scheme question code don't know why wrong - scheme

I want to solve the scheme problem
I define the code two, three, sq, plus
two is f(f(x)) // three is f(f(f(x)))
sq is square function ex ((two sq)3) is 81
plus is
(define (plus m n)
(lambda (f) (lambda (x) (m f (n f x))
I don't know why wrong that please let me know

You are confusing arity of functions. three and two are not functions of two parameters. They are functions that take a parameter and return a function. That returned function again takes a parameter.
Try the evaluating the following:
(let ((inc (lambda (x) (+ x 1))))
(list ((three inc) 0)
((two inc) 0)))
Your plus should be:
(define (plus m n)
(lambda (f) (lambda (x) ((m f) ((n f) x)))))
Now this should give you (3 2 5)
(let ((inc (lambda (x) (+ x 1))))
(list ((three inc) 0)
((two inc) 0)
(((plus two three) inc) 0)))


Re-writing church numerals function

In SICP it defines the church numerals for positive numbers as follows:
(define zero (lambda (f) (lambda (x) x)))
(define (add-1 n)
(lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f (n f) x))))
The following is my 'best attempt' to rewrite this for my own understanding, here passing explicit arguments to one function:
(define (church f x n)
((= n 0) x) ; zero case: return x
(else (f (church f x (- n 1)))))) ; otherwise f(f(f...(x))) n times
(church square 3 2)
And then redefining zero I would have:
(define (zero2 f)
(lambda (x) (church f x 0)))
And add-one as:
(define (add-1 n f)
(lambda (x) (church f x (+ n 1))))
Or, if we have to defer the f argument then adding a wrapper-lambda:
(define (add-1 n)
(lambda (f) (lambda (x) (church f x (+ n 1)))))
Do I have a correct understanding of this? if so, why the oh-so-complicated-syntax at the top for the add-1 or zero procedures (note: I'm guessing it's not that complicated and I'm just not fully understanding what it's doing). Any help would be greatly appreciated!
lambda calculus is a sub set of Scheme that does not allow more than one argument and lambda. With combinations of lambdas you can make any construct:
(define false (lambda (true) (lambda (false) false)))
(define true (lambda (true) (lambda (false) true)))
(define if (lambda (pred) (lambda (consequence) (lambda (alternative) ((pred consequence) alternative)))))
You might be wondering why I allow define since it isn't lambda. Well you don;t need it. It is just for convenience since with it you can try it out:
(((if true)
; ==> result-true
Instead of using the totally equal version:
((lambda (pred)
(lambda (consequence)
(lambda (alternative)
((pred consequence) alternative))))
(lambda (true) (lambda (false) true))
Your function church is not lambda calculus since it does not return a church number and it takes more than one argument which is a violation. I have seen scheme functions to produce chuck numbers but any chuck number you should be able to do this to get the integer value:
((church-number add1) 0)
eg. zero:
(((lambda (f) (lambda (x) x)) add1) 0) ; ==> 0
Your version presupposes the existence of primitives like cond, 0, 1, =, and -. The point of all this is to show that you can implement such primitives starting from nothing but lambda.
SICP defines the Church numerals for positive numbers as follows:
(define zero (lambda (f) (lambda (x) x)))
(define (add-1 n)
(lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f (n f) x))))
No, it doesn't. The correct definitions are
(define zero (lambda (f) (lambda (x) x)))
(define (add-1 n)
(lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f ((n f) x)))))
f is a "successor step", and x is "zero value".
(f ((n f) x)) means, do with f and x whatever n would be doing with f and x, and then do f one more time to the result.
In other words, transform the "zero value" with the "successor step" function one more times than n would be transforming it.
> ((zero add1) 0)
> (((add-1 zero) add1) 0)
> (((add-1 (add-1 zero)) add1) 0)
etc. Or,
> (define plus1 (lambda (x) (cons '() x)))
> ((zero plus1) '(NIL))
> (((add-1 zero) plus1) '(NIL))
'(() NIL)
> (((add-1 (add-1 zero)) plus1) '(NIL))
'(() () NIL)
Hopefully you can see how the Church numbers could be defined as binary functions as well:
(define zero (lambda (f x) x))
(define (add-1 n)
(lambda (f x) (f (n f x))))
(define plus1 (lambda (x) (cons '() x)))
(zero add1 0) ;=> 0
((add-1 zero) add1 0) ;=> 1
((add-1 (add-1 zero)) add1 0) ;=> 2
(zero plus1 '(NIL)) ;=> '(NIL)
((add-1 zero) plus1 '(NIL)) ;=> '(() NIL)
((add-1 (add-1 zero)) plus1 '(NIL)) ;=> '(() () NIL)
producing the same results as before.

