How to totally overwrite the version of spring boot starter? - spring

The spring boot version in my parent module is v2.1.17.RELEASE
And then I introduced spring-boot-starter-security in the sub-module, and the specified version is 2.4.4, which overwrites the version in the parent module (v2.1.17.RELEASE).
Then, I ran the mvn dependency:tree command and found that the version of spring-boot-starter-security in the sub-module was indeed 2.4.4, but the version of artifactId (such as spring-aop) referenced in spring-boot-starter-security was still the version 5.1.x, which correspond to v2.1.17.RELEASE version of spring-boot-starter-security instead of the version 5.3.x which correspond to v2.4.4 version of spring-boot-starter-security

Hi please check this example


NoSuchMethodError: org.springframework.plugin.core.PluginRegistry.getPluginOrDefaultFor

Everything was fine, even with Swagger however suddenly after new build project won't compile throwing
Caused by: org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextException: Failed to start bean 'documentationPluginsBootstrapper'; nested exception is java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.springframework.plugin.core.PluginRegistry.getPluginOrDefaultFor(Ljava/lang/Object;Lorg/springframework/plugin/core/Plugin;)Lorg/springframework/plugin/core/Plugin;
I have tried solution from this link:
however compilation error still persist.
I am attaching pom.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>
<!-- -->
Any ideas, is this related to swagger version?
This error happens when a piece of code has been compiled with a given method signature, but at runtime, another is found.
This usually happens when there's a difference between the version of a dependency used at compile time, and the dependency that is actually provided to the program at runtime.
We just had this error as well with a colleague, and we fixed it by simply changing the spring boot version to 2.2.2.
Not sure what exactly happened, but given the version is a SNAPSHOT, a wild guess would be that the last working version of springfox (working for you and us) was compiled with a Spring boot version inferior to 2.2.2.
That boot version had a different method signature for getPluginOrDefaultFor (or possibly the method didn't exist at all).
Your program sees no difference, because the swagger lib's API didn't change, so
it seems like nothing changed and there's suddenly an error.
But the actual swagger lib's underlying implementation relies on some method from Spring Boot 2.2.2, which it doesn't find in your setup since Boot's version is 2.1.0, and this generates a conflict between what it expects to find and what it actually does.
Anyway, just upgrading your Boot to 2.2.2 should fix it ; possibly downgrading spring-fox to 2.9.2 if you don't need the webflux module- but it seems you do (didn't get the chance to try, because in our case we do need the springfox webflux dependency)

Upgraded spring boot from 2.1.9 to 2.2.0 , now getting exception while starting

I upgraded spring boot from 2.1.9 to 2.2.0 now I am facing some exception while starting the application
java : openjdk11
spring-boot: v2.2.0.RELEASE
I tried by deleting the jar from this below location and did mvn clean install, still no luck.
error :
An attempt was made to call a method that does not exist. The attempt was made from the following location:<init>(
The following method did not exist:<init>(Lorg/springframework/boot/actuate/health/HealthAggregator;)V
The method's class,, is available from the following locations:
It was loaded from the following location:
Correct the classpath of your application so that it contains a single, compatible version of
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<!-- Start: Spring Libraries -->
<!-- End: Spring Libraries -->
<!-- Adding JAXB Runtime since it is not shipped with JDK 9+ -->
<!-- Start: xxxxx Libraries -->
<!-- End: xxxxx Libraries -->
<!-- Adding Zeebe client as part of the Spring Startup -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Logstash Log Encoder -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Start: Swagger Libraries -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- End: Swagger Libraries -->
<!-- Start: Spring Boot and Security Test Libraries -->
<!-- End: Spring Boot and Security Test Libraries -->
<name>Spring Milestones</name>
New exception :
An attempt was made to call a method that does not exist. The attempt was made from the following location:<init>(
The following method did not exist:
The method's class, org.springframework.plugin.core.PluginRegistry, is available from the following locations:
It was loaded from the following location:
Correct the classpath of your application so that it contains a single, compatible version of org.springframework.plugin.core.PluginRegistry
An attempt was made to call a method that does not exist. The attempt was made from the following location:
The following method did not exist:
The method's class, org.springframework.plugin.core.PluginRegistry, is available from the following locations:
It was loaded from the following location:
Correct the classpath of your application so that it contains a single, compatible version of org.springframework.plugin.core.PluginRegistry
How to resolve this issue?
In short, issue is due to spring cloud and spring boot version incompatibility, spring boot 2.2.X requires Hoxton release train instead of Greenwich. See below for more info.
This issue is due to spring-cloud.version incompatibility. As per spring cloud documentation link(, below is the spring boot compatibility:
Release train Spring Boot compatibility
Release Train Boot Version
Hoxton 2.2.x
Greenwich 2.1.x
So if you are updating spring boot to 2.2.x then update to Hoxton release train for spring cloud as well i.e Hoxton.RC1(
P.S: As per spring cloud Milestone page Hoxton.RELEASE in due on Nov 18, 2019 (
Actually springfox ist not compatible with Spring-Boot 2.2.0. It seems that springfox is dead at all.
Instead you can use: SpringDoc OpenApi
This seems to be a known issue:
If you use Spring Cloud dependencies in your Spring Boot application make sure you have the correct Spring Cloud version on classpath! Only Spring Cloud's "Hoxton" ( release train currently support Spring Boot 2.2.
Update your springfox-swagger version. I have upgraded springfox 2.9.2 running with boot 2.2.2
SpringFox needs version 1.2.0 version but Spring Boot 2.2.2 itself does not pull this in.So you somehow got spring-plugin-core-1.2.0.RELEASE in your classpath.Then it will work fine
As user10871691 and P3arl have already noted, the spring-plugin-core dependency is resolved with the wrong version 1.2.0.RELEASE. In order to force usage of the correct 2.0.0.RELEASE, you have to
EITHER exclude the wrong transitive dependency and specify the correct one,
OR pin (!) that dependency version in your pom.xml. This is done in the <dependenciesManagement> block, not in the <dependencies> block.
Example for Springfox 3.0.0 using version pinning in the <dependenciesManagement> block:
<!-- Fix wrong resolved `spring-plugin-core` dependency version for springfox -->
<!-- API Documentation -->
<!-- API Documentation -->
Supported Cloud version. Hoxton.M2
It's strange. The spring-plugin-core version should be 2.0.0, not 1.2.0. Let's upgrade it:
<!-- -->
I was also facing the same issue and after adding the updated plugin-core dependency. It is resolved now.
If spring-plugin-core-1.2.0.RELEASE is not working in your project then another approach is that to use springfox-swagger with 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT version. For this version it has different repository.
Repository url :
It will use #EnableSwagger2WebMvc annotation instead of #EnableSwagger2.
I upgraded to Springfox Swagger2 to 3.0.0 version and spring plugin code to 2.0.0.RELEASE version. It worked for me.
Spring Boot Version - 2.3.9.RELEASE

