How to find user login logout time in WSO2 Identity Server? - session

In WSO2 identity server, how can we find login logout time of all user's?
The Identity Server is using MySQL database.
What SQL statement can retrieve this information from the database
Or Which tables will contain this information?

If you consider just the Identity Server product only, you can track the user login details, but not the logout details. This is because when the user logs out and session expires, details in the database will be deleted immediately or eventually. Below tables contains these information.
And this API is available to retrieve single user sessions and terminate them.
However you want the user login and logout details, you have to go for the analytics side. Documentation here explains the integration with analytics product and how to use it.


What should happen if a user sign up via social login and then tries to register with same mail?

In my Spring Boot I'd like to have both social login and signup with user and password.
Let's say the user signs-up via Google. After some time, he forgets that he signed-in via Google and tried to register using the same email.
What should happen in this case?
Should I save user info (returned by Google) in a "users" table of my database to prevent the same user to register twice?
Is there an article or something that explains a similar login/registration flow?
you can save all the users(OAuth or signup) in the user table. you can maintain a column by which you will be able to identify them if a user is signed in via OAuth or email. then if a user tries to signup via the same email you can show a message. or you can design your signup process using multiple steps. at first, the user needs to enter her email address, then you can send her an email where she needs to click some link that has some token in the url, if she previously logged in using some oath provider then she will be automatically logged in otherwise she needs to set her password.

Multi Tenant session management using multiple domains

I am trying to implement a feature similar to Slack where my application is a multi-tenant app, and a user can be logged into multiple accounts. Each account will be tied to a different domain. If logged into 2 different accounts, the user should be able to switch back and forth between the accounts. Also, the sessions should be managed independently. If one session expires, and the user needs to login, that expired session should not affect the other active sessions.
View Slack Image
The issue I am seeing is the different domain sessions override each other. This is a react frontend with Okta
Thanks for your time.
There are some gaps which require details, but here are few pointers that might help you.
Post authentication, you should be storing the authentication information like the session expiry, username in some form (local / session storage)
If I login to your application and choose a domain like (, the session information should be stored in a key like or hash( so that how much ever domains, I login into, there will be unique keys to identify sessions and there will be no conflict of keys.
Once the domains are changed (like you switch workspaces in slack) there will be a new login session established (first time), which sets up the session information like described above.
For every workspace / domain change, the authentication libraries would be called and they would validate the stored session information, which gives the right data and expiry and user gets to use the application without issues.
Do share your implementation details or any issues had you implemented this solution.

How can I setup Google Oauth to allow login using an alternate Google account?

I made a members-only site that uses Google oauth2 to authorise users. The site is built with the Laravel framework and Artdarek's oath library.
When the authorization callback comes from Google, I lookup the user record in the DB by email and proceed to the protected page if the record exists, otherwise to a register page.
The problem is some of our members use two Google accounts. One user registered via his primary account ( The next day he returned and mistakenly tried to login with Naturally the system showed him the registration page. From that time on each time he visits the site the authentication mechanism sees him using his second (unwanted) set of credentials.
To resolve this one case I instructed him to logout of all accounts (on both sides), clear cookies and start from scratch but this is not a practical solution for all users. In same cases even this measure does not seem to correct the problem.
How can I solve this case? What is the right way to request oauth authentication and get them back from the right account? Can I force Google to ask the user with which account to proceed?
Google will automatically ask the user which account they want on an oauth request if they enable the account chooser.
I have logged into my Google Apps and my Google account, so for me on an oauth request, I get the following prompt:
In order to do the same for your user, they have to click "Stay signed in", but of course this is not advisable for public computers.
Beyond the above, I'm afraid not much can be done. - if they logged in with at that time, these are the credentials you will receive.
They way I solve this problem is to have a field where the customer can add additional emails, and select one that is primary. I will then inspect against these emails when a request comes in to avoid duplicate user accounts.

How to use existing server token with emberjs simple auth

I'm currently implementing this library ember-simple-auth to manage authentication in the emberjs application (shopping cart) that I am currently building.
The difficulty that I encounter is that the library manages authentication rules after logging in very well but not before logging in.
So here is the scenario:
The application must talk to the backend server to retrieve a session token for every user. This is necessary so that the user can save their items temporarily in the server side using session data. Something that you would expect for a shopping cart.
Then when the user is ready to move forward the application will then display the login screen and the user can authenticate themselves to checkout their items.
However, I can't seems to figure out yet how to do this using simple-auth. If I create a custom authenticator that just fetches token id from the server, it will mark the session as authenticated and will not ask for login on the authenticatedRoute.
In general what I'm trying to do are:
Customer visit the website
The application fetches session token from the server
Customer clicks around and saves item into the shopping cart. The data is synced with the server using the session token
Customer ready to checkout and navigates to checkout page
The application intercepts the route and redirect the customer to login route, where the customer can login and resume checkout.
I hope the above information is clear enough. Any hints and help will be much appreciated. Thanks.
I would probably only use Ember Simple Auth from the point on where the user actually logs in. Before that instead of using a session token to identify the basket, I'd probably explicitly create a basket on the server side (POST /basket) and then add to that via a REST interface (PUT /baskets/:id/items or so). That way you're not sharing state between the client and the server and have a clear interface. You also don't need to "abuse" Ember Simple Auth which probably only leads to other problems later on. When the user logs in then, you simply assign the previously created basket to that user and go on.

Authenticate ASP.NET website user with Oracle DSEE

I'm doing an ASP.NET web app, but there's a requirement that when a user enters his credentials, they are first authenticated in a Oracle DSEE 11.
So, the flow is:
User enters credentials
Check credentials in Oracle DSEE
If exists, create or update user account in web app database
If not exists, login failed
Has anyone done this that can point me in the right way?
UPDATE: My problem is how to authenticate with Oracle DSEE, not on general ASP.NET authentication.
You may take a look at the Login controls.
