Scheme define a lambda - scheme

I have the following function to compute the sum from A to B of a function in scheme:
(define (SUM summation-function A increment-function B)
(if (> A B)
(+ (summation-function A)
summation-function (increment-function A) increment-function B))))
Currently I define two procedures before calling the function, for example:
(define (self x) x) ; do nothing, just sum itself
(define (inc x) (+ x 1)); normal +1 increment
(SUM self 0 inc 5)
How instead could I just define the procedure in the call itself, for example:
; in pseudocode
(SUM, lambda x: x, 0, lambda x: (+ x 1), 5)

You can rewrite your definitions like this:
(define self
(lambda (x)
(define inc
(lambda (x)
(+ x 1)))
Now you haves split up creating the variable self and inc and the lambda syntax that creates a closure. It is EXACTLY the same as what you wrote in your question.
By substitution rules you should be able to replace a variable with the expression in its definition:
(SUM self 0 inc 5)
;; is the same as
(SUM (lambda (x)
(lambda (x)
(+ x 1))
Please note that older Scheme reports wasn't case sensitive, but SUM and sum are two different names in later reports. It is also common to use lower space letters for variables and procedure names are, as I showed earlier, variables. This is why the procedure list stops working when you define a value to the variable list. One namespace to rule them all.

Typically, we'd use lambdas like this:
(SUM (lambda (x) x) 0 (lambda (x) (+ x 1)) 5)
For the above example in particular, some Scheme interpreters already provide built-in procedures that do precisely what you want and we can simply say:
(SUM identity 0 add1 5)


Make procedure in Scheme by lambda

I am learning Scheme by 'Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs'
In Chapter 1.3.2 Constructing Procedures Using lambda.
I understood lambda like this.
The value to match the lambda is written outside the parenthesis of the lambda.
((lambda (x) (+ x 4) 4) ; (x) is matched to 4, result is 8
But in SICP, another example code is different.
The code is :
(define (sum x y) (+ x y))
(define (pi-sum a b)
(sum (lambda (x) (/ 1.0 (* x (+ x 3))))
(lambda (x) (+ x 4))
(pi-sum 3 6)
I think if (lambda (x) (/ 1.0 (* x (+ x 3)))) want match to a, lambda and a must bound by parenthesis.
But in example code, don't use parenthesis.
When I run this code, error is occurs.
error is this :
***'sum: expects only 2 arguments, but found 4'***
When I use more parenthesis like this :
(define (sum x y) (+ x y))
(define (pi-sum a b)
(sum ((lambda (x) (/ 1.0 (* x (+ x 3))))
((lambda (x) (+ x 4))
(pi-sum 2 6) ; result is 10.1
Code is run.
I'm confused because of SICP's example code.
Am I right on the principle of lambda?
If I am right, why SICP write like that?
It says to use the sum from 1.3.1. On page 77 (actually starting on 77 and ending on 78) it looks like this:
(define (sum term a next b)
(if (> a b)
(+ (term a)
(sum term (next a) next b))))
As you can see it looks a lot different from your sum that just adds two number together. You also had a typo in pi-sum:
(define (pi-sum a b)
(sum (lambda (x) (/ 1.0 (* x (+ x 2)))) ; multiplied by 2, not 3!
(lambda (x) (+ x 4))
(* 8 (pi-sum 1 1000))
; ==> 3.139592655589783
So the point here is that you can pass lambdas instead of named procedures. Since (define (name . args) body ...) is just syntax sugar for (define name (lambda args body ...)) passing (lambda args body ...) instead of defining it and pass a name is just an equal refactoring.
Parentheses around a variable (+) or a lambda ((lambda args body ...)) calls whatever procedure the operator expression evaluates. It is not what you want since you pass procedures to be used by sum as an abstraction. sum can do multiplications or any number of things based on what you pass. in sum term is the procedure (lambda (x) (/ 1.0 (* x (+ x 2)))) and you see it calls it as apart of its code.

