zsh command not found :ls in macOS Big Sur - macos-big-sur

any command I typed said zsh: command not found
and at first when I run terminal said command not found: locale
and said
/Users/m-store/.zshrc:4: unmatched

you can try this :
export PATH


Mac terminal zsh command not found - how to solve?

I get with carious terminal commands the following error:
zsh: command not found: -X
What is this error?
I get this with CD as well for instance, but not with all commands. LS for instance works fine.
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"

How to Fix “Command Not Found” in command line

Chances are that you might be getting the following error on your Mac, when you have been trying to run commands in the terminal
and you have already installed the commands
zsh: command not found: git
zsh: command not found: curl
The fix is in the answer below
Chances are that something might have gone wrong with the users $PATH on your machine or maybe the actual path where the command is has not been set.
You can just run the command below, this should fix you issue:
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
and if you feel like checking the path you can just run :
echo $PATH

Always getting this as response to my command:: zsh: command not found: chsh

Since I installed python to my Mac, I have a lot of trouble with zsh. By typing in something to the Terminal, I always get:
zsh: command not found: {whatever I've typed}
Currently, my only way to get through that is to type:
and changing to bash profile.
The thing is, that I now wanted to learn about zsh. But I can't, because I don't even get into typing zsh commands.
Thank you for helping me!

Terminal Issues with zsh

Every time I open a new Terminal window on my Mac with MacOS Catalina and attempt to type a command using zsh it always says
zsh: command not found: command
I am forced to type
export PATH
The default command path is set to /bin/zsh.

OSX/ how to exit bash in terminal

I was trying to setup home-brew and git(installed) via terminal . After i failed to install home-brew i tried to fix the errors that appeared and terminal entered bash and doesn't accept my commands . I tried quitting the terminal app or exit,logout, restart system etc.
Savvass-MacBook-Pro-2:~ Solen$ clear
-bash: clear: command not found
Savvass-MacBook-Pro-2:~ Solen$
SO your path seems to be wrong. You have to fix it :
Then export it :
export PATH;
And that should be enough
