Practical Efficiency of binary search - performance

When searching an element or an insertion point in a sorted array, there are basically two approaches: straight search (element by element) or binary search. From the time complexities O(n) vs O(log(n)) we know that binary search is ultimately more efficient, however this does not automatically imply that binary search will always be faster than "normal search".
My question therefore is: Can binary search be practically less efficent than "normal" search for low n? If yes, can we estimate the point at which binary search will be more efficient?

Yes, a binary search can be practically less efficient than "normal" search for a small n. However, this is very hard to estimate the point at which a binary search will be more efficient (if even possible) because this is very dependent of the problem (eg. data type, search predicate), the hardware (eg. processor, RAM) and even the dynamic state of the hardware used when the search is performed as well as the actual data in the sorted array on modern systems.
The first reason a binary search can be less efficient is vectorization. Indeed, modern processors can support SIMD instructions working on pretty big vectors. Thus, a linear search can work simultaneously on many item per processing cycle. Modern processors can even often execute few SIMD instructions in parallel per cycle. While linear searches can be often trivially vectorized, it is not the case of binary searches which are almost inherently sequential. One should keep in mind that vectorization is not always possible nor always automatically done by compilers, especially on non-trivial data types (eg. composite data structures, pointer-based types) or non-trivial search predicates (eg. the ones with conditionals or memory indirections).
The second reason a binary search can be less efficient is branch predictability. Indeed, modern processors try to predict branches ahead of time to avoid pipeline stall. If this prediction works, then branches can be taken very quickly, otherwise the processor can stall for several cycles (up to dozens). A branch can be easily predicted if it is always true or always false. A randomly taken branch cannot be predicted causing stalls. Because the array is sorted, branches in linear searches are easy to predict (branches are either always taken or never taken until the element is found), while this is clearly not the case for binary searches. As a result, the speed of a search is dependent of the searched item, and data inside the sorted array.
The same thing apply for cache misses and memory fetches: because the latency of the RAM is very big compared to executing arithmetic instructions, modern processors contains dedicated hardware prefetching units trying to predict the next memory fetches and prefetch data ahead of time in order to avoid cache misses. Prefetchers are good to predict linear/contiguous memory accesses but very bad for random memory accesses. Memory accesses of linear searches are trivial while the one of binary searches appear to be mostly random for many processors. A cache miss happening during a binary search will certainly cause the processor to stall for a lot of cycles. If the sorted array is already loaded in cache, a binary search on it can be much faster.
But this is not enough: using wide SIMD instructions or doing cache-misses can impact the frequency of the computing core and so the speed of the algorithm. Not to mention that the size of the data type also matters a lot as the memory throughput is limited and strided memory accesses are slower than contiguous one. One should also take into account the additional complexity of binary searches compared to linear ones (ie. often more instructions to execute). I guess I missed some important points in the above list.
As a programmer, you may need to define a threshold to choose which algorithm to use. If you really need that, the best solution is to find is automatically using a benchmark or autotuning methods. Practical experimentations shows that the threshold changed over the last decades for a given fixed context (data type, cache state, etc.), in favour to linear searches (so the thresholds are generally increasing over time).
My personal advice is not to use a binary search for value of n smaller than 256 / data_type_size_in_bytes with trivial/native data types on mainstream processors. I think it is a good idea to use a binary search when n is bigger than 1000, or also when the data-type is non-trivial as well as when the predicate is expensive.


Understanding perf detail when comparing two different implementations of a BFS algorithm

The results below are measured using perf on a compute server with 32 cores. I know my implementation is unoptimized but purposely as I want to make comparisons. I understand that graph algorithms tend to have low locality which researchers try to address.
I'm unclear of the results, though. The time elapsed is misleading. My implementation runs through a graph with about 4mm nodes in about 10 seconds and the rest of the time pre processing. The optimized version uses the same input and traverses about 10 times with each less than a second each so it's really just pre-processing time. I'm not trying to achieve the same. Just understand why that may be based on perf.
I see my page faults are substantially higher. I'm not 100 sure why this is this the case as the annotations (from what I can tell) do not point to any specific piece of my code from mine...