Calling a function that takes no parameter with a parameter in scheme

How does this code work? It does not seem like any of these functions have a parameter but yet you are able to call it with a parameter
(define (make-add-one)
(define (inc x) (+ 1 x))
(define myfn (make-add-one))
(myfn 2)
This runs and returns 3.
Lets use substitution rules. make-add-one can be rewritten like this:
(define make-add-one (lambda ()
(define inc (lambda (x) (+ 1 x))
Since inc is just returned we can simplify it further to this:
(define make-add-one (lambda ()
(lambda (x) (+ 1 x)))
Now myfn we can replace the call to make-add-one with the code that the lambda has inside:
(define myfn (make-add-one)) ; ==
(define myfn (lambda (x) (+ 1 x)))
And at last, we can use substitution rules on the last call:
(myfn 2) ; ==
((lambda (x) (+ 1 x)) 2) ; ==
(+ 1 2) ; ==
Now make-add-one makes a new function that is identical to all other functions it makes. It doesn't really add anything. A good example of where this is useful is this example:
(define (make-add by-what)
(lambda (value) (+ value by-what)))
(define inc (make-add 1))
(define add5 (make-add 5))
(map add5 '(1 2 3)) ; ==> (6 7 8)
(map inc '(1 2 3)) ; ==> (2 3 4)
Just to see it's the same:
(add5 2) ; ==
((make-add 5) 2) ; ==
((lambda (value) (+ value 5)) 2) ; ==
(+ 2 5) ; ==
; ==> 7
And how does this work. In a lexically scoped language, all lambda forms captures the variables that are not bound in their own parameter list from the scope which it was created. This is known as a closure. A simple example of this is here:
(define x 10)
(define test
(let ((x 20)
(lambda (y) (+ x y))))
(test 2) ; ==> 22
So in Scheme test uses x from the let even after the scope is out since the lambda was created in that scope. In a dynamically scoped language (test 2) would return 12 and the two previous examples would also produce other results and errors.
Lexical scoping came first to Algol, which is the predecessor to all the C language family languages like C, java, perl. Scheme was proably the first lisp and it was the essential design of the language itself. Without closure first version of Scheme was the same as its host langugage, MacLisp.
Lift the definition of inc out of make-add-one:
(define (inc x) (+ 1 x))
(define (make-add-one)
Now it's clearer that the expression (make-add-one) is the same as inc, and inc is clearly a procedure with one parameter.
In other words, invoking make-add-one with no arguments produces a procedure that takes one argument.
You can use the substitution method to follow the evaluation:
(myfn 2)
==> ((make-add-one) 2)
==> (inc 2)
==> (+ 1 2)
==> 3

Differences between two similar definitions

Is there any difference between
(define make-point cons)
(define (make-point x y)
(cons x y))
Is one more efficient than the other, or are they totally equivalent?
There are a few different issues here.
As Oscar Lopez points out, one is an indirection, and one is a wrapper. Christophe De Troyer did some timing and noted that without optimization, the indirection can take twice as much time as the indirection. That's because the alias makes the value of the two variables be the same function. When the system evaluates (cons …) and (make-point …) it evaluates the variables cons and make-point and gets the same function back. In the indirection version, make-point and cons are not the same function. make-point is a new function that makes another call to cons. That's two function calls instead of one. So speed can be an issue, but a good optimizing compiler might be able to make the difference negligible.
However, there's a very important difference if you have the ability to change the value of either of these variables later. When you evaluate (define make-point kons), you evaluate the variable kons once and set the value of make-point to that one value that you get at that evaluation time. When you evaluate (define (make-point x y) (kons x y)), you're setting the value of make-point to a new function. Each time that function is called, the variable kons is evaluated, so any change to the variable kons is reflected. Let's look at an example:
(define (kons x y)
(cons x y))
(display (kons 1 2))
;=> (1 . 2)
Now, let's write an indirection and an alias:
(define (kons-indirection x y)
(kons x y))
(define kons-alias kons)
These produce the same output now:
(display (kons-indirection 1 2))
;=> (1 . 2)
(display (kons-alias 1 2))
;=> (1 . 2)
Now let's redefine the kons function:
(set! kons (lambda (x y) (cons y x))) ; "backwards" cons
The function that was a wrapper around kons, that is, the indirection, sees the new value of kons, but the alias does not:
(display (kons-indirection 1 2))
;=> (2 . 1) ; NEW value of kons
(display (kons-alias 1 2))
;=> (1 . 2) ; OLD value of kons
Semantically they're equivalent: make-point will cons two elements. But the first one is creating an alias of the cons function, whereas the second one is defining a new function that simply calls cons, hence it'll be slightly slower, but the extra overhead will be negligible, even inexistent if the compiler is good.
For cons, there is no difference between your two versions.
For variadic procedures like +, the difference between + and (lambda (x y) (+ x y)) is that the latter constrains the procedure to being called with two arguments only.
Out of curiosity I did a quick and dirty experiment. It seems to be the case that just aliasing cons is almost twice as fast than wrapping it in a new function.
(define mk-point cons)
(define (make-point x y)
(cons x y))
(let ((start (current-inexact-milliseconds)))
(let loop ((n 100000000))
(mk-point 10 10)
(if (> n 0)
(loop (- n 1))
(- (current-inexact-milliseconds) start))))
(let ((start (current-inexact-milliseconds)))
(let loop ((n 100000000))
(make-point 10 10)
(if (> n 0)
(loop (- n 1))
(- (current-inexact-milliseconds) start))))
;;; Result
Ran in DrRacket 5.3.6 on Xubuntu.

