Issue running chrome driver in docker image - macos

I have written some scripts to extract some data from website using selenium. Although my code runs well outside of docker container, it fails when I run it after building an image. I searched through the google and looked over the internet to find the similar issue but could not find something similar. Here I have posted my docker file,
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
FROM python:latest
WORKDIR /Users/ufomammut/Documents/eplrestapi
COPY requirements.txt requirements.txt
RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt
RUN curl -O
RUN unzip
COPY . .
CMD [ "python3", ""]
The error message I receive when I run the docker image that I built,
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/ufomammut/Documents/eplrestapi/", line 172, in <module>
browser = webdriver.Chrome("./chromedriver",options = chr_options)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/chrome/", line 73, in __init__
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/common/", line 98, in start
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/common/", line 109, in assert_process_still_running
raise WebDriverException(
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: Service ./chromedriver unexpectedly exited. Status code was: 255
In my code I have provided the path to the chromedriver as follows:
browser = webdriver.Chrome("./chromedriver",options = chr_options)
Right now I used linux arm64 python base image and was able to curl and unzip the chromedriver as reflected in my dockerfile above.I am no longer receiving the format error but I am receiving this error message as I posted above where it says the chromedriver unexpectedly exited.

You appear to have copied a chromedriver binary built for MacOS into a Debian machine.
Based on how you've tagged this question with macos and the image python:3.9.5-slim-buster you are using is amd64 based on Debian.
I suggest you continue persisting with trying to curl the Linux 64 bit chromedriver into your machine via your Dockerfile.
To test it in your host OS you can simply change your current chromedriver binary to chromedriver.bakup. Download the linux version to chromedriver and rebuild your docker machine and it will copy the linux version into the new image.

Looks like you have been using chromedriver binary for MacOS instead of its linux version.
To make it a 'workable' piece of code, you can try linux binary and perform volume mapping when you try to run your docker image. Use the linux binary for chromedriver and put it in a seperate directory in your system which needs to be mapped. And when you run your image try using:
docker run -v <directory_path_to_chromedriver>:<docker_image_directory_path> <image>
Your final piece of code will be updated with your new binary file path.
browser = webdriver.Chrome("<docker_image_directory_path>/chromedriver",options = chr_options)
But for permanent fix, curl and unzip the linux binary while you build the docker image.

After going through the comments, I believe you're a little confused with Docker containers and how they interact with your system.
A Docker container runs it's own independent, isolated and optimised version of an operating system determined by the FROM layer, and leverages your system's kernel.
Now, you must use Chrome Webdriver binaries compatible with linux arm64, rightly pointed out by #Shubham and #lgflorentino. It seems that you've already done so.
Your next steps should be to check permissions on the Chrome Webdriver executables, and make sure that your container has setup all the environment paths and variables correctly.
You can do so by entering your container with the command docker exec -it /bin/bash or /bin/sh and then manually execute your bins. This will give you a clearer picture.
Check your environment variables as well!
Also, an improved Dockerfile with reduced number of layers can be as well.
FROM python:latest
#Use a deterministic Python image, mention a version instead of 'latest'
WORKDIR /Users/ufomammut/Documents/eplrestapi
COPY requirements.txt requirements.txt
RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt && \
curl -O && \
COPY . .
#Try adding an ENV layer to make sure your paths are setup properly. (After debugging your container)
CMD [ "python3", ""]

Since you have tagged with macOs and ARM64, I believe that your development machine has Apple Silicon or M1 chip. The docker engine on the Apple Silicon machine will by default pulls ARM64 based images and your chrome driver is of linux64. This means your chrome driver can't run inside the host.
You can either use arm64 chrome driver or build docker image form amd64 platform.
docker build -t your-username/multiarch-example:manifest-amd64 --build-arg ARCH=amd64

Try adding the --platform=linux/amd64 to the FROM statement. I used this for Debian:
FROM --platform=linux/amd64 python:3.9


