Laravel testing fake event - laravel

I am trying to fake event
public function should_assign_order()
and I got this error
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Support\Testing\Fakes\EventFake::getListeners()
I tried to disable telescope as this issue
by putenv('TELESCOPE_ENABLED=false');
and same issue
I need fake only this event
I am on laravel 6
PHPUnit 9.5.4.

If I understand correctly, then you are looking for scoped events as you want to test a specific event
* Test order process.
public function test_orders_can_be_processed()
$order = Event::fakeFor(function () {
$order = Order::factory()->create();
return $order;
// Events are dispatched as normal and observers will run ...
You can also read about it in the laravels documentation about scoped events


Laravel Livewire Echo configuration

I've setup a notification system with Pusher and Echo on my Laravel 8 app. It works fine, I'm able to retrieve the notification event in VanillaJS with
window.Echo.private('App.Models.User.' +
.notification((notification) => {
if (notification.type === 'App\\Notifications\\JobLiked') {
let count = document.getElementById('count');
let number = count.innerHTML;
count.innerHTML = number;
But now I want to use Livewire listeners to trigger my function, then I setup :
public function getListeners()
return [
"echo-private:App.Models.User.{$this->authId},NotificationSent" => 'notifyNewJobLiked',
But nothing seems to work and I have no error message.. do you have any clue what could possibly going on ?
Thank you very much ! :)
Try to configure your listener with the following specific event name:
public function getListeners()
return [
"echo-private:App.Models.User.{$this->authId},.Illuminate\\Notifications\\Events\\BroadcastNotificationCreated" => 'notifyNewJobLiked',
Since you are using Laravel Notifications to trigger the broadcast instead of a broadcastable event, the event name when fired defaults to Illuminate\\Notifications\\Events\\BroadcastNotificationCreated.
In Echo there are two methods to listen for incoming messages: notification and listen. The reason why it works with your vanilla js is that you are using the notification method, whereas the livewire event listener only works with Echo's listen, which expects the name of the calling event.
If you are using pusher, you can see the name of the calling event in the pusher debug console.
Also take care and add a dot in front of the namespaced event as described in the documentation.
Right way to get Echo notification in livewire:
public function getListeners()
$user_id = auth()->user()->id;
return [
"echo-notification:App.Models.User.{$user_id}, notification" => 'gotNotification'
As you can see the channel type is notification, not private:
Also don't forget to have a record authenticating the users in your channels route, same as you do for a private channel:
Broadcast::channel('App.Models.User.{id}', function ($user, $id) {
return (int) $user->id === (int) $id;
Another thing I learned is that you can get the notification channel data from the returned field.
So you can do:
public function gotNotification($notification)

Laravel Nova - Observer Update Method Causes 502

When trying to update a resource in Laravel Nova that has a Observer the update loads for a while and then ends with a 502 error. The observer is registered correctly (the created method works fine) and I'm not trying to do anything special in the updated method. Any ideas?
public function updated(Model $model)
$model->title = 'test';
If I try this without the $model->save(), there is no 502 error but the change I want to happen also doesn't happen. I get the green success message, and any change I make on the form prior to updating occurs, but not the change I'm trying to make during the updated method.
Any help troubleshooting this would be appreciated
I am not very good at Laravel, but I think, that you should to try this:
In your model file add method:
public function saveQuietly(array $options = [])
return static::withoutEvents(function () use ($options) {
return $this->save($options);
Then, in your updated method in observer do something like this:
public function updated(Model $model)
$model->title = 'test';

Queueable entity App\Setting not found for ID error in Laravel

I am trying to send emails in laravel 5.1 by using queues. When running queue listen command on terminal,
php artisan queue:listen
Displays below error on terminal,
Queueable entity [App\Setting] not found for ID [].
Values of jobs table is not process. Any idea ?
How can I process my queue ?
I know this question is a few months old, but I'd like to add an observation of mine while encountering this very same error message. It is due to the EventListener (interface of ShouldQueue in this example for asynchronous) not being able to resolve a dependant variable correctly (out of scope or not included in scope of Event object passed through the handle(Event $event) method of EventListener).
For me, this error was fired when I put my code within the __construct block within the EventListener:
public function __construct(Event $event)
$localProperty = $event->property
public function handle()
// Yeah I left this blank... whoops
Instead, the handle() method of the EventListener takes an Event interface and when called processes the job in the queue:
In the Event:
public function __construct(Object $ticket, AnotherObject $user)
$this->ticket = $ticket;
$this->user = $user;
And in Event Listener
class SomeEventListener implements ShouldQueue
use InteractsWithQueue;
use SerializesModels;
public function __construct()
// Leave me blank!
public function handle(Event $event)
$someArray = [
'ticket' = $event->ticket,
'user' = $event->user,
Mail::queue('some.view', $someArray, function($email) use ($someArray) {
// Do your code here
Although a tad late, I hope this helps someone. Queues are similar to Events (with the exception of Jobs being the main driving force behind Queues), so most of this should be relevant.
Turned out that it was because a model was added to the queue, that has since been deleted.

