How can I auto populate a field based on other fields with X++? - dynamics-crm

I am using D365 Finance and operations. I have a form and four fields in it. Every time I enter a new record of one of these three fields, their values should be concatenated and the combined text put to the 'Details' field which is the fourth field. I think I need to use onupdateevent for this but I do not know-how.
I used onmodifyingfield event handler and it works but only when I enter and save the second record. I mean I save record and auto-populate does not work but when I save the second record and refresh the page I can see the auto-populated field in the first record. Here is my codes;
[DataEventHandler(tableStr(InventSite), DataEventType::ModifyingField)]
public static void InventSite_onModifyingField(Common sender, DataEventArgs e)
MyTable myTable;
update_recordset mytable setting Details = MyTable.Field1 + ", " + MyTable.Field2;
I would really be appreciated if anyone can help me with this.

You can attach an event handler to Field1, Field2 and Field3 Modified events on the form DataSource and when it's triggered simply retrieve the current record, concatenate those values and write them into the Details field. The DataSource will then handle inserting or updating all those values into the database record:
FormDataFieldEventHandler(formDataFieldStr(InventSite, InventSite, Field1), FormDataFieldEventType::Modified),
FormDataFieldEventHandler(formDataFieldStr(InventSite, InventSite, Field2), FormDataFieldEventType::Modified),
FormDataFieldEventHandler(formDataFieldStr(InventSite, InventSite, Field3), FormDataFieldEventType::Modified)
public static void Field1_OnModified(FormDataObject sender, FormDataFieldEventArgs e)
// get the form DataSource
FormDataSource dataSource = sender.datasource();
// get current record
InventSite inventSite = dataSource.cursor();
// contatenate string values
str details = strFmt("%1, %2, %3", inventSite.Field1, inventSite.Field2, inventSite.Field3);
// update field value
inventSite.Details = details;
Note: I don't understand what MyTable myTable buffer is in your code example, but in this case by looking at DataEventHandler I suppose that all four fields are created in the InventSite table.


how to update select column in Spring data?

Please check the below query I am trying to update a row by the composite key
my key combination is like:
int id
int versionId
String languageId
and query is:
#Query("update languageEntity l set l.language = :language where l.languageId = :languageId")
int UpdateProcessLanguage(#Param("language ") String processDesTranslation, #Param("languageId ") UserLanguageId languageId);
I am not getting any exception. function is returning 0, means no row effected.
please check what is worng.
It's hard to say without knowing the data. As a first step I would log the generated SQL statements (see how to log sql statements in spring-boot) and check if they look right.
Why you dont wan't to use save() method for that? Just change language property on your object and pass it to the save method. It will update the row.

Find Data Using Laravel Framework

I want match data from "jobTable" based on job id then i got 5 data within this 5 data i have userId i want to show data from "userTable" based on userID. Then i will catch it on variable and i want to show it on my view then i will show it using loop.
If i do this below code it shows all data from my userTable not show based on matched JobID base UserId Details.
public function applyUser($jobId){
$applyUsers=ApplyInfo::where('job_id', $jobId)->get();
//5 rows found, with in this 5 rows everybody has userId I want to show data from user table based on this found userId and pass value a variable then i will loop it on view page.
foreach ($applyUsers as $applyUser){
return view('front.user.apply-user-details', ['applyUsersDtials'=>$applyUsersDtials]);
//when i do that that time show all data based on my user table not show based on my JobId
First of all in your code $applyUsersDtials is a variable it should be an array. Next when you need to find a single row you just need to use find(). Try this-
public function applyUser($jobId){
$applyUsers = ApplyInfo::where('job_id', $jobId)->get();
$applyUsersDtials = [];
foreach ($applyUsers as $applyUser){
$applyUsersDtials[] = Employee::find($applyUser->user_id);
return view('front.user.apply-user-details',
['applyUsersDtials' => $applyUsersDtials]);

Add row name to cde table component

I have a table component in my Pentaho CDE dashboard and data source is sql. I want to make a table like this
enter image description here
I need to add a column as row names for this table and a row on the top of column header.
I found a method here:
Table Component SubColumns
to add header, but how can i add a column before other columns?
I think a clever way to do the extra column part would be by modifying the query result object after it's retrieved from the query, so that you add the columns and rows as needed. You can do this in the PostFetch callback function, which takes the query result object as first argument:
function yourTableComponentPostFetch(queryResult) {
// Let's say you have an array of row names
var rowNames = ['Title1', 'Title2', ... ];
// Add a "title" column for every row
queryResult.resultset.forEach(function (row, idx) {
// Push it at the beginning of the row array
// Change metadata description of columns to reflect this new structure
colName: 'Title',
colIndex: -1, // this makes sense when reindexing columns below ;)
colType: 'String'
// One last re-indexing of metadata column descriptions
queryResult.metadata.forEach(function (column, idx) {
// The title added column will be 0, and the rest will rearrange
The only tricky part is the part about modifying the metadata since you are effectively changing the structure of the dataset, and making sure the queryResult object is updated in-place instead of just changing its reference (queryResult = myNewQueryResult would not work), but the code I proposed should do the trick.

