How to change Alpinejs component params by javascript? - alpine.js

I have an alpineJS component that data inside of init() function.
Inside of this component, I am adding the item component dynamically. Dynamically added item property is working fine. But how can I sum all item-total values and get them into my sub_total field? sample code attached below.
I have tried the update() function onkeyup of the item price and quantity change.
But not working.
<div x-data="init()">
<div x-data="item()">
<input type="text" name="price" id="price" x-model="price" x-on:keyup="update()">
<input type="text" name="qty" id="qty" x-model="qty" x-on:keyup="update()">
<input type="text" class="item-total" name="total" id="total" x-model="total()">
<div x-data="item()">
<input type="text" name="price" id="price" x-model="price" x-on:keyup="update()">
<input type="text" name="qty" id="qty" x-model="qty" x-on:keyup="update()">
<input type="text" class="item-total" name="total" id="total" x-model="total()">
<input type="text" name="sub_total" id="sub_total" x-model="sub_total">
<input type="text" name="vat" id="vat" x-model="vat">
<input type="text" name="total" id="total" x-model="total()">
function update() {
let sub_total = 0;
document.querySelectorAll(".item-total").forEach(function(el) {
sub_total += parseFloat(el.value);
document.getElementById("sub_total").value = sub_total;
return sub_total;
function item() {
price: 0,
qty: 0,
total() {
return this.price * this.qty;
function init() {
sub_total: 0,
tax: 0,
total() {
return this.sub_total +;

I would suggest using an object inside your outer AlpineJS component instead of nesting components. Communication across components is a little tricky and can be done best via custom events, but in your case I don't see why that's even needed.
Here is a quick and dirty working example of what I would probably try:
window.table = function() {
return {
items: [
{ price: 0, qty: 1, total: 0 },
{ price: 0, qty: 1, total: 0 },
vat: 0,
sub_total: 0,
total() {
return this.items.reduce((carry, val) => carry + Number(, 0);
subtotal() {
return this.items.reduce((carry, val) => carry + Number(val.price), 0);
<script src=""></script>
<div x-data="table()">
<template x-for="item in items">
<input type="text" name="price" x-model="item.price" #input=" = item.price * item.qty">
<input type="text" name="qty" x-model="item.qty" #input=" = item.price * item.qty">
<input type="text" class="item-total" name="total" x-model="">
<input type="text" name="sub_total" id="sub_total" :value="subtotal()" readonly>
<input type="text" name="vat" id="vat" x-model="vat">
<input type="text" name="total" id="total" :value="total()" readonly>
I left your vat model in but don't do anything with it, as I don't see that you have the taxes implemented yet. But the working example should be a good starting point for you.
Please note that your id attributes should be unique. You should not have multiple inputs with id="price" etc. in your document. Also you have not initialized the Alpine component JS correctly, the function should return an object, you have been throwing your code right into the function, which will cause errors.


google place autocomplete address form fro multiple input box

I am creating google autocomplete address form for multiple input fields. My code is work for single field. now i am changing function so it works for all location. how to avoid repeation of functions in above code for mulitple inputfield? I want to create this address functionality for multiple input box. i am refer this plz need help
<div class="col-12 mb-3">
<label for="current-location" class="mb-1">Current Location</label>
<input type="text" name="locality" id="locality" class="form-control loc">
<div class="col-12 mb-3">
<label for="preferred-location" class="mb-1">Preferred Location </label>
<div class="row" id="location_row">
<div class="col-12 mb-2">
<input type="text" name="preferred_location[]" id="preferred_location_1" class="form-control loc" placeholder="Search & Select Location">
<div class="col-12 mb-2">
<input type="text" name="preferred_location[]" id="preferred_location_2" class="form-control loc" placeholder="Search & Select Location">
let autocomplete;
let address1Field;
let address2Field;
let postalField;
let inputField ;
function initAutocomplete() {
address1Field = document.querySelector("#locality");
address2Field = document.querySelector("#preferred_location_1");
autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(address1Field, {
componentRestrictions: { country: ["in"] },
fields: ["address_components", "geometry"],
types: ["address"],
autocomplete.addListener("place_changed", fillInAddress);
autocomplete2 = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(address2Field, {
componentRestrictions: { country: ["in"] },
fields: ["address_components", "geometry"],
types: ["address"],
autocomplete2.addListener("place_changed", fillInAddress2);
function fillInAddress() {
const place = autocomplete.getPlace();
if(place!=undefined) {
for (const component of place.address_components) {
const componentType = component.types[0];
switch (componentType) {
case "locality":
document.querySelector("#locality").value = component.long_name;
function fillInAddress2() {
const place = autocomplete2.getPlace();
if(place!=undefined) {
for (const component of place.address_components) {
const componentType = component.types[0];
switch (componentType) {
case "locality":
document.querySelector("#preferred_location_1").value = component.long_name;

