get records from now till future - laravel

I want get all records that date alarm is now till future
I dont need records that have date alarm is in past
this is my Code:
$records = document_date::where('date_alarm',$future)->whereHas('document')->with([
'document' => function ($query) {
'userClients' => function ($query) {
$query->where('type', 4)->with(['users']);
])->orderBy('date', 'DESc')->get();
how can I do it?

use whereBetween( 'date_alarm' [$now , $future] ) instead of where
$records = document_date::whereBetween('date_alarm' [$now , $future])->whereHas('document')->with([
'document' => function ($query) {
'userClients' => function ($query) {
$query->where('type', 4)->with(['users']);
])->orderBy('date', 'DESc')->get();


Laravel one of many relationship with argument

coming from this relationship from the docs:
* Get the current pricing for the product.
public function currentPricing()
return $this->hasOne(Price::class)->ofMany([
'published_at' => 'max',
'id' => 'max',
], function ($query) {
$query->where('published_at', '<', now());
how can I make such an relation with a specific date?
The relation down below will work
* Get pricing for the product of one specific date.
public function priceOfDay(Carbon $date)
return $this->hasOne(Price::class)->ofMany([
'published_at' => 'max',
'id' => 'max',
], function ($query) {
$query->where('published_at', '<', $date());
but how can I use it with Eloquent? How can I pass the date to this:
I now use the one to many relation with a closure
->with(['prices' => function ($query) use ($month) {
$query->where('published_at', '<', $month)
it works with the little drawback of having a collection instead of an object as relation, but it fills my needs for the moment.
It would be nice if there was something like
->with(['relation', $param])
update 2
since there seems to bo no direct solution here the workarround i came up with:
->first() does not work in the query, you will end up getting all prices, so I finished with an each()
->with(['prices' => function ($query) use ($month) {
$query->where('published_at', '<', $month)
->each(function ($product) {
$product->price = $product->prices->first()->price;

How can I make this code easy . i use this query() function for many section

How can I make this code easy . i use this query() function for many section
i want to get event by filter. my filter based on tags and category(both are in pivot table)
public function index(Request $request)
$customQuery = Event::where('status', '1');
if ($request->vehical_type) { //vehical filter
$customQuery->where('vehical_type', '=', $request->vehical_type);
if ($request->tag) { //tag filter
$id = $request->tag;
$customQuery->whereHas('tags', function (Builder $query) use ($id) {
$query->where('tag_id', $id);
if ($request->category) { //category filter
$id = $request->category;
$customQuery->whereHas('categories', function (Builder $query) use ($id) {
$query->where('category_id', $id);
$events = $customQuery->get(); //get event according to filters
$tags = Tag::whereHas('events', function (Builder $query) { //get all tags of events
$query->where('event_id', '>', 0);
$categories = Category::whereHas('events', function (Builder $query) { //get all categories of events
$query->where('event_id', '>', 0);
return view('frontend.event.index', compact('events', 'tags', 'categories'));
You could use when for conditionals in the query and short hand closures with fn to put them in a single line.
whereRelation instead of whereHas could make those queries a bit shorter too.
public function index(Request $request)
$events = Event::query()
->where('status', '1')
fn($query) => $query->where('vehical_type', $request->vehical_type)
fn($query) => $query->whereRelation('tags', 'tag_id', $request->tag)
// or fn($query) => $query->whereHas('tags', fn($tags) => $tags->where('tag_id', $request->tag))
fn($query) => $query->whereRelation('categories', 'category_id', $request->category)
// or fn($query) => $query->whereHas('categories', fn($category) => $category->where('category_id', $request->category))
$tags = Tag::query()
->whereRelation('events', 'event_id', '>', 0)
// or ->whereHas('events', fn($events) => $events->where('event_id', '>', 0))
$categories = Category::query()
->whereRelation('events', 'event_id', '>', 0)
// or ->whereHas('events', fn($events) => $events->where('event_id', '>', 0))
return view('frontend.event.index', compact('events', 'tags', 'categories'));
You could also maybe use a query scope to put the search in the Event model.
# Event.php
public function scopeSearch(Builder $query, array $filter = [])
return $query
array_key_exists('vehicle_type', $filter),
fn($query) => $query->where('vehical_type', $filter['vehicle_type'])
array_key_exists('tag', $filter),
fn($query) => $query->whereRelation('tags', 'tag_id', $filter['tag'])
// or fn($query) => $query->whereHas('tags', fn($tags) => $tags->where('tag_id', $filter['tag']))
array_key_exists('category', $filter),
fn($query) => $query->whereRelation('categories', 'category_id', $filter['category'])
// or fn($query) => $query->whereHas('categories', fn($category) => $category->where('category_id', $filter['category']))
public function index(Request $request)
$filter = [
'vehicle_type' => $request->vehicle_type,
'tag' => $request->tag,
'category' => $request->category,
$events = Event::query()
->where('status', '1')
$tags = Tag::query()
->whereHas('events', fn($events) => $events->where('event_id', '>', 0))
$categories = Category::query()
->whereHas('events', fn($events) => $events->where('event_id', '>', 0))
return view('frontend.event.index', compact('events', 'tags', 'categories'));
You can use whereRelation for getting instead of using whereHas.
$customQuery->whereRelation('tags', 'tag_id', $id)
Using this structure you can shortan your code and optimize.
there is other relationship query method introduced in newer version check here
// Get event according to filters
$events = Event::where('status', '1')
->when($request->get('vehicle_type'), function ($query, $vehicleType) {
$query->where('vehical_type', '=', $vehicleType);
->when($request->get('tag'), function ($query, $tagId) {
$query->whereHas('tags', function ($query) use ($tagId) {
$query->where('tag_id', $tagId);
->when($request->get('category'), function ($query, $categoryId) {
$query->whereHas('categories', function ($query) use ($categoryId) {
$query->where('category_id', $categoryId);
You can use the when method for these types of conditions. You can view the documentation here.