__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<std::_List_node<int> >::construct<int, int const&>
This seems to be when I process the graph itself since I create linked lists for the adjacency lists. I figured this may actually cause issues and wanted to investigate anyway. I should be able to improve page faults (and hopefully performance) by switching to jagged arrays?
The optimized algorithm has a much higher last level cache miss which I thought would explain the primary issue with BFS / graph algorithms with low locality but performance seems to be unaffected by this and my unoptimized is significantly lower.
Then there are the front / back end cycles which seems to be the opposite in terms of performance issues when comparing the two - I'm worse in frontend and the optimized is worse in backend.
Am I missing or not understanding something obvious? I thought there would be something obvious in terms of low locality that would be of issue when looking at perf but I'm confused by the optimized version.
This is my implementation of unoptimized parallel BFS (running once)...
This is using an optimized parallel BFS from a benchmark suite (running 10 times)...
Both take about 40 seconds to pre-process the data once, before doing parallel searching.
Unfortunately perf stat often doesn't given enough information to really determine where the bottleneck in your application is. It is possible to have two applications with wildly different underlying bottlenecks but with very similar perf stat profiles. For example, two applications may have the same number or fraction of L2 cache misses, and yet one might be dominated by this effect and the other way may almost be not impacted at all, depending on the amount and nature of overlapping work.
So if you try to analyze in depth from these high level counters, you are often just taking stabs in the dark. Still we can make a few observations. You mention:
The optimized algorithm has a much higher last level cache miss which
I thought would explain the primary issue with BFS / graph algorithms
with low locality but performance seems to be unaffected by this and
my unoptimized is significantly lower.
First, LLC misses are ~620 million for the optimized algorithm and ~380 for your algorithm, but you are running the optimized algorithm 10 times in this benchmark and yours only once. So the optimized algorithm has perhaps 62 million misses, and your algorithm has six times the number of LLC misses. Yes, your algorithm has a lower LLC miss rate - but the absolute number of LLC misses is what counts for performance. The lower miss rates just means that you are making every more total accesses than the 6x figure: basically you make many, many more memory accesses than the optimized version, which leads to a higher hit rate but more total misses.
All of this points to accessing more total memory in your unoptimized algorithm, or perhaps accessing it in a much more cache unfriendly fashion. That's would also explain the much higher number of page faults. Overall, both algorithms have low IPC, and yours is particularly low (0.49 IPC) and given that there aren't branch prediction problems, and that you've already identified these as graph algorithms with locality/memory access problems, stalls while waiting for memory are very likely.
Luckily, there is a better way that just trying to reverse engineer what might be the bottleneck based on perf stat output. Intel has developed a whole methodology which tries to this type of top-down analysis in a way that determines the true bottlenecks. It's not perfect, but it's far and away better than looking at the plain perf stat counters. VTune isn't free, but you can get a similar analysis based on the same methodology effect using Andi Kleen's toplev. I highly recommend you start there.

Suitability of parallel computation for comparisons over a large dataset

Suppose the following hypothetical task:
I am given a single integer A (say, 32 bit double) an a large array of integers B's (same type). The size of the integer array is fixed at runtime (doesn't grow mid-run) but of arbitrary size except it can always fit inside either RAM or VRAM (whichever is smallest). For the sake of this scenario, the integer array can sit in either RAM and VRAM; ignore any time cost in transferring this initial data set at start-up.
The task is to compare A against each B and to return true only if the test is true for against ALL B's, returning false otherwise. For the sake of this scenario, let is the greater than comparison (although I'd be interested if your answer is different for slightly more complex comparisons).
A naïve parallel implementation could involve slicing up the set B and distributing the comparison workload across multiple core. The core's workload would then be entirely independent save for when a failed comparison would interrupt all others as the result would immediately be false. Interrupts play a role in this implementation; although I'd imagine an ever decreasing one probabilistically as the array of integers gets larger.
My question is three-fold:
Would such a scenario be suitable for parallel-processing on GPU. If so, under what circumstances? Or is this a misleading case where the direct CPU implementation is actually the fastest?
Can you suggest an improved parallel algorithm over the naïve one?
Can you suggest any reading to gain intuition on deciding such problems?