Javafx: Re-sorting a column in a TableView

I have a TableView associated to a TreeView. Each time a node in the TreeView is selected, the TableView is refreshed with different data.
I am able to sort any column in the TableView, just pressing the corresponding column header. That works fine.
But: when I select a different node in the tree-view, eventhough the column headers keep showing as sorted. The data is not.
Is there a way to programmatically enforce the sort order made by the user each time the data changes?
Ok, I found how to do it. I will summarize it here in case it is useful to others:
Before you update the contents of the TableView, you must save the sortcolum (if any) and the sortType:
TableView rooms;
TableColumn sortcolumn = null;
SortType st = null;
if (rooms.getSortOrder().size()>0) {
sortcolumn = (TableColumn) rooms.getSortOrder().get(0);
st = sortcolumn.getSortType();
Then, after you are done updating the data in the TableView, you must restore the lost sort-column state and perform a sort.
if (sortcolumn!=null) {
sortcolumn.setSortable(true); // This performs a sort
I do not take into account the possibility of having multiple columns in the sort, but this would be very simple to do with this information.
I had the same problem and found out that after an update of the data you only have to call the function sort() on the table view:
TableView rooms;
// Update data of rooms
The table view knows the columns for sorting thus the sort function will sort the new data in the wanted order.
This function is only available in Java 8.
If your TableView is not reinitialized, you can also do the following:
TableColumn<BundleRow, ?> sortOrder = rooms.getSortOrder().get(0);
The example of fornacif works, but not if there is more than one sort order (try shift-click on a second column to create secondary sort order).
To do a re-sort on all columns you would need to do something like this:
List<TableColumn<Room, ?>> sortOrder = new ArrayList<>(roomTable.getSortOrder());
If you use the TableView.setItems() method, it appears to reset several aspects of the TableView. Leave the ObservableList in the TableView in place, clear its contents, and then add your new items. Then, TableView.sort() will still know which columns were previously sorted and it will work. Like this:
Marco Jakob's answer is good for most cases, but I found that I needed to create a comparator that matches the table sort order for more flexibility. You can then use any method that takes a comparator to do sorting, searching, etc. To create the comparator, I extended that ComparatorChain class from apache's Common-Collections to easily do multiple column sorting. It looks like this.
public class TableColumnListComparator extends ComparatorChain {
public TableColumnListComparator(ObservableList<? extends TableColumn> columns) {
// Get list of comparators from column list.
for (TableColumn column : columns) {
addComparator(new ColumnComparator(column));
* Compares two items in a table column as if they were being sorted in the TableView.
private static class ColumnComparator implements Comparator {
private final TableColumn column;
* Default Constructor. Creates comparator based off given table column sort order.
* #param column
public ColumnComparator(TableColumn column) {
this.column = column;
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
// Could not find a way to do this without casts unfortunately
// Get the value of the column using the column's cell value factory.
final ObservableValue<?> obj1 = (ObservableValue) column.getCellValueFactory().call(
new TableColumn.CellDataFeatures(column.getTableView(), column, o1));
final ObservableValue<?> obj2 = (ObservableValue) column.getCellValueFactory().call(
new TableColumn.CellDataFeatures(column.getTableView(), column, o2));
// Compare the column values using the column's given comparator.
final int compare = column.getComparator().compare(obj1.getValue(), obj2.getValue());
// Sort by proper ascending or descending.
return column.getSortType() == TableColumn.SortType.ASCENDING ? compare : -compare;
You can then sort at anytime with
Collections.sort(backingList, new TalbeColumnListComparator(table.getSortOrder());
I use this to sort multiple lists with the same sort, sort on background threads, do efficient updates without resorting the whole list, etc. I think there are going to be some improvements to table sorting in Javafx 8 so this won't be necessary in the future.
You can also use a SortedList.
SortedList<MatchTableBean> tableItems = new SortedList<>(
observableList, Comparator.comparing(MatchTableBean::isMarker).reversed().thenComparing(MatchTableBean::getQueryRT));
This way the table is sorted, even when the content changes or is completely replaced.
You can also do this for 0 or more Sort-Columns:
List<TableColumn<Room, ?>> sortColumns = new LinkedList<>(rooms.getSortOrder());
// rooms.setItems(...)
The reason why you create a new LinkedList is that you don't wanna just point at rooms.getSortOrder() like this:
List<TableColumn<Room, ?>> sortColumns = rooms.getSortOrder();
because this way both rooms.getSortOrder() and sortColumns will become empty after you call rooms.setItems(...) which seems to clear the rooms.getSortOrder().

