
HttpRequest request// build the HTTP request
HttpResponse<String> response = httpCient.send(request,HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
return response.body()
the above is the code of the DHClient. Since I want to make an actual GET call using the get function. Probably mocking the object is not a good idea. The alternative would be to create an actual object. But this has fields like clientId and httpClient which are initialized by Spring. I am not sure how to create an actual object for this.

DTO has only null with GET request params, but not POST #RequestBody

I'm trying to get my query params in a DTO like in this question but my DTO has always null value.
Is there anything wrong in my code ? I made it as simple as possible.
GET http://localhost:8080/api/test?a=azaz => null
POST http://localhost:8080/api/test with {"a":"azaz"} => "azaz"
Controller with a GET and a POST:
#RequestMapping(path = {"/api"}, produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public class MyController {
// GET: dto NOT populated from query params "?a=azaz"
#RequestMapping(method = GET, path = "test")
public #ResponseBody String test(TestDto testDto){
return testDto.toString(); // null
// POST: dto WELL populated from body json {"a"="azaz"}
#RequestMapping(method = POST, path = "test")
public #ResponseBody String postTest(#RequestBody TestDto testDto){
return testDto.toString(); // "azaz"
public class TestDto {
public String a;
public String toString() {
return a;
Thanks !
Full Spring boot sample to illustrate it
The problem is that you are missing setter for the field.
public void setA(String a) {
this.a = a;
should fix it.
I'm assuming that you have done required configuration like having Jackson mapper in the class path, consume json attribute, getter and setter in DTO classes etc.
One thing missed here is, in RequestMapping use value attribute instead of path attribute as shown below
#RequestMapping(method = POST, value= "/test", consumes="application/json")
public #ResponseBody String postTest(#RequestBody TestDto testDto){
return testDto.toString();
And, make sure that you set content-type="application/json" while sending the request
I think what you are trying to do is not possible. To access the query Parameter you have to use #RequestParam("a"). Then you just get the String. To get your object this way you have to pass json as Parameter. a={"a":"azaz"}
Kind regards

How to specify multiple parameters in POST method

I have Model called Loan:
public class Loan {
private int loan_id;
private String clientName;
private String clientSurname;
private Double amount;
private int days;
//getters and setters
And Controller
public class MyController {
MyService myService;
#RequestMapping(value = "/makeAction",method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String makeLoan(){
return myService.makeAction(...);
The question is: how to bypass multiple variables via adressbar like:
and so on.
UPD: Another attempt failed:
#RequestMapping(value="/makeLoan",method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String makeLoan(#PathVariable("loan_id")int loan_id,
#PathVariable("name") String clientName,
#PathVariable("surname") String clientSurname,
#PathVariable("amount") double amount,
#PathVariable("days") int days ) throws Exception {
return myService.makeLoan(loan_id,clientName,clientSurname,amount,days);
P.S tried #PathVariables - failed to use
Thanks you all for helping me with this
The final code looks like that:
#RequestMapping(value = "/makeAction")
public String makeLoan(#RequestParam("loan_id")int loan_id,
#RequestParam("clientName")String clientName,
#RequestParam("clientSurname")String clientSurname,
#RequestParam("amount")double amount,
#RequestParam("days")int days ) throws Exception {
return loanService.makeAction(loan_id,clientName,clientSurname,amount,days);
I had to remove GET/POST method and switch #PathVariable to #RequestParam
Well, first of all, you shouldn't put parameters for POST in the URL.
URL parameters are used for GET, and they are separated with & so in your case:
For POST you should submit parameters as request body parameters. Parameters are bound with #RequestParam annotation like #SMA suggested.
In your method define them with RequestParam annotation like:
public String makeLoan(#RequestParam(value="clientName", required=false) String clientName) {//and others, and hope you meant & to seperate request parameters.
Well, assuming you're using spring MVC, this could be helpful:
How to explictely obtain post data in Spring MVC?
Be aware that if you're using a POST method, your parameters should be read in the request body...

Junit passing multiple parameters to rest service

I have a rest controller like bellow :
#RequestMapping(value = "/create", method = RequestMethod.POST)
GlobalResponse createDeal(#RequestBody Deal deal,#RequestBody Owner owner) {
// code here
I use Junit and Mockito for my test :
public void createDeal() throws Exception{
I cant past multiple parameters to the controller service , how can I avoid this ?
You won't be able to pass multiple arguments annotated with #RequestBody annotation. The argument annotated with this annotation holds the whole request body and it can't be split into multiple.
What you can do is to have a wrapper to hold your Deal and Owner objects and you can pass that wrapper as a single request body argument.
For e.g.:
public class Wrapper {
private Deal deal;
private Owner owner;
//Getters and setters
And your controller's method:
#RequestMapping(value = "/create", method = RequestMethod.POST)
GlobalResponse createDeal(#RequestBody Wrapper wrapper) {
// code here
Hope this makes sense.

Can I use both #Post and #Get on the same method

I would like to use both #Post and #Get on the same method like
public void paymentFinish(#PathParam("mode") String mode, String s) {
logger.debug("Enter PayStatus POST");
Even I write like this, I got error. What I want is whatever get or post to the sameurl, the same method works. Is it possible? Now I separate two methods, one for get and one for post.
Unfortunately, only one should be used in order to avoid Jersey exception.
But you could do something like :
public void paymentFinish(#PathParam("mode") String mode, String s) {
public void paymentFinishPOST(#PathParam("mode") String mode, String s) {
private void commonFunction(String mode)
logger.debug("Enter PayStatus POST");
By doing so, if you want to change inner behavior of your functions, you will only have to change one function.
Note that method name in java for get vs post need to be different.
After searching a lot trying to avoid the solution above, I found nothing....
Then I decided to create a custom annotation so I didn't have to waste time duplicating methods.
Here's the github link: Jersey-Gest
It allows you to create GET and Post Methods on a single Annotation by generating a new class from it.
I hope it helps you the same way it helped me :)
If for some reason the above link stops working, here's what I did:
Created a compile-time annotation #RestMethod for class methods.
Created a compile-time annotation #RestClass for classes.
Create an AnnotationProcessor which generates a new class with Jersey's corresponding annotations and for each method creates a GET and a POST method which callsback to the original method annotated with #RestClass.
All methods annotated with #RestMethod must be static and contained within a class annotated with #RestClass.
Example (
#RestClass(path = "/wsdl")
public class TestService
#RestMethod(path = "/helloGest")
public static String helloGest()
return "Hello Gest!";
Generates something like (
public class TestServiceImpl
public String helloGestGet()
return TestService.helloGest();
public String helloGestPost()
return TestService.helloGest();