Returning the sum of positive squares

I'm trying to edit the current program I have
(define (sumofnumber n)
(if (= n 0)
(+ n (sumofnumber (modulo n 2 )))))
so that it returns the sum of an n number of positive squares. For example if you inputted in 3 the program would do 1+4+9 to get 14. I have tried using modulo and other methods but it always goes into an infinite loop.
The base case is incorrect (the square of zero is zero), and so is the recursive step (why are you taking the modulo?) and the actual operation (where are you squaring the value?). This is how the procedure should look like:
(define (sum-of-squares n)
(if (= n 0)
(+ (* n n)
(sum-of-squares (- n 1)))))
A definition using composition rather than recursion. Read the comments from bottom to top for the procedural logic:
(define (sum-of-squares n)
(foldl + ; sum the list
(map (lambda(x)(* x x)) ; square each number in list
(map (lambda(x)(+ x 1)) ; correct for range yielding 0...(n - 1)
(range n))))) ; get a list of numbers bounded by n
I provide this because you are well on your way to understanding the idiom of recursion. Composition is another of Racket's idioms worth exploring and often covered after recursion in educational contexts.
Sometimes I find composition easier to apply to a problem than recursion. Other times, I don't.
You're not squaring anything, so there's no reason to expect that to be a sum of squares.
Write down how you got 1 + 4 + 9 with n = 3 (^ is exponentiation):
1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2
This is
(sum-of-squares 2) + 3^2
(sum-of-squares (- 3 1)) + 3^2
that is,
(sum-of-squares (- n 1)) + n^2
Notice that modulo does not occur anywhere, nor do you add n to anything.
(And the square of 0 is 0 , not 1.)
You can break the problem into small chunks.
1. Create a list of numbers from 1 to n
2. Map a square function over list to square each number
3. Apply + to add all the numbers in squared list
(define (sum-of-number n)
(apply + (map (lambda (x) (* x x)) (sequence->list (in-range 1 (+ n 1))))))
> (sum-of-number 3)
This is the perfect opportunity for using the transducers technique.
Calculating the sum of a list is a fold. Map and filter are folds, too. Composing several folds together in a nested fashion, as in (sum...(filter...(map...sqr...))), leads to multiple (here, three) list traversals.
But when the nested folds are fused, their reducing functions combine in a nested fashion, giving us a one-traversal fold instead, with the one combined reducer function:
(define (((mapping f) kons) x acc) (kons (f x) acc)) ; the "mapping" transducer
(define (((filtering p) kons) x acc) (if (p x) (kons x acc) acc)) ; the "filtering" one
(define (sum-of-positive-squares n)
(foldl ((compose (mapping sqr) ; ((mapping sqr)
(filtering (lambda (x) (> x 0)))) ; ((filtering {> _ 0})
+) 0 (range (+ 1 n)))) ; +))
; > (sum-of-positive-squares 3)
; 14
Of course ((compose f g) x) is the same as (f (g x)). The combined / "composed" (pun intended) reducer function is created just by substituting the arguments into the definitions, as
((mapping sqr) ((filtering {> _ 0}) +))
( (lambda (kons)
(lambda (x acc) (kons (sqr x) acc)))
((filtering {> _ 0}) +))
(lambda (x acc)
( ((filtering {> _ 0}) +)
(sqr x) acc))
(lambda (x acc)
( ( (lambda (kons)
(lambda (x acc) (if ({> _ 0} x) (kons x acc) acc)))
(sqr x) acc))
(lambda (x acc)
( (lambda (x acc) (if (> x 0) (+ x acc) acc))
(sqr x) acc))
(lambda (x acc)
(let ([x (sqr x)] [acc acc])
(if (> x 0) (+ x acc) acc)))
which looks almost as something a programmer would write. As an exercise,
((filtering {> _ 0}) ((mapping sqr) +))
( (lambda (kons)
(lambda (x acc) (if ({> _ 0} x) (kons x acc) acc)))
((mapping sqr) +))
(lambda (x acc)
(if (> x 0) (((mapping sqr) +) x acc) acc))
(lambda (x acc)
(if (> x 0) (+ (sqr x) acc) acc))
So instead of writing the fused reducer function definitions ourselves, which as every human activity is error-prone, we can compose these reducer functions from more atomic "transformations" nay transducers.
Works in DrRacket.