Docker Image built on Mac OSX won't run on AWS EC2 instance

Image built on Mac OSX with M1 processor, deployed to an EC2 instance. But when scripts are run it yields the error:
standard_init_linux.go:219: exec user process caused: exec format error
Elsewhere on Stackoverflow, this is explained as a mismatch of OS architecture. Sure enough running "uname -m" on EC2 instance shows it to be x86_64, and "docker image inspect" shows the container to have architecture arm64.
Here's what I don't understand. "uname -m" on my Mac shows that to be x86_64 too. So how does the container inherit a different architecture?
More significantly, how do I build an image on my Mac that I can run on EC2?
Docker file is simply
FROM python
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
COPY src /src
with src containing, currently, some simple python scripts, executed thus:
docker run container/name python
This works fine on my Mac, but gives the error above when executed on AWS.
OK. Here's what's happening. My Mac has the new M1 chip and I'm running the Tech Preview version of Docker Desktop. Under the hood the chip has the arm64 architecture, but interrogating it through iTerm and VSCode it claims to be x86_64 instead, hence my confusion when I posted the question. This is probably because both those apps are being quietly run through an Intel simulator behind the scenes and that's what's responding to the uname command.
However, because the processor is really arm64, that's the base architecture when I pull Python images from Docker (I tried lots of different flavours nd version of Python - all with the same results).
To force use of an amd64 AWS-compatible image I changed the first line of the Dockerfile to:
FROM --platform=linux/x86-64 python.
When containers from this image are run on the Mac that causes a warning
WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
but it's just that, a warning, and the script runs (presumably by redirecting back through the Intel simulator. The scripts now run without problem (or warning) on the EC2 instance.
I'm not sure why you're getting this error, but there is a nice way to get around it if you'd like and if you don't mind your code and images being public. I'm guessing that this is just home-stuff anyway, so it might not be too bad.
Put your code in github.
Configure a repository on for your image and configure automatic builds from
ssh onto your ec2 instance and pull your image directly
from docker hub
An alternative is to start with step 1, then log into your ec2 using ssh and clone the repo on that machine. You can then build it directly on a real linux machine (your osx machine doesn't run Linux, which is an instant mismatch with docker). If you build it on the server you should be able to run it there with no problems.
Try to run with CMD ["lscpu"] or something related like cat /proc/cpuinfo in the container, compare architectures
Another thing: you might be pulling arm architecture of python image when building, and try to run it on x86_64 (EC2)
In addition to what has been shared above, you could also Build a multi-arch image with Buildx.
Basically, The recent Docker versions come with a CLI command called buildx. You can use the buildx command on Docker Desktop for Mac and Windows to build multi-arch images, link them together with a manifest file, and push them all to a registry using a single command.
Here is what works for me:
Create a new builder which gives access to the new
multi-architecture features.
docker buildx create --name mybuilder --use
Build the Dockerfile with buildx, passing the list of architectures to build for:
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 -t username/demo:latest --push .
=> pushing layers 2.7s
=> pushing manifest for 2.2
Where, username is a valid Docker username.
The --platform flag informs buildx to generate Linux images for AMD 64-bit, Arm 64-bit, and Armv7 architectures.
The --push flag generates a multi-arch manifest and pushes all the images to Docker Hub.
To inspect the image use the below command
docker buildx imagetools inspect username/demo:latest

How to run a library in docker - confusion

I am trying to use microsoft's cntk library on a mac; for this purpose I am using Docker. I am not an expert in all this, though, so I am having a hard time figuring out how to make it work.
From my understanding, Docker provides a way to run an app in a virtualized environment, without having to virtualize the entire operating system. So you download (or create) images, and you run them in "containers".
Alright, so I have followed the required steps to make the cntk library work on Docker; and if I list the images, I find
$: docker images
microsoft/cntk latest c2c192036e19 7 days ago 5.92 GB
ubuntu 14.04 7c09e61e9035 5 weeks ago 188 MB
hello-world latest 48b5124b2768 2 months ago 1.84 kB
At this point I want to run of the tutorials that are in the cntk repository. I have downloaded the master branch of the cntk repository on my desktop and try to run one of the examples in the "Tutorial" folder, but I get the following error:
terminal~ username$ docker run -w /Users/username/Desktop/CNTK-master/Tutorials microsoft/cntk configFile=lr_bs.cntk
container_linux.go:247: starting container process caused "exec: \"configFile=lr_bs.cntk\": executable file not found in $PATH"
docker: Error response from daemon: oci runtime error: container_linux.go:247: starting container process caused "exec: \"configFile=lr_bs.cntk\": executable file not found in $PATH".
ERRO[0001] error getting events from daemon: net/http: request canceled
terminal~ username$
Essentially I call docker run with the -w flag to inform him of where the files are, but it does not work. I tried searching online but it's not clear to me how to solve the issue. Should I create a new image? Should I call the docker run command with different parameters?
The -w flag sets the working directory, which is just the default directory inside the container. Your directory is on the host, so it won't work here. Instead you need to use volumes to mount your directory on the host into the container. The final paragraph in the document you link has an example:
$ docker run --name cntk_container1 -ti -v /project1/data:/data -v /project1/config:/config cntk bash

Is it possible to install CNTK on a macbook?

