After installing ORO CRM /user/login throws a 404 - installation

I have, I think, successfully installed ORO CRM as far as the documentation shows. However, when I visit the root of the domain, I am immediately redirected to /user/login (which seems to be the right action). However that page throws a 404 error.
I have changed the COMPOSER install string from commerce-crm-application (as listed under both OroCommerce and OroCRM) to just crm-application.
I have followed and it all seemed to work, except for an error with the assets installation. I ran php bin/console oro:assets:install as instructed and it completed successfully.
Does anyone have any ideas?

It looks like there are some issues with the webserver configuration.
Please check the official documentation for the recommended config and don't forget to restart the webserver after changes.


How to disabled Phusion Passenger for hosting on Plesk? When I refresh web app in VueJS I always have error

My server has Plesk and I have with frontend in Vue and backend in with laravel. Before, when I went to and tried to refresh the page, I got an error with Phusion Passenger. I have disabled Phusion Passenger on this domain but I don't remember how I did it.
Now, I have the same problem with the same front and back system. The only difference is that both domains are subdomains, that is, I have and
If I refresh it works perfectly. If I navigate from the system menu it works fine. But, if I am in for example and I try to refresh page, I get Pushion Passenger error.
Important comment that the system work perfectly, just when you try to refresh the page has this error. On the first example that I comment, now works perfecty without Passenger, I can refresh without problem, but I don't remember how I did it.
I want to disable Phusion Passenger for this hosting on plesk or domain or whatever, I hope you can help me!
Thank you very much!!
Log File:
[ E 2023-02-02 08:44:42.0486 476333/Tf age/Cor/App/Implementation.cpp:221 ]: Could not spawn process for application /var/www/vhosts/ The application process exited prematurely.
Error ID: dbcc318c
Error details saved to: /tmp/passenger-error-BX09me.html
Go in Tools&Settings >> PHP Setting
In top of the page you should find this " Select the PHP handlers you want to make available. You can install additional handlers using the Plesk Installer. "
Follow the link and will take you to Plesk Installer, there you can enable/disable modules including fusion

Magento 2.2.1 Checkout 500 (Internal Server Error)

Using Magento 2.2.1 freshly installed
I use php 7.1.1
I am using Adyen payment gateway
the extension developer says its not due to their extension. I have enabled every php extension on server side thats needed. So now it comes to magento 2
Tried to checkout as guest and then I see
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
When I try to use COD or Check the checkout process is smooth. Haven't tried with paypal or others
**Can you please help ??
If you need me to perform any steps in either server side or magento 2 please tell me the steps on what to do I will post the output here**
I have solved the issue
Solution : I used a third party extension and installed it through magento 2 admin directly which resulted the extension was not installed properly. I have used composer to install the extension and it solved the issue
I work for Adyen.
It is indeed required to install the Adyen plugin on Magento through Composer. This will include all the dependencies and prevent the issue that is shown here.
For further references you could visit our Github page:
Hope that it helps!
For the unexpected error (e.g 500), we should enable error reporting on the bootstrap:
ini_set('display_errors', -1) // enable this line remove # from start.
you will get the real issue on screen

Remotely access Parse dashboard

I managed to configure stand alone Parse server for my Android app using ubuntu server and mongoDB. And now Parse released its open source dashboard for parse server which I am able to setup but getting error in accessing it remotely.
As it says "Parse Dashboard can only be remotely accessed via HTTPS". I have almost no experience of developing web app. I have tried changing http to https in url but it didn't worked!
I have also tried adding username and password for basic auth, but it didn't worked either! Here's link for parse dashboard
Try starting the dashboard like this:
npm run dashboard
I have the same problem. I set up the parse server through heroku. I tried antsyawn's suggestion, it did not work. The github to parse-dashboard just updated a little more.
Now you should:
npm install -g parse-dashboard
parse-dashboard --appId yourAppId --masterKey yourMasterKey --serverURL "" --appName optionalName
They did suggested to add --allowInsecureHTTP=1
Nevertheless, I tried all that as well and its not working. May be you can try this too since you set up your server differently(it might work).
im working with ParseServer And ParseDashboard to Start we cant create confused about two.
For me , more important is ParseDashboard, And yes you can acess Remotely, firstly you need create a hack direct in code to do that.
To run parse dashboard without problems follow this steps.
git clone
cd parse-dashboard
npm install
After this! after!...
npm run dashboard
This screen will be showed to you...
When this image is running you can acess by url your serverIp:4040 will show dashboard.
dashboard is running.
The answer from #xiaowoo worked for me. For a visual, I watched this video
Install Parse Server and Parse Dashboard to Digital Ocean
In summary, here is what I ended up running:
parse-dashboard --appId MyApp --masterKey mysupersecretmasterkey --serverURL "" --appName TestApp --allowInsecureHTTP=1
Server response:
The dashboard is now available at
Browse to your dashboard:

Renaming my Laravel 4 root directory makes it doesn't work. What's wrong?

I got Laravel 4 zip file from gitHub. ("laravel-master").
run composer and get all the dependencies.
i can access it from: ""
but when i rename the "laravel-master" to other names, and then try to access it, i get:
"HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request."
I can not figure out what's going wrong !
You need to set your vhost docroot to /public most likely. You shouldn't be able to access it at /public since that should be the root.
Because you specifically mentioned MAMP (in the comments to an answer below), try going to Preferences on the MAMP app page, and click "--" in the cache dropdown of the PHP tab.
A simple refresh after that cleared up this same issue for me.
see Apathetic012's comment on a similar issue on Github (
EDIT: specifying where MAMP was mentioned.

SugarCRM portal installation Allow Call Time Pass Reference

I am installing SugarCRM Portal on my local host. In installation wizard it says that I must turn on Allow Call Time Pass Reference and I did at php.ini and stopped my apache server. When I started it back again an error occurred saying there was a fatal error.
Here is the error on my logs
"Fatal error: Directive 'allow_call_time_pass_reference' is no longer
available in PHP"
I cannot continue my installation if all settings are all green. This is the only thing that is blocking me. Help Please.
It says in the PHP documentation that this configuration option has been removed from PHP 5.4.0 onwards.
If your php version is above PHP 5.4.0, try downgrading PHP.
I've got it
air4x's comment is correct but not detailed so I am here to give the detailed one.
All you have to do is go to sugarportal_dir/install/ then open checkSystem.php. There is a if statement that looks like this.
if('0' == ini_get('allow_call_time_pass_reference')) {
All you have to do is change 0 to 1:
if('1' == ini_get('allow_call_time_pass_reference')) {
That's it. Hope that helps others. And thanks for the reply air4x your logic is correct.