Computing a list containing the numbers from x to y

How can I create a method which takes two numbers and prepare a list from first number to second number. The first number is always positive and less than second number? I tried the following but the I am not sure how to have a global variable in Scheme to hold previous values.
(define preplist
(let ((temp '()))
(lambda (x y)
(cond ((= x y) (append temp (list x)))
(else (append temp (list x))
(display x)
(preplist (+ x 1) y))))))
Expected result is: (preplist 3 7) => (3 4 5 6 7)
Can some one please help to resolve this problem?
The solution for (x, y) can be computed as: put x on the front of (x+1, y). It is thus clearly recursive. Like this:
(define (preplist x y)
(if (= x y)
(list y)
(cons x (preplist (+ x 1) y))))
See, it works:
> (preplist 1 4)
(1 2 3 4)
> (preplist 5 7)
(5 6 7)
There are several mistakes in your code, for starters you don't need a global variable defined in a let for storing the result, it's enough to build the answer as you advance in the recursion. And don't use append in this case, if the solution template is followed closely, a cons will suffice for building the output list.
You should stick to the recipe for building a new list recursively; this is how the problem should be solved using that recipe, it's perhaps a bit more idiomatic like this:
(define preplist
(lambda (x y)
(cond ((> x y) ; if the exit condition is met
empty) ; then return the empty list
(else ; otherwise
(cons x ; cons the current element
(preplist (add1 x) y)))))) ; and advance the recursion
An altogether different approach would be to write a tail-recursive solution. This is more efficient because a constant amount of stack is used. It doesn't follow the design recipe as outlined above, but is somewhat more similar to the solution you had in mind - but bear in mind that this doesn't use global variables (only a named let for the iteration) and the solution is accumulated and passed around as a parameter:
(define (preplist x y)
(let loop ((i y) ; named let for iteration
(acc empty)) ; define and initialize parameters
(if (> x i) ; if exit condition is met
acc ; return accumulated value
(loop (sub1 i) ; otherwise advance recursion
(cons i acc))))) ; and add to the accumulator
Of course, as pointed by #dyoo in the comments, in a practical setting you'd use the built-in range procedure which does basically the same as the preplist procedure.

How to create a function that multiplies all numbers between 1 and "x" with dotimes?

I'm making a function that multiplies all numbers between an 1 input and a "x" input with dotimes loop. If you please, check my function and say what's wrong since I don't know loops very well in Scheme.
(define (product x)
(let ((result 1))
(dotimes (temp x)
(set! result (* temp (+ result 1))))
Use recursion. It is the way to do things in Scheme/Racket. And try to never use set! and other functions that change variables unless there really is no other choice.
Here's a textbook example of recursion in Scheme:
(define factorial
(lambda (x)
(if (<= x 1)
(* x (factorial (- x 1))))))
