Nested field resolvers in GraphQL - graphql

The goal is to use NestJS to implement a GraphQL schema using the code-first approach.
Let's say I have a Pet type in my GraphQL schema with two fields, name and age. If those two pieces of information come from different sources of truth (and I don't always want to fetch both), I could implement a PetResolver class with resolvers for each field:
#Resolver(() => Pet)
export class PetResolver {
#Query(() => Pet)
pet(): Pet {
return {};
name(): Promise<string> {
return Promise.resolve('Spot');
#ResolveField(() => Int)
age(): Promise<number> {
return Promise.resolve(2);
which could be used like this:
query GetPet {
pet {
This works and would ensure that the value of each field is only fetched when requested, but what if I wanted to have a pet field on my User type that I could query like this:
query GetUserWithPet {
currentUser {
pet {
Applying the same principle, I could create a UserResolver class like this:
#Resolver(() => User)
export class UserResolver {
#Query(() => User)
currentUser(#CurrentUser() user: IdTokenPayload): User {
return {
id: user.sub,
pet(#Parent() user: User): Promise<Pet> {
return petService.getPetForUserId(;
but then the PetService implementation would have to be aware of which fields were requested if it only wanted to fetch relevant data.
A) Is there a way to use PetResolver within UserResolver to make use of the individual field resolution logic?
B) If not, what is the best way to determine which fields were requested in the query using NestJS code-first conventions?
C) Is this the "wrong" way to think about GraphQL queries? Do best practices dictate that I keep the separate resolver and use a query like this:
query GetUserWithPet {
currentUser {
pet {

User should contain some petIds [array] value (internal, DB stored field/column) ...
... making possible to resolve pets: [Pet] prop/relation - list of Pet ...
... like starshipIDs explained in
Notice: pets service is asked about records using pet ids.
... but of course pet can contain some ownerId (only or explicitely visible, DB stored field/column) making possible to resolve owner: User prop [reverse] relation - this way you can:
query PetWithOwner {
pet (id: "someID") {
owner {
# more pets?
pets {
# you can loop it ;)
owner {
pet.owner field resolver can return only { id: ownerId } object (partial response) ... server will try to resolve 'missing' (required by query) email prop using User (owner is User type) type resolver, passing id as an arg (check/console.log parent and args resolver args). You don't have to do it [the same] 'manually' inside pet.owner field resolver.
Query required fields ...
... [selection set] can be read from info object - 4th resolver arg - read docs/tutorial for details


How to make self resolving array of object types with Prisma and GraphQL

Maybe the title is not accurate but I really don't know how to describe it anymore. I went through multiple documentations and descriptions but still couldn't figure it out.
I want to implement a basic social media like followers/following query on my type User. I am using MySQL and for that I made a separate table called Follow as it's a many-to-many connection.
Here is a pseudo-ish representation of my tables in the database without the unnecessary columns:
Table - User
user_id primary key Int
Table - Follow
follow_er foreign_key -> User(user_id) Int
follow_ed foreign_key -> User(user_id) Int
A user could "act" as a follow_er so I can get the followed people
And a user could be follow_ed, so I can get the followers.
My prisma schema look like this:
model User {
user_id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
following Follow[] #relation("follower")
followed Follow[] #relation("followed")
model Follow {
follow_er Int
follower User #relation("follower", fields: [follow_er], references: [user_id])
follow_ed Int
followed User #relation("followed", fields: [follow_ed], references: [user_id])
##id([follow_er, follow_ed])
By implementing this I can get the followers and following object attached to the root query of the user:
const resolvers = {
Query: {
user: async (parent, arg, ctx) => {
const data = await ctx.user.findUnique({
where: {
include: {
following: true,
return data
Here is my GraphQL schema I tried to make:
type Query{
user(id: Int!): User
type User{
id: ID
following: [User]
followed: [User]
So I can get something like:
query {
user(id: $id) {
following {
But I couldn't make it work as even if I get the the array of objects of {follow-connections}:
I can't iterate through the array. As far as I know, I have to pass either the follow_er or follow_ed, which is a user_id to get a User object.
What am I missing? Maybe I try to solve it from a wrong direction. If anybody could help me with this, or just tell me some keywords or concepts I have to look for it would be cool. Thanks!
I would suggest creating self-relations for this structure in the following format:
model User {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
name String?
followedBy User[] #relation("UserFollows", references: [id])
following User[] #relation("UserFollows", references: [id])
And then querying as follows:
await prisma.user.findUnique({
where: { id: 1 },
include: { followedBy: true, following: true },
So you will get a response like this:

How can I insert records in AwsAppSync mutation with proper #connection values?

I have added a resources table to my schema, connecting to a Plants table:
type Resource #model
id: ID!
name: String!
Plants: [Plant] #connection(name: "ResourcePlant")
Ran amplify push, and all resources were created properly.
Now I wanted to add a Resource, and link it to all Plants properly.
Do you know how is the sintaxe I should use to run the recently created mutation createResource in order to add the items on Plant I want to include to that resource?
I tried to run like this:
mutation CreateResource {
createResource (input: {
name: "Plant",
Plants : {
items :
{ id: "f9a0468e-da74-41d5-8287-1cb6a76b25a5" }
) {
Plants {
items {
This was the error message:
Validation error of type WrongType: argument 'input' with value
value=StringValue{value='Plant'}}, ObjectField{name='Plants',
value=ObjectValue{objectFields=[ObjectField{name='items', value=ObjectValue{objectFields=[ObjectField{name='id',
contains a field not in 'CreateResourceInput': 'Plants' # 'createResource'
How did you define Plant?
And have you checked this example?
Ok, after some headache, I found what was missing in my model. For me so far it has proved to be the best way of doing this relationship...
I have added on my Plant type, on schema definition, a field named plantResourceId (other than the one used for the #connection directive). What I found out was that, by convention, when inserting/updating a record on "Plant" and adding the resource "id" field content of the resource I want to "connect" to that plant, it will automatically be retrieved when "Resources" is queried, for each item - what is better: Out-of-the-box from codegen.
Insert example
mutation CreatePlant {
name: "MyPlant",
plantResourceId: "id-for-connected-resource"
}) {
Query example to retrieve items:
query listPlantsOnResource {
listResources(filter: {
name: {
contains: "myfilter"
}) {
items {
items {
It worked very well!
Thanks all who contributed!

