Need to update shell in PyCharm to zsh - macos

Started taking the 'Programming for everyone' course on Coursera to learn python. Ive downloaded 2 text editors. Atom and Pycharm. When I open the terminal both say, "The default interactive shell is now zsh. To update your account to use zsh, please run chsh -s /bin/zsh."
Please understand I'm totally new. This is the first time I've ever used a text editor or terminal so don't know where to run this or how to straighten this out. Im using a 2015 MacBook Pro running 10.15.7Image is screenshot of editor and terminal in pycahrm im in.

Yeah, it sucks. I had the same problem with Pycharm, but this solution worked for me.
1- Change zsh to bash
$ /bin/bash
2 - Get the commands back like (cd, ls, clear ...)
3 - Get the profile back
. /etc/profile
After that your porfile will look like this "username:" instead of this "%n#%m %1~ %#"
One more thing, if you using mac, open your terminal and check preference. In the preferences go to General -> Shells open with -> if it is Default Login shell which means you are using zsh, you should change to Command (complete path): and add /bin/bash in the space below so that your default change to bash.
I hope it was useful for you, and for the people looking for answers. Cause, I wasted an hour looking for solution that JetBrain Pycharm and Apple couldn't provide.


macos catalina bash shell not saving history

Last night I went into my bash shell in terminal and entered a few commands. Then today I go in but theyre not saved in the history (arrow up). However the really old commands I used about 5 or more months ago are there, so the history is not empty.
Why is my history no longer activated and how do I activate it?
macOS Catalina uses zsh as your shell, so your shell settings go to ~/.zshrc
Edit your settings:
nano ~/.zshrc
Add these lines to your ~/.zshrc file:
The historycommand in zshalso shows only 16 most recent lines from the history file unless you give it the start line as a parameter:
history 0
This will show you the whole history.
You can make an alias for this, so that the history command without the parameter will show the complete history as well:
Add this line to your ~/.zshrc file:
alias history="history 0"
I switched from zsh to bash in OSX Catalina but the shell history wasn't saving. I had success fixing that by creating the ~/.bash_profile file and putting this inside:
Got the idea from this older thread:
Since macOS Catalina Apple's default shell is no longer bash, but zsh.
Therefore your sources will no longer come from your .bashrc or .bash_profile.
If you want to bash to be your default shell follow this steps:
System Preferences > Users and groups > right click on your user and select advance options. > On the Login Shell drop down menu select your prefered shell.
Hope this helps!
I solve the problem for myself as follow:
Check which shell is running: echo $SHELL
It should return /bin/bash. Otherwise my solution not applied.
Backup .bash_profile with: mv .bash_profile .bash_profile.bak
Close your shell with CMD + w.
Reopen Terminal to check if bash history works, by typing some commands, then using arrow up to check
If terminal history seems to work again. Then the cause of the error lays down in the .bash_profile. If you want to keep your .bash_profile, you should comment out each of the command in there, to find out which commands cause the problem with the Terminal history.
In my case, the cause was commands of my working place related to cloud tooling.
I hope to help someone out!

Tabstops in Ultisnips not working properly with zsh

I recently switched from bash to zsh and now the tabstops in my Ultisnips-snippets aren't working properly anymore.
I didn't change anything in my snippet files and after I encountered the problem for the first time, I went back to bash, started vim from there and the snippets worked as intended again.
I have these to snippets
snippet ( iA
snippet mk wA
If I run vim from bash and type mk, it will expand to
(I will denote the cursor position by Cursor). Then I can type f( and it will expand to
If I press x and then tab it will take me to
(I will call this previous step S). Pressing tab again I will arrive at
Running vim from zsh however, I can still do the steps until S but if I then press tab, it will stay at
and start inserting tabs after that. If I only do mk however and type something else without brackets, for example ab
and then press tab, it will work as expected and get me to
Does anybody have an idea what's going on here? What can I do if I want to keep using zsh and Ultisnips? If I run bash -c 'vim file.txt', vim will work really slowly and lag a lot, so that is not really an option.
Any help would be appreciated.
Edit: Apparently the problem has something to do with what version of vim I'm using. I use macOS and the problem I described happens when I use the default vim version. If I use a custom-compiled version of vim, it works as expected. And as it turns out I have some config file that tells bash to use the custom-compiled version, whereas zsh still uses the default one. I also tried it on my PC (running Ubuntu) and with the vim version installed there, it also worked. So I guess, I'll use my custom-compiled vim to avoid this problem...
But does anybody know, what vim setting could be responsible for this? If I'm not mistaken my custom-compiled version is just the huge-feature version of vim.

