CS1998: This async method lacks 'await' [closed] - async-await

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Closed 1 year ago.
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We got many cs1998 code compiler bugs in our project, if I add await Task.Delay(0) in the async method will that resolve the bugs?

if I add await Task.Delay(0) in the async method will that resolve the bugs?
Maybe. CS1998 is a warning, which means the code is probably wrong. In this case, the methods will run synchronously. If that's the desired behavior, then there's no bug, and I recommend avoiding it via #pragma (not await Task.Delay(0);). If you want the code to be asynchronous, then the code has a bug: it's not asynchronous.


Golang Ctx WIthTimeOut in Clojure [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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In clojure concurrency, I would like the thread that I spawn kill itself if it take to long to do it's task, similar to what Golang ctx withtimeout provide. how should i do it?
Mind you I dont have any knowledge of java thread.
You can't kill a Java thread cleanly, so people usually write very long-running threads to check a flag occasionally, and keep working only if appropriate.
On the other hand, a thread's client can stop waiting for an answer. If you start the thread with future, you can use the timeout parameter on deref at https://clojure.github.io/clojure/clojure.core-api.html#clojure.core/deref, or check on it with future-done?.
When you have a lot of async stuff going on, the better Go-like algebra in Clojure's core.async library can be helpful (https://clojure.github.io/core.async/) as an alternative to raw Java threads.
never mind, apparently there is something called future and promise..

Is there visibility issue in golang? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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For example, if I update a global variable in one goroutine, then read the variable in another goroutine, can I get the newest value?
Another question is, can "atomic.Load*" and "atomic.Store*" ensure visibility?
Without explicit synchronization between goroutines, there is no guarantee that you will see the latest value of a shared variable. The Go memory model describes this:
Atomic load/store have memory barriers, and they do guarantee you will see the latest value, though the Go memory model does not explicitly state this.

How to debug RED code? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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What is the preferred way to debug the RED prog lang code? Is there a RED debugger?
There's no debugger AFAIK, but there are functions that can help you with debugging. Take a look at these two articles, they should help you:
Basically you should use inbuilt functions like probe, ??, dump4, stack/dump or print-symbol.
You can also turn various debugging info with system/preprocessor/debug?: on, system/view/debug?: on and system/reactivity/debug?: on.

What's the difference between methods and messages in Ruby? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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What are the "under the hood" differences? What are the practical differences?
Is there any difference from a users perspective?
I know you could use def to define a method, but could you define a message?
When you send a message to an object, the object will (usually) respond by executing a method with the same name as that message.
You cannot define messages. You just send them.

What is the difference between Ntxxx and ZWxxx? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I tried to find the usage of NtqueryDirectoryFile() function.
I refered the above link for this. But, They mentioned about Zwxxx (). I couldn't understand Ntxx and ZWxxx. Can anyone explain about this.
Basically Zw functions are equivalent of Nt functions except they don't do security checks, so are used inside kernel mode only, to avoid the performance penalty.
You can only call Nt functions from user mode, through ntdll.dll. As Michael pointed out Zw functions are just mnemonics to Nt counterparts in user mode.
#Adriano provided a nice link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff565438(v=vs.85).aspx
