In my jmeter script i am printing some information using and same can be viewed via logviewer panel while executing scipt using jmeter tool but while running jmeter scipt via terminal how to capture the same?
NOTE: i am executing jmeter script via robotframework using keyword Run Jmeter
Is it possible to save the logviewer panel data in some file while executing script via terminal??
JMeter writes its log to jmeter.log file, by default it's located in the "bin" folder of your JMeter installation. If you're running JMeter from other folder or using a desktop shortcut - the log file will be created in this location (assuming you have write access to this location)
If for some reason you need to override the location for the jmeter.log file - you can do it in 2 ways:
Provide the desired log file location via -j command-line argument like:
jmeter -j /somefolder/someotherfolder/my-jmeter.log -n -t test.jmx -l result.jtl
If you want to make the change permanent - locate this line in log4j2.xml file (lives in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation)
<File name="jmeter-log" fileName="${sys:jmeter.logfile:-jmeter.log}" append="false">
and change filename parameter to whatever you want.
More information:
JMeter Logging and error messages
How to Configure JMeter Logging
In GUI mode I have output files that are generated, these files are configured in the "Write Results to File" field. But when running in CLI it's not generating these.
Why is this?
How do I make CLI mode produce the exact same output files?
I expected the output files to be there but they weren't.
I'm afraid we need more details, like:
What exact Listener you're using
How it's configured
What do you expect to see in the results file
What does jmeter.log say
For example when I add a Simple Data Writer and tell it to store the results into a file named JMeter properly generates the output file in non-GUI mode:
I'm doing a project and I'm trying to test it via JMeter with OS Process Sampler, but this error keeps popping up, I suppose it because there is no input given.
JMeter error
This is the menu I'm using
My question is, how can I set the input that is going to be used in the test?
Here are some images that may help:
Main page
Main(what I'm running
The error comes from your Python script, JMeter executes the script but it fails somewhere somehow (cannot read a file)
Your configuration looks correct.
Given this Python script:
import sys
def hello():
print('Hello, ' + sys.argv[1])
it can be executed successfully in the OS Process Sampler
As you can see the View Results Tree listener contains Python script output.
So maybe you should set the "Working Directory" to where you Python script lives because with your settings it's executed in JMeter's "bin" directory context hence most probably it cannot read some file.
More information: How to Run External Commands and Programs Locally and Remotely from JMeter
I have a Test plan which when I run in the Gui Mode execute the sampler one time, but when I start the Test Plan from the command line I get the sampler to be running twice.
I have deleted the result.jtl file to insure that the results are not accumulated.
Non gui command:
jmeter -n -t C:\Users\cthakor\Downloads\apache-jmeter-5.4.3\apache-jmeter-5.4.3\bin\examples\Script.jmx -l C:\Users\cthakor\Downloads\apache-jmeter-5.4.3\apache-jmeter-5.4.3\bin\examples\result.jtl
jmeter -g C:\Users\cthakor\Downloads\apache-jmeter-5.4.3\apache-jmeter-5.4.3\bin\examples\result.jtl -o C:\Users\cthakor\Downloads\apache-jmeter-5.4.3\apache-jmeter-5.4.3\bin\examples\HTMLReport
Test plan image
It's hard to say what's wrong without seeing the .jtl results file contents
It might be the case you're getting an extra result due to redirection or to retrieval of the embedded resource
So most probably the dashboard contains correct number of requests, and in GUI the sub-result is being merged into the main sample result.
If this is not something you want to see in the dashboard you can add the next line to file:
More information:
Configuring JMeter
Results file configuration
When i run my JMeter script on commandline mode, i am getting below error.
But the same script is running perfectly fine on GUI mode.
Need some help here to fix this.
Below is the error:
C:\Users\Sundarapandiyan>jmeter -n -t D:\JMETER\apache-jmeter-3.1\bin\My Projects MyFirstUIRecordBadBoy.jmx -l \JMETER\apache-jmeter-3.1\bin\My Projects CSVSample_user.csv
'jmeter' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
As Dave L mentioned, add the Jmeter installation bin directory to the system path using My Computer > properties > Advanced System settings > Environment variables > Under system variables, select PATH > Add D:\JMETER\apache-jmeter-3.1\bin to your path at the end.
Please note, windows only considers the jmeter.bat file even when you run jmeter. It won't run the plain jmeter file available under the installation path.
To directly run a program on the command line it needs to be either included in the environment PATH; in the same folder; or specified by full path.
To use JMeter via command line you can either:
Add the folder containing JMeter to your PATH (see for how to do this across Windows versions, it's quite generic despite saying JAVA)
Run it directly from the JMeter folder (in your case D:\JMETER\apache-jmeter-3.1), this is the easiest option for you.
You can do this by either Shift+Right Clicking in the folder & using 'Open command window here') or;
Changing to the directory via command line
You can change drive & directory on the command line using:
cd D:\JMETER\apache-jmeter-3.1
If we have space in folder name, the path will get break and you won't be able to run the file.
To overcome this, please use double quotes in the full path.
C:\Users\Sundarapandiyan>jmeter -n -t "D:\JMETER\apache-jmeter-3.1\bin\My Projects" MyFirstUIRecordBadBoy.jmx -l "path_to_jtl_file"
And also add complete path of jmeter. example:
C:\Users\Sundarapandiyan\Jmeter_folder\bin\jmeter -n -t [rest of the command]
If you are trying to run JMeter from the command line and are getting an error message stating that “‘jmeter’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file,” it means that JMeter is not in the system path and the system is unable to find it
To solve this issue, you will need to add the path to the JMeter installation to the system path. Here are the steps you can follow:
First, locate the installation directory for JMeter. By default, this is usually “C:\apache-jmeter-X.X\bin” (without the quotes), where X.X is the version number of JMeter
Next, go to Start > Control Panel > System and Security > System
Click the Advanced system settings link on the left side of the window
Click the Environment Variables button
Under the System variables section, scroll down and find the Path variable
Click the Edit button
Add the folder location to the Path env variable
Note: do not delete any existing values. In case you are using older Windows OS
Add the path to the JMeter installation to the end of the Variable value field. For example, if JMeter is installed in “C:\apache-jmeter-X.X\bin,” you would add “;C:\apache-jmeter-X.X\bin” (without the quotes) to the end of the field
Click OK to save the changes
After following these steps, the system should be able to find JMeter and you should be able to run it from the command line without any issues
I would like to save table data generated by an aggregate report using command line, so that I can automate the process. However, I read from an older post around 2004 using 2.2/2.3 jmeter that this cannot be done. But since it is 2014 now and we are using jmeter 2.11, I was wondering if we could save the table data.
The button boxed in red is what I am trying to do but with command line rather than with the GUI.
In order to achieve this you will have to write a batch script (windows) and shell script (Linux).
Please follow the below mentioned steps:
Run Jmeter via command line and specify path for output *.jtl file
Call CMDRunner.jar in your Jmeter \lib\ext directory to convert *.jtl file to Aggregate report and save as CSV file.
jmeter -n -t "C:\Test.jmx" -l "C:\output.jtl" ^&^& exit
java -jar CMDRunner.jar --tool Reporter --generate-csv "C:\Aggregate_Report.csv" --input-jtl "C:\output.jtl" --plugin-type AggregateReport
Run your *.bat or *.sh file
Hope this will help.