How can get MessageListenerContainer with KafkaListenerEndpointRegistry - spring

I wrote some code for healthcheck my KafkaConsumer like this:
class HealthCheckConsumer : ReactiveHealthIndicator {
private lateinit var kafkaListenerEndpointRegistry: KafkaListenerEndpointRegistry
override fun health(): Mono<Health> {
val container =
println("get listener container" + container)
return doHealthCheck(container)
.onErrorResume({ ex -> Mono.just(Health.Builder().down(ex).build()) })
private fun doHealthCheck( message: MessageListenerContainer): Mono<Health> {
if (message.isRunning)
return Mono.just(Health.up().build())
return Mono.error(Exception("an error was threw"))
But when I run it, the variable container return null, even though the kafka message was received and the group Id exact with properties
Otherwise, when I try to get all container by kafkaListenerEndpointRegistry.allListenerContainers, it returns an empty collection.
I'm wondering if I had missed some config for it, please help me with this issue.
Thanks in advance.

The ListenerContainer must be called after a consumer got a message.
In other words, you must put the line below, or call its containing method, in where body of a method is consumer.


Not able to Use Bean method in Camel Route

This is my route class.
public class MyRoute extends RouteBuilder {
public boolean enablelog;
public boolean enableroutepolicy;
public void configure() throws Exception {
CronScheduleRoutePolicy routepolicy = new CronScheduleRoutePolicy();
.setProperty(Enablelog, constant(enablelog))
.bean(MyRoute.class, "setlogProperties('*', 'Request', 'Pending','Received Input message')")
.bean(MyRoute.class, "setlogProperties('*', 'Response', 'Waiting','Response message waiting to be delivered')")
if (enableroutepolicy == true) {
.bean(MyRoute.class, "setlogProperties('*', 'Response', 'Success','Response message delivered')")
} else {
.bean(MyRoute.class, "setlogProperties('*', 'Response', 'Success','Response message delivered')")
public void setlogPoperties(Exchange exchange, String msgtype, String status, String statusMessage ) {
exchange.setrPoperty("MessageType", msgtype);
In this Route I have two routes
From InQueue to WaitQueue
From WaitQueue to OutQueue.
First route is always activated and I am activating the second route according to the requirement. In the second route I am not able to call .bean() and pass the params to the setlogPoperties(). I am new to the camel and not sure how to fix this. Any kind of help is appreciated.
The root cause of this problem might be that 'enablelog' and 'enableroutepolicy' are not getting picked up from your property file and as the default value of boolean is false your code is unable to reach setlogPoperties().
You have annotated the class as a #Component. So in order for #Value to retrieve values from the property file, please make sure you are either defining a #PropertySource annotated in this class itself or you are creating a bean for this component in a separate #Configuration annotated class.

Performing Aggregation of records and launch spring cloud task in single Processor in Spring cloud stream