It is possible to install Microsoft CNTK on a macbook? I have OS X El Capitan. The official Microsoft documentation at doesn't provide any information for mac users.
Thank you
As of June 2017, you can only run CNTK on OSX using Docker (which will run a Linux container)
Documentation from Microsoft is available here:
If you want to run the CPU version of CNTK (as opposed to a GPU enabled) you'll need to pull a particular version of the docker container. See:
I recommend using the following for CPU CNTK:
docker pull microsoft/cntk:2.0-cpu-python3.5
Once you've pulled the container above, you can use Jupyter Notebooks to look at tutorials etc:
First, run the container:
docker run -d -p 8888:8888 --name cntk-jupyter-notebooks -t microsoft/cntk:2.0-cpu-python3.5
Then run this command:
docker exec -it cntk-jupyter-notebooks bash -c "source /cntk/activate-cntk && jupyter-notebook --no-browser --port=8888 --ip= --notebook-dir=/cntk/Tutorials --allow-root"
You'll want to access the shell to run CNTK commands. You can attach a bash shell using docker.
Get your container id
docker ps
Then attach a shell
docker exec -it <container_id> bash
While it might not be supported on Mac directly, you can always use a virtual machine to get around.
You can setup docker in your local environment.
Follow its documentations on how to install on Docker
We currently support both Linux and Windows. Mac support is on our ToDo or would be interested in community contribution.
I'm currently building CNTK on a linux machine without root access, installing every dependency with linuxbrew (a fork of homebrew). So I think is possible to build on MacOS natively. You can try building it from source with CNTK linux manual to build from source. Let me know if you have any issue.

How can I resolve the error oci runtime error: exec: no such file or directory when using docker run on Windows

When running a Docker command such as
docker run ubuntu /bin/echo 'Hello world'
used in the in the starter example docs on the Learn by Example page of the Docker docs I see the error
C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe: Error response from daemon: oci runtime error: exec: "C:/Program Files/Git/usr/bin/bash": stat C:/Program Files/Git/usr/bin/bash: no such file or directory.
How can I resolve this?
This error could be caused by the setup on your system including mingw (you might see this if you have installed Git for Windows with MSYS2 for example - see here for more information). The path is being converted - to stop this you can use a double slash // before the command. In this example you can use
docker run ubuntu //bin/echo 'Hello world'
(notice the double slash (//) above). If all goes well you should now see
Hello world
An complete and slightly more complex example is starting an Ubuntu interactive shell
docker run -it -v /$(pwd)/app:/root/app ubuntu //bin/bash
Note that in my case using Git Bash I only needed one extra slash because echo $(pwd) on my machine expands to:
As another example the following can be used if zip is not available (as is the case on Windows 10 as well as Git Bash) You cannot easily zip a file for a something like an AWS Lambda function (actually there are few ways without Docker or even installing third party software if you prefer). If you want to zip the app folder under your current directory use this:
docker run -it -v /$(pwd)/app:/root/app mydockeraccount/dockerimagewithzip //usr/bin/zip -r //root/app/ //root/app
The mydockeraccount/dockerimageqithzip can be build by creating a Dockerfile like this:
FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y zip
Then run:
docker build -t mydockeraccount/dockerimagewithzip .

Use programs installed on Docker base image

This is something that's been bugging me for a while, but how come I can't access programs that are installed in my base image in my Docker image?
For example, my base image has make & gcc installed. However, in my current image that I am accessing via docker run, I can't access make or gcc despite having FROM base img . I get bash: make: command not found.
Make sure you are running run command with correct format. E.g.:
docker run -it python:3.4.3-slim python --version
IMAGE^^^^^^^^^^^^ COMMAND ^^^^^^^^
