Laravel : Countries with Laravel Analytics - laravel

I'm using Laravel Analytics to get data of the visitors of my application.
In my Google Analytics dashboard, every page have it own visits numbers, unique visitors, countries of visitors etc .. like in this image :
In my web.php, I'm creating a route to test the package :
Route::get('/data', function () {
$analyticsData = Analytics::fetchMostVisitedPages(Period::days(7));
This route returns :
Illuminate\Support\Collection {#1564 ▼
#items: array:3 [▼
0 => array:3 [▼
"url" => "/new"
"pageTitle" => "test"
"pageViews" => 1534
1 => array:3 [▼
"url" => "/"
"pageTitle" => "test"
"pageViews" => 450
2 => array:3 [▼
"url" => "/customize/8"
"pageTitle" => "test"
"pageViews" => 196
As you can see the returned array have only url, pageTitle and pageViews. How can I add additional informations in the returned array such as countries or geographic localisation as shown in the first image ?

I've never used the package, but reading the docs, something like this will do.
The package docs state you can use any query you want, and the Google Analytics docs give an example of getting session by location.
public function myCustomMethod($maxResults = 20)
$response = $this->performQuery(
'ga:sessions', // metrics
'dimensions' => 'ga:country',
'sort' => '-ga:sessions',
'max-results' => $maxResults,
return collect($response['rows'] ?? [])->map(fn (array $pageRow) => [
// Do something with the rows that are returned.
// I'm not sure how they're returned from the main response.
Note, this is completely untested, you might want to fiddle with some of the data here.
Assuming I understand the documentation, this will get all countries (dimensions), it will use sessions (ga:sessions from second parameter) to measure the countries data.
It'll then just sort and get a maximum number of results.
You could change the metrics to ga:pageviews, but it's ultimately down to you what queries you want to use.
I've linked the documentation so you can find them out yourself.

You're using spatie/laravel-analytics package.
As you can see here: spatie laravel analytics - Analytics.php the fetchMostVisitedPages method that you are calling only returns that data.
Please take a look in github to see more information about this package.
fetchMostVisitedPages method:
public function fetchMostVisitedPages(Period $period, int $maxResults = 20): Collection
$response = $this->performQuery(
'dimensions' => 'ga:pagePath,ga:pageTitle',
'sort' => '-ga:pageviews',
'max-results' => $maxResults,
return collect($response['rows'] ?? [])->map(fn (array $pageRow) => [
'url' => $pageRow[0],
'pageTitle' => $pageRow[1],
'pageViews' => (int) $pageRow[2],


Retrieving data from a countries API

I'm using an API to get a list of countries in Laravel. I have been able to isolate the countries list only but the countries now have an inner array with details of the country. I only need the name. I've tried using foreach but it didn't work.
This below is the result from the api
#items: array:2 [▼
"countries" => array:198 [▼
0 => array:4 [▼
"code" => "BT"
"name" => "Bhutan"
"geonameid" => 1252634
"depends_on" => null
1 => array:4 [▶]
This below is the code fetching it
$response = Http::withHeaders([
'x-rapidapi-host' => '',
'x-rapidapi-key' => '1fa601995fmshcc1d2fcc97ee24cp1ac29djsn9b9b11cc10ec',
//'x-rapidapi-key' => config('app.rapid_api_key'),
return $response->collect()->pluck('name')
I'm trying to get only the name value. the return is returning null
I think this is what you want:
return collect($response->collect()["countries"])->pluck('name');
The result will be like:

Laravel Microsoft Graph request how to solve Cannot use object of type?

I try to do a graph request in my laravel project to connect Microsoft API. All works fine, but I don't find a way to get single data from my request.
$info = $graph->createRequest("GET", "/groups/{id}/calendar/events?\$filter=start/dateTime ge '" . $todayDate . "T00:00' and end/dateTime lt '" . $todayDate . "T23:00'")
->addHeaders(array("Content-Type" => "application/json"))
Output is a large json with all information. If I just want to get $info[0]['attendees'];
I get error: Cannot use object of type Microsoft\Graph\Model\User as array in file
Why? And how to access? If I try load object like $info->attendees I got error: Trying to get property 'attendees' of non-object.
This is my output (not all) of dd($info) it includes attendees as array like "id"
array:10 [▼
0 => Microsoft\Graph\Model\Event {#1532 ▼
#_propDict: array:43 [▼
"#odata.etag" => "{tag}""
"id" => "{id}"
"createdDateTime" => "2021-03-19T10:36:08.0812445Z"
"lastModifiedDateTime" => "2021-03-19T10:36:11.9402917Z"
"attendees" => array:1 [▼
0 => array:3 [▼
"type" => "required"
"status" => array:2 [▶]
"emailAddress" => array:2 [▼
"name" => "name"
"address" => "mail"
It seems your array is returning an array of attendees, you have an extra level in your array. So to fetch the first attendees status, you need to use the following code:
Try this
foreach($info as $item){
foreach($item as $inf ){
$a = $inf->status

Facebook marketing API insights (Destination url)

