wsl still not recognized after enabled in dism - bash

I apologize if this was posted, I did go through a number of posts first.
I am attempting to run a linux VM on my desktop using WSL 2, however I continuously get the error: "'wsl' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file."
I have enabled it multiple times using the command dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart in an elevated CMD.
Note: I am using the Microsoft Insiders Dev mode on my computer. I configured it today and did restart to settle the update.

It seems like you need to enable wsl from Windows Features.
Click Windows > Search "Turn Windows features on or off" > Open the
list of features > Select "Windows Subsystem for Linux", enable it and
It is recommended to enable "Virtual Machine Platform" and "Hyper-V" as well.
Please refer to the image below.


Can't revert to using Virtual Box after using Docker on Windows after latest update

I have been running Ubuntu in a VirtualBox machine. I could always switch between using Docker and using VirtualBox by turning off Hyper-V windows feature in Control Panel.
However, after Windows 1903 update I tried switching back to VirtualBox, same as before, but I got ERROR_SUCCESS (Last=0xc000000d/87 (VERR_NEM_VM_CREATE_FAILED). This error is the same everyone gets when they haven't turned off Hyper-V in Control Panel.
Has anyone else encountered this problem and does anyone know a simpler solution to switching between VirtualBox and Docker that would not be affected by future OS updates ?
RUN > CMD(as Administrator) > bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
Then reboot host machine
The following 3 steps worked for me:
Run CMD (as Administrator) to open a terminal
In the terminal, type bcdedit /copy {current} /d "No Hyper-V"
You should get a message of the form: The entry was successfully copied to {ff-23-113-824e-5c5144ea}.. Of course, ff-23-113-824e-5c5144ea is an example of identifier in this example. You'll get another one.
Finally, use this identifier to run the following command:
bcdedit /set {ff-23-113-824e-5c5144ea} hypervisorlaunchtype off
You should get a message of the form The operation completed successfully.
I got this from SwitchEasilyBetweenVirtualBoxAndHyperV.

devcon restart not working on windows7

I am trying to run devcon command on windows7 as below but this is stuck forever,if I right-click on "scan for hardware changes" it is stuck aswell,how can I activate a COM port via commandline using devcon?is there a better way?
devcon.exe restart "#USB\VID_05C6&PID_9302&MI_01\6&1E2FC975&0&0001"

DockerToolbox1.11.2.exe Not running on 64bit Win7

Unable to run DockerToolbox1.11.2.exe in Windows7.
Tried running the installer using admin privileges, wont run. Task manager status shows not responding.
Could it be corporate proxy settings?
I have 64bit Windows7 laptop.
Verified Hardware assisted
virtualization is enabled on this computer
Try the alternative: docker machine v0.8.0-rc2
All you need to do is:
download docker-machine-Windows-x86_64.exe,
rename it in docker-machine.exe somewhere on your %PATH%,
type doskey dm=docker-machine.exe $*
then type 'dm' (that will display the help)
From there you can start creating docker machines.

Windows 7 embedded

Due to turn windows features on or off is blank, so I need to install IIS using command line, How can I install default IIS using command line?
I have found a solution to it. See:
Basically you need to get the .cab package from the installation dvd and then feed it to DISM, like: DISM.exe /online /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\Temp /NoRestart
Have you try to use the optionalfeatures command? Are you administrator on the computer?
Also you can try the DISM if the above doesn't work for you.

What command could I use to enable NTVDM?

I try to enable windows NTVDM feature to run 16-bit application on my windows 8 virtual machine .
I know how to enable NTVDM by windows control panel .
But I have no idea how to use command (wmic ? vb script ? ) to enable it in my batch file.
I appreciate your help , thanks .
Windows 8.1
To enable the Feature type:
dism /online /enable-feature /all /featurename:NTVDM
To disable the Feature type:
dism /online /disable-feature /featurename:NTVDM
First of all I'd like to say Thank You for answering your own question, this will help many people on Google. Now I would like to offer an alternative answer in case people come across this.
If you would like to do it in PowerShell you need to download this module
After installing the module you can use this in your Powershell script:
Import-Module PSClientManager
Add-ClientFeature –Name NTVDM
64-bit client operating systems do not have NTVDM, however there is an open source alternative that may work for your applications:
For Command Prompt:
To enable NTVDM in Windows 8.1 (32-bit only):
dism /online /enable-feature /all /featurename:NTVDM /quiet /norestart
To disable NTVDM in Windows 8.1 (32-bit only):
dism /online /disable-feature /featurename:NTVDM /quiet /norestart
Finally I find that windows 8 have dism.exe command line tool to achieve this .
dism /online /enable-feature:ntvdm
In windows 8.1 open start screen, type ntvdm to search, and the ntvdm application will come first in the search result, right click it and run as administrator, it will install the ntvdm feature, after installing restart the windows to effect the changes. Thats it.
