I have a Zebra printer and inside its memory there are some images (GRF files) that I want to export as backup, is it possibile to do it?
I discovered only how to upload to the printer new images, print images but I did not find any way to download it from the printer to the computer.
For this you will want to use the HZ command. It will return the graphic in a way you can send it to another printer.
From the Zebra ZPL manual:
Display Description Information
The ^HZ command is used for returning printer description information in XML format. The printer returns
information on format parameters, object directories, individual object data, and print status information.
Format: ^HZb
Format: ^HZO,d:o.x,l
Parameters Details
b = display description to return
a = display all information
f = display printer format setting information
l = display object directory listing information
o = display individual object data information
r = display printer status information
Default: if the value is missing or invalid, the command is ignored
Parameters Details
d = location of stored object
Values: R:, E:, B:, and A:
Default: R:
o = object name Values: 1 to 8, or 1 to 16 alphanumeric characters based on parameter l.
Default: if a name is not specified, UNKNOWN is used.
x = extension Supported extensions for objects (parameter o) include:
.FNT — font
.GRF — graphic
.PNG — compressed graphic
.ZPL — stored format
.DAT — encoding table
.ZOB — downloadable object
.STO — Alert data file
l = long filename support Values:
Y = Yes
If Y, the object data stores the filename as 16 characters. The data is
only compatible with firmware version V60.13.0.5, or later.
N = No
If N, the object data stores the filename as 8 characters. The data is
forward and backward compatible with all versions of firmware.
Default: N
Example: This example shows the object data information for the object SAMPLE.GRF located on R:.
In Windows image files can be tagged. These tags can be viewed and edited by right clicking on a file, clicking over to the Details tab, then clicking on the Tags property value cell.
I want to be able to read and write these tags using Python 3.
This is not EXIF data so EXIF solutions won't work. I believe it's part of the Windows Property System, but I can't find a reference in Dev Center. I looked into win32com.propsys and couldn't see anything in there either.
I wrote a program that does this once before, but I've since lost it, so I know it's possible. Previously I did it without pywin32, but any solution would be great. I think I used windll, but I can't remember.
Here is some sample code that's using the IPropertyStore interface through propsys:
import pythoncom
from win32com.propsys import propsys
from win32com.shell import shellcon
# get PROPERTYKEY for "System.Keywords"
pk = propsys.PSGetPropertyKeyFromName("System.Keywords")
# get property store for a given shell item (here a file)
ps = propsys.SHGetPropertyStoreFromParsingName("c:\\path\\myfile.jpg", None, shellcon.GPS_READWRITE, propsys.IID_IPropertyStore)
# read & print existing (or not) property value, System.Keywords type is an array of string
keywords = ps.GetValue(pk).GetValue()
# build an array of string type PROPVARIANT
newValue = propsys.PROPVARIANTType(["hello", "world"], pythoncom.VT_VECTOR | pythoncom.VT_BSTR)
# write property
ps.SetValue(pk, newValue)
This code is pretty generic for any Windows property.
I'm using System.Keywords because that's what corresponds to jpeg's "tags" property that you see in the property sheet.
And the code works for jpeg and other formats for reading (GetValue) properties, but not all Windows codecs support property writing (SetValue), to it doesn't work for writing extended properties back to a .png for example.
I am a newbee to PDFClown and need help in parsing my pdf contents.
My PDF has huge number of MarkedContents which is displayed when converted as Stream.
But i am not able to parse them into objects to extract the Path Information contained within, which is my objective.
Here is my code -
if(level.Contents[i] is MarkedContent)
PdfDataObject ContentDataObj = level.Contents.BaseDataObject;
PdfIndirectObject pdfIndirectObject = level.Contents.BaseDataObject.IndirectObject;
PdfStream ContentStream = (PdfStream)ContentDataObj.Resolve();
ContentParser contentParser = new ContentParser(ContentStream.GetBody(true).ToByteArray());
IList<ContentObject> markerContentObjList = contentParser.ParseContentObjects();
//Here i am getting only two Content Objects, where as the stream has so many distinct Marked Contents
for (int k = 0; k < markerContentObjList.Count; k++)
Below is the DOM Inspector screenshot and Stream data
In Short
There are multiple errors in the content streams of your PDF, in particular errors that close more objects than are opened. This most likely is causing the early stop of parsing. Even if it is not, PDF Clown would associate starts and ends of objects differently than intended. Thus, the only real fix of the issue is to ask the source of the documents to provide a non-broken version.
