Print best move with python_chess - python-chess

Easy question, but I'm doing something wrong and don't know what :(
I'm using the python-chess libary and want to print the best move to the engine (Stockfish).
I'm able to print the score from the engine with
board = chess.Board(fen)
info = engine.analyse(board, chess.engine.Limit(time=0.1))
but I'm not able to print the move
best_move = chess.engine.PlayResult(chess.Move, chess.engine.Limit(time=0.1), draw_offered=False, resigned=False, )
I alway get something like this: PlayResult at 0x1ef108495e0
The documentation ( search for "best move") didn't help, alway get some errrors.

If you use Stockfish, pip install stockfish, and you can get the best move by using :\
from stockfish import Stockfish
stockfish = Stockfish('the stockfish place in your computer')
stockfish.set_fen_position("your FEN")
See the page of the project here.


Add sample names to s.class

So I'm trying to add sample names to my PCA s.class. Someone here (on another question) suggested adding text() to it, but I can't seem to figure out how to align the two.
Here is my code:
s.class(pca1$li, fac = beardata$pop, xax=1, yax=2)
add.scatter.eig(pca1$eig[1:20], 3,1,2, pos="bottomright", inset=.01, ratio=.18)
first code image
s.class(pca1$li, fac = beardata$pop)
add.scatter.eig(pca1$eig[1:20], 3,1,2, pos="bottomright", inset=.01, ratio=.18)
This is what I get with added text()
Thank you for any help, I'm quite new at this so I hope this has easy solution.

Scraping all data from Reddit searches

I am using PRAW to scrape data off of reddit. I am using the .search method to search very specific people. I can easily print the title of the submission if the keyword is in the title, but if the keyword is in the text of the submission nothing pops up. Here is the code I have so far.
import praw
reddit = praw.Reddit(----------)
alls = reddit.subreddit("all")
for submission in"Yoa ming",sort = comment, limit = 5):
When I run this code i get
Yoa Ming next to Elephant!
Obama's Yoa Ming impression
i used to yoa ming... until i took an arrow to the knee
Could someone make a rage face out of our dearest Yoa Ming? I think it would compliment his first one so well!!!
If you search Yoa Ming on reddit, there are posts that dont contain "Yoa Ming" in the title but "Yoa Ming" in the text and those are the posts I want.
You might need to update the version of PRAW you are using. Using v6.3.1 yields the expected outcome and includes submissions that have the keyword in the body and not the title.
Also, the sort=comment parameter should be sort='comments'. Using an invalid value for sort will not throw an error but it will fall back to the default value, which may be why you are seeing different search results between your script and the website.

What's a reasonable way to read an entire text file as a single string?

I am sure this is an easy one; I just couldn't find the answer immediately from Google.
I know I could do this (right?):
text = "" do |line|
text += line
# Do something with text
But that seems a bit excessive, doesn't it? Or is that the way one would do it in Ruby? is what you're looking for.
File is a subclass of IO, so you may as well just use:
text =
Can't get more intuitive than that.
What about
Edit:, as an added bonus, closes the file for you.
First result I found when searching.
I wanted to change the mode, which doesn't seem possible with, unless I'm wrong?
Anyway, you can do this:
data =,'rb',&:read)
It's also good for when you want to use any of the other options:

Hacking rails.vim to work with Padrino

I recently cloned rails.vim (vim-rails) hoping to modify it to work with Padrino projects.
Currently I'm trying to get the Rcontroller command to look not only in app/controllers (perfect for rails) but also in any folder in the project that has a sub-folder called 'controllers'. So when I type Rcontroller in command-mode and hit tab, I should be able to tab through admin/controllers/base.rb, admin/controllers/accounts.rb, app/controllers/events.rb etc. This will let users of the plugin to jump to controllers in a 'subapp' of a Padrino application. e.g. PADRINO_ROOT/admin
The current controllerList function seems to handle this autocompletion and here's what I have so far (only slightly modified from the original source)
function! s:controllerList(A,L,P)
let con = padrino#app().relglob("*/controllers/","**/*",".rb")
call map(con,'s:sub(v:val,"_controller$","")')
return s:autocamelize(con,a:A)
I added the wildcard before the controllers directory but this gives results like
Rcontroller ers/base
Rcontroller ers/sessions
Rcontroller s/events
for the last one it looks like there is somethings weird going on with string lengths or overlap...
Ideally I'd like to get it to the point where typing Rcontroller admin<TAB> should result in autocompletion to Rcontroller admin/controllers/accounts.rb. Likewise, Rcontroller app<TAB> should result in Rcontroller app/controllers/events.rb
The code for the viewList function has something similar to this and its code is as follows:
function! s:viewList(A,L,P)
let c = s:controller(1)
let top = padrino#app().relglob("app/views/",s:fuzzyglob(a:A))
call filter(top,'v:val !~# "\\~$"')
if c != '' && a:A !~ '/'
let local = padrino#app().relglob("app/views/".c."/","*.*[^~]")
return s:completion_filter(local+top,a:A)
return s:completion_filter(top,a:A)
Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
You probably want the full path to look like this:
which globs as "look under any directory for a directory called controllers, then look anywhere under that for a file ending in .rb"
Looking at other usages of "relglob", I can only guess at how it's supposed to work, but my guess is:
first param is "which directory to start looking in"
second param is "how to multiply out the directories from there"
third param is "actual files that will match"
based on this assumption, my guess would be to use:
Caveat: this is based on my understanding of glob, not of vim or relglob
adjust as per actual usage.
Note: have added "app/" in the assumption that you're unlikely to want to be tabbing through any controllers under vendor/plugin or vendor/gems. This may not be the case, in which case, feel free to change it to "."

Need to get information from Qt4ruby Form's textedit(textbox) and pass back to string for console

I think this problem is best described in code. I'm sure the solution is close, I just haven't been able to find it. I've been looking over the Qt4 api as well as doing tutorials. Here is my code so far:
require 'Qt4'
class PictureCommentForm < Qt::Widget
def initialize(parent = nil)
#setFixedSize(300, 100)
#comment_text = nil
picture =
image ='image.jpeg')
picture.pixmap = image
comment =
layout =
connect(comment, SIGNAL('returnPressed()'), self, setCommentText(comment.text) )
def setCommentText(text)
#comment_text = text
app =
comment_form =
comment_text = comment_form.comment_text
puts "Comment was:\n #{comment_text}"
EDIT: Thanks for that answer integer. All I want done is a dialog box showing a picture and comment so I can get that data. I do plan on making a full GUI version with qt4, but that's for later.
I don't know Ruby, so bear with me, but I use Qt extensively in Python.
First point is that Qt really, really doesn't want to be used the way you're trying to use it. If you're making some sort of script, then Qt wants you to give it to Qt so it can run your code when it feels like:
We recommend that you connect clean-up
code to the aboutToQuit() signal,
instead of putting it in your
application's main() function because
on some platforms the
QCoreApplication::exec() call may not
Working with Qt you pretty much have to do event-driven programming and give it control of your program flow / main loop.
If you really just want some "utility" that shows some GUI input box and prints whatever the user inputs to console, consider putting the puts directly in whatever function you connected to the text box. Then you can use that program's output in other console scripts.
