Remove "Machine Translated by Google" - google-api

I am using a new Google's Document Translation API that is still in preview. After it translate the document, translated document have Machine Translated by Google text at the top of each page. How can I disable adding that text?

It's not possible to do natively via Google Cloud, according to Google Technical Support. While you could theoretically do post-processing, you might run afoul of the requirements listed in Google's Attribution Requirements . For example:
Whenever you display translation results from Google Translate directly to users, you must make it clear to users that they are viewing automatic translations from Google Translate using the appropriate text or brand elements.


Google Custom Search Engine API Image Search not returning results

Just setup my CSE with Image Search enabled in the Basics tab, but still ain't getting results.
If I don't use searchType=image in the query it works, if I put it back it stops working with no errors, just no results.
Any inputs?
It seems there are two elements required to consume the Google search API, the configuration of the API key and credentials.
Setup the API key here
and create your own CSE here
I made the mistake like a lot of people of ignoring the CSE side of the setup (it didn't seem logical to search only my own site).
You need to create a CSE though, point it to search any url (I don't think it matters greatly), and then where it says "Sites to search" chose "Search the entire web but emphasise included sites". Also then set image search to "On".
Once you've done this browse to your new CSE, the url should contain your CX code e.g. cx=014341056213260336986:v4fl8n8sabc, you then need to use this in your request query string.
Your API query should now start returning results.
Image search needs to be switched to ON at the Custom Search Setup->Basics

How to use AJAX to search Google Images?

I'm trying to pull pictures from Google Images using AJAX and a color filter.
The Google Search API has been deprecated, and use of the Custom Search API is encouraged instead. However, in reading the Programmer's Guides found there, I see no option for global search instead of site-specific search. It says here to set up a custom search engine, but this requires the searching to be limited to a specific URL!
There is a similar SO post which links to a Google Groups discussion. The only solutions offered there are either to use the deprecated API, something I'm rather loath to do since access has been limited, or to use the Bing API instead, which cannot filter searches by colors.
Are there really no other solutions? Is it impossible to perform a global Google Images search using AJAX?

Google translation API for a Chrome extension

I am in the middle of creating a simple/quick translator that just translated selected words on the fly, i would like to release it as a free extension, is there anyway i can use Google translation API without having to pay?
No you can't use google translation API without Billing, beside you can try to create extension that takes selected word and translating it using by generating a translation url for example:|ru|hello
Will translate word hello from English to Russian,
Or you can think about to open that URL from serverside using for example some CURL script and get the content from result box and send the result VIA ajax to your extension.

Direct URL to "I'm Feeling Lucky" for images

I have a website for book reviews. I offer a link to the Amazon entry of the books. I discovered after a bit of research that the direct URL for Google's "I'm Feeling Lucky" is:
Which works magic because then I don't have to manually include the Amazon link in my database and directly links to the Amazon page (works 99.99% of the times).
I was wondering if there was an equivalent for images (whether Google or some alternative) to retrieve an image URL based on keywords only (for the purpose of getting the book cover image).
There's no such thing for Google Images, but you might be able to use another web service to do what you want. I noticed that when you're searching for a book, the first image result isn't always the cover of it. Sometimes it's a photo of the author, sometimes it's some image from book's review, so you can hardly rely on that.
It should not be hard to parse the amazon page and get the image and link but google has an API to google books that return all informations about a book in JSON format, you can try it online on the API Explorer (the cover are on the results too). Click here to see an example (click "Execute" to run it).
Unfortunately public Google search engine doesn't support that. You should use Custom Search API to implement such feature in your application. Alternatively use XGoogle (unofficial Python wrapper to Google Search services, see google_dl tool for example).
Other suggestions is to use:
YQL by Yahoo (see yql-tables repo at GitHub for examples).
Use alternative search engines.
E.g. In Wolfram Alpha you can type: "show image of laptop" and it'll give you the first popular picture, however you need to use Wolfram|Alpha APIs or some script (see this ChatBot for example) to pick up the direct link.

Google Chrome Malware Warning when including images from image search API

I'm using Google and Bing image search APIs to provide a way for users of my web app to search for images to include in the documents they create in the app. A (rare?) problem I encountered today: a result from either Bing or Google (I'm going to assume Bing) caused the Google Chrome Malware detector to go off.
Is there any good way to avoid this that I'm not aware of, aside from only using the Google Image API (which is being deprecated!) since I assume they filter out results from sites they think contain malware?
There doesn't seem to be any performant way on my end to check these results before displaying them to prevent this error from occurring, and I'm very worried that any less savvy computer users will think my site is at fault (not to mention being unable to make the warning go away).
I guess I'm also making the assumption here that images from random Internet sites are okay to include in the page as long as they are returned by these APIs...I do copy them over to our own S3 account a few minutes after they are added to the document in case they are changed/removed on the external site...
EDIT: The result is indeed being included from the Bing API, and it is from
I would prefer a solution based in Ruby, but given a general solution I'm more than willing to implement it myself.