The First Content Stream
The screen shot you provided shows your first page content stream:
The second content stream of that page exhibits the same issues as this one:
Non-Matching Starts and Ends of Marked Content Sequences
If we look at the marked content operators, we see
/OC /Heading BDC
/OC /Heading BDC
As you can see, there are two EMC operators for the first BDC. This is invalid. Confer ISO 32000-2 section 14.6 Marked content.
Invalid Fill Operator
Furthermore, there is a Fill operator directly following a text object:
This also is invalid, path painting operators are only allowed after a path object or a clipping path object, not after a text object. Confer ISO 32000-2 Figure 9 Graphics objects.
A Related PDF Clown Issue
Actually there is a bug in PDF Clown which makes processing of marked content with PDF Clown impossible anyway: PDF Clown assumes that marked content sections and save/restore graphics state blocks are properly contained in each other and don't overlap, see this answer for details. This assumption is wrong and results in incorrect graphic state contents as explained in that answer.
Thus, one should patch marked content support out of PDF Clown as explained there to at least have proper graphics state information. Thereafter, obviously, you cannot properly process marked content unless you add correct support for it yourself.
Why PDF Clown Stops at the End of the First Stream
As you observed, PDF Clown stops not after the extra EMC but instead at the end of the first content stream.
This is due to the PDF Clown issue explained above: Based on the assumption that marked content sections and save/restore graphics state blocks are properly contained in each other, PDF Clown simply makes EMC and Q close the most recently opened and still open marked content section or save/restore graphics state block without checking whether it matches alright.
Thus, it matches opening and closing operators in your stream like this:
[Start of page content]
. q
. . /OC /Heading BDC
. . EMC
. /OC /Drawing BDC
So for PDF Clown that last Q does not match the initial q in the content but the start of page content itself.
I think that PDF Clown stops parsing here because it assumes it has found the end of page contents.
I am trying to get a set of binary images' eccentricity and solidity values using the regionprops function. I obtain the label matrix using the vision.ConnectedComponentLabeler function.
This is the code I have so far:
files = getFiles('images');
ecc = zeros(length(files)); %eccentricity values
sol = zeros(length(files)); %solidity values
ccl = vision.ConnectedComponentLabeler;
for i=1:length(files)
I = imread(files{i});
[L NUM] = step(ccl, I);
for j=1:NUM
L = changem(L==j, 1, j); %*
stats = regionprops(L, 'all');
ecc(i) = stats.Eccentricity;
sol(i) = stats.Solidity;
However, when I run this, I get an error says indicating the line marked with *:
Error using ConnectedComponentLabeler/step
Variable-size input signals are not supported when the OutputDataType property is set to 'Automatic'.'
I do not understand what MATLAB is talking about and I do not have any idea about how to get rid of it.
I have returned back to bwlabel function and have no problems now.
The error is a bit hard to understand, but I can explain what exactly it means. When you use the CVST Connected Components Labeller, it assumes that all of your images that you're going to use with the function are all the same size. That error happens because it looks like the images aren't... hence the notion about "Variable-size input signals".
The "Automatic" property means that the output data type of the images are automatic, meaning that you don't have to worry about whether the data type of the output is uint8, uint16, etc. If you want to remove this error, you need to manually set the output data type of the images produced by this labeller, or the OutputDataType property to be static. Hopefully, the images in the directory you're reading are all the same data type, so override this field to be a data type that this function accepts. The available types are uint8, uint16 and uint32. Therefore, assuming your images were uint8 for example, do this before you run your loop:
ccl = vision.ConnectedComponentLabeler;
ccl.OutputDataType = 'uint8';
Now run your code, and it should work. Bear in mind that the input needs to be logical for this to have any meaningful output.
Minor comment
Why are you using the CVST Connected Component Labeller when the Image Processing Toolbox bwlabel function works exactly the same way? As you are using regionprops, you have access to the Image Processing Toolbox, so this should be available to you. It's much simpler to use and requires no setup: http://www.mathworks.com/help/images/ref/bwlabel.html
I have created syntax in SPSS that gives me 90 separate iterations of general linear model, each with slightly different variations fixed factors and covariates. In the output file, they are all just named as "General Linear Model." I have to then manually rename each analysis in the output, and I want to find syntax that will add a more specific name to each result that will help me identify it out of the other 89 results (e.g. "General Linear Model - Males Only: Mean by Gender w/ Weight covariate").
This is an example of one analysis from the syntax:
COMPUTE filter_$=(Muscle = "BICEPS" & Subj = "S1" & SMU = 1 ).
VARIABLE LABELS filter_$ 'Muscle = "BICEPS" & Subj = "S1" & SMU = 1 (FILTER)'.
VALUE LABELS filter_$ 0 'Not Selected' 1 'Selected'.
FORMATS filter_$ (f1.0). FILTER BY filter_$.
GLM Frequency_Wk6 Frequency_Wk9
Frequency_Wk12 Frequency_Wk16
/WSFACTOR=Time 5 Polynomial
I am looking for syntax to add to this that will name this analysis as: "S1, SMU1 BICEPS, GLM" Not to name the whole output file, but each analysis within the output so I don't have to do it one-by-one. I have over 200 iterations at times that come out in a single output file, and renaming them individually within the output file is taking too much time.
Making an assumption that you are exporting the models to Excel (please clarify otherwise).
There is an undocumented command (OUTPUT COMMENT TEXT) that you can utilize here, though there is also a custom extension TEXT also designed to achieve the same but that would need to be explicitly downloaded via:
Utilities-->Extension Bundles-->Download And Install Extension Bundles--->TEXT
You can use OUTPUT COMMENT TEXT to assign a title/descriptive text just before the output of the GLM model (in the example below I have used FREQUENCIES as an example).
get file="C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS\Statistics\23\Samples\English\Employee data.sav".
oms /select all /if commands=['output comment' 'frequencies'] subtypes=['comment' 'frequencies']
/destination format=xlsx outfile='C:\Temp\ExportOutput.xlsx' /tag='ExportOutput'.
output comment text="##Model##: This is a long/descriptive title to help me identify the next model that is to be run - jobcat".
freq jobcat.
output comment text="##Model##: This is a long/descriptive title to help me identify the next model that is to be run - gender".
freq gender.
output comment text="##Model##: This is a long/descriptive title to help me identify the next model that is to be run - minority".
freq minority.
omsend tag=['ExportOutput'].
You could use TITLE command here also but it is limited to only 60 characters.
You would have to change the OMS tags appropriately if using TITLE or TEXT.
Given the OP wants to actually add a title to the left hand pane in the output viewer, a solution for this is as follows (credit to Albert-Jan Roskam for the Python code):
First save the python file "editTitles.py" to a valid Python search path (for example (for me anyway): "C:\ProgramData\IBM\SPSS\Statistics\23\extensions")
import tempfile, os, sys
import SpssClient
def _titleToPane():
"""See titleToPane(). This function does the actual job"""
outputDoc = SpssClient.GetDesignatedOutputDoc()
outputItemList = outputDoc.GetOutputItems()
textFormat = SpssClient.DocExportFormat.SpssFormatText
filename = tempfile.mktemp() + ".txt"
for index in range(outputItemList.Size()):
outputItem = outputItemList.GetItemAt(index)
if outputItem.GetDescription() == u"Page Title":
outputItem.ExportToDocument(filename, textFormat)
with open(filename) as f:
return outputDoc
def titleToPane(spv=None):
"""Copy the contents of the TITLE command of the designated output document
to the left output viewer pane"""
outputDoc = None
if spv:
outputDoc = _titleToPane()
if spv and outputDoc:
print "Error filling TITLE in Output Viewer [%s]" % sys.exc_info()[1]
Re-start SPSS Statistics and run below as a test:
get file="C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS\Statistics\23\Samples\English\Employee data.sav".
title="##Model##: jobcat".
freq jobcat.
title="##Model##: gender".
freq gender.
title="##Model##: minority".
freq minority.
begin program.
import editTitles
end program.
The TITLE command will initially add a title to main output viewer (right hand side) but then the python code will transfer that text to the left hand pane output tree structure. As mentioned already, note TITLE is capped to 60 characters only, a warning will be triggered to highlight this also.
This editTitles.py approach is the closest you are going to get to include a descriptive title to identify each model. To replace the actual title "General Linear Model." with a custom title would require scripting knowledge and would involve a lot more code. This is a simpler alternative approach. Python integration required for this to work.
Also consider using:
SPLIT FILE SEPARATE BY <list of filter variables>.
This will automatically produce filter labels in the left hand pane.
This is easy to use for mutually exclusive filters but even if you have overlapping filters you can re-run multiple times (and have filters applied to get as close to your desired set of results).
For example:
get file="C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS\Statistics\23\Samples\English\Employee data.sav".
sort cases by jobcat minority.
split file separate by jobcat minority.
freq educ.
split file off.
Using python 3.4 in linux and windows, I'm trying to create qr code images from a list of string objects. I don't want to just store the image as a file because the list of strings may change frequently. I want to then tile all the objects and display the resulting image on screen for the user to scan with a barcode scanner. For the user to know which code to scan I need to add some text to the qr code image.
I can create the list of image objects correctly and they are in a list and calling .show on these objects displays them properly but I don't know how to treat these objects as a file object to open them. The object that is given to the open function, (img_list[0] in my case), in my add_text_to_img needs to support read, seek and tell methods. When I try this as is I get an attribute error. I've tried BytesIO and StringIO but I get an error message that Image.open does not support buffer interface. Maybe I am not doing that part correctly.
I'm sure there are several ways to do this, but what is the best way to open in memory objects as a file object?
from io import BytesIO
import qrcode
from PIL import ImageFont, ImageDraw, Image
def make_qr_image_list(code_list):
:param code_list: a list of string objects to encode into QR code image
:return: a list of image or some type of other data objects
img_list = []
for item in code_list:
qr = qrcode.QRCode(
qr_image = qr.make_image(fit=True)
return img_list
def add_text_to_img(text_list, img_list):
While I was working on this, I am only saving the first image. Once
it's working, I'll save the rest of the images to a list.
:param text_list: a list of strings to add to the corresponding image.
:param img_list: the list containing the images already created from
the text_list
base = Image.open(img_list[0])
# img = Image.frombytes(mode='P', size=(164,164), data=img_list[0])
text_img = Image.new('RGBA', base.size, (255,255,255,0))
font = ImageFont.truetype('sans-serif.ttf', 10)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(text_img)
draw.text((0,-20),text_list[0], (0,0,255,128), font=font)
# include some method to save the images after the text
# has been added here. Shouldn't actually save to a file.
# Should be saved to memory/img_list
output = Image.alpha_composite(base,text_img)
if __name__ == '__main__':
test_list = ['AlGaN','n-AlGaN','p-AlGaN','MQW','LED AlN-AlGaN']
image_list = make_qr_image_list(test_list)
add_text_to_img(test_list, image_list)
im = image_list[0]
Edit: I've been using python for about a year and I feel like this is a pretty common thing to do but I'm not even sure that I'm looking up/searching for the right terms. What topics would you search for to answer this? If anyone can post a link or two to what I need to read up on regarding this, that would be very appreciated.
You already have PIL image objects; qr.make_image() returns the (a wrapper around) the right type of object and you do not need to open them again.
As such, all you need to do is:
base = img_list[0]
and go from there.
You do need to match image modes when compositing; QR codes are black-and-white images (mode 1), so either convert that or use the same mode in your text_img image object. The Image.alpha_composite() operation does require that both images have an alpha channel. Converting the base is easy:
base = img_list[0].convert('RGBA')