How to migrate from one backing store to another - javers

I need to figure out a way to migrate our Javers audit data from DocumentDB to another independent repository than our domain data.
Does javers currently have any mechanism we can use to take our existing data and insert it properly into a second DB without having to manually map the data?

There is no migration tool. There are two javers' collections in MongoDB: jv_snapshots and jv_head_id, it's easy to copy them manually.


How to update data in supabase having one to many relation?

I am working on a smaller project. I have two tables e.g. properties and agents. One property can have many agents. How can I update data in both tables using one query?
Here is the link to update data in postgres How I can update one to many relation in Postgres?
Supabase uses postgrest under the hood for the RESTful api, currently the suggested solution there is to write an rpc() function and call that.
Alternatively, since Supabase is just PostgreSQL, you always have the option of connecting directly using any postgres client and using the postgres solution you mentioned in your question.

Data model migration on Kafka connectors

I'm using Debezium and JDBCSinkConnector to copy data from multiple databases into another DB. I would like to have the ability to upgrade some of the models from time to time and let's say not all DBs together, but only to upgrade the sink DB and some time later also the source DBs. And let's say I have a version column in the tables or environment variable to reconfigure the connectors. I've considered creating a combination of SMTs for upgrading from each version and run them depending on the source version, using some predicates. But I'm not sure this is a good practice or going to work at all. Haven't been able to find another solution for this.
What is the best way to implement the required migrations (such as added/removed columns or values manipulations, etc) "on the fly" via Kafka Connectors?

how to use jpaReposotory methods with an exist database?

who can help me to understand this scenario please. let say there is a client who have been using php as Backend, now he wants to merge his project from php to Spring knowing that he already has a full data and completly defined (mapping, primary key, tables), he export his data as sql (database.sql) so my question is how can we work and interact with this data in Spring Data ?
So you have the database export file(s), you create a new empty database and import those files there, configure your Spring Data to connect to the new db and stop using the Php app if you can (if you continue to use it you will have to somehow synchronize the two databases, more complicated)

Is there a need in Neo4j to have initial scripts just like rdbms store needs initial CREATE(and other DDL scripts) scripts to insert,update etc?

I recently was working with liquibase which is capable of generating the initial DDL script for my JPA entities.
I am trying to do the same for my entities which has Neo4j as the store. Is there any library like liquibase which I can use to get my work done. Can someone put light on this ?
Is there a need in Neo4j to have initial scripts just like rdbms store needs initial CREATE(and other DDL scripts) scripts to insert,update etc ?
I don't want to use the auto capability of spring boot.
There is no need in Neo4j to create or update schema itself, as you're doing in SQL. Schema is dynamically builds from the data you have in your database.
But if you're trying to manage migration of the data stored in your database, you can take a look at liquigraph. It's able to manage a CYPHER queries within changesets.

Howto make starter content in Spring boot?

I using JPA and MySQL in Spring boot. Howto make a initial content data of database?
Example, need create the basic sections, default admin user, etc.
I would recommend that you take a look at Flyweight, It is nicely integrated into SpringBoot.
We use it to create the initial database, and for adding new tables or modifying the database when deploying new version of our application.
I would recommend that you create a script /resources/db/migration/V1__Initial.sql Which just have the table layout and then a V2__data.sql with the initial data.
A script can only be run once, and you can't modify it after it has been run, this information is stored in a table named schema_version, which you will probably have to delete, or manipulate during development. Here is a link
to how it works - These days I would never do a real world project without using it.
