build tree from two arrays - algorithm

How to code to build a binary tree if we have given two arrays which represent how the corresponding nodes are connected. It is given that the root of the tree starts from element 1.
Ex -> arr1[] = {1,1,5,8,25}
arr2[] = {4,5,8,6,5}
/ \
4 5
/ \
8 25

Use a map to store the node corresponding to each number, that will simplify the task. The algorithm would look something like this:
# initialise the map
map = {}
for element in arr1:
if element not in map:
map[element] = new_node()
for element in arr2:
if element not in map:
map[element] = new_node()
# each node will have a data value, and left/right pointers to children
for i in range (len(arr1)):
parent, child = arr1[i], arr2[i]
if map[parent].left == None:
map[parent].left = child
else map[parent].right = child


breadth of a binary tree

How do we determine breadth a of binary tree.
A simple bin tree
/ \
Breadth of above tree is 4
You could use a recursive function that returns two values for a given node: the extent of the subtree at that node towards the left (a negative number or zero), and the extent to the right (zero or positive). So for the example tree given in the question it would return -1, and 3.
To find these extends is easy when you know the extents of the left child and of the right child. And that is where the recursion kicks in, which in fact represents a depth-first traversal.
Here is how that function would look in Python:
def extents(tree):
if not tree:
# If a tree with just one node has extents 0 and 0, then "nothing" should
# have a negative extent to the right and a positive on the left,
# representing a negative breadth
return 1, -1
leftleft, leftright = extents(tree.left)
rightleft, rightright = extents(tree.right)
return min(leftleft-1, rightleft+1), max(leftright-1, rightright+1)
The breadth is simply the difference between the two extents returned by the above function, plus 1 (to count for the root node):
def breadth(tree):
leftextent, rightextent = extents(tree)
return rightextent-leftextent+1
The complete Python code with the example tree, having 6 nodes, as input:
from collections import namedtuple
Node = namedtuple('Node', ['left', 'right'])
def extents(tree):
if not tree:
return 1, -1
leftleft, leftright = extents(tree.left)
rightleft, rightright = extents(tree.right)
return min(leftleft-1, rightleft+1), max(leftright-1, rightright+1)
def breadth(tree):
left, right = extents(tree)
return right-left+1
# example tree as given in question
tree = Node(
Node(None, Node(None, Node(None, None)))
Node(None, None)
print(breadth(tree)) # outputs 4

Assigning nodes to a hierarchical tree/network programatically

I have a network/tree which looks like this.
I have used a binary tree to represent this model. However manually assigning the right and left parameters of a node become cumbersome for levels > 4.
Is there a method by which I can do the above assignment programatically
You can at first create a 2D array of nodes where row i corresponds to level i on your paper, and column j corresponds to the j-th node in that level:
for i = 1 to n:
for j = 1 to i:
A[i][j] = new Node()
Then, the relationship between nodes is, the A[i][j] node has left child being A[i+1][j] and has right child being A[i+1][j+1].
for i = 1 to n-1:
for j = 1 to i:
A[i][j].left = A[i+1][j]
A[i][j].right = A[i+1][j+1]
for j = 1 to n:
A[n][j].left = null
A[n][j].right = null

How to keep track of depth in breadth first search?

