Rail ActiveRecord get all many to many relations - activerecord

I have looked through similar questions on here but cant seem to make sense of them.
I have 3 tables Items, Sizes, and Item_Sizes where Items has many Sizes through Item_Sizes.
class Item < ApplicationRecord
has_many :images
has_many :category_items
has_many :categories, through: :category_items
has_many :item_sizes
has_many :sizes, through: :item_sizes
has_many :colour_items
has_many :colours, through: :colour_items
class Size < ApplicationRecord
has_many :item_sizes
has_many :items, :through => :item_sizes
class ItemSize < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :item
belongs_to :size
That all seems to be working. But I'm wondering how to get all Sizes that are associated with a subset of items.
I have written a loop to do this but I doubt it's very efficient.
def get_all_sizes(items)
results = []
items.each do |item|
item.sizes.each do |size|
results << size unless results.include?(size)
Is there a proper query I could use in place of this for loop?

I think you could join the Item_Sizes table and get the sizes by the items' ids:
Size.joins(:item_sizes).where(item_sizes: { item_id: items.ids })

You can do it in one line.
result = items.map{|item| item.sizes }.flatten.uniq


Query an ActiveRecord on several tables?

Sorry to ask this question but I'm really newbie with Ruby and I need help to update several records on my database.
I'm using ActiveRecord to query the database. Let say I have a table Product that contains SubProduct that also contains SubSubProduct. Now I would like to write a simple query to get all SubSubProduct of Product.
To get a list of SubSubProduct I usually do this
ssp = SubSubProduct.where(sub_sub_type: "example")
Now to use a where clause on relational element how can I do
ssp = SubSubProduct.where(sub_sub_type: "example", SubProduct.Product.type: "sample")
Set up ActiveRecord associations in your models:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :sub_products
class SubProduct < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :product
class SubSubProduct < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :sub_product
What you wanted:
ssp = SubSubProduct.where(sub_sub_type: "example", SubProduct.Product.my_type: "sample")
The correct syntax:
ssp = SubSubProduct.includes(sub_product: :product).where(sub_sub_type:"example", products: {my_type: "toto"})
This is performed via associations.
class SubSubProduct
has_many :products
Then you can do things like
and it will product all the products associated with them.
Try a nested includes:
`Product.includes(subproducts: :subsubproducts)'
For this, you'll want to set up ActiveRecord associations in your models:
In product.rb:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :sub_products
has_many :sub_sub_products, through: :sub_products
In sub_product.rb:
class SubProduct < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :product
has_many :sub_sub_products
In sub_sub_product.rb:
class SubSubProduct < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :sub_product
Then, if you have a Product and want its SubSubProducts, you can use:
# p is a Product object

database schema for like entities that can be combined pairwise (ActiveRecord)

I am designing a database of woodwind instrument sounds, and would like to create a table that joins pairs of sounds that a performer can combine into, for example, a trill. Such relations are transitive: if sound A has a 'Sound Relation' with sound B, then sound B has that same 'Sound Relation' with sound A.
I am familiar with join tables, but I've never seen them used to join 'like' objects, only to join 'unlike' objects, such as tags and posts, so I'm wary of going that direction.
I realize the example below looks extremely dubious, but it gives an idea of what I'm after. What is a better way of doing it? (Using ActiveRecord syntax)
class Sound < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :linked_sounds, through: :sound_relations, class_name: "Sound", foreign_key: ???
class Sound_Relation < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :sounds
class CreateSoundRelations < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :sound_relations do |t|
t.integer first_sound_id # This cannot possibly be right.
t.integer second_sound_id # Surely the transitivity of the
# relationship should be more evident?
You might try something like:
class Set < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :sound_sets
has_many :sounds, :through => :sound_sets
class SoundSet < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :sound
belongs_to :set
class Sound < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :sound_sets
has_many :sets , :through => :sound_sets
has_many :set_sound_sets, :through => :sets , :source => :sound_sets
has_many :set_sounds , :through => :set_sound_sets, :source => :sound
So, no more "sound_1" and "sound_2" ... they are both just sounds. For every sound you can also use the set_sounds method to retrieve all of the sounds associated with it.
This would also allow more than two sounds in a relation, and you might like to put a "type" on the sets model.
Edit: If you look at the query generated, you'll find that sound_sets is mentioned in there twice, once with a different alias. The key to eliminating "self" joins is to include a clause in the association along the lines of:
has_many :set_sounds ,
{where("sound_sets.sound_id != set_sound_sets_sound_set_sounds.sound_id")},
:through => :set_sound_sets,
:source => :sound
... where "sound_set_sounds" is the table alias. If you can post the query in the comments I can update this with the actual alias.