I am trying to perform the following actions
Aggregating messages
Launching Spring Cloud Task
But not able to pass the aggregated message to the method launching Task. Below is the piece of code
private TaskProcessorProperties processorProperties;
Processor processor;
private AppConfiguration appConfiguration ;
#Transformer(inputChannel = MyProcessor.intermidiate, outputChannel = Processor.OUTPUT)
public Object setupRequest(String message) {
Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>();
if (StringUtils.hasText(this.processorProperties.getDataSourceUrl())) {
properties.put("spring_datasource_url", this.processorProperties.getDataSourceUrl());
if (StringUtils.hasText(this.processorProperties.getDataSourceDriverClassName())) {
properties.put("spring_datasource_driverClassName", this.processorProperties
if (StringUtils.hasText(this.processorProperties.getDataSourceUserName())) {
properties.put("spring_datasource_username", this.processorProperties
if (StringUtils.hasText(this.processorProperties.getDataSourcePassword())) {
properties.put("spring_datasource_password", this.processorProperties
properties.put("payload", message);
TaskLaunchRequest request = new TaskLaunchRequest(
this.processorProperties.getUri(), null, properties, null,
System.out.println("inside task launcher **************************");
System.out.println(request.toString() +"**************************");
return new GenericMessage<>(request);
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = Processor.INPUT,outputChannel = MyProcessor.intermidiate)
public MessageHandler aggregator() {
AggregatingMessageHandler aggregatingMessageHandler =
new AggregatingMessageHandler(new DefaultAggregatingMessageGroupProcessor(),
new SimpleMessageStore(10));
AggregatorFactoryBean aggregatorFactoryBean = new AggregatorFactoryBean();
aggregatingMessageHandler.setCorrelationStrategy(new ExpressionEvaluatingCorrelationStrategy("'FOO'"));
aggregatingMessageHandler.setReleaseStrategy(new MessageCountReleaseStrategy(3)); //ExpressionEvaluatingReleaseStrategy("size() == 5")
aggregatingMessageHandler.setGroupTimeoutExpression(new ValueExpression<>(3000L)); //size() ge 2 ? 5000 : -1
return aggregatingMessageHandler;
To pass the message between aggregator and task launcher method (setupRequest(String message)) , i am using a channel MyProcessor.intermidiate defined as below
import org.springframework.messaging.MessageChannel;
import org.springframework.messaging.SubscribableChannel;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Indexed;
public interface MyProcessor {
String intermidiate = "intermidiate";
MessageChannel intermidiate();
} used is below
Its not working , With the above mentioned approach .
In this class if i change the channel name from my defined channel MyProcessor.intermediate to Processor.input or Processor.output than any one of the things works (based on the channel name changed to Processor.*)
I want to aggregate the messages first and than want to launch task on aggragated messages in processor, which is not happening
See here:
public Object setupRequest(String message) {
So, you expect some string as a request payload.
Your AggregatorFactoryBean use a DefaultAggregatingMessageGroupProcessor, which does exactly this:
List<Object> payloads = new ArrayList<Object>(messages.size());
for (Message<?> message : messages) {
return payloads;
So, it is definitely not a String.
It is strange that you don't show what exception happens with your configuration, but I assume you need to change setupRequest() signature to expect a List of payloads or you need to provide some custom MessageGroupProcessor to build that String from the group of messages you have aggregated.

Micrometer filter is ignored with CompositeMeterRegistry

I use Spring Boot 2.1.2.RELEASE, and I try to use Micrometer with CompositeMeterRegistry. My goal is to publish some selected meters to ElasticSearch. The code below shows my sample config. The problem is, that the filter is completely ignored (so all metrics are sent to ElasticSearch), although I can see in the logs that it was processed ("filter reply of meter ..." lines).
Strangely, if I define the MeterFilter as a Spring bean, then it's applied to ALL registries (however, I want it to be applied only on "elasticMeterRegistry").
Here is a sample configuration class:
public class AppConfiguration {
public ElasticConfig elasticConfig() {
return new ElasticConfig() {
public String get(final String k) {
return null;
public MeterRegistry meterRegistry(final ElasticConfig elasticConfig) {
final CompositeMeterRegistry registry = new CompositeMeterRegistry();
registry.add(new SimpleMeterRegistry());
registry.add(new JmxMeterRegistry(new JmxConfig() {
public Duration step() {
return Duration.ofSeconds(10);
public String get(String k) {
return null;
}, Clock.SYSTEM));
final ElasticMeterRegistry elasticMeterRegistry = new ElasticMeterRegistry(elasticConfig, Clock.SYSTEM);
elasticMeterRegistry.config().meterFilter(new MeterFilter() {
public MeterFilterReply accept(Meter.Id id) {
final MeterFilterReply reply =
? MeterFilterReply.NEUTRAL
: MeterFilterReply.DENY;"filter reply of meter {}: {}", id.getName(), reply);
return reply;
return registry;
So, I expect ElasticSearch to receive only "logback" metrics, and JMX to receive all metrics.
I have played with filters and found a "solution", but I don't really understand why the code above doesn't work.
This works:
elasticMeterRegistry.config().meterFilter(new MeterFilter() {
public MeterFilterReply accept(Meter.Id id) {
final MeterFilterReply reply =
? MeterFilterReply.ACCEPT
: MeterFilterReply.DENY;"filter reply of meter {}: {}", id.getName(), reply);
return reply;
The difference is: I return ACCEPT instead of NEUTRAL.
Strangely, the following code does not work (ES gets all metrics):
MeterFilter.accept(id -> id.getName().startsWith("logback")));
But this works:
MeterFilter.accept(id -> id.getName().startsWith("logback")));
So, it seems that instead of NEUTRAL, the filter should return ACCEPT. But for meters not starting with "logback", my original filter (with NEUTRAL) returns DENY. Then why are those metrics published to ElasticSearch registry?
Can someone explain this?
This is really a composite of questions. I'll just point out a few points.
For the MeterRegistry bean you defined, Spring Boot will auto-configure an ElasticMeterRegistry bean as there's no ElasticMeterRegistry bean. Instead of creating a CompositeMeterRegistry bean on your own, just define a custom ElasticMeterRegistry bean which is applied the MeterFilter you want and let Spring Boot create one (CompositeMeterRegistry bean) for you.
For MeterFilterReply, ACCEPT will accept the meter immediately, DENY will deny the meter immediately, and NEUTRAL will postpone the decision to next filter(s). Basically meters will be accepted unless there's any DENY.