Laravel 5.2 Event Testing: expectsEvent not seeing the event fired although it is being fired

I have been trying to test events and I had it working yesterday. That was before I started to refactor the test code to keep it from being too repetitious. I added the setUp method call to generate the fake data using ModelFactories. This was done in each test case yesterday and as stated it was working.
I am thinking it has something to do with using the setUp method but I have no idea why that would be the case. First I attempted to use setUpBeforeClass() static method as that is only run once on unit test runs. However the laravel application is not actually setup until the first call to setUp()... A possible bug maybe? It is documented in this SO post Setting up PHPUnit tests in Laravel.
Therefore I opted to use the setUp method and just check to see if the static property is null or not, if it is null then it generates the data, if not it just goes on it's way.
Here is the output from running phpunit on the project
➜ project git:(laravel-5.2-testing) ✗ phpunit
PHPUnit 5.2.10 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
E 1 / 1 (100%)
Time: 8.94 seconds, Memory: 33.50Mb
There was 1 error:
1) UserEmailNotificationsTest::testNotificationSentOnGroupMediaSaving
Exception: These expected events were not fired: [\App\Events\GroupMediaSaving]
Tests: 1, Assertions: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 8.
Here is my code for the unit test file that I have created.
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\WithoutMiddleware;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\DatabaseMigrations;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\DatabaseTransactions;
class UserEmailNotificationsTest extends \TestCase
use DatabaseTransactions;
const USERS_TO_CREATE = 10;
protected static $communities = null;
protected static $users = null;
protected static $admins = null;
public function setUp()
parent::setUp(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
if(is_null(self::$communities)) {
self::$communities = factory(\Community::class, self::COMMUNITIES_TO_CREATE)->create()->each(function ($community) {
self::$users[$community->id] = factory(User::class, self::USERS_TO_CREATE)->create()->each(function (\User $user) use ($community) {
self::$admins[$community->id] = factory(User::class, self::ADMINS_TO_CREATE, 'superadmin')->create()->each(function (\User $admin) use ($community) {
public static function getRandomCommunityWithAssociatedData()
$community = self::$communities[mt_rand(0, count(self::$communities)-1)];
return ['community' => $community, 'users' => self::$users[$community->id], 'admins' => self::$admins[$community->id]];
* Test that the notification event is fired when a group media
* item is saved.
public function testNotificationSentOnGroupMediaSaving()
$data = self::getRandomCommunityWithAssociatedData();
$community = $data['community'];
$admin = $data['admins'][0];
$user = $data['users'][0];
$asset = factory(Asset\Video::class)->make();
$group = factory(Group::class)->make();
$group->created_by = $admin->id;
$groupMedia = factory(GroupMedia::class)->make();
$groupMedia->published_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('-1 day'));
// I can print_r($groupMedia) here and it does have an ID attribute so it was saved, I also put some debugging in the event object and it is actually fired.....
Any thoughts as to why it doesn't see the events being fired? I find it odd that they are fired if I create the models inside the test case but seem to be failing when done inside of setUp(). The worst part is I am not creating the GroupMedia model in the setUp method rather that is done in the test case.
I have also dumped the data that is returned from the getRandomCommunityWithAssociatedData method and it is returning proper model objects all with id attributes which tells me they were all saved to the database during creation.
As requested here is the code that is actually firing the event, it is located in the GroupMedia model in the static boot method.
protected static function boot()
static::saving(function($groupMedia) {
Event::fire(new \App\Events\GroupMediaSaving($groupMedia));
If you look at the source code for expectsEvents (inside the trait Illuminate/Foundation/Testing/Concerns/MocksApplicationServices), you will see that it calls the function withoutEvents, which mocks the application event dispatcher, suppressing and collecting all future events.
The problem for you is that the setUp function will have already been called at this point, so your events will not be caught and logged by the test, and will not show up when the assertion is evaluated.
In order to correctly see the events firing, you should make sure that you declare the assertion before the code which triggers the events.
Same thing happened to me, $this->expectsEvent() was not detecting that the event was being fired or prevent it from propagating to the event listeners..
Previously, I was firing my events using Event::fire(new Event()). I tried changing it to event(new Event()) and the test suddenly works correctly now, with it detecting that the event has been fired and silencing the event.

Laravel 4 how to listen to a model event?

I want to have an event listener binding with a model event updating.
For instance, after a post is updated, there's an alert notifying the updated post title, how to write an event listener to have the notifying (with the post title value passing to the listener?
This post:
Shows you how to set up event listeners using the "boot()" static function inside the model:
class Post extends eloquent {
public static function boot()
$post->created_by = Auth::user()->id;
$post->updated_by = Auth::user()->id;
$post->updated_by = Auth::user()->id;
The list of events that #phill-sparks shared in his answer can be applied to individual modules.
The documentation briefly mentions Model Events. They've all got a helper function on the model so you don't need to know how they're constructed.
Eloquent models fire several events, allowing you to hook into various points in the model's lifecycle using the following methods: creating, created, updating, updated, saving, saved, deleting, deleted. If false is returned from the creating, updating, saving or deleting events, the action will be cancelled.
Project::creating(function($project) { }); // *
Project::created(function($project) { });
Project::updating(function($project) { }); // *
Project::updated(function($project) { });
Project::saving(function($project) { }); // *
Project::saved(function($project) { });
Project::deleting(function($project) { }); // *
Project::deleted(function($project) { });
If you return false from the functions marked * then they will cancel the operation.
For more detail, you can look through Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Model and you will find all the events in there, look for uses of static::registerModelEvent and $this->fireModelEvent.
Events on Eloquent models are structured as eloquent.{$event}: {$class} and pass the model instance as a parameter.
I got stuck on this because I assumed subscribing to default model events like Event:listen('user.created',function($user) would have worked (as I said in a comment). So far I've seen these options work in the example of the default model user created event:
//This will work in general, but not in the start.php file
//this will work in the start.php file
Event::listen('eloquent.created: User', function($user)....
Event::listen('eloquent.created: ModelName', function(ModelName $model) {