jqgrid: how send and receive row data keeping edit mode

jqGrid has employee name and employee id columns.
If employee name has changed, server validate method should called to validate name. Current row columns should be updated from data returned by this method.
If employee id has changed, server validate method should called to validate id.
Current row columns should be updated from data returned by this method.
Preferably jqGrid should stay in edit mode so that user has possibility to continue changing, accept or reject changes.
How to implement this in inline and form editing?
I'm thinking about following possibilites:
Possibility 1.
Use editrules with custom validator like
editrules = new
custom = true,
custom_func = function(value, colname) { ??? }
Issues: How to get data from all columns, make sync or async call and update columns with this call results.
Possibility 2.
Require user to press Enter key to save row.
Issues: how to find which column was changed and pass this column number to server.
How to update current row data from server response.
Possibility 3.
using blur as described in Oleg great answer in
jqgrid change cell value and stay in edit mode
Issues: blur does not fire if data is entered and enter is pressed immediately. How to apply blur in this case ?
In summary server sice calculation/validation should be dones as follows:
If column in changed and focus moved out or enter is pressed in changed column to save, server side sync or if not possible then async method should be called. Changed column name and current edited row values like in edit method are passed as parameters to this method.
This method returns new values for edited row. current edited row values should be replaced with values returned by that method.
Oleg answer assumes that primary key is modified. This factor is not important. Here is new version of question without primary keys and other updates:
jqGrid has product barcode and product name columns.
If product name has changed, server validate method should called to validate name. Current row columns should be updated from data returned by this method.
If product barcode has changed, server validate method should called to validate product barcode.
Current row columns should be updated from data returned by this method.
jqGrid should stay in edit mode so that user has possibility to continue changing, accept or reject changes.
How to implement this in inline and form editing?
I'm thinking about following possibilites:
Possibility 1.
Use editrules with custom validator like
editrules = new
custom = true,
custom_func = function(value, colname) { ??? }
Issue: custom_func does not fire if input element loses focus. It is called before save for all elements. So it cannot used.
Possibility 2.
Require user to press Enter key to save row.
Issues: how to find which column was changed and pass this column number to server.
Save method should known column (name or barcode change order) and fill different columns. This looks not reasonable.
Possibility 3.
using blur:
colModel: [{"label":"ProductCode","name":"ProductCode","editoptions":{
{"type":"focus","fn":function(e) { ischanged=false}},
{"type":"change","fn":function(e) {ischanged=true}},
{"type":"keydown","fn":function(e) {ischanged=true }},
{"type":"blur","fn":function(e) { if(ischanged) validate(e)} }
To implement validate I found code from Oleg great answer in
jqgrid change cell value and stay in edit mode
Summary of requirement:
If column in changed and focus moved out or enter is pressed in changed column to save, server side sync or if not possible then async method should be called. Changed column name and current edited row values like in edit method are passed as parameters to this method.
This method returns new values for edited row. current edited row values should be replaced with values returned by that method.
This question is not about concurrency. This is single user and jqGrid issue. Updating means that single user changes product name or barcode and server shoudl provide additonal data (product id and/or name/barcode) is responce of this.
Update 4
I tried code below.
If user enters new code and presses Enter without moving to other row, blur does not occur and validation is not called.
How to dedect in jqGrid save method if cell is dirty or other idea how to force this code to run if enter is pressed to end edit without losing focus from changed foreign key cell ?
function validate(elem, column) {
ischanged = false;
var i, form, row;
var postData = { _column: column };
var colModel = $("#grid").jqGrid('getGridParam', 'colModel');
var formEdit = $(elem).is('.FormElement');
// todo: use jQuery serialize() ???
if (formEdit) {
form = $(elem).closest('form.FormGrid');
postData._rowid = $("#grid").jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selrow');
for (i = 0; i < colModel.length; i++)
eval('postData.' + colModel[i].name + '="' + $('#' + colModel[i].name + '.FormElement', form[0]).val() + '";');
else {
row = $(elem).closest('tr.jqgrow');
postData._rowid = row.attr('id');
for (i = 1; i < colModel.length; i++)
eval('postData.' + colModel[i].name + '="' + $('#' + postData._rowid + '_' + colModel[i].name).val() + '";');
$.ajax('Grid/Validate', {
data: postData,
async: false,
type: 'POST',
success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (formEdit)
$('#' + data[i].name + '.FormElement', form[0]).val(data[i].value);
$('#' + postData._rowid + '_' + data[i].name).val(data[i].value);
colModel is defined as:
"editoptions": {"dataEvents":
[{"type":"focus","fn":function(e) {ischanged=false}
{"type":"change","fn":function(e) {ischanged=true},
{"type":"keydown","fn":function(e) {if(realchangekey()) ischanged=true}
},{"type":"blur","fn":function(e) { if(ischanged) { validate(,ProductBarCode')}}