Google Places API Autocomplete, how to add a second address

I need to search two addresses on the same webpage, one for location, one for correspondence. The first Google API Address works fine, I then tried duplicating the function and form modifying it, but it doesn't populate the second address, it always tries to populate the first address, can anyone tell me where I am going wrong please? Thanks for your help.
function initMap() {
const componentForm = [
const autocompleteInput = document.getElementById('location');
const options = {
types: ['(cities)'],
componentRestrictions: { country: 'gb' }
const autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(autocompleteInput);
autocomplete.addListener('place_changed', function () {
const place = autocomplete.getPlace();
if (!place.geometry) {
// User entered the name of a Place that was not suggested and
// pressed the Enter key, or the Place Details request failed.
window.alert('No details available for input: \'' + + '\'');
function fillInAddress(place) { // optional parameter
const addressNameFormat = {
'street_number': 'short_name',
'route': 'long_name',
'locality': 'long_name',
'administrative_area_level_2': 'short_name',
'postal_code': 'short_name',
const getAddressComp = function (type) {
for (const component of place.address_components) {
if (component.types[0] === type) {
return component[addressNameFormat[type]];
return '';
document.getElementById('location').value = getAddressComp('street_number') + ' '
+ getAddressComp('route');
for (const component of componentForm) {
// Location field is handled separately above as it has different logic.
if (component !== 'location') {
document.getElementById(component).value = getAddressComp(component);
function initMapAddress2() {
const componentForm = [
const autocompleteInput = document.getElementById('location2');
const options = {
types: ['(cities)'],
componentRestrictions: { country: 'gb' }
const autocomplete2 = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(autocompleteInput);
autocomplete2.addListener('place_changed', function () {
const place2 = autocomplete2.getPlace();
if (!place2.geometry) {
// User entered the name of a Place that was not suggested and
// pressed the Enter key, or the Place Details request failed.
window.alert('No details available for input: \'' + + '\'');
function fillInAddress(place2) { // optional parameter
const addressNameFormat = {
'street_number2': 'short_name',
'route2': 'long_name',
'locality2': 'long_name',
'administrative_area_level_22': 'short_name',
'postal_code2': 'short_name',
const getAddressComp = function (type) {
for (const component of place2.address_components) {
if (component.types[0] === type) {
return component[addressNameFormat[type]];
return '';
document.getElementById('location2').value = getAddressComp('street_number2') + ' '
+ getAddressComp('route2');
for (const component of componentForm) {
// Location field is handled separately above as it has different logic.
if (component !== 'location2') {
document.getElementById(component).value = getAddressComp(component);
<div class="card-container">
<div class="panel">
<img class="sb-title-icon" src="" alt="">
<span class="sb-title">Correspondence Address</span>
<input type="text" placeholder="Search Address" id="location" />
<input type="text" placeholder="" id="street_number" />
<input type="text" placeholder="" id="route" />
<input type="text" placeholder="" id="locality" />
<div class="half-input-container">
<input type="text" class="half-input" placeholder="" id="administrative_area_level_2" />
<input type="text" class="half-input" placeholder="" id="postal_code" />
<script src="****************Zv_k&libraries=places&callback=initMap&channel=GMPSB_addressselection_v1_cA" async defer></script>
<div class="card-container">
<div class="panel">
<img class="sb-title-icon" src="" alt="">
<span class="sb-title">Location Address</span>
<input type="text" placeholder="Search Address" id="location2" />
<input type="text" placeholder="" id="street_number2" />
<input type="text" placeholder="" id="route2" />
<input type="text" placeholder="" id="locality2" />
<div class="half-input-container">
<input type="text" class="half-input" placeholder="" id="administrative_area_level_22" />
<input type="text" class="half-input" placeholder="" id="postal_code2" />
<script src="****************Zv_k&libraries=places&callback=initMapAddress2&channel=GMPSB_addressselection_v1_cA" async defer></script>
For anyone else having the same issue, I found a solution here Multiple Address on same page

