How to make window content transparent just like [phw/peek] - macos

I am new to swift and xcode, I want create a macos app just like peek (a screen GIF recorder).
Now I created a window with toolbar follow the tutorials. My question is, how to make the content area of the window be transparent, and ignore mouse event pass to the bottom of the window.
Thank you ^_^ !
This is the screenshot of peek:


How to create whole screen overlay in MacOS with Swift?

There's an app called Intermission that creates a whole screen overlay:
I tried creating a floating panel which utilizes NSPanel (adapted from, but it is unable to expand beyond the toolbar/app bar.
I know I can create a new window in full screen mode and achieve a similar result, however I want to draw this overlay directly on top of the screen without entering full screen mode. How can I achieve this result in the way the Intermission app does it?
I figured it out! The trick is to set NSWindow.Level to .popUpMenu. This allows it to appear above the menubar and dock.

Bottom Tabbed Bar With Customised Tab Menu

I am trying to get a Circular Icon of my Application Logo right in middle of tabbed bar menu's, I have 5 Tab Menu's where the third one i want it to look like this
trying to get this on Android & Ios
i have tried custom rendering by removing the padding but still not able to get the desired result, i found one solution updating icon using SetTabIcons Method but this method does not get trigger when we are working with bottom tabbed bar in Android, please suggest me something which can help me to get this for both android & Ios
I understand your problem here, i am not sure how to get that big button overflowing the tabbar but however have a look at this
That's an open source project and the source code is linked at the bottom of page, you can tweak the animation (which i like very much) and use a customrenderer to render the center icon over a circle.
Have a look if that helps you in any way! :)

Animate View on Menu Button Tap using Swift 2

I got a Home Page in my App which has a Menu button(Hamburger) on the Right of the Screen. My Requirement is to Animate the Current View(Home Screen or Profile Screen or Settings Screen ) on Tapping the Menu Button. On Tapping The Menu Button which Screen is Currently Active Should Animate.
The Requirement Screen Looks like the Image Below
The Image shows how the Screen looks like after tapping the Menu button.
ie: if Home Screen is active then the home screen should animate , if it is a profile screen which is active then the profile screen should animate. Can i make animations like this using Swift2. Currently i am using Xcode 7. For menu i am looking forward to use SWRealViewController. if i use SWrealViewController can i achieve this effect ? Or is there any third party Tool available ?
After a long Search for what i needed i just came to find a library. ITRAirSideMenu
Which is exactly what i was in search for.
You can try this Third party Library. Hope it helps you

Xcode: Mac OS X, removing title bar, but keep window buttons

I've been searching and searching but I haven't had any luck. I'm trying to remove the title bar in a window, which is the easy part. But I want to keep the buttons (close, minimize, resize) in the window. So essentially the whole part of the window could be a web view, with the buttons still in tact. The Rdio app is a great example, and I've attached a picture of it. The whole white area is a webview. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm sort of new to xcode. Thank you.
Screenshot of Rdio before it loads up

How create transparent window in mac?

I am new to MAC development. I want to create a window with transparent. If i put the image or any control, the control only should display and window should not display and that window move horizontally or vertically within screen.
See Apple's sample project RoundTransparentWindow.