I have a tree as input to the breadth first search and I want to know as the algorithm progresses at which level it is?
# Breadth First Search Implementation
graph = {
def breadth_first_search(graph,source):
This function is the Implementation of the breadth_first_search program
# Mark each node as not visited
mark = {}
for item in graph.keys():
mark[item] = 0
queue, output = [],[]
# Initialize an empty queue with the source node and mark it as explored
mark[source] = 1
# while queue is not empty
while queue:
# remove the first element of the queue and call it vertex
vertex = queue[0]
# for each edge from the vertex do the following
for vrtx in graph[vertex]:
# If the vertex is unexplored
if mark[vrtx] == 0:
queue.append(vrtx) # mark it as explored
mark[vrtx] = 1 # and append it to the queue
output.append(vrtx) # fill the output vector
return output
print breadth_first_search(graph, 'A')
It takes tree as an input graph, what I want is, that at each iteration it should print out the current level which is being processed.
Actually, we don't need an extra queue to store the info on the current depth, nor do we need to add null to tell whether it's the end of current level. We just need to know how many nodes the current level contains, then we can deal with all the nodes in the same level, and increase the level by 1 after we are done processing all the nodes on the current level.
int level = 0;
Queue<Node> queue = new LinkedList<>();
int level_size = queue.size();
while (level_size-- != 0) {
Node temp = queue.poll();
if (temp.right != null) queue.add(temp.right);
if (temp.left != null) queue.add(temp.left);
You don't need to use extra queue or do any complicated calculation to achieve what you want to do. This idea is very simple.
This does not use any extra space other than queue used for BFS.
The idea I am going to use is to add null at the end of each level. So the number of nulls you encountered +1 is the depth you are at. (of course after termination it is just level).
int level = 0;
Queue <Node> queue = new LinkedList<>();
Node temp = queue.poll();
if(temp == null){
if(queue.peek() == null) break;// You are encountering two consecutive `nulls` means, you visited all the nodes.
else continue;
if(temp.right != null)
if(temp.left != null)
Maintain a queue storing the depth of the corresponding node in BFS queue. Sample code for your information:
queue bfsQueue, depthQueue;
while (!bfsQueue.empty()) {
f = bfsQueue.front();
depth = depthQueue.front();
bfsQueue.pop(), depthQueue.pop();
for (every node adjacent to f) {
bfsQueue.push(node), depthQueue.push(depth+1);
This method is simple and naive, for O(1) extra space you may need the answer post by #stolen_leaves.
Try having a look at this post. It keeps track of the depth using the variable currentDepth
For your implementation, keep track of the left most node and a variable for the depth. Whenever the left most node is popped from the queue, you know you hit a new level and you increment the depth.
So, your root is the leftMostNode at level 0. Then the left most child is the leftMostNode. As soon as you hit it, it becomes level 1. The left most child of this node is the next leftMostNode and so on.
With this Python code you can maintain the depth of each node from the root by increasing the depth only after you encounter a node of new depth in the queue.
queue = deque()
marked = set()
depth = 0
while queue:
r,d = queue.popleft()
if d > depth: # increase depth only when you encounter the first node in the next depth
depth += 1
for node in edges[r]:
if node not in marked:
If your tree is perfectly ballanced (i.e. each node has the same number of children) there's actually a simple, elegant solution here with O(1) time complexity and O(1) space complexity. The main usecase where I find this helpful is in traversing a binary tree, though it's trivially adaptable to other tree sizes.
The key thing to realize here is that each level of a binary tree contains exactly double the quantity of nodes compared to the previous level. This allows us to calculate the total number of nodes in any tree given the tree's depth. For instance, consider the following tree:
This tree has a depth of 3 and 7 total nodes. We don't need to count the number of nodes to figure this out though. We can compute this in O(1) time with the formaula: 2^d - 1 = N, where d is the depth and N is the total number of nodes. (In a ternary tree this is 3^d - 1 = N, and in a tree where each node has K children this is K^d - 1 = N). So in this case, 2^3 - 1 = 7.
To keep track of depth while conducting a breadth first search, we simply need to reverse this calculation. Whereas the above formula allows us to solve for N given d, we actually want to solve for d given N. For instance, say we're evaluating the 5th node. To figure out what depth the 5th node is on, we take the following equation: 2^d - 1 = 5, and then simply solve for d, which is basic algebra:
If d turns out to be anything other than a whole number, just round up (the last node in a row is always a whole number). With that all in mind, I propose the following algorithm to identify the depth of any given node in a binary tree during breadth first traversal:
Let the variable visited equal 0.
Each time a node is visited, increment visited by 1.
Each time visited is incremented, calculate the node's depth as depth = round_up(log2(visited + 1))
You can also use a hash table to map each node to its depth level, though this does increase the space complexity to O(n). Here's a PHP implementation of this algorithm:
$tree = [
['A', [1,2]],
['B', [3,4]],
['C', [5,6]],
['D', [7,8]],
['E', [9,10]],
['F', [11,12]],
['G', [13,14]],
['H', []],
['I', []],
['J', []],
['K', []],
['L', []],
['M', []],
['N', []],
['O', []],
function bfs($tree) {
$queue = new SplQueue();
$visited = 0;
$depth = 0;
$result = [];
while ($queue->count()) {
$node = $queue->dequeue();
$depth = ceil(log($visited+1, 2));
$result[$depth][] = $node[0];
if (!empty($node[1])) {
foreach ($node[1] as $child) {
Which prints:
[1] => Array
[0] => A
[2] => Array
[0] => B
[1] => C
[3] => Array
[0] => D
[1] => E
[2] => F
[3] => G
[4] => Array
[0] => H
[1] => I
[2] => J
[3] => K
[4] => L
[5] => M
[6] => N
[7] => O
Set a variable cnt and initialize it to the size of the queue cnt=queue.size(), Now decrement cnt each time you do a pop. When cnt gets to 0, increase the depth of your BFS and then set cnt=queue.size() again.
In Java it would be something like this.
The idea is to look at the parent to decide the depth.
//Maintain depth for every node based on its parent's depth
Map<Character,Integer> depthMap=new HashMap<>();
depthMap.add('A',0); //this is where you start your search
Character parent=queue.remove();
List<Character> children=adjList.get(parent);
for(Character child :children)
if (child.isVisited() == false) {
depthMap.add(child,depthMap.get(parent)+1);//parent's depth + 1
Use a dictionary to keep track of the level (distance from start) of each node when exploring the graph.
Example in Python:
from collections import deque
def bfs(graph, start):
queue = deque([start])
levels = {start: 0}
while queue:
vertex = queue.popleft()
for neighbour in graph[vertex]:
if neighbour in levels:
levels[neighbour] = levels[vertex] + 1
return levels
I write a simple and easy to read code in python.
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, x):
self.val = x
self.left = None
self.right = None
class Solution:
def dfs(self, root):
assert root is not None
queue = [root]
level = 0
while queue:
print(level, [n.val for n in queue if n is not None])
mark = len(queue)
for i in range(mark):
n = queue[i]
if n.left is not None:
if n.right is not None:
queue = queue[mark:]
level += 1
# [3,9,20,null,null,15,7]
n3 = TreeNode(3)
n9 = TreeNode(9)
n20 = TreeNode(20)
n15 = TreeNode(15)
n7 = TreeNode(7)
n3.left = n9
n3.right = n20
n20.left = n15
n20.right = n7
0 [3]
1 [9, 20]
2 [15, 7]
I don't see this method posted so far, so here's a simple one:
You can "attach" the level to the node. For e.g., in case of a tree, instead of the typical queue<TreeNode*>, use a queue<pair<TreeNode*,int>> and then push the pairs of {node,level}s into it. The root would be pushed in as, q.push({root,0}), its children as q.push({root->left,1}), q.push({root->right,1}) and so on...
We don't need to modify the input, append nulls or even (asymptotically speaking) use any extra space just to track the levels.

