TTGO LoRa32 without OLED display - esp32

I purchased TTGO Lora Module without OLED display. There is a line of pads in the PCB. When I upload I2C scanner sketch from Arduino IDE, it does not detect any I2C devices.
So, if I want to use a display of my own, e.g. OLED with any kind of I2C controller (SSD1306, SH1106 etc.) it should not collide with any existing controller on-board, is that right?
What about uploading Meshtastic firmware, should it work when I connect i2c display with SSD1306?


Flashed bootloader successfully but device doesn't show up in device manager

I've successfully compiled and flashed the arduino samd bootloader onto a custom atsamd21 board. I am using an external crystal oscillator (32khz) so I am not using the -DCRYSTALLESS option.
Now that I plug it in I don't hear or see anything pop up. Even in the arduino ide it doesn't show up.
What could be the cause(s)?

Matrice 100 - On Board SDK

For my M100 I want to control several external devices such as laserpointer or thermal camera. I think, for a full control I have to integrate it by OSDK. I looked through the dji sdk documentation, but I have no idea where to start and what I effectively have to do. May somebody give me a little hint how to start and what really is necessary to fullfill my requirement described below.
Connect a Flir Boson (3.3V) and display the thermal image on the remote controllers mobile device.
Control the thermal camera (switch on/off) by the remote conroller.
Connect a laser pointer on a standard port of the M100 and control switch it on/off by a button of the remote controller.

PS2 Keyboard interface runs smoothly in Active-HDL simulator, but not working on Nexys2 Board

I have to make a PS2 Keyboard Controller project at the university and i encountered a few problems when trying to test the system on the FPGA board.
It had worked perfectly in the simulator of Active-HDL, but i am not sure what it might be that stops it from working on the board, because when i try to program the board, the .bit file gets uploaded, but it does not react when i plug the PS/2 Keyboard in it and try to press a key.
I thought that probably a problem might be related to the PS/2 Keyboard protocol or the way it is synthesized for the board, but i really do not know.
The source code is here and the top level is called "ps2_top_src".
I am sorry for the way of uploading the code, but i couldn`t make it upload anywhere else.

How do I tell OS X to ignore the input from one of two connected USB mice?

I have two USB mice connected to my Mac, one of which I'm using as a scanner. I need access to the Generic X and Y data but I don't want that data to move the cursor. How, under either carbon or cocoa environments, do I tell the system to ignore the mouse as a pointing device?
Edit: after some digging I've found that I can turn off mouse position updating with the CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition() function, but this does not allow me to specify a single mouse. Can anyone explain the OS X relationship between HID mouse devices and the cursor? There has to be a binding between the hardware and software on a device by device basis but I can't find it.
I would look into writing a basic user-space driver for the mouse.
This will allow you direct access to the mouse as a USB device. You can also take control of the device from the system for your exclusive use.
There is some documentation here:
Working With USB Device Interfaces
To get you started, the set up steps to connect to a USB device go like this (I think, my IOKit is rusty)
include < IOKit/IOKitLib.h > and < IOKit/usb/IOUSBLib.h >
find the device you are interested in using IOServiceMatching(). This lets you pick find the correct USB device based on its properties, including things like vendor ID, &c. (See the IORegistryExplorer tool screen shot below)
get a USB plugin instance (let's call it plugin) with IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService()
use plugin from step 2 get a device interface (let's call it device) using (**plugin)->QueryInterface()
device represents a connection handle to your USB device--open it first using either (**device).USBDeviceOpen or (**device).USBDeviceOpenSeize(). from there you should be able to send/receive data.
Sounds like a lot I know.. and there might be an easier way, but this is what comes to my mind. There may be some benefits to having this level of control of the device, not sure. good luck.

How can I get windows to remember my device after installing it so I don't get the new device message upon every connection?

I have a piece of hardware that we created that connects to my PC via USB. We also wrote the drivers for it. EVERY time I plug this device in, the new device message comes up, even though the drivers are installed. I can cancel the dialog and it works fine, but it looks like crap and I'll be selling this product and want it to function like other USB products and only throw this dialog up once.
How do I make this happen?
Do you have all of the USB device descriptor fields populated in your device? Specifically, I am asking about the serial number field.
