Prevent firefox extension autohide when opening a file using WebExtension APIs only - firefox

I need to prevent my FF extension from closing when using a button with type="file".
In the past there were several workarounds and the last reported one was using the extension SDK but it has been discontinued since 2017 leaving only WebExtension API's as the only tool available to build extensions.
There was this previous post which is referenced basically everywhere but the extension SDK has since been discontinued as mentioned above.
There's also this thread on bugzilla but the latest activity was a couple months ago and prior to that 4 years ago.
Does anybody know a workaround?
Happens only on Firefox, Chrome works as it should
Extension I'm working on uses min version 57
Bug happens on desktop versions
Been developing on Windows, haven't tried any other OS's but this seems to happen on all of them
Steps to reproduce:
Setup a basic firefox extension
Add a button with type="file"
Click it to load a file and set any kind of code afterwards
The extension will open the file select (as it should) but will close the extension on the background so after confirming the selection the extension will be closed and any code that should run afterwards won't work.
Any ideas or workarounds known?


Firefox 56+ breaks Gamepad API across multiple windows/tabs

Firefox 56+ breaks Gamepad API across multiple windows/tabs
The application I am working on uses the Gamepad API to allow xbox controllers to be used to control video producing cameras. It supports multiple windows/tabs.
Everything worked great, but after upgrading from Firefox version 52 to 65 the controllers stopped working correctly when multiple pages were open. The update is necessary for video stability, so downgrading is not an option.
Worst case will update with the fixed Vesrion if Mozilla fixes the issue.
How to reproduce:
Running windows open Firefox version 56+
Connect a xbox controller (maybe any gamepad)
Observe that the controller is detected and that input on the gamepad is shown in the tester.
Open a second window and navigate to
Observe the at the controller is not detected
Expected: The controller should be detected and inout should be shown in the tester.
If you downgrade below 56 or disable multiprocess using browser.tabs.remote.autostart this issue is not seen.
What I do know / have tried:
Have narrowed down the issue to Firefox version 56.0.0
Can reproduce the issue consistently with
Can not reproduce with Chrome or Firefox 52
Turning off browser.tabs.remote.autostart does remedy the issue, but again, this is necessary for video stability and overall performance.
navigator.getGamepads in the second window seems to return an empty list
Tracking ff issue
and ff issue
The issue is one per website
Before this is marked as a duplicate. I know this is a similar question as Is there a way to use the HTML5 Gamepad API with multiple windows or tabs in Firefox? but there has been no movement on that issue and it was very specific.
TLDR: FF v56+ with multiprocessing enabled breaks the Gamepad API when used in multiple windows. Any workarounds or fixes?

Firefox won't play iMacros via URL?

For the last week or so I've been developing an application to programmatically maintain some stuff online, to do so I need to launch iMacros from Firefox via Python.
Currently I am doing that in Python with this code, it has worked fine for a week:
firefoxpath = '"C:/Program Files (x86)/Mozilla Firefox//firefox.exe"'
macroCommand = firefoxpath + " imacros://run/?m=" + path_to_macro
There is some other stuff that cleans up processes in there and listens for errors too, but all that really matters right now is launching the macros
Today, after this worked for several hours of coding. I started getting this popup when attempting to launch via Python. (It's the popup Firefox gives when it doesn't know how to handle a file or URL).
Launch Application Popup:
It would seem that Firefox no longer thinks it can launch imacros files directly. However, the files play just find if you click "play" in the iMacros panel.
I've been troubleshooting for an hour and it doesn't seem like anyone online has had this problem before. Any ideas?
I managed to get this working by completely reinstalling windows on the problem machine. Before doing that, I reinstalled firefox a number of times, tried a portable copy of firefox, deleted firefox's registry entries, disabled multi-process windows in FF, uninstalled all plugins one by one, and tried the same thing as a different user (both with and without admin).
None of that worked, if anyone in the future encounters this bug I recommend just reinstalling windows on the problem machine.
I was using
Windows 10
Firefox 54
iMacros for FF 9.0.3
Python 2.7
God speed to anyone else who encounters this.

How to deactivate firebug?

How can I completly deactivate firebug without uninstalling it?
I installed firebug because there are some cool extensions like "Firepath" so you can read out the Xpath. However, there are also some missing features which are included in the normal dev console, e.g. manipulating the CSS of the currently selected element.
So to use these features I have to switch back to the normal developer console. However, firebug is still active after deactivating the addon.
Still appears in the menu at the top:
And if I press F12 then Firebug opens.
Normally, deactivating an extension within the Add-on Manager, like you did, completely deactivates it.
When it's still activated, it's a bug and you should file a bug report.
Having said that, note that Firebug's development is discontinued and it will not work anymore once multi-process Firefox is enabled. Furthermore, Mozilla plans to stop supporting extensions that are not based on the WebExtension framework starting from Firefox 57, which is released in November 2017. At latest at that point in time Firebug (as well as most existing Firefox extensions) definitely stops working.
Regarding the XPath features, there are several feature requests filed for the DevTools already asking to implement advanced XPath support.

Cordova Windows 10 App Apps can't load ActiveX controls

This is a very similar problem to this
Win 10 Universal App with Cordova trying to load flash
This app was running fine around 3 weeks ago. It loads video from a CDN, and this seems to be related to the problem.
The error is showing 4 times and seems to stop the video from playing.
APPHOST9603: Can’t load the ActiveX plug-in that has the class ID
'{D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000}'. Apps can't load ActiveX
There is also an error when it tries to load Fonts.. so I assume it's related.
There is no ActiveX plugins or anything else being used. It's all HTML5 with WebGL. I don't think I've updated Visual Studio or changed anything.
It makes no sense as to where this has come from.
It's gone away. I'm not sure what it is, but it might have been a security issue, I removed the cross-domain attribute of the video and it seemed to solve it.

Silverlight not working in Firefox 3.6.12

We are having some wierd behavior in firefox with silverlight. We have tried everything and I am hoping for some more ideas. Below is the behavior
Install firefox (3.6.12) and silverlight (4.0.50917.0). The versions there are locked and not controlled by us and on all our users machines.
Visit our silverlight application (also tried simple application with just a background)
Instead of seeing our application, you see "Get Microsoft Silverlight"
-- (about:plugins reports silverlight 4.0.50917.0 installed and enabled)
Visit site in IE, app works
Install or uninstall any plug-in (tried Firebug and IETab2)
After install, click "Restart" when prompted
After FF restarts, silverlight works as expected
Close firefox and reopen.
Once again, silverlight is broken
Any ideas? We tried the CWDIllegalInDllSearch entry in the registry to no avail. Please help!
I think it is a problem with Firefox that has been fixed with Version 3.6.14. See this BugReport on Bugzilla. A memory leak in prior versions, cause some problems in the Silverlight detection script of Firefox.
I can only suggest to update Firefox to version 3.6.14. But before i would try it in a local test environment to check if its really a bug in Firefox.
It seems to be a general problem with Firefox 3.6.x, cause some users report the same error as your with higher versions than 3.6.14. See here and here.
The only thing that springs to mind is disabling the plugin-container
In Firefox address bar type about:config
Read the warning, choose your preference to always remind you or not and accept
In the search bar of the config options now type: npctrl
You should then see the entry: dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.npctrl.dll
Change the value from true to false (simply double-clicking will change this for you)
Restart Firefox
There is another workaround which is to disable then re-enable silverlight plugin. Rather than re-isntalling.