Algorithm for optimal pairing strategy of items in two ordered lists while maintaining order

I have the the following two ordered lists of items:
A = ["apples","oranges","bananas","blueberries"]
B = ["apples","blueberries","oranges","bananas"]
Each item has a score which is equal to the length of the string, so...
apples = 6 points
oranges = 7 points
bananas = 7 points
blueberries = 11 points
I want to create a list of pairs (A,B) that contain either the index from A or the index from B or both for a pair, without changing the sequential order that they appear in each list.
Each pair then has the score of its item, so by pairing items we halve the total score of both items. I want to get the combination of pairs that have the smallest score.
For example, in the two lists above, each item can be paired but some pairs prevent us from pairing others because we can't pair both without changing the order of one of the lists. For example we can't pair "blueberries" and also pair "oranges" as "oranges" comes before "blueberries" in one list but after it in the other. We could only pair one or the other. Each list could also have the same item multiple times.
The optimal result for the above problem is...
| A | B | Value | Score |
| 0 | 0 | 0 | "apples" | 6 |
| 1 | - | 1 | "blueberries" | 11 |
| 2 | 1 | 2 | "oranges" | 7 |
| 3 | 2 | 3 | "bananas" | 7 |
| 4 | 3 | - | "blueberries" | 11 |
| Total | 42 |
I think the answer is along the lines of:
Find the pairs
Split those pairs into possible groups of pairs
Calculate the group with the greatest weight
I can determine which pairs exclude which other pairs visually by joining the pairs from one list to another, if that join intersects another join it excludes it. I'm not sure how this would be done programmatically though.
How can I solve this problem?
Note, my answer assumes that there are only 2 lists and that items can be at most one time in each list.
The first thing you do is to build a map/dictionary with the item as the key and a pair of integers as the value. This map will contain the indices of one item in both arrays. Run through the first list and put the index in the first value of the pair and -1 in the second. Do the same for the second list but obviously put the index in the second value. Something like this :
pairs = map<string, pair<int, int>>
i = 0
while i < A.Length
pairs[A[i]].first = i
pairs[A[i]].second = -1
i = 0
while i < B.Length
pairs[B[i]].second = i
Now, you have to establish what are the possible pair combinations you can do. This pseudo code creates a list of all the possible combinations :
i = 0
while i < A.Length
j = i
index = -1
combination = list<pair>
while j < A.Length
pair = pairs[A[j]]
if pair.second > index
index = pair.second
Now, all that's left is to weigh the possible combinations but don't forget to include the items that weren't paired.
What I'm thinking now is to build a map of all the possible pairs for each item. Something that would yield the following result.
oranges: [0,2][0,5][5,2][5,5][0,-1][-1,2][5,-1][-1,5]
apples: [1,1][1,-1][-1,1]
bananas: [2,3][2,-1][-1,3]
Using the exclude logic, we can group these pairs and produce a map of list of list of pairs.
oranges: [0,2][5,-1][-1,5], [0,5][5,-1][-1,2], ..., [0,-1][5,-1][-1,2][-1,5]
apples: [1,1], [1,-1][-1,1]
Now, only one list of pairs per item can be used in the result output and some lists exclude each other between different items. What's left is to come up with an algorithm to weigh each possibilities.
I've split the problem into sub problems... The test to check it is all working as expected:
# These are the two lists I want to pair
a = [ "apples"
, "oranges"
, "bananas"
, "blueberries" ]
b = [ "apples"
, "blueberries"
, "oranges"
, "bananas" ]
# This is the expected result
expected = [ (0, 0)
, (None, 1)
, (1, 2)
, (2, 3)
, (3, None) ]
# Test the function gets the correct result
assert expected == get_indexes_for_best_pairing(a, b)
print("Tests pass!")
1. Create a list of all of the pairs
Create a map of the values from list A with the list of the associated indices...
def map_list(list):
map = {}
for i in range(0, len(list)):
# Each element could be contained multiple times in each
# list, therefore we need to create a sub array of indices
if not list[i] in map:
map[list[i]] = []
# Add the index onto this sub array
return map
The map would look like...
{ "apples": [0]
, "oranges": [1]
, "bananas": [2]
, "blueberries": [3] }
Find all of the pairs by cross referencing list B...
def get_pairs(a, b):
map = map_list(a)
pairs = []
for i in range(0, len(b)):
v = b[i]
if v in map:
for j in range(0, len(map[v])):
pairs.append((map[v][j], i))
return pairs
The pairs are as follows...
[ (0, 0)
, (3, 1)
, (1, 2)
, (2, 3) ]
2. Get the scores for each pair
Simply loop through the pairs and look up the value in the original list:
def get_pairs_scores(pairs, a):
return [len(a[i]) for i, _ in pairs]
3. Create a list of pairs that each pair excludes
For each pair find the other pairs it excludes...
def get_pairs_excluded_by_pair(pairs, i):
# Check if the context pair excludes the pair, if both of the
# pairs indexes are greater or less than the other pair, then
# the pairs are inclusive and we will have a positive number,
# otherwise it will be negative
return [j for j in range(0, len(pairs))
# If the current context pair is also the pair we are comparing
# skip to the next pair
if i != j
and ((pairs[i][0] - pairs[j][0]) * (pairs[i][1] - pairs[j][1]) < 0)]
def get_pairs_excluded_by_pairs(pairs):
excludes = []
for i in range(0, len(pairs)):
excludes.append(get_pairs_excluded_by_pair(pairs, i))
return excludes
The pairs_excludes method will return...
[ []
, [2, 3]
, [1]
, [1] ]
4. Calculate the total cumulative score for each pair minus the pairs it excludes
Plus the score of the pairs that are excluded by the pairs it excludes... etc, etc.
Use a depth first algorithm to traverse a acyclic graph of excludes to get the cumulative score for each pair... This is the meat of what we need to do...
def get_cumulative_scores_for_pairs(pairs, excludes, scores):
cumulative = []
# For each pair referenced in the excludes structure we create a new
# graph which starting from that pair. This graph tells us the total
# cumulative score for that pair
for i in range(0, len(pairs)):
score = 0
# Keep a reference of the nodes that have already been checked by
# in this graph using a set. This makes the graph acyclic
checked = set()
# We keep a note of where we are in the graph using this trail
# The pairs relate to the index in the pair_excludes. if pair
# first is x and pair second is y it refers to pair_excludes[x][y]
trail = []
# We start the current x, y to be the first exclude of the current
# start node
current = [i, 0]
# Sorry, tree traversal... Might not very readable could
# be done with recursion if that is your flavour
while True:
# Get the referenced excluded node
if len(excludes[current[0]]) > current[1]:
j = excludes[current[0]][current[1]]
# We do not want to calculate the same pair twice
if not j in checked:
# It has not been checked so we move our focus to
# this pair so we can examine its excludes
# We mark the pair as checked so that we do
# not try and focus on it if it turns up again
current = [j, 0]
# We perform a trick here, where when we traverse
# down or up a layer we flip the sign on the score.
# We do this because the score for pairs that we
# exclude need to be subtracted from the score whereas
# scores for pairs that we now can include because of
# that exclude need to be added to the score.
score = -score
# It the pair has already been checked, check its
# next sibling next time around
current[1] += 1
# There are no more nodes to check at this level
# We subtract the cumulative score from the score of the
# pair we are leaving. We do this when we traverse back up
# to the parent or as the last step of each graph finally
# subtracting the total cumulative score from the start node
# score.
score = scores[current[0]] - score
if len(trail):
# Pop the next item on the trail to become our context
# for the next iteration
current = trail.pop()
# Exit criteria... The trail went cold
# Add the score to the array
return cumulative
This method should return an array that looks like...
[ 6
, -3
, 3
, 3 ]
5. Pick only the best pairs
We need to then store the index with the score so that we can sort on score without losing the index.
Sort the cumulative scores in order we create a list of the indices indices...
# Sort pairs by score retaining the index to the pair
arr = sorted([(i, cumulative[i])
for i in range(0, len(cumulative))],
key=lambda item: item[1])
It looks like...
[ (1, -3)
, (2, 3)
, (3, 3)
, (0, 6) ]
Pick the top scoring items deleting the excluded items as we go, this way we retain the best pairs and discard the worst...
def get_best_pairs(a, b):
pairs = get_pairs(a, b)
excludes = get_pairs_excluded_by_pairs(pairs)
scores = get_pairs_scores(pairs, a)
cumulative = get_cumulative_scores_for_pairs(pairs, excludes, scores)
# Sort pairs by score retaining the index to the pair
arr = sorted([(i, cumulative[i])
for i in range(0, len(cumulative))],
key=lambda item: item[1])
# Work through in order of scores to find the best pair combination
top = []
while len(arr):
topitem = arr.pop()
# Remove the indices that are excluded by this one
arr = [(i, score)
for i, score in arr
if i not in excludes[topitem[0]]]
# Sort the resulting pairs by index
return sorted([pairs[i] for i in top], key=lambda item: item[0])
Our top list would look like, where the pair with the index 1 has been dropped because it was low scoring and excluded by higher scoring pairs...
[ (0, 0)
, (1, 2)
, (2, 3) ]
6. Build the result
Sort the selected pairs and build the result by incrementing each index to the next pair. When we run out of pairs increment until we reach the end of each list...
def get_indexes_for_best_pairing(a, b):
pairs = get_best_pairs(a, b)
result = [];
i = 0
j = 0
next = None
pair = None
while True:
# This is the first loop or we just dropped a pair into the result
# vector so we need to get the next one
if next == None:
# Get the next pair and we will increment the index up to this
if len(pairs):
next = pairs.pop(0)
pair = next
# No more pairs increment the index to the end of both lists
next = (len(a), len(b))
pair = None
# We increment the index of the first list first
if i < next[0]:
result.append((i, None))
i += 1
# We increment the index of the second list when first has reached
# the next pair
elif j < next[1]:
result.append((None, j))
j += 1
# If both indexes are fully incremented up to the next pair and we
# have a pair to add we add it to the result and increment both
# clearing the next parameter so we get a new one next time around
elif pair != None:
result.append((pair[0], pair[1]));
i += 1
j += 1
next = None
# We reached the end
return result
And finally our result would look like...
[ (0, 0)
, (None, 1)
, (1, 2)
, (2, 3)
, (3, None) ]