If I understand your questions correctly, what you are trying to perform is a reductive operation. The operation in question is equivalent to a MATLAB/Numpy all(A[:] == B). To answer the three sections:
Yes. Reductions on GPUs/multicore CPUs can be faster than their sequential counterpart. See the presentation on GPU reductions here.
The presentation should provide a hierarchical approach for reduction. A more modern approach would be to use atomic operations on shared memory and global memory, as well as warp-aggregation. However, if you do not wish to deal with the intricate details of GPU implementations, you can use a highly-optimized library such as CUB.
See 1 and 2.
Good luck! Hope this helps.
I think this is a situation where you'll derive minimal benefit from the use of a GPU. I also think this is a situation where it'll be difficult to get good returns on any form of parallelism.
Comments on the speed of memory versus CPUs
Why do I believe this? Behold: the performance gap (in terrifyingly unclear units).
The point here is that CPUs have gotten very fast. And, with SIMD becoming a thing, they are poised to become even faster.
In the meantime, memory is getting faster slower. Not shown on the chart are memory buses, which ferry data to/from the CPU. Those are also getting faster, but at a slow rate.
Since RAM and hard drives are slow, CPUs try to store data in "little RAMs" known as the L1, L2, and L3 caches. These caches are super-fast, but super-small. However, if you can design an algorithm to repeatedly use the same memory, these caches can speed things up by an order of magnitude. For instance, this site discusses optimizing matrix multiplication for cache reuse. The speed-ups are dramatic:
The speed of the naive implementation (3Loop) drops precipitously for everything about a 350x350 matrix. Why is this? Because double-precision numbers (8 bytes each) are being used, this is the point at which the 1MB L2 cache on the test machine gets filled. All the speed gains you see in the other implementations come from strategically reusing memory so this cache doesn't empty as quickly.
Caching in your algorithm
Your algorithm, by definition, does not reuse memory. In fact, it has the lowest possible rate of memory reuse. That means you get no benefit from the L1, L2, and L3 caches. It's as though you've plugged your CPU directly into the RAM.
How do you get data from RAM?
Here's a simplified diagram of a CPU:
Note that each core has it's own, dedicated L1 cache. Core-pairs share L2 caches. RAM is shared between everyone and accessed via a bus.
This means that if two cores want to get something from RAM at the same time, only one of them is going to be successful. The other is going to be sitting there doing nothing. The more cores you have trying to get stuff from RAM, the worse this is.
For most code, the problem's not too bad since RAM is being accessed infrequently. However, for your code, the performance gap I talked about earlier, coupled your algorithm's un-cacheable design, means that most of your code's time is spent getting stuff from RAM. That means that cores are almost always in conflict with each other for limited memory bandwidth.
What about using a GPU?
A GPU doesn't really fix things: most of your time will still be spent pulling stuff from RAM. Except rather than having one slow bus (from the CPU to RAM), you have two (the other being the bus from the CPU to the GPU).
Whether you get a speed up is dependent on the relative speed of the CPU, the GPU-CPU bus, and the GPU. I suspect you won't get much of a speed up, though. GPUs are good for SIMD-type operations, or maps. The operation you describe is a reduction or fold: an inherently non-parallel operation. Since your mapped function (equality) is extremely simple, the GPU will spend most of its time on the reduction operation.
This is a memory-bound operation: more cores and GPUs are not going to fix that.
ignore any time cost in transferring this initial data set at
if there are only a few flase conditions in millions or billions of elements, you can try an opencl example:
// A=5 and B=arr
int id=get_global_id(0);
is as fast as it gets. arr[0] must be zero if all conditions are "true"
If you are not sure wheter there are only a few falses or millions(which makes atomic functions slow), you can have a single-pass preprocessing to decrease number of falses:
int id=get_global_id(0);
// get arr[id*128] to arr[id*128+128] into local/private mem
// check if a single false exists.
// if yes, set all cells true condition except one
// write results back to a temporary arr2 to be used
this copies whole array to another but if you can ignore time delta of transferring from host device, this should be also ignored. On top of this, only two kernels shouldn't take more than 1ms for the overhead(not including memory read writes)
If data fits in cache, the second kernel(one with the atomic function) will access it instead of global memory.