ActiveRecord - Finding all objects with shared attributes in a join model

I have three models
class Boat < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :captain
has_many :boat_classifications
has_many :classifications, through: :boat_classifications
class Classification < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :boat_classifications
has_many :boats, through: :boat_classifications
class BoatClassification < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :boat
belongs_to :classification
I'm trying to write a simple ActiveRecord query to find all the boats of type sailboat. Something like Boat.where(classifications: "Sailboat")
I think this could work:
Boat.joins(:classifications).where(classifications: { name: 'Sailboat' }) # name or whatever field contains Sailboat
Generates this query:
SELECT `boats`.* FROM `boats` INNER JOIN `boat_classifications` ON `boat_classifications`.`boat_id` = `boats`.`id` INNER JOIN `classifications` ON `classifications`.`id` = `boat_classifications`.`classification_id` WHERE `classification`.`name` = 'Sailboat'
I think you want something like this:
Boat.includes(:classifications).where(classifications: {id: Classification.sailboats})
For this to work, you also need a scope on Classification like this:
def self.sailboats
where(name: "Sailboat")

How to have an ordered model association allowing duplicates

I have two models, Song and Show. A Show is an ordered list of Songs, in which the same Song can be listed multiple times.
That is, there should be an ordered array (or hash or anything) somewhere in Show that can contain Song1, Song2, Song1, Song3 and allow re-ordering, inserting, or deleting from that array.
I cannot figure out how to model this with ActiveRecord associations. I'm guessing I need some sort of special join table with a column for the index, but apart from starting to code my SQL directly, is there a way to do this with Rails associations?
Some code as I have it now (but doesn't work properly):
class Song < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :title
has_and_belongs_to_many :shows
class Show < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :date
has_and_belongs_to_many :songs
song1 = Song.create(title: 'Foo')
song2 = Song.create(title: 'Bar')
show1 = Show.create(date: 'Tomorrow')
show1.songs << song1 << song2 << song1
puts "show1 size = #{show1.songs.size}" # 3
show1.delete_at(0) # Should delete the first instance of song1, but leave the second instance
puts "show1 size = #{show1.songs.size}" # 2
puts "show1 size = #{show1.songs.size}" # 3 again, annoyingly
Inserting might look like:
show1.songs # Foo, Bar, Foo
song3 = Song.create(title: 'Baz')
show1.insert(1, song3)
show1.songs # Foo, Baz, Bar, Foo
And reordering might (with a little magic) look something like:
show1.songs # Foo, Bar, Foo
show1.move_song_from(0, to: 1)
show1.songs # Bar, Foo, Foo
You're on the right track with the join table idea:
class Song < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :title
has_many :playlist_items
has_many :shows, :through => :playlist_items
class PlaylistItem < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :shows #foreign_key show_id
belongs_to :songs #foreign_key song_id
class Show < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :date
has_many :playlist_items
has_many :songs, :through => :playlist_items
Then you can do stuff like user.playlist_items.create :song => Song.last
My current solution to this is a combination of has_many :through and acts_as_list. It was not the easiest thing to find information on combining the two correctly. One of the hurdles, for example, was that acts_as_list uses an index starting at 1, while the array-like methods created by the ActiveRecord association start at 0.
Here's how my code ended up. Note that I had to specify explicit methods to modify the join table (for most of them anyway); I'm not sure if there's a cleaner way to make those work.
class Song < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :title
has_many :playlist_items, :order => :position
has_many :shows, :through => :playlist_items
class PlaylistItem < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :position, :show_id, :song_id
belongs_to :shows
belongs_to :songs
acts_as_list :scope => :show
class Show < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :date
has_many :playlist_items, :order => :position
has_many :songs, :through => :playlist_items, :order => :position
def song_at(index)
def move_song(index, options={})
raise "A :to option is required." unless options.has_key? :to
self.playlist_items[index].insert_at(options[:to] + 1) # Compensate for acts_as_list starting at 1
def add_song(location)
self.songs << location
def remove_song_at(index)
I added a 'position' column to my 'playlist_items' table, as per the instructions that came with acts_as_list. It's worth noting that I had to dig into the API for acts_as_list to find the insert_at method.

ActiveRecord: Has many through (twice)

There are Things in Places which I'm looking to find. One Thing could be in many different Places, and many Things can be in one Place.
class Thing < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :places
class Place < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :things
I want to record the Finds of my Users so that I know where they found what.
class Find < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :places_thing # Is this depluralization correct?
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :finds
# Now, how can I link in the Things the user has found? Like this?
has_many :found_things_in_places, :class_name => :places_things, :through => :finds
has_many :things, :through => :thought_things_in_places
Does this seem right? is it efficient? Thanks.
I think you were on the right track, the big change I'd make is that rather than having a join table (places_things) you should make it a proper model. I decided to call this an existence.
The data only exists in one place, so it's properly normalized. These relationships are clear and will be easy to manage. I think it's efficient.
class Place < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :existences
has_many :things, :through => :existences
class Thing < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :existences
has_many :places, :through => :existences
class Existence < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :place
belongs_to :thing
class Find < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :existence
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :finds
has_many :existences, :through => :finds
has_many :things, :through => :existences
You'll need rails 3.1 to do the nested has many through's like we did in User.
BTW the correct association declaration should be: belongs_to :places_things
