How to add img tags to button text using haml and erb button_to helper function - ruby

I have this piece of code (ruby haml)
= button_to tr('single_sign_on') , '/something/something0', method: :post, class: "btn-SSO"
Now I need to insert 2 icons to the button text.
Any idea how to do that. I have zero experience with this tech & codebase.
This doesn't have to use the button_to helper function.
Can be just plain haml (i'm assuming I would have to wrap this in a form then).

This helper takes a block as a parameter where you can add icons
= button_to '/something/something0', method: :post, class: "btn-SSO" do
= tr('single_sign_on')
i.fa.fa-save # example


How to call helper in Haml file

How do I call a method in a helper from a Haml file?
In sample.haml, I need to call the show_message method depending on some condition. Then I moved the method to the helper, but the returned value from the method is treated as just a string, not a Haml element.
This is sample.haml:
- flash.each do |msg|
- if msg.is_a?(Array)
- msg.each do |m|
= show_message(m)
- if msg.is_a?(String)
= show_message(msg)
This is helper.rb:
def show_message(msg)
haml = <<-HAML
%div{class: some_class}
= content_tag :div, #{msg}, id: "id"
If I write the same HTML element in show_message in sample.html directly, it works properly. How can I solve this?
Your helper method needs to construct the full HTML via methods. Since it's not actually part of the HAML, you cannot rely on syntax like %div{class: some_class}. Something like this:
def show_message(msg)
content_tag(:div, class: 'some_class') do
content_tag(:div, msg, id: "id")
See the content_tag documentation for more usage examples.

How to implement form_tag helpers without actionview?

I'm working on a Sinatra app and want to write my own form helpers. In my erb file I want to use the rails 2.3 style syntax and pass a block to a form_helper method:
<% form_helper 'action' do |f| %>
<%= f.label 'name' %>
<%= f.field 'name' %>
<%= f.button 'name' %>
<% end %>
Then in my simplified form helper I can create a FormBuilder class and yield the methods to the erb block like so:
module ViewHelpers
class FormBuilder
def label(name)
def field(name)
def button(name)
def form_helper(action)
form =
What I don't understand is how to output the surrounding <form></form> tags. Is there a way to append text on only the first and last <%= f.___ %> tags?
Rails has had to use some tricks in order to get block helpers to work as wanted, and they changed moving from Rails 2 to Rails 3 (see the blogposts Simplifying Rails Block Helpers and Block Helpers in Rails 3 for more info).
The form_for helper in Rails 2.3 works by directly writing to the output buffer from the method, using the Rails concat method. In order to do something similar in Sinatra, you’ll need to find a way of writing to the output from your helper in the same way.
Erb works by creating Ruby code that builds up the output in a variable. It also allows you to set the name of this variable, by default it is _erbout (or _buf in Erubis). If you change this to be an instance variable rather than a local variable (i.e. provide a variable name that starts with #) you can access it from helpers. (Rails uses the name #output_buffer).
Sinatra uses Tilt for rendering templates, and Tilt provides an :outvar option for setting the variable name in Erb or Erubis templates.
Here’s an example of how this would work:
# set the name of the output variable
set :erb, :outvar => '#output_buffer'
helpers do
def form_helper
# use the new name to write directly to the output buffer
#output_buffer << "<form>\n"
# yield to the block (this is a simplified example, you'll want
# to yield your FormBuilder object here)
# after the block has returned, write any closing text
#output_buffer << "</form>\n"
With this (fairly simple) example, an Erb template like this:
<% form_helper do %>
... call other methods here
<% end %>
results in the generated HTML:
... call other methods here

String will work but not symbols in Rails

To learn Rails, I am writing a simple guestbook app that does not use a database.
Anyway, this is what my view looks like:
<h1>Guest Book</h1>
<%= #userinput %>
<%= form_for(:guestbook) do |f| %>
<%= f.label :input %>
<%= f.text_field :input %>
<%= f.submit "Sign" %>
<% end %>
And the controller looks like this:
class StaticPagesController < ApplicationController
def home
#userinput = params[:guestbook]["input"]
Whenever I change the "input" to a symbol :input, the application breaks and gives me a warning that says: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
What is the reason for this? Why can't I use a symbol?
update: Now it won't even work with the string. What is going on?
update#2: It works with both symbols and string. The only problem is that it will not load the first time. If I can get the page to load, then either will work. How can I get the page to load?
Action use to be handle something, and render view.
when you inter home, the home action has be called, and no param posted now.
for your code, home action should just be empty, it just to render the home_page.
your handle code should move to some action like sign_in, whitch handle the form post and you can get the params.
The first time you load the page the params var is not set. It is only when you submit your form back that there are params
#userinput = params[:guestbook]["input"] || ''
which will initialize the #userinput to an empty string if the params is not found
This will check if the params has the key guestbook first, then will either set the instance var userinput to an empty string or the value of [guestbook][input] if it exsists.
If all else fails, the instance var is initialized to an empty string to prevent an error in your view.
if params.has_key?(:guestbook)
#userinput = params[:guestbook]["input"] || ''
#userinput = ''

How to correct in the Sinatra show block

Sorry, I will not use the specific expression in English.
<h1>Hello World.</h1>
<% capture_content :key do %>
I'm Here.
<% end %>
def capture_content(key, &block)
#content_hash = {}
#content_hash[key] = # this block contains erb all
I just want capture_content in content
I hope expression is correct T_T
If you are looking to write yourself the Sinatra equivalent of the Reails content_for helper then you don't need to.
Because there is an extension called Sinatra::ContentFor which is part of the Sinatra::Contrib project which does what you want.
From the documentation:
Sinatra::ContentFor is a set of helpers that allows you to capture
blocks inside views to be rendered later during the request. The most
common use is to populate different parts of your layout from your

Create your own tags/functions with Erubis

I have a ruby class that extends Erubis (a ruby templating engine) and I would like to create my own tags. The following is an example of what i'd like to be reproduce:
<%= link_to "/some/url" %>
This code should generate a html 'a' tag linking to some url. Now i'd like to be able to create my own tags such as:
<%= javascript_file "/some/javascript/file" %>
which would generate a script tag linking to some javascript file of my choice.
How can i easily extend erubis to do that?
Thanks for your time.
Those are just function calls that return the tag in a string:
def javascript_file( file_path )
"<script src=\"#{ file_path }\" type=\"text/javascript\"/>"
You just need to ensure that the functions are within scope at the time you call the binding.