ReactJs - Redux State is not updating in a dropdown in the child component

I am trying to update the items in my dropdown as my state updates with players BUT I am failing. Please help.
In the child component I have dropdown in the Skylight dialog box.
I am using following code which prints the dropdown of the array of players from the state. State is updated from the json.php (remote server).
<select name="bowlerId" value={this.state.bowlerId} onChange={this.handleInputChange} className="form-control">
<option value="">Select an existing bowler</option>
{ (player, index) {
return <option value="{player}" key={index}>{player}</option>
I can clearly see in the console.log that the state is correctly updated and it prints 11 player names. But in the child component it does not update the dropdown.
Surprising enough, in the child component componentWillReceiveProps() does print new player names as they become availble but the dropdown is not updated still.
Please advise.
Console.log output as page loads
BowlingSummary render() Object {id: 0, name: "", runs: 0, overs: 0, balls: 0…}
PropStore Object {id: 0, name: "", runs: 0, overs: 0, balls: 0…}
BowlingAddBowler render() []
Console.log output after few seconds as data is fetched from php
BowlingSummary render() Object {id: 20, name: "Team Bowling", runs: 0, overs: 0, balls: 0…}
componentWillReceiveProps Object {id: 20, name: "Team Bowling", runs: 0, overs: 0, balls: 0…}
BowlingAddBowler render() []
Parent component named BowlingSummary
class BowlingSummary extends Component {
render() {
const { store } = this.context;
const currState = store.getState();
this.isBowlerBowling = false;
console.log('BowlingSummary render()', currState.teamBowling);
return (
<div className="score-summary-bar">
<div className="row">
<div className="col-xs-4">Bowling</div>
<div className="col-xs-1"></div>
<div className="col-xs-1">Ovr</div>
<div className="col-xs-1">Mdn</div>
<div className="col-xs-1">Run</div>
<div className="col-xs-1">Wkt</div>
<div className="col-xs-1">Econ</div>
<div className="col-xs-1">W</div>
<div className="col-xs-1">N</div>
<div className="score-summary-bowling">
<div className="">
{ (player, index) {
if ( player.isBowling === true ) {
this.isBowlerBowling = true;
return <BowlingBowler player={player} key={index}/>
<div className="">
this.isBowlerBowling != true &&
<BowlingAddBowler propStore={store} />
<div className="score-summary-bowling">
<ScoreThisOver />
BowlingSummary.contextTypes = {
store: PropTypes.object
export default BowlingSummary;
Child component named BowlingAddBowler
class BowlingAddBowler extends Component {
constructor(props, context) {
super(props, context);
// Setup current state
this.currState = this.props.propStore.getState();
console.log('PropStore', this.currState.teamBowling);
// This component state
this.state = {
bowlerId: 0,
bowlerName: '',
markPrevOverFinished: false
// Setup variables
this.players = this.props.players;
// Bind this (so that we write short code in the onChange like onChange=this.func)
this.handleInputChange = this.handleInputChange.bind(this);
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps, nextState){
//this.props.something // old value
//nextProps.something // new value
console.log('componentWillReceiveProps', nextProps.propStore.getState().teamBowling);
render() {
//console.log('BowlingBowler render()', this.props);
var responsiveWidth = {
width: '90vw',
transform: 'translate(-23%, 0%)'
console.log('BowlingAddBowler render()', this.currState.teamBowling.players);
return (
<div className="row">
<div className="col-xs-12">
<button className="btn" onClick={() =>}>No Bowler Selected. Click To Select</button>
<SkyLight dialogStyles={responsiveWidth} hideOnOverlayClicked ref="dialogAddBowler" title="Select a new bowler">
<form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit.bind(this)}>
<label className="bg-yellow">
Total <span className="text-red">0</span> for the loss of <span className="text-red">0</span> wickets in <span className="text-red">0</span> overs
<div className="spacer-horizontal"></div>
<label>Who will bowl the next over ?</label>
<select name="bowlerId" value={this.state.bowlerId} onChange={this.handleInputChange} className="form-control">
<option value="">Select an existing bowler</option>
{ (player, index) {
return <option value="{player}" key={index}>{player}</option>
<div className="spacer-horizontal"></div>
<b>- OR -</b>
<input type="text" name="bowlerName" value={this.state.bowlerName} onChange={this.handleInputChange} className="form-control" />
<div className="spacer-horizontal"></div>
<input type="checkbox" name="markPrevOverFinished" checked={this.state.markPrevOverFinished} onChange={this.handleInputChange}/>
<label> Mark previous over finished</label>
<div className="spacer-horizontal"></div>
<div className="HorizLine"></div>
<div className="text-right">
<button type="submit" className="btn btn-primary"> Save </button>
This code:
this.currState = this.props.propStore.getState();
is in BowlingAddBowler's constructor and only runs first time when the class is instantiated. You can put it in componentWillReceiveProps of BowlingAddBowler too so that it runs when new data comes from server and parent component updates BowlingAddBowler.

Cant access the serialized data from AJAX inside an PHP file

Trying to get the send data inside an Wordpress plugin but I cant get the data to work. So how do I get the data from the serialized part inside a php file?
// the code
<form method="post" id="form-settings" action="ajaxpro.php" >
<?php wp_nonce_field( 'settings', 'settings_nonce', false );?>
<input name="field-one" type="text"/>
<input name="field-two" type="text"/>
<textarea name="field_three">Hello world</textarea>
// notice the double fields
<input name="field-x[]" type="text"/>
<input name="field-x[]" type="text"/>
<input name="field-x[]" type="text"/>
<input name="field-x[]" type="text"/>
<input name="field-x[]" type="text"/>
<button id="submitme" name="save-form">Save</button>
$('body').on('submit', '#form-settings', function(e){
var seri =$(this).serializeArray()
$.post(ajaxurl, {
action: 'save_ajax_func',
posted: seri
}, function(response) {
console.log( response );
return false;
//notice that I do use double field names(field-x)
echo $_POST[ 'posted' ][ 'field-one' ] // not working
To use the [] notation in the html it would be posted[field-x]
<input name="posted[field-x]" type="text"/>
the ajax will have to change to below
var seri = $(this).serializeArray();
$.post(ajaxurl, seri, function(response) {
console.log( response );

Passing checkbox value in ajax

Please, I need help in passing the check box value through ajax to other php file
This is my form :
<form class="form-horizontal" onsubmit="Javascript:return validate();" method="post" id="form">
<b>Jawwal Number</b>
<input name="msisdn" type="text" id="msisdn" class="form-control" required="" autofocus="" style="margin-top: 10px;margin-bottom: 10px" >
<input name="username" type="text" id="username" class="form-control" required="" autofocus="" style="margin-top: 10px;margin-bottom: 10px" >
<b>Add Extra Security (Activation Code)</b>
<input type="checkbox" name="security" id="security">
<input type="submit" value="submit" class="btn btn-primary">
And this is my Ajax code :
$("#form").submit(function(event) {
/* stop form from submitting normally */
/* set all the vars you want to post on here */
var parameters = {
'msisdn': $('input[name="msisdn"]').val(),
'username': $('input[name="username"]').val(),
'submit': $('input[name="submit"]').val()
url: '/bulk2/admin/process/add_user.php',
data: parameters,
success: function(msg) {
What should I do so that I can pass the checkbox value to the other page ?
You can also use checkbox checked method.
var security = $('input[name="security"]').prop('checked'); /* it will return true or false */
and update your code
var parameters = {
'msisdn': $('input[name="msisdn"]').val(),
'username': $('input[name="username"]').val(),
'submit': $('input[name="submit"]').val()
Use the method is() with property :checked.
var parameters = {
This works for me.
