Spring Tool Suite 4 not showing option for JSP file - spring

I am following a tutorial that wants me to add a JSP file to the exercise. When I try to add a 'Other' in the Wizard and search for JSP, it is not an option. Spring Tool Suite 4 not showing option for JSP file.
What resource am I missing and how do I add it?
I also have a warning no JRE's installed, is this related to my issue?

Found this solution in StackOverflow
If anyone is having this issue with Sring Starter Project in Spring Tool Suite 4:
Help -> Install New Software -> WorkWith Spring Tool Suite 4
Scroll to bottom and select :
Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development

By default, the JSP files are not included in the suite.
In your suite,
Just go to Help -> Eclipse Marketplace -> type Eclipse Enterprise Java and Web Developer Tools (version = latest one is 3.22) and install it
Then restart your suite and check now.


Spring Boot application is not running in STS with profiles due to Run Configuration is not showing Project names in Drop Down to be selected

Need some help in running Spring Boot Application, I have cloned a Microservice and Imported into Eclipse. Now I want to run this as spring boot application in my STS(4.10.0 version). While running I need to supply profile. For this I am setting up configuration (Run Configuration).
Steps :
Right click on Project
Select Run As > Run Configurations
Select "Spring Boot App" -> Click to Add new Configurations
Here I am unable to select Project, it is not displayed in drop down. Below is screenshot
Note : I tried Importing Project as "Maven Project", "Existing project Into Workspace" and Git project into workspace. All these 3 ways are not working for me
Need help
This looks like your project is not recognized as a Spring Boot application. Without looking at your project it is hard to say why the IDE doesn't identify your project as a Spring Boot project. Does that work when you create a new Spring Boot project using the Spring wizards? Also feel free to share a link to your project, we would be happy to take a deeper look.
As a workaround, you can always start your Spring Boot application as a regular Java Application using the "Run as Java Application" in the IDE. That way you would have to set the active profiles via a system property in your launch config.
Oddly, I had this issue for a spring boot maven project and it was pom.xml being malformed even with no warning or error. Took me days, I had imported/re-imported/messed with the java build path/compiler and installed jres. I was unable to download maven dependencies. I took a look in the dependencies section of the pom.xml and noticed lifecycle-mappings issue. Once I took out the 3 lines of incorrect xml syntax in the pom.xml I was able to download the maven dependencies and then the project appeared as a spring boot project in run configs.

An internal error occurred during: "Building UI model"

i am trying to create new project in eclipse "Spring started Project" but it gives the error An internal error occurred during: "Building UI model".
i am new in spring boot ..please solve the problem also shared screenshot here.
Please install "TestNG plug-in for Eclipse". It will solve the issue.
I found this problem same you. Because your Eclipse and STS version miss match. example I use Eclipse Mar(4.5.x) and download Spring version 3.8.2 this is miss match version.
I have 2 solution
Download Spring Tool suit (STS) at "https://spring.io/tools/sts/legacy"
Please check your Eclipse before download
you can not download STS at "Eclipse Market Place". because eclipse search new version of STS. (is match for new vesion of Eclipse)
you can download at "Install new software". and I use this Link http://dist.springsource.com/release/TOOLS/update/e4.X/
you can insert version match for your Eclipse at "x"
I was also facing same issue. I fixed it by updating all the plugins etc. You need to click on "Check for Updates" in help and proceed further.
I have Eclipse Neon.3 Release (4.6.3). I added STS plugin through Marketplace. (See http://www.adeveloperdiary.com/java/spring-boot/create-spring-boot-application-step-step/)
After that I got the same error while creating new spring starter project.
An internal error occurred during: "Building UI model".
After updating all the plugins i am able to creat a new spring starter project.

How to enable spring support in IntelliJ Community Edition 2016.1.3

I have very good pure Java basic knowledge. As long as there are no XML config and no project management tools involved, I am very good.
The things that really confused me are the project management tools, e.g.: Maven, Gradle.
I am learning Spring, and it is so confusing to me since it involves many XML files and there is no clear explanation for it.
I am learning Spring from this set of video tutorials, Lecture 6
Spring "Hello World".
I couldn't get a Spring hello world done because it requires a xxxxx.xml file to config the beans (Java object). To generate the XML files, I need to generate an XML file using a plugin on IntelliJ 2016.
The question is I can't find the plugin to generate a XML file for the bean by following this official tutorial. There is no such plugin called " Spring Support".
What should I do to generate the beans.xml? (The file to manage beans for Spring)
You can't enable Spring support with IntelliJ community Edition, it only available with paying version (Ultimate).
However, you can create the .xml file manually and CE version also supports it (a little bit).
To working with Spring or J2EE, you should get familiar with build tools like Maven, Gradle (or Ant in some special case). The concept is simple and you can get it easily from the official website (https://maven.apache.org/ - http://gradle.org/).
For Spring, if you are not familiar with creating a .xml file, you can use Java configuration instead or move to use Spring-boot to forget this configuration file (almost).
However, at first, I think you should get the basic concept of Spring and try to work well with .xml files configure. It'll be helpful in the future when you work with it deeply.
Let's take things one by one:
Your problem understanding builds management tools like maven and gradle. Try these links for tutorials: Maven in 5 Minutes, gradle is very advance build automation tool with continuous Integration features, you can find a good comparison between gradle and maven here.
If you are confused about spring to try this book: Spring in Action 3rd Edition (4th Edition is also available, I recommend 3rd edition as you will be able to link XML to annotations.)
You do not need any tool to generate XML files. Copy a sample spring configuration file from the internet, remove unwanted elements and write your own beans.
The Spring support plugin is a feature of IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, which is a commercial IDE. It's not available in the free Community Edition.
You don't need any plugin to generate the beans.xml file; you can write it manually in the source code editor.
For Spring support, did you try "Spring Assistant" plugin ?
Good part it is it has active development.
Edit on Aug 21, 2020:
Seems like this plugin has no more active development. Its last release was in 2018 April.
No need to worry. We sill have some good news :-)
Its Github repository is here. We can clone the repo and make necessary changes what ever we specifically need.
I know you are asking about IntelliJ Idea but as it is a commercial tool, you should pay to let you use its plugins. Another way is using "Spring Tools for Eclipse" which is a great environment to develop Spring applications. But you need to be familiar with eclipse.
It can be downloaded from:
Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse

I don't have the "Web Application" in the "Add Frameworks Support dialog" in Intellij IDEA Ultimate 2016.1

I opened a Maven pom.xml project file that describes a project that creates a WAR file.
I want to enable Web Application support in the hope that that will help me edit JSPs.
I follow the instructions here but I do not have the "Web Application" option. I see this instead:
What am I doing wrong?
I had to enable the plugin "Java EE: EJB, JPA, Servlets". I enabled JSP Support, thinking it would enable all I needed for JSP support - clearly not. Annoying

JDeveloper 11g and Spring

I new to Jdeveloper. I want to build a sample Spring web app.
In making a new application, I chose "Java EE Web Application" and JDev made the application and two projects. I did not see how to add Spring.
Should Spring show up as one of the "Project Technologies" from which to choose?
Which version of JDeveloper are you using? Earlier versions require you to download the Spring Extension.
Basic instructions here:
