I want to create a map which can only have predefined keys.
for example
set of values be like "todo", "inprogress","done"
I can think of struct will be helpful here but it will be very tedious.
Is there anything else we can use here?
You have basically two options:
Use a struct.
Perform validation on the map.
#2 may be made easier with the use of a setter method, if you wish. But fundamentally, you must validate that the keys present (or added) to match your expectations.
I have some test cases for a web application in Robot Framework. In some cases I define a unit and then validate this action by checking database and GUI. The variables which I use in define, should be available in validation in order to check details; keep in mind they are randomly generated in the test case. I have three approaches in mind to pass variables from define to validation:
Make variables global and use their global names further; it makes the scenarios ambiguous since the reader can't detect where did this variable come from without checking inner steps.
Pass variables to both define and validation keywords; scenarios look weird when vast number of parameters are required.
Save variables in a dictionary and pass it to both define and validation keywords.
Which one is the best? Are there any other ways to do the process? Are there any other pros and cons which I've forgotten?
3rd option is better to storing variables in dictionary.
There is similar way out also
Consider following is keyword
My Keyword
[Argument] #{data}
// get respective values from keys and use further for validation
${value1}= Get Template Value From List ${Key1} #{data}
${value2}= Get Template Value From List ${Key2} #{data}
Call above keyword as follows
*** Test Cases ***
Test data
My Keyword
... key1=value1
... key2=value2
So above code will increase readability as you know what kind of data your test case is using
As you are passing data at your test case level, you don't need to go anywhere else to find data.
I finally use a combination of #2 & #3. I used #3 in the top level of test cases and #2 for some inner keywords which don't need all the data and a subclass of that is sufficient for them.
I want to validate an entity using a values stored in an array which is in the params.
What I tried to do is injecting the array from params.yml (I'm using YAML) via service into a model.
In validation.yml, I tried to use the choice constraint with a callback. but I don't know how to call a method non-static from a different class.
To do this:
- Choice: { callback: [CountryHandler, getCountries] }
getCountries must be static.
Is it possible to do something like that with a method non static? Is it a better idea* to validate the entity with my own constraint as they explain here: http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/validation/custom_constraint.html?
I only have to validate one param and at first sight it doesn't seems a good idea.
I think that is a better idea because you can re-use in other case and better readability. As show in the documentation you give, you must create 2 files, one for your validator and one for the constraint, if you have dependency, you can inject to Validator declaring a new service with dependancy declared as arguments. After this, you have only to call your constraint as another Constraint.
I want to get a variable's class type in freemarker, used var.class.simpleName;
but if var is a Map, freemarker will process class as a key to find value in var.
it throw exception. how can I do this ? thanks for any suggestion.
First I have to ask why do you need that, because FreeMarker templates aren't supposed to know even if var is Map at all. Maybe your data-model is not what the template needs.
Anyway, for now, I would write a custom TemplateMethodModelEx for this purpose, something that you can use like ${classOf(var)}. Inside the TemplateMethodModelEx implementation you will receive a TemplateModel as the argument value, and then you can check if it's an AdapterTemplateModel, and if so you can get back the original object and get its class. (If it's not a AdapterTemplateModel, then it perhaps isn't even a wrapped Java object, so it doesn't make sense to ask what the class of the original object is.) However, the DefaultObjectWrapper with incompatibleImprovements set to less than 2.3.22 doesn't give AdapterTemplateModel to wrapped Map-s... so in 2.3.21 you will still have to use BeansWrapper, but you can at least set simpleMapWrapper to true.
In 2.3.22 it will be actually possible to write ${var?api.class}... you might use the nightly build. Though it only supposed to solve the problem where you can't access business methods because the primary type of the business class is Map.
In my OSX app I have NSMutableSet that contains custom objects. I implemented -isEqual and -hash methods in my custom object classes, so that the set can do comparison the way I want.
However, whenever I insert a new object into my set and then call -allObjects, the array that is returned has the objects in a sorted order.
The order depends on the value of the property that I'm using for comparison of my custom objects in -isEqual method mentioned above.
In my case, I want to preserve the order at which the objects were added to the set.
Does anyone have any clue how to achieve that?
Any kind of help is highly appreciated!
Sets don't have an order, they are specifically designed to be unordered collections. When you call allObjects to get an array, the order you get is not defined so you should not depend on it.
You have 2 basic options here if you want to keep using sets.
Order the array manually once you get it.
Use an NSOrderedSet which maintains order.
In my case, I want to preserve the order at which the objects were added to the set.
Then don't use a set, but an NSArray.
Arrays store their objects in an order, sets do not.
I need to store a lookup table as an instance member in one of my classes. The table will be initialized when the object is constructed. Each "row" will have 3 "columns":
StringKey (e.g., "car")
EnumKey (e.g., LookupKeys.Car)
Value (e.g, "Ths is a car.")
I want to pick the data structure that will yield the best performance for doing lookups either by the StringKey or the EnumKey.
It's kind of awkward having 2 keys for the same dictionary value. I've never encountered this before, so I'm wondering what the norm is for this type of thing.
I could make a Key/Value/Value structure instead of Key/Key/Value, but I'm wondering what type of performance impact that would have.
Am I thinking about this all wrong?
Well ... "Wrong" is a harsh way of putting it. I think that because the most common dictionary is "single key to value", and a lot of effort goes into providing efficient data structures for that (maps), it's often best to just use two of those, sharing the memory for the values if at all possible.
You have two hashmaps.
One from StringKey to value.
One from EnumKey to value.
You do not have to duplicate all the Value instances, those objects can be shared between the two hashmaps.
If it's a LOT of items, you might want to use two treemaps instead of two hashmaps. But the essential principle ("Share the Values") applies to both structures. One set of Values with two maps.
Is it really necessary to key into the same structure with both types of key? You probably don't need to rebuild a complex data structure yourself. You could do some sort of encapsulation for the lookup table so that you really have two lookup tables if memory is not an issue. You could use this encapsulating structure to simulate being able to pull out the value from the "same" structure with either type of key.
If there is some way to map between the enum value and the string key you could go that route with only having one type of lookup table.
LINQ's ILookup(TKey, TElement) interface may help. Assuming your Dictionary is something like:
Dictionary<carKey, carValue> cars;
You could use:
ILookUp<carValue, carKey> lookup = cars.ToLookup(x => x.Value, x => x.Key);
(...actually I think I might have slightly misread the question - but an ILookUp might still fit the bill, but the key/value set might need to be the key and the enum.)
If every value is guaranteed to be accessible by both types of keys, another idea would be to convert one type of key to another. For example:
public Value getValue(String key)
dictionary.get(key); // normal way
public Value getValue(Enum enumKey)
String realKey = toKey(enumKey);
getValue(realKey); // use String key
You could have your Enum implement a toKey() method that returns their String key, or maybe have another dictionary that maps Enum values to the String counterparts.