dmenu top bar in xmonad runs some items (Chromium), but not ranger or others

I have a "stock" xmonad install on Arch.
No changes to my xmonad.hs yet
I have installed dmenu.
It runs by alt-p, the default, and displays and filters as expected.
Chromium runs, but other items, like ranger, alsamixer or other tasks do not.
I am not finding anything anywhere about anyone having to do anything to get these items to run, nor anyone having any issues with doing so.
Surely, then, there is something wrong in my install.
my dmenu_run is as follows:
dmenu_path | dmenu "$#" | ${SHELL:-"/bin/sh"} &
I would normally run terminology with bash or zsh. I have tried to alter the SHELL to /bin/bash, but to no avail.
Is there any other place I must look or items I should alter?
Such a shame as I am really liking xmonad so far, and want to get dmenu working before I start exploring xmonad.hs...
Thanks in advance
UPDATE: I have found the following
here over at Archwiki that involves changing dmenu_run and adding a .demenu_term in one's home. It seems to work, but still wonder if there was a more orthadox mechanism.
ranger and alsamixer are applications which run inside a terminal. Imagine (or try) to run ls via dmenu, where should the directory listing be printed to without a terminal?
You look for functionality which is provided either by prompt imported from XMonad.Prompt.Shell by using a convinient keybinding like
((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_c), prompt ("xterm" ++ " -e") greenXPConfig)
(described in the linked documentation) or shellPrompt where you execute
xterm -e alsamixer
or any other command, e.g.
feh path/to/image/you/want/to/open/now.jpg
instead of opening a terminal, running above with tailing & and exiting the terminal.

Accidently quit updating ZSH in the middle and can't type any commands

I was upgrading everything in homebrew and zsh was upgrading and I was cycling through my open applications and accidentally closed iterm during the update. Now I can't open iterm and when I open the terminal I get the following error message:
login: /usr/local/bin/zsh: No such file or directory
I am not sure how I can switch back to bash until I correctly update zsh. I also can't type a single command in either iterm or termianl which makes sense (there's no zsh file). How can I finish upgrading zsh correctly or switch back to bash?
I have done a good amount of research and can't find someone having a similar issue.
Any guidance to how to solve this issue would be much appreciated, I currently can't do any of the development work I need to do.
Found this on Apple's suport site. Basically, you want to launch Terminal and go into Preferences. Change Shells open with from Default login shell to a valid shell (I recommend /bin/bash or even /bin/sh just to get you working again).
Once you can access your shell session, you can restore zsh.
Here's the full article...

Textmate tutorial terminal mac-osx

I have installed Textmate editor on my terminal and I am looking for some tutorial to discover Textmate's command lines ? Does anyone has a some links ?
The textmate bin that is optionally installed for command line access is really nothing but a simple manner to open files in the OSX gui application.
That said, there are a few handy shortcuts. -w issues a "wait" while opening the file, thus following commands in a sequence will wait until the document is closed to execute. For example:
alias bashrc="mate -w ~/.bashrc; source ~/.bashrc"
That said, if you are looking for a good command set for using within the gui itself, let me know and I will fill in a list of handy commands (it has been my default editor for 6 years now).
Edit: Here are the beginnings of my TextMate docs. I currently have the Cheat Sheet in a state that should prove useful. I will be adding to it and writing up some more extensive docs in the near future.
TextMate Cheat Sheet
You can invoke it from the command line with:
mate path/to/file/you/want/to/edit.txt
You can use more than one file, space separated. To see more options do:
mate --help
This if you installed the commandline option. which you can also do from preferences at any time (its just a symlink)