Enumerating all fields from a GraphQL query

Given a GraphQL schema and resolvers for Apollo Server, and a GraphQL query, is there a way to create a collection of all requested fields (in an Object or a Map) in the resolver function?
For a simple query, it's easy to recreate this collection from the info argument of the resolver.
Given a schema:
type User {
id: Int!
username: String!
roles: [Role!]!
type Role {
id: Int!
name: String!
description: String
schema {
query: Query
type Query {
getUser(id: Int!): User!
and a resolver:
Query: {
getUser: (root, args, context, info) => {
return db.Users.findOne({ id: })
with a simple recursive infoParser function like this:
function infoParser (info) {
const fields = {}
info.fieldNodes.forEach(node => {
parseSelectionSet(node.selectionSet.selections, fields)
return fields
function parseSelectionSet (selections, fields) {
selections.forEach(selection => {
const name =
fields[name] = selection.selectionSet
? parseSelectionSet(selection.selectionSet.selections, {})
: true
return fields
The following query results in this log:
getUser(id: 1) {
roles {
=> { id: true, username: true, roles: { name: true } }
Things get pretty ugly pretty soon, for example when you use fragments in the query:
fragment UserInfo on User {
roles {
getUser(id: 1) {
roles {
GraphQL engine correctly ignores duplicates, (deeply) merges etc. queried fields on execution, but it is not reflected in the info argument. When you add unions and inline fragments it just gets hairier.
Is there a way to construct a collection of all fields requested in a query, taking in account advanced querying capabilities of GraphQL?
Info about the info argument can be found on the Apollo docs site and in the graphql-js Github repo.
I know it has been a while but in case anyone ends up here, there is an npm package called graphql-list-fields by Jake Pusareti that does this. It handles fragments and skip and include directives.
you can also check the code here.

How to expose graphql field with different name

I am exploring GraphQL and would like to know if there is any way of renaming the response field for example i have a POJO with these field
class POJO {
Long id;
String name;
GraphQL query:
type POJO {
id: Long
name: String
My response is something like this
"POJO" {
"id": 123,
"name": "abc"
Can i rename the name field to something like userName so that my response is below
"POJO" {
"id": 123,
"userName": "abc"
You can use GraphQL Aliases to modify individual keys in the JSON response.
If this is your original query
query {
you can introduce a GraphQL alias userName for the field name like so:
query {
userName: name
You can also use GraphQL aliases to use the same query or mutation field multiple times in the same GraphQL operation. This get's especially interesting when using field parameters:
query {
first: POJO(first: 1) {
second: POJO(first: 1, skip: 1) {
The question is: how are you creating the schema in the first place? There's no intrinsic connection between Java and GraphQL types - they are completely unrelated unless you correlate them. So you can name the fields any way you want in the schema, and make a resolver (DataFetcher) that gets the value from anywhere (thus any POJO field too).
If you're using a tool to generate the schema from Java types (graphql-java-annotations, graphql-spqr etc), then use that tool's facilities to drive the mapping. Both the mentioned tools allow customizing the mapping via annotations. GraphQL-SPQR enables the same via external configuration as well.
If you clarify your question further, I'll be able to give a more precise answer.
Looks like GraphQLName annotation can help.
Example from documentation :
"Additionally, #GraphQLName can be used to override field name. You can use #GraphQLDescription to set a description."
These can also be used for field parameters:
public String field(#GraphQLName("val") String value) {
return value;
I know this question is very old but following code is used for renaming the field:
public class ProductReviewType: ObjectGraphType<ProductReview>
public ProductReviewType()
Field(x => x.ProductReviewId, type: typeof(IdGraphType)).Description("some desc here");
Field(x => x.ProductId).Description("some desc here");
Field("reviewername", x => x.ReviewerName).Description("some desc here");
Field("reviewdate",x => x.ReviewDate).Description("some desc here");
Field("emailaddress", x => x.EmailAddress).Description("some desc here");
Field("rating", x => x.Rating).Description("some desc here");
Field("comments",x => x.Comments).Description("some desc here");
Field("modifieddate", x => x.ModifiedDate).Description("some desc here");
In the above code, modifieddate would be the field name for property "ModifiedDate".

GraphQL non nested relation

I'm trying to have a representation of nodes on GraphQL more akin to what jsonapi would be like
What I mean is if we take one of the examples on GraphQL
hero {
# Queries can have comments!
friends {
Have a representation that would be more along these lines
hero {
# Queries can have comments!
friends {
friends {
id, name
Is that at all possible in GraphQL
It is possible, and there's nothing wrong with having a friends field. In GraphQL terms you can have the following part of the schema:
type User {
id: ID
name: String
firends: [User]
type RootQuery {
hero: User
friends(forUserId: ID!): [User]
And then you can query this as you like – you can ask for friends separately:
friends(forUserId: "12") {
id, name
But the whole idea of GraphQL is that you don't have to do multiple queries to get the information you need. If you just need a list of users – that's a reasonable query, that most people have (with arguments for pagination and so on). With that said, there's no reason to fetch a list of IDs and to send another fetch query for the data right after that.
