I am very new to react and wanted to handle row expand/collapse in a prime react data table. I am trying to keep only one row expanded at a time
const onRowToggle = ( e) => { setExpandedRows(e.data); }
I am using above line for that purpose.
Please help!
If you want to have only one row expanded, then remove onRowToggle from your DataTable component and implement the following onRowExpand method
onRowExpand(event) {
setExpandedRows({ [event.data.id]: true });
I want to react to a row click; I don't want the checkbox/select things, I just want to know when a particular row was clicked. Where do I put the hook for that?
use afterSelectionChange.
gridOptions.afterSelectionChange = function (rowItem) {
var entity = rowItem.entity;
This is how my table looks:
a checkBox column
a name column
The table contains 5 rows.
What I want to achieve is to make the last two rows of the table unselectable (the respective checkboxes in the checkBox column should also disappear).
I managed to do this with jQuery after the table was rendered. Does the SlickGrid table allow me to perform the above mentioned scenario?
You can add a function for returning getItemMetadata() which is demonstrated in this example.
Here's a simplified version:
function getItemMetaData(row){
if (row >= view.getLength() - 2){ //only on last two rows.
return { selectable: false };
} else {
return {};
var view = new Slick.Data.DataView();
view.getItemMetadata = getItemMetaData;
var grid = new Slick.Grid(selector, view, cols, opts);
This method is then called in canCellBeSelected at line 2944 in slick.grid.js
I have a kendo grid with first column as Checkboxes. I want to delete multiple rows using those check boxes. I am able to delete only single row at a time.
I tried adding
for the data source and below is my function for delete button outside the grid.
function deleteRule() {
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
grid.select().each(function () {
Any suggestions please ?
Yo mate,
How exactly do you remove that one row? Why you use the select method?
Basically I would suggest you to create a delete button which executes the logic to delete the selected rows - I guess you are using a tempalte column with a checkbox inside. If you add a class to that checkbox you can easily select all the checkboxes inside of the grid. So lets say the name of the class for the checkbox is cool then you can execute the following logic in the delete button click handler:
function whenYourDeleteButtonIsClicked(){
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
I hope you got the idea mate.
Good luck.
Here is what i use
works very well
$('#your-grid-id').data("kendoGrid").select().each(function () {
I am populating Grid2 from the records selected from Grid1. however The records added are getting replaced by the new set of records from Grid1 whenever i select and add again. below is my code. This is only for the UI. I thought of appending the new records as below. Please guide with the correct code
function StuffData(data) {
var g = jQuery('#Grid2');
var usersList = data;
var totalRecords= jQuery('#Grid2').jqGrid('getGridParam','records');
alert('Grid records' +totalRecords);
if (usersList!=null) {
for(var i=0;i<=usersList.length;i++){
// g.jqGrid('addRowData',i+1,usersList[i]);
totalRecords += 1;
// g.jqGrid('addRowData',0,usersList);
The call to clearGridData is removing the old rows from the grid. From the jqGrid documentation:
Clears the currently loaded data from grid. If the clearfooter parameter is set to true, the method clears the data placed on the footer row.
If you only want to append data, you should be able to just remove this line of code. Or am I missing something?
The drag/drop column reordering is a great feature, but how do I prevent the users from moving particular (non-data) columns?
For example, I am using the Checkbox Selectors for my mutli-select Grid, but this column should always be locked to the left, while the other columns can be freely reordered.
I looked at the sortable demos on jQuery UI and modified the setupColumnReorder function in slick.grid.js to exclude certain items. By excluding the checkbox column I was able to prevent it from getting reordered, even by dragging other columns before it.
function setupColumnReorder() {
var checkBoxColumn = $headers.children([0]).attr('id');
items: "div:not('.slick-resizable-handle','#"+checkBoxColumn+"')",
Since my checkbox column is always first, I just grab the id like so. A bit of a hack, but it worked.
I tried this:
function setupColumnReorder() {
var checkBoxColumn = $headers.children([0]).attr('id');
items: "div:not('.slick-resizable-handle','#"+checkBoxColumn+"')",
but i had problems when dragging other columns before it. Then i tried this:
grid.onColumnsReordered.subscribe(function (e, args) {
if (myGridColumns[0].id != grid.getColumns()[0].id)
myGridColumns= grid.getColumns();
and it was just fine.