How to filter by relation column Laravel

How to filter by relation column
tried this
->whereHas('customer',function ($query) use ($order){
$query->orderBy('first_name', $order);
and this
->with(['customer' => function ($query) use ($order) {
$query->orderBy('first_name', $order);
Both did not work
with() are using eager loading, which turns this into two queries.
You need to use join() instead of with()
$orders = Order
::join('customers', 'order.customer_id', '=', '')
You may use sortBy() or sortByDesc() methods of Collection.
For example:
$orders = Order
request {{host}}/admin/showcases?filterBy=companies:name it order by relation column companies
if simple {{host}}/admin/showcases?filterBy=name
it will be only orderBy("name")
->when(str_contains($filterBy, ':'),
function (Builder $query) use ($filterBy, $order, $columns) {
$table = explode(':', $filterBy)[0];
$key = Str::singular($table) . "_id";
$column = explode(':', $filterBy)[1];
$selfTable = $this->getTable();
$query->leftJoin($table, "$selfTable.$key", "$")
->when($columns !== ['*'],
function ($query) use ($columns, $selfTable) {
$columns = array_map(function ($column) use ($selfTable) {
return "$selfTable.$column";
}, $columns);
fn($query) => $query->select(["$selfTable.*"]))
->orderBy("$table.$column", $order);
function ($query) use ($filterBy, $order) {
$query->orderBy($filterBy, $order);

How to pass the current/main model data to the eagerloading constraint for use as a variable

$studentIds = ExamRoutineDetail::where('routine_id', $routineId)
$data = Student::whereIn('id', $studentIds)
->where('school_id', $schoolId)
->where('grade_id', $gradeId)
'routine_detail' => function ($query) use ($routineId) {
$query->where('routine_id', $routineId);
'routine_detail.routine.routine_info' => function ($query) use ($routineId) {
$query->where('routine_id', $routineId);
'routine_detail.routine.routine_info.student_marks' => function ($query) use ($studentIds) {
$query->where('student_id', $studentIds);
I want to use the student's id in the final where condition in the last layer of the nested eagerloading i.e. routine_detail.routine.routine_info.student_marks.
so something like this
'routine_detail.routine.routine_info.student_marks' => function ($query) use ($studentIds) {
$query->where('student_id', $id);
where id would be equal to the id of the student in context, from the main Student:: .... model.

Laravel remove parent if related collection

I have a model with a related collection
now im doing this query
$data = DeliveryPartner::when($filter, function ($q) use ($request) {
->with(['orders' => function ($query) {
->where('delivery_partner_invoice_id', '=', '')
->whereIn('status', ['payment-accepted', 'completed', 'full-refund', 'partial-refund']);
Now i am wondering. If the orders returns empty is it posible to remove this parent from the collection?
I Know i can do this after the eloquent query with a loop. But is it possible to do this in the query?
we cant completely remove that parent ( with index ) BUT you can set those to null using transform() like this;
$data = DeliveryPartner::when($filter, function ($q) use ($request) {
->with(['orders' => function ($query) {
->where('delivery_partner_invoice_id', '=', '')
->whereIn('status', ['payment-accepted', 'completed', 'full-refund', 'partial-refund']);
if(!$item->orders->count() ){
return $item;
Note: this will not completely remove those parents but it will set them to empty.