If time of transfers starts concerning, you can hide their latency using pipelined upload compute download operations if threads are separable from whole array.

is there a relation between optimization and compression?

Optimization is doing more computation with less.
Compression is saying more with less.
Is there a relation between the two? Can you compress computations?
Good question.
The connection is Information Theory.
Let me simplify it enormously:
There is a difference between an amount of a) data, and b) information.
Data is a physical quantity of something, such as bits on a disk or on a communication line.
Information is what it tells to whomever is reading it, and as a measure it is always less than or equal to the data that carries it.
The amount by which the data exceeds the information that it carries is called its redundancy.
What compression does is reduce the data so it is closer to its information content, by reducing the redundancy.
What about computation? Think of a program as an information channel taking input data and processing it to recognize its information.
When the program has finished, it "knows" a certain amount of information about the input.
Every elemental operation it performs is one in which it gains (or loses) information, and it is not finished until it gains all the information.
Example: Searching for a particular key value in a table of 1024 numbers.
When the key is found, 10 bits of information have been learned, because it takes 10 bits to indicate where the number is in the table.
If binary search is used, it requires 10 comparisons, so each comparison is "learning" one bit.
There is a faster method if the key can be used as an index directly into the table.
In that case, the operation of indexing "learns" all 10 bits in a single step.
There is a slower method - linear search, which takes, on average, 512 comparisons.
In that method, each comparison only gets a fraction of a bit.
(That's why it's slow.)
So if computer operations are like data, optimization tries to minimize the number of operations for a given amount of information, while compression tries to minimize the number of data bits for a given amount of information.
It's a common trade-off in algorithms: trade extra space for faster computation (lookup table with possible values), or the opposite (binary search or similar). I'd recommend a read on space and time complexity. You may be able to find some neat tricks helping you optimize or compress, whichever you need more.

For parallel algorithm with N threads, can performance gain be more than N?

A theoretical question, maybe it is obvious:
Is it possible that an algorithm, after being implemented in a parallel way with N threads, will be executed more than N times faster than the original, single-threaded algorithm? In other words, can the gain be better that linear with number of threads?
It's not common, but it most assuredly is possible.
Consider, for example, building a software pipeline where each step in the pipeline does a fairly small amount of calculation, but requires enough static data to approximately fill the entire data cache -- but each step uses different static data.
In a case like this, serial calculation on a single processor will normally be limited primarily by the bandwidth to main memory. Assuming you have (at least) as many processors/cores (each with its own data cache) as pipeline steps, you can load each data cache once, and process one packet of data after another, retaining the same static data for all of them. Now your calculation can proceed at the processor's speed instead of being limited by the bandwidth to main memory, so the speed improvement could easily be 10 times greater than the number of threads.
Theoretically, you could accomplish the same with a single processor that just had a really huge cache. From a practical viewpoint, however, the selection of processors and cache sizes is fairly limited, so if you want to use more cache you need to use more processors -- and the way most systems provide to accomplish this is with multiple threads.
I saw an algorithm for moving a robot arm through complicated maneuvers that was basically to divide into N threads, and have each thread move more or less randomly through the solution space. (It wasn't a practical algorithm.) The statistics clearly showed a superlinear speedup over one thread. Apparently the probability of hitting a solution over time rose fairly fast and then leveled out some, so the advantage was in having a lot of initial attempts.
Amdahl's law (parallelization) tells us this is not possible for the general case. At best we can perfectly divide the work by N. The reason for this is that given no serial portion, Amdahl's formula for speedup becomes:
Speedup = 1/(1/N)
where N is the number of processors. This of course reduces to just N.

efficiency /algorithms vs system specifications

We are all talking about the efficiency of the algorithms and it depends on input size -basically.
How about the system specifications of current computer that runs the algorithm? does it make any difference to run a different sorting algorithm in a Core 2 Duo 2.6 GHZ, 4 GB RAM-computer or in a P-2, 256 MB RAM-computer?
I am sure that there must be a performance difference. But, I want to know what is the real relationship between algorithms and system specifications...
An increase in hardware performance will give you a constant C times the running time of your algorithm. Meaning if you have computer A which is overall 2 times slower than computer B. Than your algorithm will be twice as fast on computer B. Twice as fast though really makes hardly no difference when you consider big input values to an algorithm though.