Why Scheme requires apply in Y-combinator implementation, but Racket doesn't?

Here is the Y-combinator in Racket:
#lang lazy
(define Y (λ(f)((λ(x)(f (x x)))(λ(x)(f (x x))))))
(define Fact
(Y (λ(fact) (λ(n) (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1))))))))
(define Fib
(Y (λ(fib) (λ(n) (if (<= n 1) n (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))))))
Here is the Y-combinator in Scheme:
(define Y
(lambda (f)
((lambda (x) (x x))
(lambda (g)
(f (lambda args (apply (g g) args)))))))
(define fac
(lambda (f)
(lambda (x)
(if (< x 2)
(* x (f (- x 1))))))))
(define fib
(lambda (f)
(lambda (x)
(if (< x 2)
(+ (f (- x 1)) (f (- x 2))))))))
(display (fac 6))
(display (fib 6))
My question is: Why does Scheme require the apply function but Racket does not?
Racket is very close to plain Scheme for most purposes, and for this example, they're the same. But the real difference between the two versions is the need for a delaying wrapper which is needed in a strict language (Scheme and Racket), but not in a lazy one (Lazy Racket, a different language).
That wrapper is put around the (x x) or (g g) -- what we know about this thing is that evaluating it will get you into an infinite loop, and we also know that it's going to be the resulting (recursive) function. Because it's a function, we can delay its evaluation with a lambda: instead of (x x) use (lambda (a) ((x x) a)). This works fine, but it has another assumption -- that the wrapped function takes a single argument. We could just as well wrap it with a function of two arguments: (lambda (a b) ((x x) a b)) but that won't work in other cases too. The solution is to use a rest argument (args) and use apply, therefore making the wrapper accept any number of arguments and pass them along to the recursive function. Strictly speaking, it's not required always, it's "only" required if you want to be able to produce recursive functions of any arity.
On the other hand, you have the Lazy Racket code, which is, as I said above, a different language -- one with call-by-need semantics. Since this language is lazy, there is no need to wrap the infinitely-looping (x x) expression, it's used as-is. And since no wrapper is required, there is no need to deal with the number of arguments, therefore no need for apply. In fact, the lazy version doesn't even need the assumption that you're generating a function value -- it can generate any value. For example, this:
(Y (lambda (ones) (cons 1 ones)))
works fine and returns an infinite list of 1s. To see this, try
(!! (take 20 (Y (lambda (ones) (cons 1 ones)))))
(Note that the !! is needed to "force" the resulting value recursively, since Lazy Racket doesn't evaluate recursively by default. Also, note the use of take -- without it, Racket will try to create that infinite list, which will not get anywhere.)
Scheme does not require apply function. you use apply to accept more than one argument.
in the factorial case, here is my implementation which does not require apply
(define (Fact-maker f)
(lambda (n)
(cond ((= n 0) 1)
(else (* n (f (- n 1)))))))
(define (fib-maker f)
(lambda (n)
(cond ((or (= n 0) (= n 1)) 1)
(+ (f (- n 1))
(f (- n 2)))))))
(define (Y F)
((lambda (procedure)
(F (lambda (x) ((procedure procedure) x))))
(lambda (procedure)
(F (lambda (x) ((procedure procedure) x))))))

