Bash script works fine individually but NOT in a loop - bash

The script below works fine with individual input from the command prompt:
set -eo pipefail
#This script determines namespaces with or without pods in it.
kubectl get pods -n "$namespace" > pod_list.txt
if ! grep -q NAME pod_list.txt; then
echo pods not found
echo pods found
But when it is put on a loop basically reading line by line inputs from a text file it doesn't work:
set -eo pipefail
while IFS= read -r line
echo $line
kubectl get pods -n "$line" > pod_list.txt
if grep -q NAME pod_list.txt; then
echo $line pods NOT found >> pod.txt
echo $line pods found >> pod.txt
done < "$input"
Could anybody please help? Thanks in advance!


syntax error near unexpected token `<' for shell script block in Jenkinsfile

I have the below block of shell script code in Jenkinsfile
stage("Compose Source Structure")
sh '''
set -x
rm -vf config
wget -nv --no-check-certificate https://test-company/k8sconfigs/test-config
export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/test-config
kubectl config view
ns_exists=$(kubectl get namespaces | grep ${consider_namespace})
echo "Validating k8s namespace"
if [ -z "$ns_exists" ]
echo "No namespace ${consider_namespace} exists in the cluster ${source_cluster}"
exit 1
echo "scanning namespace \'${namespace}\'"
mkdir -p "${HOME}/cluster-backup/${namespace}"
while read -r resource
echo "scanning resource \'${resource}\'"
mkdir -p "${HOME}/sync-cluster/${namespace}/${resource}"
while read -r item
echo "exporting item \'${item}\'"
kubectl get "$resource" -n "$namespace" "$item" -o yaml > "${HOME}/sync-cluster/${namespace}/${resource}/${BUILD_NUMBER}-${source_cluster}-${consider_namespace}-$item.yaml"
done < <(kubectl get "$resource" -n "$namespace" 2>&1 | tail -n +2 | awk \'{print $1}\')
done < <(kubectl api-resources --namespaced=true 2>/dev/null | tail -n +2 | awk \'{print $1}\')
Unfortunately, I am getting error like below:
++ kubectl get namespaces
++ grep test
+ ns_exists='test Active 2d20h'
+ echo 'Validating k8s namespace'
Validating k8s namespace
/home/jenkins/workspace/k8s-sync-from-cluster#tmp/durable-852103cd/ line 24: syntax error near unexpected token `<'
I did try to escape "<" with "", so I did like the below
But still having no success, any idea what I am doing wrong here?
From the docs for the sh step (emphasis mine):
Runs a Bourne shell script, typically on a Unix node. Multiple lines are accepted.
An interpreter selector may be used, for example: #!/usr/bin/perl
Otherwise the system default shell will be run, using the -xe flags (you can specify set +e and/or set +x to disable those).
The system default shell on your Jenkins server may be sh, not bash. POSIX sh will not recognize <(command) process substitution.
To specifically use the bash shell, you must include a #!/usr/bin/env bash shebang immediately after your triple quote. Putting a shebang on the next line will have no effect.
I also took the liberty of fixing shellcheck warnings for your shell code, and removing \' escapes that are not necessary.
Try this:
stage("Compose Source Structure")
sh '''#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -x
rm -vf config
wget -nv --no-check-certificate https://test-company/k8sconfigs/test-config
kubectl config view
ns_exists="$(kubectl get namespaces | grep "${consider_namespace}")"
echo "Validating k8s namespace"
if [ -z "$ns_exists" ]
echo "No namespace ${consider_namespace} exists in the cluster ${source_cluster}"
exit 1
echo "scanning namespace '${namespace}'"
mkdir -p "${HOME}/cluster-backup/${namespace}"
while read -r resource
echo "scanning resource '${resource}'"
mkdir -p "${HOME}/sync-cluster/${namespace}/${resource}"
while read -r item
echo "exporting item '${item}'"
kubectl get "$resource" -n "$namespace" "$item" -o yaml > "${HOME}/sync-cluster/${namespace}/${resource}/${BUILD_NUMBER}-${source_cluster}-${consider_namespace}-$item.yaml"
done < <(kubectl get "$resource" -n "$namespace" 2>&1 | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $1}')
done < <(kubectl api-resources --namespaced=true 2>/dev/null | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $1}')

how to break from a while loop that reads a file in bash

I was trying to break a loop I created with
ctrl+C while reading a file.
Instead it was just stopping the specific iteration and not
the whole loop.
How can I stop it completely instead of having to ctrl+C all the iterations?
The whole script can be found here
An example file is like that:
echo -e "SRR7637893\nSRR7637894\nSRR7637895\nSRR7637896" > filenames.txt
The specific code chunk that probably makes the issue is the while loop here(set -xv; has been added afterwards as suggested from markp-fuso in comments):
set -xv;
while read -r line; do
echo "Now downloading "${line}"\n"
docker run --rm -v "$OUTPUT_DIR":/data -w /data inutano/sra-toolkit:v2.9.2 fasterq-dump "${line}" -t /data/shm -e $PROCESSORS
if [[ -s $OUTPUT_DIR/${line}.fastq ]]; then
echo "Using pigz on ${line}.fastq"
pigz --best $OUTPUT_DIR/"${line}*.fastq"
echo "$OUTPUT_DIR/${line}.fastq not found"
done < "$INPUT_txt"; set +xv