In big O notation that is to say you will have something like O(n) compared to CO(n) = O(cn) = O(n). The complexity of the algorithm and general running time for large values will be about the same on both Computer A and Computer B.
If you analyze an algorithm's running time using something like big O notation, then you will have a much better idea about how the algorithm really works. Computer performance won't give you any kind of advantage when you are comparing an algorithm that is O(logn) compared to O(n^2).
Take a look at some of the data values for n:
I will assume 1 second per operation for the slow computer, and 2 operations for second for the fast computer. I will compare the better algorithm with the slow computer with the worse algorithm with the fast computer.
for n = 10:
Algorithm 1: O(logn): 4 operations
Slow computer: 4 seconds
Algorithm 2: O(n^2): 100 operations
Fast computer: 50 seconds
for n = 100:
Algorithm 1: O(logn): 7 operations
Slow computer: 7 seconds
Algorithm 2: O(n^2): 10,000
operations Fast computer: 1.4 hours
Large difference
for n = 1,000:
Algorithm 1: O(logn): 10 operations
Slow computer: 10 seconds
Algorithm 2: O(n^2): 1,000,000
operations Fast computer: 5.8 days
Huge difference
As n increases, the difference gets bigger and bigger.
Now if you tried to run each of these algorithms on a faster/slower computer for a large input size. It wouldn't matter. Hands down the O(logn) would be faster.
I don't like the answers provided by Brian Bondy and Czimi...
Perhaps this is because I started in a different era, when 32K was considered a lot of memory, and most "personal computers" had 8K bytes, and that now I work in scientific computing where the largest data sets are processed on some of the world's largest systems with thousands of processing nodes and seemingly unbelievable quantities of storage. Therefore I don't overlook certain other elements of the question.
The size of the data set in question makes a fantastic difference. Most all the answers on this question so far ignore this and work for very small numbers N. The other people who have answered have all presumed "it all fits in memory," or something close to that.
For large data sets other factors come into play, and "large" depends on what resources you have to use in solving your problem. Modern systems have the opportunity for off-line storage (e.g. DVDs), networked storage (e.g. nfs), on-line storage (e.g. serial ATA), and two levels of memory storage, system main memory and on-chip cache. How these are leveraged matters and the larger the data set the more they matter. You may or may not need to design access to these into your "algorithm", but if you do, it really matters!
As you increase scale beyond some particular point - the limit of a single CPU and its local memory is about right - these other factors become an increasingly large factor in the overhead of the workload. When I was a Digital, we did some of the first real commercial work on multi-CPU systems and I remember running a benchmark that showed that using a single-CPU as one "unit" of CPU workload capability, a second CPU (in a tightly coupled system) would give you a total of about 1.8. That is, the second CPU added about 0.8. For three, the increase dropped to about 0.6, and four it dropped a lot more, to about 0.2, for a grand total of about 2.6 for a four CPU arrangement, though we had some troubles keeping good numbers with four CPUs due to other effects (the measurement effort became a large fraction of the additional resource). ...The bottom line was that multi-CPUs weren't necessarily all they were cracked up to be - four times the CPU does NOT give you four times the processing power, even though in theory you get four times the flops. ...We repeated the work on the Alpha chip, the first multi-core in history, and the results held up pretty well. Surely there could have been optimizations to improve the fraction each additional CPU gave, and surely there has been a lot of work since then to split computing threads more smartly, but you'll never get it all the way to 100% of each new one, in part because they all slow down some (extra overhead) to coordinate.
Small interjection - we had a saying about this work: "Religate all the Important Stuff to the Compiler!" RISC, get it? This was because the compiler itself had to organize the workload so competing threads didn't step on one another!
Ultimately performing processing of really massive data crunching requires a really smart strategy of moving the data in and out of farther afield data storage through to local memory. And, division of labor within the algorithm is absolutely vital. In work I was doing with Roberto Mechoso at UCLA doing Global Circulation Modeling, they had a data-broker design that is illustrative of the attempts people make to do a great job. Frankly, the result wasn't as good as it could have been, but the design ideas that went into it are worth study. ...Presuming you consider this part of your "algorithm" - and not just the bit twiddling part, then the algorithms management of resources is one of the most vital aspects of reasonable if not optimal resource utilization doing substantial computing.