It's one from the problems which is much easier to avoid as to eliminate. I have to remind you about my advises (in the comments to the answer) to use immutable primary key, so that is, will be never changed. The record of the database table can be destroyed, but no new record should have the id of ever deleted record.
On any concurrency control implementation it is important that the server will be first able to detect the concurrency problem. It can be that two (or more) users of your web application read the same information like the information about the employee. The information can be displayed in jqGrids for example. If you allow to change the employee id, than the first problem would be to detect concurrency error. Let us one user will change the employee id and another user will try to modify the same employee based on the previous loaded information. After the user submit the midification, the server application will just receive the "edit" request but will not find the corresponding record in the database. The server will have to sent error response without any detail. So the errorfunc of the editRow or the event handler errorTextFormat of the editGridRow should trigger "reloadGrid" reload the whole grid contain.
If you allow to edit the primary key, then I can imagine more dangerous situation as described before. It can be that another user not only change the id of the current editing row to another value, but one could change the id of one more record so, that its new id will be the same as the current editing id. In the case the request to save the row will overwrite another record.
To prevent such problems and to simplify the optimistic concurrency control one can add an additional column which represent any form of the timestamp in every table of the database which could be modified. I personally use Microsoft SQL Server and add I used to add the non-nullable column of the type rowversion (the same as the type timestamp in the previous version of the SQL Server). The value of the rowversion will be send to the jqGrid together with the data. The modification request which will be send to the server will contain the rowversion. If any data will be save in the database the corresponding value in the corresponding rowversion column will be automatically modified by the SQL database. In the way the server can very easy detect concurrency errors with the following code
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.spEmployeesUpdate
-- #originalRowUpdateTimeStamp used for optimistic concurrency mechanism
-- it is the value which correspond the data used by the user as the source
#Id int,
#EmployeeName varchar(100),
#originalRowUpdateTimeStamp rowversion,
#NewRowUpdateTimeStamp rowversion OUTPUT
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- ExecuteNonQuery() returns -1, but it is not an error
-- one should test #NewRowUpdateTimeStamp for DBNull
UPDATE dbo.Employees
SET Name = #EmployeeName
WHERE Id=#Id AND RowUpdateTimeStamp=#originalRowUpdateTimeStamp;
-- get the new value of the RowUpdateTimeStamp (rowversion)
-- if the previous update took place
SET #NewRowUpdateTimeStamp = (SELECT RowUpdateTimeStamp
FROM dbo.Employees
You can verify in the code of the server application that the output parameter #NewRowUpdateTimeStamp will be set by the stored procedure dbo.spEmployeesUpdate. If it's not set the server application can throw DBConcurrencyException exception.
So in my opinion you should make modifications in the database and the servers application code to implement optimistic concurrency control. After that the server code should return response with HTTP error code in case of concurrency error. The errorfunc of the editRow or the event handler errorTextFormat of the editGridRow should reload the new values of the currently modified row. You can use either the more complex way or just reload the grid and continue the modification of the current row. In case of unchanged rowid you can easy find the new loaded row and to start it's editing after the grid reloading.
In the existing database you can use
ALTER TABLE dbo.Employees ADD RowUpdateTimeStamp rowversion NOT NULL
Then you can use NewId instead of the id in the jqGrid or in any other place which you need. The NewId can coexist with your current primary key till you update other parts of your application to use more effective NewId.
UPDATED: I don't think that one really need to implement any complex error correction for the concurrency error. In the projects at my customers the data which are need be edited can not contain any long texts. So the simple message, which describe the reason why the current modifications could not be saved, is enough. The user can manually reload the full grid and verify the current contain of the row which he edited. One should not forget that any complex procedures can bring additional errors in the project, the implementation is complex, it extend the development budget and mostly the additional investment could never paid off.
If you do need implement automated refresh of the editing row I would never implement the cell validation in "on blur" event for example. Instead of that one can verify inside of errorfunc of the editRow or inside of the errorTextFormat event handler of the editGridRow that the server returns the concurrency error. In case of the concurrency error one can save the id of the current editing row in a variable which could be accessed inside of the loadComplete event handle. Then, after displaying of the error message, one can just reload the grid with respect of $('#list').trigger('reloadGrid',[{current:true}]) (see here). Inside of loadComplete event handle one can verify whether the variable of the aborted editing row is set. In the case one can call editRow or editGridRow and continue the editing of the string. I think that when the current row are changed another rows of the page could be also be changed. So reloading of the current page is better as reloading of the data only one current cell or one row of the grid.