How do I make the substitution ? Scheme

How do I make the substitution? I tried to trace but I don't really get what is going on...
the code:
(define (repeated f n)
(if (zero? n)
(lambda (x) ((repeated f (- n 1)) (f x)))))
f is a function and n is an integer that gives the number of times we should apply f.
....can someone help me to interpret it. I know it returns several procedures and i want to believe that it goes f(f(f(x)))
okey i will re-ask this question but in different manner, because i didn't really get an answer last time. consider this code
(define (repeated f n)
(if (zero? n)
(lambda (x) ((repeated f (- n 1)) (f x)))))
where n is a positive integer and f is an arbitrary function: how does scheme operate on this code lets say we give (repeated f 2). what will happen? this is what think:
(f 2)
(lambda (x) ((repeated f (- 2 1)) (f x))))
(f 1)
(lambda (x) ((lambda (x) ((repeated f (- 1 1)) (f x)))) (f x))))
(f 0)
(lambda (x) ((lambda (x) (identity (f x)))) (f x))))
> (lambda (x) ((lambda (x) (identity (f x)))) (f x))))
> (lambda (x) ((lambda (x) ((f x)))) (f x))))
here is were i get stuck first i want it to go (f(f(x)) but now i will get (lambda x ((f x) (f x)) , the parentheses is certaintly wrong , but i think you understand what i mean. What is wrong with my arguments on how the interpreter works
Your implementation actually delays the further recursion and return a procedure whose body will create copies of itself to fulfill the task at runtime.
Eg. (repeated double 4) ==> (lambda (x) ((repeated double (- 4 1)) (double x)))
So when calling it ((repeated double 4) 2) it runs ((repeated double (- 4 1)) (double 2)))
where the operand part evaluates to (lambda (x) ((repeated double (- 3 1)) (double x))) and so on making the closures at run time so the evaluation becomes equal to this, but in stages during runtime..
((lambda (x) ((lambda (x) ((lambda (x) ((lambda (x) ((lambda (x) (identity x)) (double x))) (double x))) (double x))) (double x))) 2)
A different way of writing the same functionality would be like this:
(define (repeat fun n)
(lambda (x)
(let repeat-loop ((n n)
(x x))
(if (<= n 0)
(repeat-loop (- n 1) (fun x))))))
(define (double x) (+ x x))
((repeat double 4) 2) ; ==> 32
You've got a function that takes a function f and an non-negative integer n and returns the function fn, i.e., f(f(f(…f(n)…). Depending on how you think of your recursion, this could be implemented straightforwardly in either of two ways. In both cases, if n is 0, then you just need a function that returns its argument, and that function is the identity function. (This is sort of by convention, in the same way that x0 = 1. It does make sense when it's considered in more depth, but that's probably out of scope for this question.)
How you handle the recursive case is where you have some options. The first option is to think of fn(x) as f(fn-1(x)), where you call f with the result of calling fn-1 with x:
(define (repeated f n)
(if (zero? n)
(lambda (x)
(f ((repeated f (- n 1)) x)))))
The other option is to think of fn(x) as fn-1(f(x)) where _fn-1 gets called with the result of f(x).
(define (repeated f n)
(if (zero? n)
(lambda (x)
((repeated f (- n 1)) (f x)))))
In either case, the important thing to note here is that in Scheme, a form like
(function-form arg-form-1 arg-form-2 ...)
