How to build a Pub Sub application with RabbitMQ, Spring Boot and React - spring

I'm trying to build an application with a couple of services. One service publishes details to a rabbitMQ queue, another spring boot application has to consume them and send the correct details to the correct user. The front end is developed in reactJS. How can I implement the spring boot consuming and sending to the subscribed user part? Any reference is appreciated. Can I use the web socket in spring boot to this?


Spring cloud Consul for non spring boot web app

I have microservice written in spring boot that is not web app (no spring-boot-starter-web dependency).
It consumes event from message bus and do some other calculation not related to web request at all.
Still I want it to be registered with Hashicorp Consul using spring cloud service registration (for external configuration and health checks) but it only registered automatically when I add the spring-boot-starter-web dependency.
Any ideas how to use spring-cloud-starter-consul without web dependency?

Receive mulitcast on Spring Boot rest application

I have developed a REST application using Spring Boot. Now I want to receive a multicast of a REST request on this application and respond to this multicast. However I have no clue how to implement this using Spring Boot and REST. I have looked online a lot and can't seem to find the answer.

How to check the java application (non spring boot) if it is up or down

I have this requirement that I need to check if the java application (not web app) is running or down via bash script.
It is non springboot application as well. It is just a normal spring application that connects and listen to kafka, get the the object from the topic and call an API.
We thought of to use spring actuator to check the health however it is not a web application.
What is the recommended way to check a non-web and non-springboot application if it is up or down?
Please advise.

Using Gateway to consume Spring Boot application from Spring Integration application

I am just starting with Spring Integration with Spring Boot 2.
I am working on a application which uses Spring Integration's HTTP outbound gateway to consume a Spring boot Service.
I am consuming the spring boot service from Spring Integration application using Gateway.
When I call the Gateway method which in turn will use the outbound gateway to call the spring boot service, the request does not seem to be completed. It is just going on when I make the HTTP GET request via the browser.
The request is also not received by the Spring Boot service.
I am not able to identify what is wrong in my Integration application when using gateway to consume a Spring Boot 2 service.
I have shared my Spring Boot 2 Application and also the Integration application which I am using to consume it in the below github folder. it contains 2 folders, one for the spring Integration application and the other for the spring boot application.
I have exposed a REST interface for the Integration application using RestController.
I access the boot application from integration application via the url, http://localhost:8763/callExternalServiceViaGateway
I am able to access the spring boot application directly from its port.
If anyone can help me identify the cause it would be great.
Your problem that the gateway method is without any args:
#Gateway(requestChannel = "", replyChannel = "")
String getCustomMessage();
In this case the gateway works as receiving. No any requests is send because nothing to wrap to the payload. See more info on the matter in the Reference Manual.
Right now I see several bugs with the payloadExpression and no arg, so I suggest you to add some String payload arg to the getCustomMessage() gateway method and perform it with an empty string.
Will take a look into the bugs and will fix them soon.
Thank you for a good sample how to catch and reproduce!

Spring Boot Java8 Microservice Simple Message Subscription service

I am new to Microservice and JMS likes to know how can I
create a subscription
read the subscription
Using Spring Boot and JMS
To get started with Spring Boot and JMS use this getting started guide
Once you have that sorted then adding the microservices is just a matter of adding the Spring MVC and Rest components which you could first experiment as a standalone project and then integrate with the JMS application.
To get started with Spring Book and Microservices use the getting started guide
JMS not part of Java SE. You need Java EE or Spring.
I'm not sure queues are the best way to solve the problem.
I'd recommend Spring Boot.
Subscription maintenance isn't something that the queue would do.
A simple REST service would manage this nicely. You'll need a persistence layer to save subscription information.