Can not resolve WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter class in SpingBoot version 2.0.6

When I try to write a config class, the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter class can not be resolved and so does the annotation #EnableWebSecurity.
I reckoned it is caused by the version conflict so I tried to change the version of spring-boot-starter-security. It turns out that the class can not be extended in version 2.0.6 yet it works in 2.0.0.
So is there any substitutions for WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter in 2.0.6?
Here is my pom.xml
<description>Demo login and register for Spring Boot</description>
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<!--Version 2.0.6 will cause a conflict, we need to modify the version to 1.5.6-->
<!--if you do not want to modify the version above, the following dep is the substitution-->
In spring boot 2.0.6, you will still use :
If you made a version upgrade, you may have both of them in your .m2 repository and maven does not know which one to use.
Solution: please delete .m2 folder - check its location based on your operating system - and please take notice it is a hidden folder.
Delete version for spring-boot-starter-security and run command mvn clean package to reimport all dependencies.
If you are using parent then not required version to mention in dependencies as it will auto take care of all required compatible version and load..
so just use below without version..
Note: WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter is avaibale in 2.0.6 if you would like to extend or you can implement WebSecurityConfigurer.

How to override version of libraries included automatically under spring-boot-starter

I have spring-boot-starter in my POM and versions are automatically resolved by Camden dependency management system.
<!-- Spring Boot -->
This gives me version 1.4.3.RELEASE of spring-boot-starter.
One of the jars spring boot starter includes automatically in the maven dependencies is logback-classic: 1.1.18
ch.qos.logback_logback-core version 1.1.8 has a vulnerability because of which I want to switch over to logback version 1.2
This vulnerability is explained in the link below
Now, is there a way to override the logback version to 1.2 from what spring-boot-starter automatically resolves it to so that I am not exposed to this vulnerability ?
Based on your pom file, you can achieve this by excluding the dependency of 1.1.8 first then add the dependency of 1.2.0.
For example:
add properties tag in pom like this

spring cloud version Brixton.SR5 with spring boot 1.4

I have a new project that we are doing with spring Brixton.SR1...
and Brixton.SR1 or SR5 is built on 1.3.5.RELEASE but forum says it has been tested with 1.4.0.RELEASE and thus i want to use some features of 1.4.0.
And then we are adding dependencies and are all default versions are used eg.. spring boot is 1.3.5.RELEASE, so current structure is as given below.
But i want to use 1.4.0 . Can i exclude 1.3.5 version and use this new version....and i dont want to overwritte this for all spring boot artifacts . eg.. as given below
and so on so forth..
rather want to have a common version for spring-boot artifact and which should give default versions to all spring artifacts as 1.4.0
just import spring boot's 1.4 bom and spring cloud's bom into your pom.xml:
