No suitable driver found for jdbc:firebirdsql://localhost:3050 - jdbc

I build a javafx maven app , using jaybird dependency . Every thing work fine from intelliJ.
when i export the jar file ,I receive this message :
No suitable driver found for jdbc:firebirdsql://localhost:3050...
this is dependencies part of pom.xml:

The solution is :
right click on jaybird dependency(follow the image), then click Extract into output root then rebuild the artifact jar.

The normal cause of this error occurring is that either you don't have Jaybird (Firebird JDBC driver) - or one of its required dependencies - on your classpath, or the driver was not registered. Driver registration normally happens automatically, but you can always try to do it explicitly using Class.forName("org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver"). If this fails, you get a stacktrace that provides further information.
Given you show a Maven pom.xml that includes Jaybird (albeit an older version), the driver is present at compile time. However, depending on how you launch your application, it may not be present on the runtime classpath.
There are several options:
Explicitly specify the driver when loading Java:
java -cp yourapp.jar;jaybird-4.0.3.java8.jar;connector-api-1.5.jar your.class.Name
Here, both jaybird-4.0.3.java8.jar and connector-api-1.5.jar are required for Jaybird to work.
List the required JARs (jaybird-4.0.3.java8.jar and connector-api-1.5.jar) in the Class-Path entry of the manifest of your JAR:
Class-Path: jaybird-4.0.3.java8.jar connector-api-1.5.jar
Both jar files need to be in the same directory as your JAR. You can then launch your application as (assuming the Main-Class attribute is also specified):
java -jar yourapp.jar
Create a fat (or uber) JAR, and make sure all of Jaybird's classes and resources - and those of its required dependencies - are included in your JAR.
(web applications) Include the driver (and dependencies) in the libraries/modules of your application server (e.g. the Tomcat lib folder), or make sure the driver is included in the WEB-INF/lib folder of your WAR (the Maven WAR plugin takes care of this). In this last case (driver in WEB-INF/lib), it is necessary to explicitly load the driver using Class.forName("org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver") to ensure the driver is registered.


The jar file provided by Maven repository does not include class files

I need to use BaseDetectorTest provided from one of Spotbugs extension library
I added the maven dependency from (FindBugs Test Utility)
But it does not include the BaseDetectorTest class file (Once Maven is updated, the jar file is added to the external libraries - but not the class file).
I am wondering why it happens.
My guess is "the Jar file provided by the repository is still being developed"
Could you teach me how to fix it?
find-sec-bugs/findsecbugs-test-util/src/test/java/com/h3xstream/findbugs/test/ is a test class. .../src/test/... and are indicators for that. Test classes aren't included in a project's JAR (by the jar:jar goal of the Maven JAR Plugin which is the default binding for the package phase) but in a project's ...-tests.jar which is created by the jar:test-jar goal.
On MvnRepository select a version tag, e.g. 1.9.0, then Files jar (2 KB) View All to find the ...-tests.jar. Use it with:
On Maven Central you can get a later version (1.11.0), select it and then Browse 📁 to find it. Use it with:

Maven: The type cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files

I changed some existing projects from ant to maven projects.
So far so good.
All projects do have the same groupId.
Theres a project with name "ServerBase" and artifactId "server-base".
Within this project theres an abstract class "BaseService" which defines a logger via:
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
protected Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass());
Theres another project with name "Server" and artifactId "server".
Within this project theres a class ConfigurationDAOImpl extending the BaseService-Class above.
Within ConfigurationDAOImpl the logger log is used for creating some outputs.
Within the "Server"'s POM file I have declared:
Under BuildPath the dependency is shown very nice under MavenDependencies. I removed the old dirct/natural/ant-dependency from build path before.
If I remove it I am getting very much errors about missing classes etc.
But although I do have this dependency I am getting the followin error in eclipse (under tab markers):
The type org.apache.commons.logging.Log cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
Path: /Server/src/main/...
Location: Line 24
Type: Java Problem
I tried removing the dependency and add it again but without any luck.
Both projects do refer to JAVA 1.8.
Both projects have been build with targets clean an package multiple times.
Both projects have been updated by Righclick or pressing F5.
I am using Eclipse Version: Neon.1a Release (4.6.1)
I am using apache-maven-3.3.9
I am using m2e Plugin.
Any further help would be grateful.
Thanks in advance.
There are two ways to 'solve' this:
explicitly add the required dependency within the server-projects pom-file:
change the scop of the required dependency within the server-base-projects pom file from up to now 'provide' to 'compile' or erase the scope tag at all such that the default scope is used by maven (which I guess is 'compile')
Some background to this from documentation:
provided This is much like compile, but indicates you expect the JDK or a container to provide the dependency at runtime. For example,
when building a web application for the Java Enterprise Edition, you
would set the dependency on the Servlet API and related Java EE APIs
to scope provided because the web container provides those classes.
This scope is only available on the compilation and test classpath,
and is not transitive.
Thanks all.
It looks like apache logging library is not brought transitively from your server-base project. Check if in project server under MavenDependencies you see commons-logging (apache logging) jar. If not, then add this as your maven dependency in server-base project.
Repeat the above for all jars that server-base depends on.

No suitable driver found for jdbc (only in jar file)

I'm using netbeans to create a simple java maven application with a very simple JavaDB database connectivity. I've configured the dependencies in maven pom.xml file as follows, and my application works correctly when I run it from the IDE.
Yet when I build the project with dependencies and try to run the final jar, I get the following error.
java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/TestDB
I've even tried copying the derby.jar to the application jar file location. But still the above error appears. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

gwt + jetty + spring + log4j ERROR: "DOMConfigurator object is not assignable to a Configurator"

This problem was mentioned in several sources around the web but I was unable to solve it with solutions provided there.
The following error is thrown from log4j when issuing mvn gwt:run:
[ERROR] log4j:ERROR A "org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator" object is not assignable to a "org.apache.log4j.spi.Configurator" variable.
[ERROR] log4j:ERROR The class "org.apache.log4j.spi.Configurator" was loaded by
[ERROR] log4j:ERROR [sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader#23137792] whereas object of type
[ERROR] log4j:ERROR "org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator" was loaded by [WebAppClassLoader=Demo#3d1665ac].
[ERROR] log4j:ERROR Could not instantiate configurator [org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator].
DESCRIPTION of my project:
I use default jetty server provided with gwt and run it on exploded war.
<!-- Normally this jar would be listed in dependencies but in my case causes log4j ERROR. -->
What's more, I exclude commons-logging from spring and other projects that depend on it.
(not satisfying) SOLUTION:
Logging works fine only when log4j, slf4j-api, slf4j-log4j12 and jcl-over-slf4j jars are put in my WEB-INF/lib directory but only when jcl-over-slf4 is not in the project's classpath (i.e. I comment out the last mentioned dependency).
When jcl-overl-slf4j is included in maven dependencies (see above) it is not only added to target's lib directory but also included in project's classpath. It causes the error. This jar is necessary to be put in lib but the error disappears only when it is not included in the classpath. maven-dependency-plugin is used to work this problem around by copying it into lib directory and skipping maven dependency.
This solution is obviously just a workaround as all four jars - log4j, slf4j-api, slf4j-log4j12, jcl-over-slf4j - are mentioned in many standard examples of gwt and spring projects.
Could you explain why is it behaving that way and how could I solve this with normal inclusion of jcl-over-slf4j in maven dependencies?
Jetty treats org.apache.commons.logging as a system class, i.e. it loads it from the system class loader (i.e. the classpath) in priority over the webapp's WEB-INF/lib. In your case, org.apache.commons.logging is provided by jcl-over-slf4j. So, code in your webapp calls Commons Logging which is then loaded from the system class loader, and it probably initializes SLF4J using the class's class loader (as opposed to the current thread class loader), which thus uses code from slf4j-log4j12 and log4j from the system class loader. Later on, code in the webapp calls into Log4j (possibly through SLF4J) to initialize the logging configuration, and it then uses the JARs from the webapp's WEB-INF/lib (as expected). When it comes to put everything together, then comes the issue, with classes loaded from different class loaders.
Now to solve the issue: it's not straightforward.
Simply put, classloading in DevMode is a mess (see where I tried to document it).
To solve your issue, you'd have to either use your own ServletContainerLauncher in DevMode with your own classloading rules, or more simply run your webapp in another servlet container (e.g. mvn jetty:run or mvn tomcat7:run, or whatever). Then you'd run DevMode in -noserver mode.
It's a slightly more complex setup, but it has the big advantage of being exactly the one you'll need for SuperDevMode; and SuperDevMode will replace DevMode this year (DevMode is dead already in Firefox, and in Chrome on Linux –basically, it's dead on Linux–, and support will be removed from Chrome on other platforms later this year, leaving only one working platform: Internet Explorer on Windows).

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet, tomcat doesn't see javaee-api-7.0-b83.jar

I am trying to run sample guessnumber-jsf from Java EE tutorial. It is here:
There is no dependencies in pom.xml. So output file has no .jar file. When I try to put javaee-api-7.0-b83.jar inside tomcat/lib or WEB-INF/lib/javaee-api-7.0-b83.jar, nothing changes.
When I try to open
I get ClassNotFoundException. Where can I get list of jars that I need for faces tutorial? How can I connect them?
You can't put that Java EE jar in Tomcat and expect it to magically morph into a Java EE server.
That particular jar only contains the APIs to link against (eg "headers" in C/C++ terminology). It does not contain any implementation.
The easiest thing to do is to dish Tomcat and download TomEE instead. Optionally download GlassFish.
These will all already contain all the functionality you need and nothing will have to be put into WEB-INF/lib. (if using Maven put the Java EE 6 GAV as a dependency with scope provided in your pom).
If you are using a Maven project you can fix this error by adding the following dependency:
Adding to the answer of Mike Braun, the Java EE 6 GAV for the web profile is:
Specifically note the scope: "provided". This means your Maven project will link against this, but it expects your runtime to have the implementations. For TomEE, GlassFish, JBoss AS 7.x, etc this is indeed the case.
In your classpath (.classpath) make sure you have entry like
<attribute name="org.eclipse.jst.component.dependency" value="/WEB-INF/lib"/>