is evaluated by evaluating function-form to produce a value function-value (which should be a function) and evaluating each arg-form-i to produce values arg-value-i, and then calling _function-value_ with the arg-values. Since (repeated ...) produces a function, it's suitable as a function-form:
(f ((repeated f (- n 1)) x))
; |--- f^{n-1} ------|
; |---- f^{n-1}(x) ------|
;|------f(f^{n-1}(x)) ------|
((repeated f (- n 1)) (f x))
; |--- f^{n-1} ------|
;|---- f^{n-1}(f(x))--------|
Based on Will Ness's comment, it's worth pointing out that while these are somewhat natural ways to decompose this problem (i.e., based on the equalities fn(x) = fn-1(f(x)) = f(fn-1(x))), it's not necessarily the most efficient. These solutions both require computing some intermediate function objects to represent fn-1 that require a fair amount of storage, and then some computation on top of that. Computing fn(x) directly is pretty straightforward and efficient with, e.g., repeat:
(define (repeat f n x)
(let rep ((n n) (x x))
(if (<= n 0)
(rep (- n 1) (f x)))))
A more efficient version of repeated, then, simply curries the x argument of repeat:
(define (repeated f n)
(lambda (x)
(repeat f n x)))
This should have better run time performance than either of the other implementations.
Danny. I think that if we work repeated with small values of n (0, 1 and 2) will be able to see how the function translates to f(f(f(...(x))). I assume that identity's implementation is (define (identity x) x) (i.e. returns its only parameter as is), and that the "then" part of the if should be (identity f).
(repeated f 0) ;should apply f only once, no repetition
-> (identity f)
-> f
(repeated f 1) ;expected result is f(f(x))
-> (lambda (x) ((repeated f 0) (f x)))
-> (lambda (x) (f (f x))) ;we already know that (repeated f 0) is f
(repeated f 2) ;expected result is f(f(f(x)))
-> (lambda (x) ((repeated f 1) (f x)))
-> (lambda (x) (f (f (f x)))) ; we already know that (repeated f 1) if f(f(x))
... and so on.
Equational reasoning would be very helpful here. Imagine lambda calculus-based language with Haskell-like syntax, practically a combinatory calculus.
Here, parentheses are used just for grouping of expressions (not for function calls, which have no syntax at all – just juxtaposition): f a b c is the same as ((f a) b) c, the same as Scheme's (((f a) b) c). Definitions like f a b = ... are equivalent to (define f (lambda (a) (lambda (b) ...))) (and shortcut for (lambda (a) ...) is (\a-> ...).
Scheme's syntax just obscures the picture here. I don't mean parentheses, but being forced to explicit lambdas instead of just equations and freely shifting the arguments around:
f a b = \c -> .... === f a b c = .... ; `\ ->` is for 'lambda'
Your code is then nearly equivalent to
repeated f n x ; (define (repeated f n)
| n <= 0 = x ; (if (zero? n) identity
| otherwise = repeated f (n-1) (f x) ; (lambda (x)
; ((repeated f (- n 1)) (f x)))))
(read | as "when"). So
repeated f 2 x = ; ((repeated f 2) x) = ((\x-> ((repeated f 1) (f x))) x)
= repeated f 1 (f x) ; = ((repeated f 1) (f x))
= repeated f 0 (f (f x)) ; = ((\y->((repeated f 0) (f y))) (f x))
= f (f x) ; = ((\z-> z) (f (f x)))
; = (f (f x))
The above reduction sequence leaves out the particulars of environment frames creation and chaining in Scheme, but it all works out pretty much intuitively. f is the same f, n-1 where n=2 is 1 no matter when we perform the subtraction, etc..