Validating Spring Kafka payloads

I am trying to set up a service that has both a REST (POST) endpoint and a Kafka endpoint, both of which should take a JSON representation of the request object (let's call it Foo). I would want to make sure that the Foo object is valid (via JSR-303 or whatever). So Foo might look like:
public class Foo {
private int bar;
// Getter and setter boilerplate
Setting up the REST endpoint is easy:
#PostMapping(value = "/", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<String> restEndpoint(#Valid #RequestBody Foo foo) {
// Do stuff here
and if I POST, { "bar": 9 } it processes the request, but if I post: { "bar": 99 } I get a BAD REQUEST. All good so far!
The Kafka endpoint is easy to create (along with adding a StringJsonMessageConverter() to my KafkaListenerContainerFactory so that I get JSON->Object conversion:
#KafkaListener(topics = "fooTopic")
public void kafkaEndpoint(#Valid #Payload Foo foo) {
// I shouldn't get here with an invalid object!!!
logger.debug("Successfully processed the object" + foo);
// But just to make sure, let's see if hand-validating it works
Validator validator = localValidatorFactoryBean.getValidator();
Set<ConstraintViolation<SlackMessage>> errors = validator.validate(foo);
if (errors.size() > 0) {
logger.debug("But there were validation errors!" + errors);
But no matter what I try, I can still pass invalid requests in and they process without error.
I've tried both #Valid and #Validated. I've tried adding a MethodValidationPostProcessor bean. I've tried adding a Validator to the KafkaListenerEndpointRegistrar (a la the EnableKafka javadoc):
public class MiscellaneousConfiguration implements KafkaListenerConfigurer {
private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
LocalValidatorFactoryBean validatorFactory;
public void configureKafkaListeners(KafkaListenerEndpointRegistrar registrar) {
logger.debug("Configuring " + registrar);
public MessageHandlerMethodFactory kafkaHandlerMethodFactory() {
DefaultMessageHandlerMethodFactory factory = new DefaultMessageHandlerMethodFactory();
return factory;
I've now spent a few days on this, and I'm running out of other ideas. Is this even possible (without writing validation into every one of my kakfa endpoints)?
Sorry for the delay; we are at SpringOne Platform this week.
The infrastructure currently does not pass a Validator into the payload argument resolver. Please open an issue on GitHub.
Spring kafka listener by default do not scan for #Valid for non Rest controller classes. For more details please refer this answer

Map UnsupportedMediaTypeException using ExceptionMapper

Is there a place where it is clearly documented that I cannot map UnsupportedMediaTypeException (because it's a rest easy exception and not custom application exception) using the
I want to prove that to my client. Or another thing I would like to do is map this exception to a Response that can be fetched at the client to show the error. Right now when this exception is thrown it provides no information to the client as the application ends abruptly.
Any help would be appreciated.
You can map this exception. Why not? Do you get an error?
This code should do the job
public class EJBExceptionMapper implements ExceptionMapper<org.jboss.resteasy.spi.UnsupportedMediaTypeException>{
Response toResponse(org.jboss.resteasy.spi.UnsupportedMediaTypeException exception) {
return Response.status(415).build();
Don't forget to declare that provider in Spring configuration file.
If you want to provide more information to the client create class
public class Error{
private String message;
//getter and setter for message field
and then you can
public class EJBExceptionMapper implements ExceptionMapper<org.jboss.resteasy.spi.UnsupportedMediaTypeException>{
Response toResponse(org.jboss.resteasy.spi.UnsupportedMediaTypeException exception) {
Error error = new Error();
error.setMessage("Whatever message you want to send to user");
return Response.entity(error).status(415).build();
If you don't want to use Error entity simply pass a string to Response.entity() call.
If you want to catch whatever is thrown in you application create generic exception mapper:
public class ThrowableMapper implements ExceptionMapper<Throwable> {
public Response toResponse(Throwable t) {
ErrorDTO errorDTO = new ErrorDTO(code);
return Response.status(500).build();