I'm trying to get data using Facebook Marketing API.
$api = FacebookAds::init('TOKEN');
$start = Carbon::create(2018,11,16);
$end = Carbon::create(2018,11,16);
$period = Period::create($start,$end);
$in = $api->insights($period,'act_ID', 'ad',[
'fields' => ['impressions', 'objective', 'actions'....]
I'm getting each ad actions like this:
"actions" => array:10 [▼
0 => array:2 [▼
"action_type" => "comment"
"value" => "1"
1 => array:2 [▼
"action_type" => "offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_purchase"
"value" => "1"
2 => array:2 [▼
"action_type" => "photo_view"
"value" => "114"
My question is how to get each ad destination URL?
You actually have to use AdCreative information to get the destination URL:
I use the object_story_spec and match the AdCreative with the Ad by id ( they share the same ID ).'adcreativeid'/?fields=object_story_spec
You can use this code. Destination URL will mentioned in link data -> link

Laravel reducing relationship queries

I have two models. Expense and Method. I want to grab the sum of all expenses for each method type. I have four types:
- bank
- credit-card
- wallet
- savings
Each Expense belongsTo a Method and each Method hasMany Expenses. So it's a One-to-Many relation. So a method_id is stored for each Expense.
The following query works to get the sum of all expenses that have a method with the type bank for example:
$type = 'bank';
$expenses = auth()->user()->expenses()->with('method')->whereHas('method', function ($query) use ($type) {
$query->where('type', $type);
But the thing is, if I want to get the total amount of all expenses for each method type, I will have to run too many queries. I would prefer just grabbing all Expenses, and then filtering through them to get the sum of all expenses for each method type.
The following for example doesn't work:
$expenses = auth()->user()->expenses()->with('method')->get();
$bank_balance = $expenses->filter(function ($expense)
$expense->whereHas('method', function ($query) {
$query->where('type', 'bank');
})->get(); // with or without ->get()
Any ideas how to get what I want by not using too many queries?
I've unaccepted the chosen answer because it didn't give me what I needed in the end. I need to be able to do something like this in my view:
{{ $bank_balance }}
Which means, with xyz's answer, I wouldn't be able to do that, since I cannot distinguish between them. I only get results based on method_id's, but I need to be able to distinguish them by the method name.
DigitalDrifter's answer is the one that almost does the trick, but it gives me this:
Collection {#800 ▼
#items: array:3 [▼
"bank" => Collection {#797 ▼
#items: array:30 [▼
0 => array:2 [▼
"type" => "bank"
"amount" => 1536
1 => array:2 [▶]
2 => array:2 [▶]
3 => array:2 [▶]
4 => array:2 [▶]
5 => array:2 [▶]
"credit-card" => Collection {#798 ▶}
"wallet" => Collection {#799 ▶}
And I basically need something simple like this:
"bank" => "total sum here for all expenses that have a method of 'bank'"
"credit-card" => "total sum here for all expenses that have a method of 'credit-card'"
And so on..
I think this bit ->groupBy('type')->each->sum('amount') does the trick, but not completely. It does group by type but it does not give a sum for each type, as you can see in the collection example above.
You can group by the method id and then sum the result in a select statement.
The following is untested.
$expenses = auth()->user()
->select(DB::raw('SUM(amount) as total'), 'other_select_fields', ...)
You could do this using the available collection methods:
$expenses = auth()->user()->expenses()->with('method')->get();
$groupedSums = $expenses->map(function ($expense) {
return [
'type' => $expense['method']['type'],
'amount' => $expense['method']['amount']

Replicating models across 2 systems

I have 2 systems which are seperate from each other. To let them communicate I have built an API. Both systems have common Models, one of which is a Project Model with all its relationships.
Within System A, to send a Project with its relationships I do the following.
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
$jsonProject = json_encode(Project::with('projectType', 'projectType.projectTypeData',
'projectAssets', 'projectAssets.projectAssetsData')->find($project->id));
$req = $client->request('POST', 'https://someurl/postProject', [
'body' => json_encode($jsonProject),
'headers' => [
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'Content-Length' => strlen($jsonProject),
Within System B I have the routes set up, and when the above is posted the following is triggered
public function store(Request $request)
$project = $request->all();
When I make the post request from System A I see something like this because of the dump in System B (I have removed a lot of the output to cut down on code).
array:17 [
"id" => 3
"projectName" => "Test Project"
"user_id" => 1
"contact" => "John Doe"
"project_type" => array:7 [
"id" => 3
"project_id" => 3
"project_type_data" => array:1 [
0 => array:8 [
"id" => 5
"projectType" => "Standard"
"project_assets" => array:7 [
"id" => 2
"project_id" => 3
"project_assets_data" => array:4 [
0 => array:8 [
"id" => 5
"label" => "Logo"
"altTag" => ""
"urlPath" => ""
"projectAssetsId" => 2
So everything seems to work fine. My question is this. System B now has a load of json data containing all the data required to make the models. If I was able to send a model via the api (not json) then I could easily create the model within System B. Because it is json data however, and I cant decode it because it is not a string, do I have to start looping it all in order to make my models?