...I hope this helps answer your inquiry.
One thing not raised so far is that alogorithms are often described in terms of speed, e.g. O(n), O(n log(n)), etc... but they also have characteristics in terms of resource usage, where improved speed, say O(n) versus O (n log(n)), is at the cost of much greater memory usage. In modern computers as resources become exhausted, they are typically replaced with larger slower resources, e.g. swapping memory for disk, where the slower resource is orders of magnitude slower. Thus when we graph the performance of our algorithm against time, and expect a straight line, n log n curve, etc... we often see spikes for large values of n as memory gets exhuasted. In this case, the difference between 1GB and 2GB of RAM can be huge, so in practical terms, the answer to your question is yes, System specification is very important, and selection of algorithms requires knowledge of the system specification and the size of the input data.
For example, I develeop surface modelling and analysis software, and I know that my programs work well on a 32bit XP box for TIN models of 4 million points. The performance difference between 3.5 million and 4 million points is minor. At 4.5 million points the performance degradation is so severe the software is unusable.
Yes, it does depend on system specification. One system might be 10 times faster than another, so it will run bubblesort and quicksort on a set of data 10 times faster than the other.
But when you do analysis of algorithms, you often ignore constant factors like that, which is one thing that big-O notation does. So bubblesort is O(n^2) and quicksort is O(nlogn) (in the average case), and that holds no matter how fast your hardware is.
The interesting thing is when you start comparing apples and oranges. If you're running bubblesort on your fast hardware, you may find it's faster than quicksort on the slow hardware -- but only up to a point. Eventually, with a large enough input set, the quicksort on the slow hardware is going to be faster than bubblesort on the fast hardware.
If you want to start making comparisons like that, you need to do two things together: determine algorithmic complexity including the constant factors, and develop a speed model (e.g. how many iterations of a particular loop it can perform per second) for the actual hardware you're running on. One of the interesting things about Knuth's Art of Computer Programming, compared with other books on algorithms, is that he does both, so that for each algorithm he examines, he calculates how many units of execution time it will take for a given size of input on his (mythical) MIX computer. You could then adjust the calculation for faster or slower hardware -- something that big-O notation doesn't help with.
By your question, do you mean to ask why the efficiency of an algorithm is described only in terms of the input size?
Algorithms are usually described using the Big O Notation. This notation describes the asymptotic behavior of an algorithm; it describes the behavior when the input data is very very large.
So for example, we have two algorithms for sorting.
Algo#1 with O(n)
Algo#2 with O(n^2)
And let's take two PCs:
PC2 100x faster than PC1
And we have two setups:
PC1 running Algo#1
PC2 running Algo#2
When n is very very large (like billions?) PC1 will still beat PC1 :)
The efficiency of an algorithm doesn't depend on the system specification. The efficiency is described by the Ordo number, which gives you a relation of the processing effort and the size of the input.
Certainly yes. With high CPU the execution time will reduce.
Similarly with higher memory, the time taken to swap data (if applicable) will definitely reduce.
Be aware of the particularities of the language in which you implement your algorithm.
For instance, in java world, As illustrated in this article, a faster computer does not always means a faster runtime:
Same Java program on a single CPU machine can actually run a lot faster than on a multiprocess/multi-core machine!!
Does it make any difference to run a different sorting algorithm in a Core 2 Duo 2.6 GHZ, 4 GB RAM-computer or in a P-2, 256 MB RAM-computer?
In some cases absolutely! If your data set does not fit into memory you will need to use a disk based sorting algorithm such as merge sort. Quoting from Wikipedia:
When the size of the array to be sorted approaches or exceeds the available primary memory, so that (much slower) disk or swap space must be employed, the memory usage pattern of a sorting algorithm becomes important, and an algorithm that might have been fairly efficient when the array fit easily in RAM may become impractical. In this scenario, the total number of comparisons becomes (relatively) less important, and the number of times sections of memory must be copied or swapped to and from the disk can dominate the performance characteristics of an algorithm. Thus, the number of passes and the localization of comparisons can be more important than the raw number of comparisons, since comparisons of nearby elements to one another happen at system bus speed (or, with caching, even at CPU speed), which, compared to disk speed, is virtually instantaneous.