Continuing a BASH script after error

This script works well in finding what I need, but there are occassions where a 404 error just kills everything.
set +e
exec 7<foo.txt
exec 8<bar.tmp
echo "Retrieving data"
while read line1 <&7 && read line2 <&8
echo "beginning... retrieving files from d list"
echo "this WILL take a while"
echo $line1
echo $line2
wget -e robots=off -t1 -r -p -Q20k --wait=30 --random-wait --limit-rate=200k -np -U "$line1" http://$line2/page.html
cp /home/user/testing/*.html /home/user/production
echo "done"
exec 7<&-
exec 8<&-
I want to continue the script because even though this site, known as $line2 has a 404, the others don't.
I have done the "set +e", and even ran the script with "|| true", all stopping after the error. Because of the 404, there are no files to copy - and then it fails to go onto the next site.
Any suggestions?
What I found works is this:
if [ ! -d "/home/user/production" ]; then
continue #continue the loop.

crash do while with ssh ls

Script read file line by line and check folders on remote server using command ls
But my do-while - is work only 1 time, and ; for example: if try use rsync - all fine, while work correct, problem only with ssh user#server ls $SERVER_FOLDER >> $LOG
i try use incorrect syntax?
Error from console: syntax error near unexpected token 'done'
cat $FILE | while read -r line || [[ -n $line ]]
ID=$(echo $line | cut -d' ' -f3)
SERVER_FOLDER=`echo "/path_to_id/$ID/"`
ssh user#server ls $SERVER_FOLDER >> $LOG
sleep 20
Add the -n option to ssh to prevent it from reading stdin. What is happening is that ssh is consuming all the input from the file (that is coming through stdin), so the while loop terminates after the first line because there is nothing left for it to read.
Change your code to:
while read -r line || [[ -n $line ]]
ID=$(cut -d' ' -f3 <<< "$line")
ssh -n user#server ls $SERVER_FOLDER >> $LOG
sleep 20
done < "$FILE"
I have also made some other improvements such as changing the way you are reading the file (cat is not necessary).

Lynx is stopping loop?

I'll just apologize beforehand; this is my first ever post, so I'm sorry if I'm not specific enough, if the question has already been answered and I just didn't look hard enough, and if I use incorrect formatting of some kind.
That said, here is my issue: In bash, I am trying to create a script that will read a file that lists several dozen URL's. Once it reads each line, I need it to run a set of actions on that, the first being to use lynx to navigate to the website. However, in practice, it will run once perfectly on the first line. Lynx goes, the download works, and then the subsequent renaming and organizing of that file go through as well. But then it skips all the other lines and acts like it has finished the whole file.
I have tested to see if it was lynx causing the issue by eliminating all the other parts of the code, and then by just eliminating lynx. It works without Lynx, but, of course, I need lynx for the rest of the output to be of any use to me. Let me just post the code:
while read line; do
echo $line
lynx -accept_all_cookies $line
echo "lynx done"
od -N 2 -h *.zip | grep "4b50"
echo "od done, if 1 starting..."
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]
then ls *.*>>logs/zips.log
od -N 2 -h *.exe | grep "5a4d"
echo "if 2 starting..."
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]
then ls *.*>>logs/exes.log
od -N 2 -h *.exe | grep "5a4d, 4b50"
echo "if 3 starting..."
if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]
ls *.*>>logs/failed.log
echo "if 3 done"
echo "if 2 done"
echo "if 1 done..."
FILE=`(ls -tr *.* | head -1)`
NOW=$(date +"%m_%d_%Y")
echo "vars set"
mv $FILE "criticalfreepri/${FILE%%.*}(ZCH,$NOW).${FILE#*.}" -u
echo "file moved"
rm *.zip *.exe
echo "file removed"
done < "lynx"
Just to be sure, I do have a file called "lynx" that contains the urls separated by a return each. Also, I used all those "echo"s to do my own sort of debugging, but I have tried it with and without the echo's. When I execute the script, the echo's all show up...
Any help is appreciated, and thank you all so much! Hope I didn't break any rules on this post!
PS: I'm on Linux Mint running things through the "terminal" program. I'm scripting with bash in Gedit, if any of that info is relevant. Thanks!
EDIT: Actually, the echo tests repeat for all three lines. So it would appear that lynx simply can't start again in the same loop?
Here is a simplified version of the script, as requested:
while read -r line; do
echo $line
lynx $line
echo "lynx done"
done < "ref/url"
read "lynx"
Note that I have changed the sites the "url" file goes to:
Lynx is not designed to use in scripts because it locks the terminal. Lynx is an interactive console browser.
If you want to access URLs in a script use wget, for example:
For exit codes see:
to parse the html-content use:
VAR=`wget -qO-`
echo $VAR
I found a way which may fulfilled your requirement to run lynx command in loop with substitution of different url link.
echo `lynx $line`
(Echo the lynx $line in single quote('))
instead of lynx $line. You may refer below:
your code
while read -r line; do
echo $line
lynx $line
echo "lynx done"
done < "ref/url"
read "lynx"
try on below
while read -r line; do
echo $line
echo `lynx $line`
echo "lynx done"
done < "ref/url"
I should have answered this question a long time ago. I got the program working, it's now on Github!
Anyway, I simply had to wrap the loop inside a function. Something like this:
progdownload () {
printlog "attmpting download from ${URL}"
if echo "${URL}" | grep -q "" ; then
lynx -cmd_script="${WORKINGDIR}/support/mgcmd.txt" --accept-all-cookies ${URL}
else wget ${URL}
