What status code represents : POST failed to edit because too many entries? - http-status-codes

400 error codes confuse me and I'm not sure which this corresponds to! What status code represents : POST failed to edit because too many entries?

You could use 429 Too Many Requests HTTP status code. Source


Upwork API list teams return 400 error (Bad Request: Maximum 50 items per bulk request)

I making GET request to /api/hr/v2/teams.json (according to https://developers.upwork.com/?lang=php#companies-and-teams_list-teams) and receive the error:
{"server_time":1660924546,"error":{"status":400,"code":0,"message":"Bad Request: Maximum 50 items per bulk request."}}'
In API description I do not see any param possible to limit request. Can anyone suggest solution?
Thank you in advance!

Google.apis returns error code 400 after creating maximum amount of service account keys

We are using Google.apis Version 1.36.1 SDK in order to create service account keys for GCP Service accounts.
When we reach maximum amount of keys (10) instead of getting a valid error message / error code we recieve a general 400 error code with a "Precondition check failed." message.
We used to get error code 429 indicating we have reached maximum amount of keys.
Current GoogleApiException object :
Google.GoogleApiException: Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
Precondition check failed. [400]
Errors [
Message[Precondition check failed.] Location[ - ] Reason[failedPrecondition] Domain[global]
The current return code does not provide us with enough information, Is there any other way for us to know the reason of the failure ?
This error message is also related to limits. You can take the official documentation for the Classroom API as an example.
I have found myself in a similar situation where we were deleting service account keys to immediately create new ones. We were getting the same error because there is a delay on the system where it can take from 60-90 seconds to delete the key for you to be able to create it again.

Outlook REST API 500 LegacyPagingToken error

I am using the Microsoft Outlook REST API to synchronize messages in a folder using skipTokens with the Prefer: odata.track-changes header.
After 62 successful rounds of results, I get an error 500 ErrorInternalServerError with the message Unable to cast object of type 'LegacyPagingToken' to type 'Microsoft.Exchange.Services.OData.Model.SkipToken'
I have tried:
Retrying the same query (https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/MailFolders/Inbox/messages/?%24skipToken=1BWUA9eXs5dN89tPsr_FOvtzINQAA0Cwk5o), which results in the same error
Restarting the sync, which results in the same error at the same point
Adding a new message to the Inbox and restarting the sync, which results in the same error at the same point
Moving the messages from that part of the sync to another folder (in case the messages themselves were causing the problem), which results in the same error at the same point
Has anybody run into this error or have suggestions on what might cause it or workarounds?
It looks like the issue was on my end while parsing the skipToken from the #odata.nextLink response. The token in the original question is invalid - the actual skipToken passed back from the API had -AAAA on the end. After 63 queries, in which the skipToken increments, the Base64 encoded form started using characters the regexp I was using didn't find. Switching from a \w regexp to a proper URL parser solved the problem.

IRS AIR 1095B Manifest Schema -- OriginalReceiptID

I'm attempting to upload AIR test 2C via the IRS UI web portal and received the following submission error: "The manifest file does not match our current schema. In particular, our system has detected a potential issue with the following element(s)" OriginalReceiptID
Here's our manifest file:
top portion of our manifest file
Can anyone find the errors of my ways?
You need to provide the OriginalReceiptId (on the Manifest) only when sending a Replacement record type for a previously "Rejected" Transmission.
The OriginalUniqueSubmissionId (on the 1094-C) should be provided only when sending a Replacement record type for a previously "Rejected" Submission.
Note: You will receive Transmission-level error if you include both the OriginalReceiptId and OriginalUniqueSubmissionId. The type of rejection dictates which one is needed to be used. The Type of Rejection is caused by either the Transmission or Submission, and is defined by the reason for the rejection and the structure of the Error Data File received from the status response.
CorrectedUniqueSubmissionId on the 1094-C is used when sending a
Correction record type for a previously "Accepted" or "Accepted with Errors" 1094-C record.
CorrectedUniqueRecordId on the 1095-C is used when sending a
Correction record type for a previously "Accepted" or "Accepted with Errors" 1095-C record.
I don't think you need original receipt id for the correction files, it is for rejected files. refer to IRS air composition referece guide at https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p5165.pdf

Jmeter- Under response data it is displaying error but under sampler result it is displaying 'Response message: OK'

I am having web application for which I have to test load for Monthly Report generation.
Ran thread group for 3 users and analyzing output using View Result Tree Listener, it is displaying '0|error|500||' and under Sampler Result it is displaying 'Response message: OK' for first two samples and for last sample it is displaying response data as 'Response too large to be displayed. Size: 5965092 > Max: 204800, Start of message: etc'
Can anybody tell what will be the issue, why it is displaying error under response data and response message as OK under Sampler Result.
Waiting for your response.
As long as JMeter receives something it can parse as HTTP, it won't call that an error.
You're going to want to add Response Assertions to the problem calls. Make sure that it doesn't contain an error depending what the response contains. Documentation can be found here.
When you get these errors after implementing Response Assertions, JMeter will refer to them as '200 errors,' which essentially means it was an error with a 200 response code.