build-list (error - expects a procedure) Racket/Scheme

Trying to make a function that produces a n by n board
(new-board 2)
is supposed to produce
(list (make-posn 0 0) (make-posn 0 1) (make-posn 1 0) (make-posn 1 1))
The current rendition of my code is as follows:
(define (new-board y)
(build-list y (lambda (x) (build-list x (make-posn y x))))
I was pretty certain that it would work, but given my current knowledge and experience in Racket, I couldn't find the error.
I typed in:
> (new-board 3)
and got the error:
build-list: expects a procedure (arity 1); given (make-posn 3 0)
Am I committing a heinous crime by invoking build list inside of a build-list?
Please let me know. Thanks!
About this procedure:
(define (new-board y)
(build-list y (lambda (x) (build-list x
(make-posn y x))))) ;error!
Let's see what build-list receives as parameters. The first parameter is y, a number and the second parameter is a procedure, but you're passing the result of evaluating make-posn, which is not a procedure, it's a value. And that's the reason for the error you're getting.
EDIT 1 :
Now I understand what you intended. I can think of a solution, but it's a bit more elaborated than what you had in mind:
(define (new-board n)
(map (lambda (x)
(map (lambda (y)
(make-posn x y))
(build-list n identity)))
(build-list n identity))))
(define (flatten lst)
(if (not (list? lst))
(list lst)
(apply append (map flatten lst))))
Here's how it works:
build-list is just being used for generating numbers from 0 to n-1, and I'm passing identity as the procedure, because no further processing is required for each number
For each number in the list, we also want to generate another list, again from 0 to n-1 because all the coordinates in the board are required. For example if n is 3 the coordinates are '((0 0) (0 1) (0 2) (1 0) (1 1) (1 2) (2 0) (2 1) (2 2))
I'm using a map inside a map for building the nested lists, a technique borrowed from here (see: "nested mappings")
Finally, I had to flatten the generated lists, and that's what flatten does (otherwise, we'd have ended with a list of lists of lists)
EDIT 2 :
Come to think of it, I found an even simpler way, closer to what you had in mind. Notice that the flatten procedure is unavoidable:
(define (new-board n)
(build-list n
(lambda (x)
(build-list n
(lambda (y)
(make-posn x y)))))))
Now, when you type this:
(new-board 2)
The result is as expected:
(#(struct:posn 0 0) #(struct:posn 0 1) #(struct:posn 1 0) #(struct:posn 1 1))
If you look up the signature (contract) of build-list1, you see that it is
build-list : Nat (Nat -> X) -> (listof X)
So it takes a (natural) number, and then a function that expects a natural number and gives back an element of the type (X) that you want included in the list. So in your case, what specific type do you want X to be for each call you're making to build-list (it can be different in each case). In the case of the inner build-list, it looks like you're trying to make a list of posns. However, (make-posn y x) immediately makes a single posn and is not a function as build-list expects. So just as you provide a function (lambda (x) ...) to the outer build-list, you should also provide a function (lambda (...) ...) to the inner function.
Choosing the name x for the parameter of the first lambda might be a little confusing. What I might do is change the name of the new-board function's parameter to N, in that it seems like you want to create a board of N rows (and columns). And the purpose of the first build-list is to create each of those rows (or columns, depending how you want to think of it). So if you had:
(define (new-board N)
(build-list N (lambda (x) ...)))
And then you use it like:
(new-board 5)
it will reduce/simplify/evaluate as follows:
==> (build-list 5 (lambda (x) ...))
==> (list ( (lambda (x) (build-list ... x ...)) 0 )
( (lambda (x) (build-list ... x ...)) 1 )
( (lambda (x) (build-list ... x ...)) 2 )
( (lambda (x) (build-list ... x ...)) 3 )
( (lambda (x) (build-list ... x ...)) 4 )
==> (list (build-list ... 0 ...)
(build-list ... 1 ...)
(build-list ... 2 ...)
(build-list ... 3 ...)
(build-list ... 4 ...))
So, there's nothing wrong with nesting build-list. See if you can figure out now how to have the inner build-list work on producing a list of posns once the current row is fixed to a particular x value.
By the way, if you're allowed to use full Racket, there's a nice way to express the computation with for loops:
(define (new-board n)
(for*/list ([i n]
[j n])
(make-posn i j)))
Another way to get the same result but with a different approach is to use an arithmetic trick with quotient and remainder.
(define (new-board n)
(build-list (* n n)
(lambda (k)
(make-posn (quotient k n)
(remainder k n)))))
