How can I make Enthought HasTraits class instances immutable post initialization - something equivalent to #dataclasses.dataclass (frozen=True) ?
Python 3.9.4
Traits 6.2
to calculate option price which use QuantLib,but QuantLib do not supported in goland.
"QuantLib is written in C++ with a clean object model, and is then exported to different languages such as C#, Java, Python, R, and Ruby."
QuantLib is exported to different languages using SWIG, which generates the necessary wrapper code. Unfortunately, SWIG for Go does not support the shared_ptr class, which is used everywhere in the interfaces. Therefore, QuantLib cannot support Go until this changes.
There is an issue open for SWIG on GitHub to add this feature (see but no working contributions so far.
I am converting my .Net 4.5 class library to .Net Standard Library 1.2 (as we want to support Cross platform.
Few of my classes and interfaces use attributes ContractClassFor and ContractClass. These classes belongs to System.Diagnostics.Contracts. But I can not find thess classes in XAMARIN.
What are the equivalent classes for those I can use? Or if no classes present, how can I replace the code with ?
Thanks so much
If you are using .NETStandard, you need to use NuGet packages for any missing namespaces. In your case you would need to install the System.Diagnostics.Contracts NuGet to unlock the desired functionality.
As the NuGet description says, it provides the ContractClass and ContractClassFor attributes you are missing.
I have inherited some code which uses bpstl::allocator. Obviously, my predecessor had certain Boost libraries installed and I do not.
Which (Linux) package do I need to install in order for the code to compile?
I can't find a DoxyGen or other navigable Boost documentation online.
Likely, bpstl is just a namespace alias. If I were to guess, I'd say
boost pool
boost container
boost interprocess
There's not a wellknown library that uses bpstl as a namespace (not even obsolete, that I remember) so, in all likelihood, such aliases can be found in the adjacent code base (headers) next to that code you inherited. It's gonna take some archaeology, but grep your way to it!
On debian-like Linuxen, by far the easiest way to get some mainstream version of boost installed is by
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
Boost "navigable" documentation online is here:
How can I build a Ruby interpreter with only Core API (exclude Process class) and without standard library?
It should not include irb or anything else. A pure interpreter with necessary components.
i have no idea how you can build it, but matz (the creator of ruby) published a project that provides a minimal version of ruby called mruby:
I am a Java Developer and a newbie in Ruby.
Does Ruby not implement available classes in Ruby lang itself(as done in Java).
Actually I have downloaded the code for Ruby and was trying to find the implementation for classes like Fixnum, etc. But could not find it.
In YARV/MRI most of the core classes are implemented in C (see array.c, bignum.c, string.c and so on) but some of the less-core classes are implemented in Ruby (e.g Set, Vector and so on).
However, in Rubinius (another Ruby implementation) almost all (afaik) of the core classes are implemented in pure Ruby.