For example, the popular recursive quicksort algorithm provides quite reasonable performance with adequate RAM, but due to the recursive way that it copies portions of the array it becomes much less practical when the array does not fit in RAM, because it may cause a number of slow copy or move operations to and from disk. In that scenario, another algorithm may be preferable even if it requires more total comparisons.
Yes. Remember, we have jumped ~4 orders of magnitude since the early 80s. (1 MHz, 10 MHz, 100 MHz, 1000MHz).
But that's only the difference between n=10 and n=10000, in terms of data set sizes. I can purchase a terabyte hard drive...over 6?7? orders of magnitude than my old 20 megabyte drive.
There's a lot more data floating around out there than there is compute power. So while you might be confused about how useful the big-O is at n=50, n=500 kind of sizes...when n=1,000,00 you want to minimize n as much as you can. Anything supralinear is just rough on your compute power...non-polynomial is even worse. This extends all the way from the top of the system to the bottom. So, efficiency is king as soon as you deal with real-world dataset sizes.
Let me give you an example.
I did a junior level database design. By the end I had maybe 5 tables with maybe 20-40 pre-defined categories in them. Added rows, 10, 20 rows. No big deal. I was a whiz. I did it in PHP, not Perl. I was all that and a bag o' chips.
Move to now, a few years later. I'm doing a hobby project in datamining the stock market. I harvest data off a financial site every day - 6100 stocks, with about 10 columns in each stock. Thirty-thousand+ rows per week. My initial design was "normalized", with static data and dynamic data in different tables. As I played around with my queries, learning about things, if I did a bad join, I'd literally crash my server and make it unavailable. So I denormalized. My next phase is tagging and starting actual mining. I don't plan to start making serious predictions until Christmas-time; roughly 11x30K = 330K rows to mine and analyze. Algorithm efficiency will matter, if I want to get my data processed in a timely fashion. Doesn't matter if my CPU was 10 times as fast...if I use a N^2 algorithm, it'd only get done 2x as fast. :-)
But, I want to know what is the real
relationship between algorithms and
system specifications...
I am confused. I see a lot of people here writing a lot of things, however, when I read the quote above as a question, here's all I can say about it:
A better system (= faster CPU, more RAM) runs faster, a worse one (= slower CPU, less RAM) runs slower. The same algorithm (no matter how good or bad it is) will most likely run faster on a better system and slower on the worse one.
A faster algorithm runs faster than a slower one. It will run faster on the slower system and it will run faster on the faster system.
So what exactly was your question again? Is your question "Do we really need a fast algorithm if the system is already that fast? Won't a slow one do as well?" Yes, maybe. But in that case I would ask two questions:
Why selecting a slow algorithm just because the system is fast? That way your code will only run at decent speed on a very fast system. If you choose a fast algorithm, your code might even run at decent speed on a much worse system.
Why trying to intentionally achieve worse performance? Even though a bad algorithm might run within five seconds, what you consider fast enough on the fast machine, a good one might run in 100 milliseconds. So why making your program perform a task in 5 seconds it could perform exactly the same one in 100 milliseconds?
Actually it's point number (2) that really bugs me quite often. So often people say "Hey, don't over optimize, it won't really matter. This code is only such a small system in such a big system". Yes, if you just look at this code isolated, that is true. But there is a saying "Many a mickle makes a muckle". Of course you should optimize the most processor intensive parts first. However, if a system consists out of 100 modules and each of them uses only one percent of the CPU time, optimizing one of them to be twice as fast will only get an overall processing time improvement of 0.5%, close to nothing; that's why most people refrain from doing that. But what people overlook is that optimizing all of them to be twice as fast will get a processing time improvement of 50% (or IOW, the app will run twice as fast as a whole).
So unless there is any good reason for not doing it, why not always using the best algorithm known to solve a problem? The best means the one that shows good performance and a good CPU time/memory usage ratio (as it's useless to take the fastest one if this one needs more memory than a normal customer PC can even take).