Obtain forest out of tree with even number of nodes

I'm stuck on a code challenge, and I want a hint.
PROBLEM: You are given a tree data structure (without cycles) and are asked to remove as many "edges" (connections) as possible, creating smaller trees with even numbers of nodes. This problem is always solvable as there are an even number of nodes and connections.
Your task is to count the removed edges.
The first line of input contains two integers N and M. N is the number of vertices and M is the number of edges. 2 <= N <= 100.
Next M lines contains two integers ui and vi which specifies an edge of the tree. (1-based index)
Print the number of edges removed.
Sample Input
10 9
2 1
3 1
4 3
5 2
6 1
7 2
8 6
9 8
10 8
Sample Output :
Explanation : On removing the edges (1, 3) and (1, 6), we can get the desired result.
I used BFS to travel through the nodes.
First, maintain an array separately to store the total number of child nodes + 1.
So, you can initially assign all the leaf nodes with value 1 in this array.
Now start from the last node and count the number of children for each node. This will work in bottom to top manner and the array that stores the number of child nodes will help in runtime to optimize the code.
Once you get the array after getting the number of children nodes for all the nodes, just counting the nodes with even number of nodes gives the answer. Note: I did not include root node in counting in final step.
This is my solution. I didn't use bfs tree, just allocated another array for holding eachnode's and their children nodes total number.
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Solution {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int tree[];
int count[];
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
int N = scan.nextInt(); //points
int M = scan.nextInt();
tree = new int[N];
count = new int[N];
Arrays.fill(count, 1);
for(int i=0;i<M;i++)
int u1 = scan.nextInt();
int v1 = scan.nextInt();
tree[u1-1] = v1;
count[v1-1] += count[u1-1];
int root = tree[v1-1];
count[root-1] += count[u1-1];
root = tree[root-1];
int counter = -1;
for(int i=0;i<count.length;i++)
If you observe the input, you can see that it is quite easy to count the number of nodes under each node. Consider (a b) as the edge input, in every case, a is the child and b is the immediate parent. The input always has edges represented bottom-up.
So its essentially the number of nodes which have an even count(Excluding the root node). I submitted the below code on Hackerrank and all the tests passed. I guess all the cases in the input satisfy the rule.
def find_edges(count):
root = max(count)
count_even = 0
for cnt in count:
if cnt % 2 == 0:
count_even += 1
if root % 2 == 0:
count_even -= 1
return count_even
def count_nodes(edge_list, n, m):
count = [1 for i in range(0, n)]
for i in range(m-1,-1,-1):
count[edge_list[i][1]-1] += count[edge_list[i][0]-1]
return find_edges(count)
I know that this has already been answered here lots and lots of time. I still want to know reviews on my solution here. I tried to construct the child count as the edges were coming through the input and it passed all the test cases.
namespace Hackerrank
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var tempArray = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ').Select(x => Convert.ToInt32(x)).ToList();
int verticeNumber = tempArray[0];
int edgeNumber = tempArray[1];
Dictionary<int, int> childCount = new Dictionary<int, int>();
Dictionary<int, int> parentDict = new Dictionary<int, int>();
for (int count = 0; count < edgeNumber; count++)
var nodes = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ').Select(x => Convert.ToInt32(x)).ToList();
var node1 = nodes[0];
var node2 = nodes[1];
if (childCount.ContainsKey(node2))
else childCount.Add(node2, 1);
var parent = node2;
while (parentDict.ContainsKey(parent))
var par = parentDict[parent];
parent = par;
parentDict[node1] = node2;
Console.WriteLine(childCount.Count(x => x.Value % 2 == 1) - 1);
My first inclination is to work up from the leaf nodes because you cannot cut their edges as that would leave single-vertex subtrees.
Here's the approach that I used to successfully pass all the test cases.
Mark vertex 1 as the root
Starting at the current root vertex, consider each child. If the sum total of the child and all of its children are even, then you can cut that edge
Descend to the next vertex (child of root vertex) and let that be the new root vertex. Repeat step 2 until you have traversed all of the nodes (depth first search).
Here's the general outline of an alternative approach:
Find all of the articulation points in the graph.
Check each articulation point to see if edges can be removed there.
Remove legal edges and look for more articulation points.
Solution - Traverse all the edges, and count the number of even edges
If we remove an edge from the tree and it results in two tree with even number of vertices, let's call that edge - even edge
If we remove an edge from the tree and it results in two trees with odd
number of vertices, let's call that edge - odd edge
Here is my solution in Ruby
num_vertices, num_edges = gets.chomp.split(' ').map { |e| e.to_i }
graph =
(1..num_vertices).to_a.each do |vertex|
num_edges.times do |edge|
first, second = gets.chomp.split(' ').map { |e| e.to_i }
graph.add_edge_by_val(first, second, 0, false)
even_edges = 0
graph.edges.each do |edge|
dup = graph.deep_dup
first_tree = nil
second_tree = nil
subject_edge = nil
dup.edges.each do |e|
if e.first.value == edge.first.value && e.second.value == edge.second.value
subject_edge = e
first_tree = e.first
second_tree = e.second
if first_tree.size.even? && second_tree.size.even?
even_edges += 1
puts even_edges
Note - Click Here to check out the code for Graph, Node and Edge classes
