Executing specific SQL to fill up a Database in springboot + Testcontainers - spring

I'd like to execute some sql scripts to fill up my database for my integration tests. For now with the help of TestContainers and data.sql & schema.sql in my tests/resources folder, it's working, but those data filled by data.sql is shared with all my integration tests.
I'd like to execute some sql specifically dedicated to each integration tests.
Is there a facility to do so?
Else I will execute some sql directly inside my integration test to fill up what I need.

Have a look at item 5 here. You can use an annotation on a test to load data for that test. Just keep in mind that data will stay for the duration of the test suite run unless you clean it.


How should I control order of execution between Liquibase and springboot data.sql?

We have a (internal to company, external to project) library (jar) that includes some Liquibase scripts to add tables to a schema to support the functionality of that library.
Using SpringBoot and Maven to run integration tests with H2, we have been using sql files, listed in property files, to initialise the DB.
We want to be able to add data to the tables created by the external (to the project) library for the ITs but finding the tables haven't been created by Liquibase when SpringBoot/SpringData attempts to run the insert statements in our sql files.
Given the errors we're seeing (tables not existing when spring attempts to run the insert.sql files) it looks like spring is executing those files before Liquibase has done its thing.
How can I ensure Liquibase config run by the library to create tables has completed before Spring does it's thing with running sql files specified by the spring.datasource.data property?
We don't really want to include the test data in the library (which was working, but introduced other issued we are trying to work around with liquibase inserting test data into production DB).
what about using different context for your tests?
so you will have application.properties in your test folder and there you will define another changelog that will include all changelogs that are needed (even from library) and you will also include the .sql file that you are running probably with jpa? Try to look here if that helps.

dbunit how to sync real database with test database

I have an application pointing to a mysql database.
I have been trying to use DBUnit to set up my tests environments, which works fine.
The problem is that when configuring DBUnit I pointed it to the SAME mysql database. So when DBUnit is executed, it takes the specified dataset.xml and overrides the information from my original database. which makes sense because there is where I am pointing it to.
The question is, am I supposed to create a new database only for tests so my DBUnit can point to it? If so, how would I manage the structure synchronization between my original database and the one for tests?
Thanks in advance.
am I supposed to create a new database only for tests so my DBUnit can point to it?
It is a better approach to do so as it eliminates multiple problems.
how would I manage the structure synchronization between my original database and the one for tests?
You don't mention tech in your persistence stack, such as Hibernate, Spring/Spring Boot/Spring Data/Flyway/LiquiBase/etc. to suggest more of how to implement this. In general, run DDL in the schema at tests run startup (either from managed DDL from something like Flyway or auto-generation from Hibernate).
Additionally, my preferred and typical testing approach is with:
An in-memory/embedded database for its speed, such as Apache Derby, automatically started just before launching tests.
Create tables in schema using Hibernate DDL gen from annotated entities.
No existing rows in any tables; happens automatically with an embedded database and a clean build when storing any of its files in a subdirectory of the build output dir.
dbUnit configured with DatabaseOperation.CLEAN_INSERT [0].
Minimal dbUnit data for each test.

Junit test that persist in mysql

Is it possible to write junit test that persist in mysql using hibernate / jpa?
If so any example available?
I'm using spring/hibernate for my application
When you have real database connection I would not call your test unit test, but more like integration test. To be honest this kind of tests is not a good idea in most cases. It requires some maintenance (every time you have changes in db), and in most cases just tests if it is possible to connect do database (and save some simple object).
Focus on writing good tests for domain level classes. Simple database integration tests will only give you illusion of high quality application.
If you want to write an integration test that looks like a unit test, you could try Arquillian.
What Arquillian does is basically start an application container (Glassfish I think is the default), then it deploys your server-side application in the container and runs the tests against the just-deployed application.
What you write in the unit tests is really client code, so that what you are effectively running is an integration test (with a real database and all the services you would have in a real environment), just in a junit-like way.
They also have a specific tutorial for persistence testing.

Spring Data Jpa. How to cleaning data from repositories befor run unit test from particular test classes?

I have problem with unit tests for persistance stuff written in spring data jpa.
For particular repositories I have a unit tests to be sure that everything works correctly. Also I have a integration tests. Each tests are passed when I run it for particular test classes. But when i run a whole package of tests I got a lot of faliures because I have records inserted into DB from previous tests.
Of course in each test classes I can add #After method to clean each data but I would like to ask that it posible to clean all data from DB before run tests from particular test classes without adding #After method?
Best Regards.
Use Spring's transactional test support to ensure that database changes are rolled back after each test:
One common issue in tests that access a real database is their effect
on the state of the persistence store. Even when you’re using a
development database, changes to the state may affect future tests.
Also, many operations — such as inserting or modifying persistent
data — cannot be performed (or verified) outside a transaction.
The TestContext framework addresses this issue. By default, the
framework will create and roll back a transaction for each test.

Integration testing of EJBs

I have a set of EJBs, which persist and retrieve data from a Sybase database through a set of DAO classes.
The DAO classes are POJOs, which execute directly sql procedures(prepared statement) over JDBC datasource.
What would be the appropriate framework to prepare an integration testing suite for these EJBs ,using some meaningful simulated data in the database?
Does spring/junit provide some help?
Any advice is appreciated.
I think unit testing is enough depending on what you're trying to validate.
If you need to test only the EJB I would go with a mocked version of your DAO that work in-memory (a DAO with a HashMap to save and retrieve data for example) so you can focus your tests on the input and output of your EJB methods. This way you can also populate your test data programmatically.
If you also need to test the Sybase statements generated by your DAO I think you could separate the methods that actually execute the statements from those that generate the SQL, this way you could validate the SQL generated without needing a connection to the database.
If you really need to validate your tests against the database engine you could try to configure a Profile for your Integration tests with a valid database connection and bind this connection to your DAO bean. You can even populate this database with some testing data via script.
