Spring Integration `RotatingServerAdvice` Polling - spring

When RotatingServerAdvice is added as an advice to a Poller, as in
PollerSpec pollerSpec = Pollers.cron(cronExpression)
.advice(rotatingServerAdvice(sftpConfig, proxyConfig))
will the poller rotate through each RotationPolicy.KeyDirectory at the scheduled time, or will it check one directory per poll? I've checked the examples in the Spring Integration Github repo and the reference documentation but I'm not able to get clarity on this. I'm guessing it should be the first, but I'd like to confirm.

Please, clarify why do you see a difference between scheduled time an poll? The poll really happens only when scheduler comes to the task to perform.
There is a fair option for you to consider. See docs: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/current/reference/html/ftp.html#ftp-rotating-server-advice


Is it right pattern of using Spring batch if one task that is launched through SCDF API call will launch other task through SCDF API calls?

I have a requirement to have a schedule batch that will identify what are the batches I need to restart or re-submit(as new job instance). Schedule batch will identify and call SCDF API to launch tasks. Is it really good design pattern to have a such batch ?
I can implement the above require pattern but is is good practice or anyone can suggest what is alternate way of doing it.
I see nothing wrong in implementing that requirement with Spring Batch (it would be a single step job with a simple tasklet). The question you should be asking is that do you really need a Spring Batch job for that? What would you gain from using Spring Batch? Most interesting features won't be used for that job (restartability, fault-tolerance, transaction management, etc), so the benefit/cost ratio is low IMO.
I have seen folks putting similar logic (db query + rest call) in a shell script scheduled with crontab. And I see nothing wrong with this approach neither.
So it really depends on how you want to implement that requirement.

JobRunr Job Processing at least once or exactly once?

We want to use JobRunr along with Spring Boot and i am looking at the documentation and it is kinda confusing.
On the main page it says the following thing
Once a background job was created without any exception,
JobRunr takes the responsibility to process it at least once.
And in the FAQ page https://www.jobrunr.io/en/documentation/faq/ it says
How does JobRunr make sure to only process a job once?
I guess what is written in the FAQ it means that it uses optimistic locking to do the coordination that the job is processed once - but this does not mean it will get processed once exactly - because it might get processed, but not updated in the DB - which means double processing can occur.
Am i getting it correct?
Also from the FAQ i can't see what happens when the status is updated to PROCESSING but the actual processing fails. This is not explained there.
Thanks a lot for the feedback.
Best Regards
It seems that this has been answered already in the Discussion tab in Github.
If no exceptions during the run of your job, JobRunr
will process your job exactly once by means of optimistic locking.
If however your job is existing out of multiple phases and
one of those last phases fails, all the prior phases will
be re-executed when your job is retried.

How to automise frequently made calls to an API

Im facing an issue and was wondering if there is some library/framework or something to help me out.
Basically i have method in an API that creates an object for me but the problem is that this is not returned to me right away but is created later in time.
all i get is a guid on method call and have to manually check in the future if my object is created and if it isnt try again.
So my wish is to somehow automise this maybe? My thoughts were for using jobs or mqueues.
Any suggestions are really appreciated. The languages im allowed to use is nestjs or spring boot.
It sounds like you're looking to set up a dynamic cron job after your API kicks off the event, and then have those cron jobs possibly create more cron jobs or send out notifications. Not sure what the Spring Boot alternative would be, but a CRON is definitely what it sounds like you need (at least to me)

Scheduled tasks with multiple servers - single point of responsibility

We have a Spring + JPA web application.
We use two tomcat servers that run both application and uses the same DB.
One of our application requirmemnt is to preform cron \ scheduled tasks.
After a short research we found that spring framework delivers a very straight forward solution to cron jobs,
(Annotation based solution)
However since both tomcats running the same webapp - if we will use this spring's solution we will create a very problematic scenario where 2 crons are running at the same time (each on a different tomcat)
Is there any way to solve this issue? maybe this alternative is not good for our purpose?
As a general rule, you're going to want to save a setting to indicate that a job is running. Similar to how "Spring Batch" does the trick, you might want to create a table in your database simply for storing a job execution. You can choose to implement this however you'd like, but ultimately, your scheduled tasks should check the database to see if an identical task is already running, and if not, proceed with the task execution. Once the task has completed, update the database appropriately so that a future execution will be able to proceed.
#kungfuters solution is certainly a better end goal, but as a simple first implementation, you could use a property to enable/disable the tasks, and only have the tasks run on one of the servers.

Grails - Time consuming processing in the controller

I currently have a controller that does a bit of heavy lifting processing (bulk csv file processing - cvs files ranging from 150Mb to 400Mb). The CSV files are uploaded to a temporary file location. Processing is done by a service that passes the file location to an APIs from an external jar (basic java API calling - no web service calls or anything). The service method takes about 2-3 times to return and the user has to wait currently for this time for the processing to complete and page to load after submitting a form - not the best user experience.
Grails users who have faced such a problem, what is the best solution to this kind of problem? I am new to Grails and JavaEE and hence this is basically a question on how one would architect such a system and the kind of libraries available for this.
I have googled quite a bit on this. People have responded with JMS, RabbitMQ etc as the solution to similar problems. But these appear to be swapping a fly with a bazooka kind of solution to my noob mind. Your suggestions are very much appreciated.
Thank you.
You can use the Spring #Async annotation on a service method if you want that method to be executed in a different thread. This is the approach I take in my Grails apps, it's dead easy.
There's an example of how to set it up here:
Use the quartz plugin... get the controller to schedule an immediate job (the scheduling is quick and the user will get a response straight away, and the processing will happen in a quartz job which runs in a different thread). Just notify the user when all the work is done (send an email or whatever).
Alternatively, use executor plugin to kick the job off in a new thread. 2.3 will have Async Support which could help here.
